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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality


    nice... t8t8t8 +10 rollo = N guess = N death = N shins = II ships = II water = N shape = I there = I stops = N *HI**
  2. unreality


    t8t8t8 +5 rollo = N guess = N death = N shins = II ships = II water = N shape = I there = I stops = N **I**
  3. agreed. I think that's a fair compromise yep that's importanta agreed. But what can you do about that? The only thing we can - or should - do is try to change the social perception of the entertainment business and let the free market readjust if I make a stupid decision, I penalize myself internally. I don't want the government stepping in, that makes me lose respect for it. I already have too little respect for authority, haha. My point is that only if you really cross the line and harm others, you should be penalized. As we agreed in the compromise above. But you can do to yourself what you will. And if you want rehab, then check in yourself - it's on you, on your insurance, on your donors/sponsors, whatever. Not on our taxes. Also the MASSIVE AMOUNT of revenue generated by legalizing some drugs would be enormous... marijuana is a huge $$$ potential for the government. It was originally made illegal for money reasons (edit - and racism actually. I can talk for hours on this subject though so don't get me started), but of course that didn't stop anyone and now if the gov/us ends the war on drugs, that will save money, and also generate tax on weed, and all of this can go into the school system to raise teacher salaries and REAL drug/sex education and bingo... better world we can argue all the time in hindsight, but i was under an opposite impression about the cause and fix of the great depression haha
  4. No (well sort of, but no). Check out the previous murder mystery
  5. unreality


    rollo = N guess = N death = N shins = II ships = II water = N shape = I
  6. unreality


    let's go with a roman approach... rollo = N guess = N death = N shins = II ships = II water = N (the joke is that they had no concept of zero lol). There is evidence that they wrote N for 'nulla' though
  7. unreality


    and +23 for t8t8t8 if I counted right: Unreality - 221 Izzy - 212 Framm - 157 t8t8t8 - 133 Plainglazed - 85 Dawh - 66 Glycereine - 50 Abhisk - 20 Prince Marth - 15 DudleyDude - 15 alrighty _ _ _ _ _
  8. unreality


    Considering this: F L E A S = 2 not the A because E is already known to be there not the S because MONKS got 0 and the third letter is confirmed as E hence either the F or L is the remaining letter from FLEAS. Guessing PLEAS to determine. If PLEAS only gets 1, then dropping the initial F dropped a point, so the first letter is F. However if PLEAS gets 2, it means that the second letter is L because the score was retained with F changed to P, hence it wasn't F but rather the L. Aaaand results are in: PLEAS = 2, hence the second letter is L *LEE*
  9. unreality


