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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality

    funny - I did a bunch of chapters in psychology about memory - but i can't remember any of them But seriously 'spacing' always works better than 'cramming' by the way. Space out the learning over the weeks before the examination is better than cramming the night before. It looks like you're doing that already though. Good for you, disciple rocks
  2. hahahahaha andromeda! I love Calvin and Hobbes so much! It was my child brainfood

  3. yeah go for it! I haven't checked out the revised code yet or anything though
  4. unreality

    in that case gvg you might want to check out Bahai'ism. Most religious people are not as open-minded about other religions as PVroot is (great post by the way ) and I agree with what he/she was saying about how no two people believe in the same god or same religion or same philosophy.
  5. unreality


    oh wow i'm way behind
  6. unreality


    first letter B. QUICK to BUICK added 1, only changed Q to B
  7. unreality


    Unreality - 274 Izzy - 212 t8t8t8 - 163 Framm - 157 Plainglazed - 134 Glycereine - 89 Dawh - 71 blahblah99 - 28 woon - 20 Abhisk - 20 PVRoot - 15 Prince Marth - 15 DudleyDude - 15 yuiop - 5 i guess QUICK
  8. yes make a new class in BlueJ, delete whats tehre and paste this in. You also have to have that text file in the same directory
  9. yeah man go for it! I use BlueJ a lot too. It's pretty simple and visually helps if you're a visual learner (I'm not as much but a lot of people are)
  10. "Tyler gets me a job as a waiter, after that Tyler's pushing a gun in my mouth and saying, the first step to eternal life is you have to die" - first sentence of Fight Club
  11. I've got a method to my madness, there's just some bugs to be ironed out and some more code to write. edit: if you want to know it's with little "logic strings" that are actually char arrays and the computer can combine them and eliminate them based on its 5 alphabets that it's reducing via elimination and updating from conclusions from the logic strings.
  12. for the past couple days I've been working on a more complex program that takes the input of words and their scores and returns all possible letters for each spot (narrowing down to as few as possible). It can do logic by elimination, logic by one-excess and I'm working on multidimensional elimination/excess logic for higher scoring words. So it's not quite done yet. But I'm not sure i'll be able to work on it for the next couple days so I just wanted to say something about it
  13. unreality

    yes! me too! Catch 22 is one of the best books ever! I also like Chuck Palahniuk
  14. exactly. That's what I've been trying to say. I've been trying to show that various arguments that have been used by both sides (mostly hambone) are irrelevant, prove nothing and be construed in two different ways. The first is looking at the amazing complexity of life; i've already shown how that's totally supported by two totally opposite sides. The second I debunked in this manner was with the whole orbits and physical constants and things - both sides use the same data and it fits perfectly. The difference is that the atheistic/agnostic side leaves it open to interpretation and further knowledge/research/philosophy/thought whereas the 'god-did-it' approach attempts to close up the system. Anyway my point was that all of the arguments hambone has been throwing out are theistically over-recycled garbage, seen here on Brainden again and again. The real root of why he believes was given a few posts ago with his personal story, the only fresh original thing with actual rational validity that he has ever posted on this topic. I feel that the topic has reached its apex and there's no point really in continuing. In other words I'm outta here
  15. did you not see my post explaining that the more Earth is unique the more it supports both me and you in our separate ways of interpretation. You even replied to it but you must not have read it:
  16. plasticity is the ability of something to change to adapt to new circumstances. We don't have to use the amendment system from the USA is what i'm saying. There are/couldbe other ways to involve plasticity
  17. yes, the plasticity of the law, the ability to amend, and the ability of the common person to vote. And dawh, not everyone needs internet access. Libraries and computer labs can allow people to vote, and computer voting stations can be set up too. And yes voting day could be a holiday. And the site would have to be secure, yes, obviously. But I think it's possible
  18. hambone that story was what I think we were all waiting for. The garbage you posted earlier, "facts" and "proofs" were not why you believed in god, we've heard them all a thousand times and debunked them ten thousand times. But the story you just posted was fresh Thank you. Now I wasn't there, I don't know what happened, how you felt, whether your emotional hard spot was throwing you a bone, whether a god or god(s) were making its/their presence to you, etc, but I respect your memory of the incident
  19. unreality

    yeah I forgot him AND douglas adams, how could I!
  20. yeah for sure. I nor Brainden will go anywhere Believe it or not I have other things to do too Good luck in your meeting [edit - typo]
  21. ok so before you had this experience though you had no relationship with god? (or from your current perspective, a relationship but one in which you were unwilling, unknowing or unwanting?) ie did you or did you not believe in god before the events of this story?
  22. see above post. I believe that in life we go through certain transitional moments (at first depressing, then revelatory) not necessarily always about big important things but basically i'm just curious what made you change your mind (again assuming you were nonreligious before)
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