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Everything posted by unreality

  1. *** just to remind everyone that a big change from the first MM was that alliances are still in MMT to your own choosing but they are by no means "official" as we're trying to be more realistic and trying to improve the gameplay too. Just clarifying that. Hence that an arrest is credited to the person that brought it up and provided evidence/reasoning. I'm not saying you shouldn't make alliances, I'm saying be careful who you trust Unless you have some kind of shared wincon with someone (in criminal matters or justice matters or what have you) then the core of this game is every (wo)man for himself
  2. you didn't ask me to compare between a city and a baby. You asked me to compare between a billion dollars and a baby. To bring in the whole city thing you have to establish such a system where the money will go to efficiently help all that happen. Which in your system it seems that the billion will just stay in the hands of the rich either way
  3. keep in mind a few things: *** if you are arrested legitimately by the end, you've lost - no matter what info you brought to light, no matter other evidence you uncovered, no matter other arrests you arranged - just keep in that mind *** some items require action by us before you use it. So before you use an item, let us know *** to trade items, just make sure both people are okay with it officially in a PM and let us know and the transfer happens
  4. I haven't read anything of the past like 10 pages lol, nor am I very informed on health care, but I read just your bolded sentence and the paragraph and my answer is: save their life
  5. it's the same one posted by frost
  6. (inbox cleared a bit )
  7. we've started the PM process. But only a few people have their PMs so far, I have to go, Frost will be on later, I'll be on later, but we can please, until either Frost or I posts the Main Intro Post, have a moratorium on communication? That means no talking in the thread after this post. About anything. Especially the game. And especially info you now have from your PM because only a few people have gotten them so far. We're working on it. It also means no PMs, no PCs, no gmail/AIM/MSN/facebook chats revealing anything or discussing the game or whatever. Nada zip zelch until we post the main post up on this thread? Then we can truly begin [the reason for this is that it will be staggered in receiving your info PM, we don't want anything to be unfair ]
  8. unreality