    REFER = 1, accounted for (the second E). So first two letters are not RE Second to last letter is confirmed as E, so it's not the F from REEFS. MONKS got 0 so S isn't last letter either. Leaving middle letter as E **EE*
  10. MURDER MYSTERY II: The Shifting Sands of Shyzoth In ancient times the desert city of Shyzoth was a shining jewel, an oasis of prosperity amid the bronze and white crystalline sands of the vast desert. A thousand years before it was the seat of the greatest and largest empire of this planet, an empire spanning multiple continents. Now the empire has long since fallen into disarray, a multitude of competing city-states. Of these regions, however, Shyzoth is perhaps the oldest and most powerful. It is a city webbed by canals, aqueducts and irrigation systems where water == life in such a harsh location. Its buildings are ancient and sandy and majestic, topped with colorful minarets and the dominant religion, Hanshin, supplies many towers as Pinnacles reaching toward the exalted land in the sky. The city is also a city of intrigue. A shady organization known as Tal'vrak runs the underground. Black markets thrive using secret signs and smoke symbols, integrated into the bustling street markets. Amid the trading of ancient empire artifacts and array of useful items is the trading of illegal weapons, drugs (Shyzoth is the capital of the world for an addicting desert flower called psyflora) and even slaves. There are certain streets that even the stalwart City Enforcers hesitate to visit. Streets that you can go to hire dark-robed monk assassins and slimy cutthroats, but only if you accept the risk of dying in the process. The politics of Shyzoth are as complex and twisting as its high-walled streets and network of dusty canals. A figure known as the Mazoth rules the city as sort of a mayor, but the Mazoth does not have absolute control, far from it. The Mazoth must answer to his puppet masters, the Shyzoth Chancellors, a group of 5 ex-Mazoths that supposedly have lots of wisdom and charisma but really just have pockets full of gifts and bribes from various organizations, companies and individuals. Many potential Mazoths run for office on the idea of bringing justice and accountability to the halls of leadership, but they have to balance this initial desire with the possible future of becoming a Chancellor themselves after their 5 year term is up. It's a public election to be a Mazoth but when a Chancellor dies, the remaining Chancellors hold a private meeting to choose the replacement from ex-Mazoths, hence all the @ss-kissing that goes on. That's not all though. It is often said that Shyzoth has two different avenues of leadership. After the empire fell due to its connection to a violent religion called Zamoa (which is now outlawed everywhere and hated and feared), all city-states are ideally supposed to be secular. However the religion Hanshin, which has been around for a very long time as the religion of the desert nomads, has taken root in Shyzoth in the past few hundred years and come to dominate the spiritual scene. The church is led by women only and the position of Theocrata goes to the most esteemed of these women. It is a position of dictatorship and extreme fundamentalism. Hanshin is a religion that attempts to integrate itself with every possible aspect of daily life and make its presence known. Now that we have some background, let's introduce the scenario. A small number of people have gathered in a public square to hear the speech of a man known as Cabuul. Cabuul entered the city a couple weeks ago with a small troupe of followers, admirers and "disciples" that he collects in his wanderings. Many different types of people come to these kind of speeches. Many have crazy theories about codes within what he speaks. He has called himself a Martyr for Truth even though he was still alive. He's an enigma and a troublemaker. Medical personalities have diagnosed him with mild schizophrenia and extreme narcissism. Social personalities have described his voice as fluid and delicious and captivating. Now he's dead. More details to come later, but basically the City Enforcers have quarantined off the square and everyone that was listening to Cabuul's speech for one reason or another must remain inside until the killer has been brought to justice. However city law states that a quarantine can only be under effect for a certain time limit. If the killer has not been arrested by < *** >, the quarantine lifts and everyone can go home - including the killer, and this will become a cold case. (There are no intermediate "hours" or anything like that, it's a straight shot). Now the City Enforcers have supplied two of their best people to be the official handlers of the case, and unlike the two the detectives from the previous MM, the City Enforcers