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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    Host: Frost 1) Unreality - voting for Puzzlegirl 2) Brandonb - voting for Puzzlegirl 3) Frozen - 4) Slick - voting for Puzzlegirl 5) TwoaDay - voting for Puzzlegirl 6) Yoruichi-san - 7) Taliesin - 8) Itachi - 9) CrazyPainter - voting for Puzzlegirl 10) Cherry Lane - conditionally voting for Puzzlegirl unless another is proven to be QA 11) Dnae - 12) Nayana - 13) Dawh - 14) pw0nzd - voting for free brownies 15) GC - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 16) Dusty - 17) Puzzlegirl - 18) Tolecnal - 19) Rene83 - DEAD [Mafia] 20) Sinistral -
  2. does the wind affect the fire? Cuz if it affects it at the same speed, doesn't he just sit there and let the wind blow the fire away?
  3. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    the roster: Host: Frost 1) Unreality - voting for Puzzlegirl 2) Brandonb - voting for Puzzlegirl 3) Frozen - 4) Slick - 5) TwoaDay - voting for Puzzlegirl 6) Yoruichi-san - 7) Taliesin - 8) Itachi - 9) CrazyPainter - voting for Puzzlegirl 10) Cherry Lane - 11) Dnae - 12) Nayana - 13) Dawh - 14) pw0nzd - voting for free brownies 15) GC - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 16) Dusty - 17) Puzzlegirl - 18) Tolecnal - 19) Rene83 - DEAD [Mafia] 20) Sinistral -
  4. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    my bet is that this Masked Lover BS is a bluff... let's call it. If we're wrong, we narrow down an Innocent anyway. If we're right, bye bye PG. We have nothing else to do but call it anyway, we don't have a name, unless Frost gives me the power today, and I can check CP or Y-san
  5. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    yeah I agree... I think he was either a QA or Janitor. I guess we'll find out later
  6. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    y-san and CP, which one of you wants to be checked by the spy more?
  7. I misunderstood the question. What I thought it meant was this: you pick 557. Is 55/7 a whole number? (answer: no) Which is why things ending in 0 are not allowed, ie: you pick 320. 32/0 is not a whole number etc
  8. good idea, since it's 7/12 over 6/12 so there's a slight house-advantage for the magician Hehe, you phrased it better than I could've
  9. hehehe, I knew I wanted to do something secret (the Phoenix isn't that secret, it's just an unknown, but the Yakuza goal is def a secret) but I wasn't exactly sure what the specifics were- I was just ironing down the specifics now
  10. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    no, I'm pretty sure I'm dying in the day post ;D you're right, let's drop this as for CP, if I get my power today (Frost still needs to say something on this), I'll use it on her, or maybe y-san, unsure. If I don't get the power, we'll lynch Puzzlegirl
  11. no there are 2 QAs this game edit: btw I have the Yakuza secrets figured out, as well as the Phoenix secrets
  12. hmm. I guess, I'll think about it. I might consider nixing the Masked Lovers idea all together, but does add that bit of complexity (like how PG might even get out of the 2nd day lynch, though I doubt it)
  13. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    which is why, again, I am dying in the day post ;D Or I could just leave Pengville and head to warmer climates, that would be a better way to put me outta the game IMO hehe but what about the suspicions of CP in my post #928?
  14. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    itachi: that's why I'm doing today, with PG at the lynching post #230 (I think), by CP, when I told her that she was suspicious (i said something like "you're the near the top of my blacklist, CP") her post: ha! Unreality you crack me up! Oooh I'm on your Black List! Was my accusation of Itachi silly? I know I am funny. If pointing something out is silly then, yes I am. I am curious, how was my reply scathing? Are you trying to get me to bite at something? Sorry, I'm a vegan. that rang very suspicious to me
  15. are 10 and 1000 included in the random range, or is it 11-999 or 11-1000 or 10-999 ?
  16. dang, you're right. The chances are 7/12 not 8/12 if the two black dice are the same, the final total is always 28 (1/6 of this happening) if the two black dice are different, you have a 1/2 chance of guessing the correct original values of the black dice, so there is a 2.5/6 of getting it wrong and 2.5/6 to getting it right, therefore a 3.5/6 or 7/12 of guessing the final total correctly I don't know what I was thinking.. 1 & 6 could be 11 or 66 of course
  17. I've decided not to use the Beggar or any more independent roles, but I'm open to suggestions on the remaining 3 Innocent roles. I have a few ideas floating around my mind, and also I'm eager to discuss possible problems with the Mafia V rules as well to make the game even smoother
  18. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    Host: Frost 1) Unreality - voting for Puzzlegirl 2) Brandonb - voting for Puzzlegirl 3) Frozen - 4) Slick - 5) TwoaDay - voting for Puzzlegirl 6) Yoruichi-san - 7) Taliesin - 8) Itachi - 9) CrazyPainter - 10) Cherry Lane - 11) Dnae - 12) Nayana - 13) Dawh - 14) pw0nzd - 15) GC - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 16) Dusty - 17) Puzzlegirl - 18) Tolecnal - 19) Rene83 - DEAD [Mafia] 20) Sinistral -
  19. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    so GC was a QA or he was the Janitor. I think he was the Janitor personally, but nothing is concrete
  20. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    my suspicion that he was the Janitor was probably correct then... since there has been no Janitor activity. edit: though I think he saved someone on the first night, specifically me. I don't have any proof, just a gut feeling based off something he said in the signup thread ;D lol
  21. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    so GC was a QA, the Inuit, the Janitor or the Penguin
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