    the net acceleration of an object (which determines its motion) depends on its net force, which requires a nonzero vector component. If it's at a right angle then all the gravitational force is downward orthogonal and I don't believe it would stop its forward motion, just keep it down on the surface. I could be wrong though
  9. For an all-inclusive health care 1. Izzy 2. 3. Against 1. Use the Force 2. 3. Needs more thought. Like everything important in life 1. unreality
  10. what the hell go for it yuiop ~ Businessman [hotheaded, big ego, likes to get in scuffles] Blablah ~ Disciple [always getting caught up on/fascinated by tiny details] Miles Barker Klose ~ Chancellor [prudish and germophobic] Buzz Killington MissKitten ~ Hot Dog Vendor Dude [outgoing, people person] Bob ((unclaimed)) Hobo/Beggar [sloppy, sometimes drunk] Zerep ~ Hanshin Priestess (Identical Twin Sister to Scientist) [devoutly religious] Asma Mazar-a Sharif JarZe ~ Outsider [foreign accent] François LaPonte Filly ~ City Enforcer I[aggressive] Ralph dawh ~ City Enforcer II [obsessed with the law, nitpicky] Inspector Crouseau Framm ~ Man Eating Sandwich [talks with a full mouth; observant though] Mmarf GJ ~ Coroner [nervous wreck] Cole Sear GMaster ~ Well-Known Tal'Vrak Mob Boss [mob boss attitude] Don Marlon Izzy ~ Hippie [hippyish] Ziggy Stardust Kat ~ Pregnant Animal Trainer Lady [good at manipulating men] Tiffany Silverstein Molly Mae ~ Scientist (Identical Twin Sister to Hanshin Priestess) [intellectual] Alk'ti Nieni Malak Hosts: Unreality & Frost 1) Filly - Ralph (City Enforcer I) 2) Golfjunkie - Cole Sear (Coroner) 3) Framm - Mmarf (Man Eating Sandwich) 4) Molly Mae - Alk'ti Nieni Malak (Scientist) 5) Blablah - Miles Barker (Disciple) 6) Izzy - Ziggy Stardust (Hippy) 7) yuiop - un named? (Businessman) 8) MissKitten - Bob (Hot Dog Vendor Dude) 9) JarZe - François LaPonte (Outsider) 10) Klose - Buzz Killington (Chancellor) 11) ? - ? (Hobo/Beggar) 12) Kat - Tiffany Silverstein (Pregnant Animal Trainer Lady) 13) GMaster479 - Don Marlon (Well-Known Tal'Vrak Mob Boss) 14) dawh - Inspector Crouseau (City Enforcer II) 15) Zerep - Asma Mazar-a Sharif (Hanshin Priestess) Backups: 1) JS 2) onetruth 3) nashville ^ whichever of the above shows up first will get to be & name the Beggar tomorrow ^ remaining roles: Hobo/Beggar [sloppy, sometimes drunk] sorry onetruth I know you wanted that one too but I think he beat you to the punch tomorrow morning we'll start
  11. yuiop ~ Businessman [hotheaded, big ego, likes to get in scuffles] Blablah ~ Disciple [always getting caught up on/fascinated by tiny details] Miles Barker Klose ~ Chancellor [prudish and germophobic] Buzz Killington MissKitten ~ Hot Dog Vendor Dude [outgoing, people person] Bob ((unclaimed)) Hobo/Beggar [sloppy, sometimes drunk] ((unclaimed)) Hanshin Priestess (Identical Twin Sister to Scientist) [devoutly religious] JarZe ~ Outsider [foreign accent] François LaPonte Filly ~ City Enforcer I[aggressive] Ralph dawh ~ City Enforcer II [obsessed with the law, nitpicky] Inspector Crouseau Framm ~ Man Eating Sandwich [talks with a full mouth; observant though] Mmarf GJ ~ Coroner [nervous wreck] Cole Sear GMaster ~ Well-Known Tal'Vrak Mob Boss [mob boss attitude] Don Marlon Izzy ~ Hippie [hippyish] Ziggy Stardust Kat ~ Pregnant Animal Trainer Lady [good at manipulating men] Tiffany Silverstein Molly Mae ~ Scientist (Identical Twin Sister to Hanshin Priestess) [intellectual] Alk'ti Nieni Malak Hosts: Unreality & Frost 1) Filly - Ralph (City Enforcer I) 2) Golfjunkie - Cole Sear (Coroner) 3) Framm - Mmarf (Man Eating Sandwich) 4) Molly Mae - Alk'ti Nieni Malak (Scientist) 5) Blablah - Miles Barker (Disciple) 6) Izzy - Ziggy Stardust (Hippy) 7) yuiop - un named? (Businessman) 8) MissKitten - Bob (Hot Dog Vendor Dude) 9) JarZe - François LaPonte (Outsider) 10) Klose - Buzz Killington (Chancellor) 11) JS - ? 12) Kat - Tiffany Silverstein (Pregnant Animal Trainer Lady) 13) GMaster479 - Don Marlon (Well-Known Tal'Vrak Mob Boss) 14) dawh - Inspector Crouseau (City Enforcer II) 15) nashville 1998 - ? Backups: 1) Zerep 2) onetruth remaining roles: Hobo/Beggar [sloppy, sometimes drunk] Hanshin Priestess (Identical Twin Sister to Scientist) [devoutly religious] edit @zerep: did izzy tell you that we're waiting until tomorrow? Tomorrow morning you can move in if we haven't heard from nashville or JS (I think JS might still be on vacation I'll have to read his PM again). 99% positive you will be needed though haha
  12. We're starting tomorrow morning either way no matter what. We have replacements on standby. Be ready tomorrow people
  13. unreality

    in my experience salvia's not reliable, at least the cheaper grams you buy at head shops. You have to get the real deal. But amazingly it's quite legal here. It's progress I guess, toward a better more free future. California is looking into legalization marijuana (21+) for the immense state tax and medical benefits, which will be a really good jumpstart for the rest of the nation to get off their @sses and get around to it haha I like erowid because of it's impartialness. The good and the bad all together in one. With research, links, studies, articles, trip reports, etc, et al.
  14. unreality

    DXM is a drug - dextromethorphan - a dissociative anesthetic similar to nitrous oxide, PCP and ketamine. It's in many cough syrups (though you have to find one with no other ingredients because most of them will kill you guaranteed at higher doses) so it is legal but underestimated because it's an extremely powerful substance. It's like nitrous multiplied by 1 million, with the euphoria, anesthesia, analgesia, extreme "spinnies" as if drunk, feelings of detachment (hence the name dissociative) and often intermittent trance periods of sensations that your body is rotating, stretching, falling, buzzing or flying far far far away. At higher doses, intense spiritual and/or out of body experiences. It was originally intended to be used as an anesthetic but it gets psychedelic at the same dose as it gets anesthetic so they've found better solutions since then
  15. unreality

    that makes it sound more similar to cannabis than the other more 'trippy' psychedelics like LSD. But there is a cross-tolerance between acid, shrooms and mescaline I believe. They effect the 5-HT something-or-other haha, I don't know the details
  16. unreality