have actual authority here. They can make arrests and prevent BTSC with the arrested person while they question them under influence of truth serums. However after the third (or maybe fourth?) false arrest they will be taken off the case and then the killer can only be caught my a majority vote citizen's arrest. Ordinary citizens cannot make arrests or accusations on their own, they must present their case to the City Enforcers who have agreed to hear out any cases reasonably before deciding to arrest. If the arrest was correct, the credit will go to the citizen that suggested it (or to the City Enforcers if they did it of their own volition). There are also other things that need figuring out. There will be a list of questions that citizens want to find the answers to in addition to snooping out the killer. There are more crimes than just murder. If the citizens deliver correct answers to the City Enforcers they will be rewarded; punished for wrong answers. Also the killer may or may not have a secret agenda in progress during the events. All of the characters will have more personality and more secret information than last time and the events around the murder will be more fleshed out… it's a good idea to not give away all your info at once though, not if you want to survive and possibly win. There will be multiple layers of intrigue. There will also be "items", tangible objects (possibly evidence-related) that can change hands and be used to provide various information, abilities, etc. Don't let yourself be covered by the shifting sands of Shyzoth… SIGNUP Host: Unreality 1) … Also if anyone wants to dual-host with me or something just let me know. I haven't made any of the characters or backstories or murder scenario or items or whatever yet so if you want to help me with all that PM me.
  11. Not feasible We could satisfy everyone except for 1 person who's decided he can only be satisfied if our rules to satisfy him didn't exist 1. agreed 2. agreed 3. agreed 4. agreed 5. agreed 6. agreed, but as gvg said, have a default gov option 7. agreed 8. agreed 9. agreed (lol is this is an issue?) 10.agreed 11.agreed 12.?? why? 13.?? why? agree 100%. think of a hierarchy - Freedom to Life & Liberty trumps Freedom of Speech. If you tell someone seriously you're going to hunt them down, rape them and kill them, it should be enough to at least detain you for some kind of questioning haha. really?? Do you not realize that alcohol is a drug too - one of the worst, most harmful of all drugs? You say "illegal drugs = bad" and the key word there is ILLEGAL. It's the illegality of drugs that makes them so bad, so impure in street form, so life-ruining. We have a chance to change what's legal and illegal. The so-called 'war on drugs' destroys millions of legitimate crops each year, it ends many lives, it creates violent street gangs, it leads to dangerous impurities in substances, there's no accountability, there's people being put in jail for doing nothing wrong. EDIT - there was a Prohibition of alcohol in the 1920's in the US. It created mobster gangs smuggling and producing illegal impure alcohol, and the murder rate doubled, and everyone drank anyway. The same has happened with the increasing Drug Prohibititon of the past forty years. Gangs, mobs, smuggling, impure production, HIGHLY INCREASED CRIME RATE, and everyone does it anyway. Sure, some substances are so dangerous that using them can make you addicted on the first try, not just effecting yourself but other people. Heroin, meth, coke, etc. But there are many more drugs that should be legal (cannabis, most entheogens, tryptamines (and other 5-HT hallucinogens) and phenethylamines) as well as nootropics. We also need to reform the DARE program - it groups all drugs into one "BAD!" category and fails miserably. So when kids try weed and realize it's not so bad (and it's not, cannabis is actually surprisingly healthy & diverse, and even has anti-carcinogenic propereties), they remember how DARE lumped all these drugs together, so then they might try something very dangerous and addictive like methamphetamine (crystal meth). We need to follow Amsterdam's model, to draw a line between 'soft drugs' and 'hard drugs', because believe it or not, there's a difference. And don't ever say we need to protect people from themselves - that's not the government's job. And even if it was, why are tobacco and alcohol legal? Two of the biggest killers in the world. If I had it my way, cigarettes would be highly illegal. But I have no desire really to stop someone from putting anything in the body, cancer sticks or not. So I guess what I mean is that they would be legal, but it would have to be very hard to get them to 12 and 13 year olds who become addicted after a single puff of dried urine, nuclear bomb and nicotine.
  12. unreality