    There's a similar issue with the peyote cactus used by Native Americans in the southwest for thousands of years in psychedelic/spiritual ceremonies. It grows extremely slowly and develops the mescaline (the active compound similar in many ways to LSD/LSA and to the DMT variants including psilocin and bufotenin) over time. That's why it's more ecologically and environmentally conscious to use other cacti for these purposes (like the san pedro)
  17. I agree with what Izzy said above. Free choice is great but not the free choice to kill. now onto dej mar... agreed though the idea is to minimalize these authorities as much as possible to only perform their necessary duties 100% agree since when??? not entirely true. physically guys can mature anytime between 17 and 25 or so. Girls can do so earlier. And mental maturity follows the physical maturity (plus other social factors: nurture + nature). 21 might be a median but from my own experiences with people older than me, my age and younger than me, 19 would be better for many reasons I have to go but I think izzy debunked fairly well your statement that military service is required. It needs to be voluntary. we've learned the hard way in the past
  18. but I like the general idea. That is, each state votes (citizens who don't vote won't vote that's how it is. No forcing votes for things like this. Only the informed percent that wants to vote and make a difference will do so and that's how it should be), and then splits up its 'N' supervotes based on the individual direct vote from its state. The only thing that matters now is how to define N. That's where it really is. You define that N=5 for each state, so a total of 250.
  19. your delegates are pointless because they have to vote that way. They could be 5 random people from the state. They don't even need to know what the issues are. They're just representing a compression of some other method of collecting the vote. If you know the exact percents from some or another then why not do away with the superfluous people and just print out the result and have a messenger bring it to the main place. Or just have it all be computerized lol
  20. I'm back yuiopBusinessman [hotheaded, big ego, likes to get in scuffles] Blablah Disciple [always getting caught up on/fascinated by tiny details]-Miles Barker Klose Chancellor [prudish and germophobic] Buzz Killington Hot Dog Vendor Dude [outgoing, people person] Hobo/Beggar [sloppy, sometimes drunk] Hanshin Priestess (Identical Twin Sister to Scientist) [devoutly religious] JarZeOutsider [foreign accent] François LaPonte Filly City Enforcer I[aggressive]- Ralph dawh City Enforcer II [obsessed with the law, nitpicky] Inspector Crouseau Framm Man Eating Sandwich [talks with a full mouth; observant though] Mmarf GJ Coroner [nervous wreck]- Cole Sear GMaster Well-Known Tal'Vrak Mob Boss [mob boss attitude Don Marlon Izzy Hippie [hippyish] Ziggy Stardust Pregnant Animal Trainer Lady [good at manipulating men] Molly MaeScientist (Identical Twin Sister to Hanshin Priestess) [intellectual] Alk'ti Nieni Malak Hosts: Unreality & Frost 1) Filly - Ralph (City Enforcer I) 2) Golfjunkie - Cole Sear (Coroner) 3) Framm - Mmarf (Man Eating Sandwich) 4) Molly Mae - Alk'ti Nieni Malak (Scientist) 5) Blablah - Miles Barker (Disciple) 6) Izzy - Ziggy Stardust (Hippy) 7) yuiop - un named? (Businessman) 8) MissKitten - just came back from camp 9) JarZe - François LaPonte (Outsider) 10) Klose - Buzz Killington (Chancellor) 11) JS - should be back by today? 12) Kat - I talked to her recently, she'll be on 13) GMaster479 - Don Marlon (Well-Known Tal'Vrak Mob Boss) 14) dawh - Inspector Crouseau (City Enforcer II) 15) nashville 1998 - INACTIVE? Backups: 1) Zerep 2) onetruth edit: in other words, remaining people to sign up: MissKitten* Joe's Student* Kat* nashville** remaining roles to be signed up: Hot Dog Vendor Dude [outgoing, people person] Hobo/Beggar [sloppy, sometimes drunk] Hanshin Priestess (Identical Twin Sister to Scientist) [devoutly religious] Pregnant Animal Trainer Lady [good at manipulating men] * not worried about, have seen recently and/or will sign up soon ** worried about - haven't seen him around. I'll give him a PM
  21. great, we haven't started yet! Feel free to sign up for a character in the
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