    i'll give you Newton but not Einstein. He was jewish yes in his early days, as far as his lineage goes, but he was not of the jewish faith. He was more of a deist/atheist/naturalist/universist type crossover that I am http://www.einsteinandreligion.com http://www.deism.com/einstein.htm
  13. in May i wrote code for a java applet that I can't really describe except that it's a wraparound black battlefield for virtual insects to fight it out. You write the code that defines how it behaves (it can only use certain functions I built in to examine its input and command its output). I just re-discovered it, it's quite elaborate. It handles like thousands of little colored insect dots moving around at once, shooting bombs at each other and whatnot. I already have pre-made a bunch of different insects. It also records population and you can enter graph mode. I'm just wondering if anyone would be interested. The syntax is in java and is quite simple, it's basically handling its position and nearby neighbors and reacting how you want it to react
  14. nope there's a space I think. As far as I can tell. Or a line feed at least
  15. unreality


    check it out: and of course: GANJA ABYSS CHASM lol
  16. you'll need both files in the same directory: fiveletterwords.txt and it didn't let me upload ROLLO.java so here it is: // ROLLO player // by unreality // Tuesday, July 6th, 2010 and Wednesday too haha import java.util.Scanner; import java.io.File; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.io.FileWriter; public class ROLLO { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner inp = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.print("\f\nROLLO!"); char[] word; boolean run = true; while (run) { word = generateWord(); String rec = getRecord(); System.out.print("\n\nThe computer has thought of a word. Enter your guesses at the prompt and hit enter!\nThe goal is to minimize your guesses.\nCurrent Record: "+rec+" guesses.\nType a tilde to give up. Type a 'q' to quit immediately.\nType a dash (-) to get a list of what you've guessed so far. Good luck!\n\n"); int gcount = 0; String guess = ""; ArrayList<Integer> ar_s = new ArrayList<Integer>(); ArrayList<String> ar_g = new ArrayList<String>(); while (!guess.equals(" ") && !guess.equals("~")) { System.out.print(">: "); guess = inp.next().toLowerCase(); if (guess.length() == 5) { int c = 0; for (int i=0; i<5; i++) if (guess.charAt(i) == word[i]) c++; System.out.print(" >>> "+c+"\n\n"); ar_g.add(guess); ar_s.add(c); gcount++; if (c == 5) guess = " "; } else if (guess.equals("q")) System.exit(0); else if (guess.equals("-")) { System.out.print("\nGUESS TABLE:\n\n"); for (int x=0; x<ar_s.size(); x++) { System.out.println(ar_g.get(x)+" - "+ar_s.get(x)); } System.out.println(); } else if (guess.equals("#")) { System.out.print("\n\n\t"); for (int i=0; i<5; i++) System.out.print(word[i]); System.out.print("\n\n"); } } if (guess.equals(" ")) { String extra = ""; if (isNumeric(rec)) { int recc = Integer.parseInt(rec); if (gcount == recc) extra = " You tied the record!"; if (gcount < recc) { extra = " That's the new record!"; setRecord(gcount); } } System.out.print("\nCongrats! You got it in "+gcount+" guesses!"+extra+"\nPlay again? (Y|N) "); } else { System.out.print("Give up? The word was "); for (int i=0; i<5; i++) System.out.print(word[i]); System.out.print("\nPlay again? (Y|N) "); } run = (inp.next().toUpperCase().charAt(0) == 'Y'); } System.out.print("\n\n\tThanks for playing... have a great day..."); } public static boolean isNumeric(String s) { for (int i=0; i<s.length(); i++) if (!isNumeric(s.charAt(i))) return false; return true; } public static boolean isNumeric(char ch) { return (ch=='0' || ch=='1' || ch=='2' || ch=='3' || ch=='4' || ch=='5' || ch=='6' || ch=='7' || ch=='8' || ch=='9'); } public static char[] generateWord() { Scanner f; try {f = new Scanner(new File("fiveletterwords.txt"));} catch(java.io.FileNotFoundException ff) { return "xxxxx".toCharArray(); } int numthere = 0; String throwaway="xxxxx"; while (f.hasNext()) { throwaway=f.next(); if (throwaway.length() == 5) {numthere++;} } int randomPos = (int)(Math.random() * numthere); Scanner g; try {g = new Scanner(new File("fiveletterwords.txt"));} catch(java.io.FileNotFoundException ff) { return "xxxxx".toCharArray(); } for (int ii=0; ii<randomPos; ii++) throwaway = g.next(); return throwaway.toCharArray(); } public static String getRecord() { Scanner f; try {f = new Scanner(new File("fiveletterwords.txt"));} catch(java.io.FileNotFoundException ff) { return "1 bazillion"; } int numthere = 0; String throwaway="xxxxx"; while (f.hasNext()) { throwaway=f.next(); numthere++; } Scanner g; try {g = new Scanner(new File("fiveletterwords.txt"));} catch(java.io.FileNotFoundException ff) { return "1 bazillion"; } for (int ii=0; ii<numthere; ii++) throwaway = g.next(); return throwaway; } public static void setRecord(int newr) { FileWriter fw; try {fw = new FileWriter("fiveletterwords.txt", true); fw.write(newr+" "); fw.close(); } catch(java.io.IOException ioe) { return; } } }
  17. unreality


    what do you mean? there's no guesswork here. T8 gets last L: +5 t8 unreality gets middle L: +5 unreality dudley gets the Y: +5 dudleydude t8 is first to get the word and thus the remaining two unscored letters: +5 and +10 more to t8 thus: t8 +20 unreality +5 dudley +5
  18. unreality


    spell - (1) tally - (1) talky - (1) fatal - (1) futon - (0) futon makes fatal's 1 must be one of these: *a*al also we have tal*y and hence spe*l faery removes the e from spell *a*al tal*y sp**l caper = 0, so 2nd letter is not A ***al t*l*y sp**l I guessed sprie to get rid of the sp possibility. ***al t*l*y ****l reduces our graph to: ***al <- one of these two is it t*l*y <- one of these three is it we know first letter isn't R from ROTOR so guessing RALLY rally was 1 -> so not the t ***al **l*y Wow t8t8t8 just confirmed last letter is L. Leaving L to be the middle letter because in the second "graph" we have **l*y can't be y cuz last L so middle letter = L
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