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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    how about this: me and Puzzlegirl die in the lynching today. I do not get a role PMed today. Game continues as normal. edit: assuming we lynch PG. She's a baddie!
  2. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    no way. That makes Spy ubersucky. We need balance, not overcompensation. Balanace = Spy Wipeout ;D edit: I say continue
  3. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    here it is: " (copying Martini on the response, so he gets the story) (rather, tried to copy Martini, but his box was full. Sending to bonanova, who I know saw the CL topic) tigers asked if I would friend her. This was right after her "boyfriend" posts. I replied "no thank you, not right now, maybe when you post something more constructive than 'I love my boyfriend'". she proceeded to spam-PM me, so I blocked the PMs. So now she's taking her rage out in the open. She even started a new topic calling me names. All because I politely said I didn't wish to be her friend right now. I think I covered everything. I was just ignoring it all,. thanks, unreality, for making sure it got proper attention."
  4. haha I think we all know why you suggested this, but Mafia VI won't require this. There will no unfairness, no arguments, and the roles will be 100% random, NO MATTER WHAT
  5. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    yeah we can't do anything until Frost gets here so I guess we'll finish up Mafia V, then I can go back to hosting Mafia VI and all will be good yep... I'm adding that right now for Mafia VI
  6. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    whatever you guys want
  7. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    omg I know. That bîtch tigers needs an a** kicking (lol this is right after my post about not being mean)
  8. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    okay... sorry to again get an argument with you Itachi, but I see what you mean. It was wrong of me. I'm a very defensive and get very angry when people come after me like this, so it takes a lot of effort to control my automatic argumental defensiveness and post this, so I'll just say it quickly I screwed up sorry guys. I let you down. All of you. I was an a**hole in this game, specifically to CP and Itachi and... everyone, by thinking I was better and picking my own role. I truly regret it now. I hope I can play Mafia V 2.0 with you guys, but if you don't want me to play, I totally understand. I would still like to host Mafia VI, if that's alright with everyone sorry
  9. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    CP: Itachi is a good person, despite his tendency to end Mafia games in scandals and arguments with me hehe. Yes, we are supposed to trust the VIPs. That's why they're VIPs
  10. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    after roles for Mafia V were set in stone
  11. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    only moderators can change other people's posts but what you're talking about is called editing... there is a 10 min limit to edits, except VIPs (GC, Itachi, etc)
  12. the Inspector is a harsh role to play as it is
  13. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    okay, first of all: Frost offered to let me pick my role. How could I resist that? And this was after we had finalized the roles. I went over them again, and decided on Spy- not because it was all-powerful (I wanted to make Mafia V as balanced as possible, and I still think that the rules were pretty balanced), but because it gave me an opportunity to test out my skills. I wanted a good role, but not one of the uber-roles like Ninja that are normally desirable, since I didn't want to take too much advantage of the pick. I'm a corrupt evil Host God, but not that corrupt anyway, so I didn't expect to out myself as the Spy when I picked the role. I didn't want to out myself. But I was forced to when nobody listened to me and everyone went after Twoaday. Outing oneself is part of the game, though it can be unbalanced, which is some of the things that changed for Mafia IV and V. In the hands of most people, I don't think the Spy role would've been much of a big deal. But, as the STRATEGY HELP says, use your role to the maximum advantage. If everyone did that, the game would be fair. Any Mafioso could've come out after me and said that THEY were the Spy instead, and the Mafia could've thrown a monkey wrench in my role outing. Yet they didn't, for some unknown reason. So don't blame me cuz the baddies aren't playing the best game though we can scrap it if that's what you guys want. Frost can start a new game and I can step out, since that seems to be the consensus
  14. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    hang on I'll post in a sec. I'm more peeved than you guys. Nobody post until I do please
  15. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    thanks, though you just flip-flopped again... not saying this is bad, but it's confusing me. You're like the new Bb ;D hehe I didn't write the intro but i DID get to pick my role hehehe
  16. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    I agree, he's been flipflopping from "99.99% sure Unr is the Spy" to "Unr and Bb must be the last two Mafiosos!", and "Y-san should be saved" to "Y-san is suspicious" flipflopping doesn't necessarily mean baddiness (look at 2D), but Itachi is not inexperienced (like 2D was), so this has me confused and I'm questioning my idea that I-san was innocent needless to say, the same can be said of you, you asked to be spied on as well. So we'll just see if the Thief uses the power tonight
  17. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    I agree- which is why I might take up Y-san's offer and spy her instead I didn't "buy" anything- which is why I decided to spy on Bb the second day (which I might now not do, since it clearly wouldn't prove anything to you, or y-san). Half of me was convinced, half of me still suspicious. 2 & 3: I agree. The Rene point was that I led the lynching against a Mafioso, though if you really think I'm Mafia or really want to believe it, I'm sure you could find a reason that we would be self-sacrificing or something and give up Rene. But I have no affiliation with the Mafia. I am the Spy. There doesn't seem to be much else I can do to convince you hmm... I never considered Twoaday requiring protection, as he was the Bomb. By the way, you're setting me up for a classic Mafia frame-up by saying "if unreality is Mafia, then the Mafia will kill 2D"... lol what do you think the real Mafia is gonna do when they see that? Unless you are part of the Mafia and setting me up completely. But I think you're Innocent. I could be wrong though. So, in answer to your implications, (1) I did not think that 2D requires protection. He wouldn't be killed the first night, but now that he was outed, I see why the Mafia want him dead, but they'll probably leave that to other baddie groups who don't want to be lie detected (ie, 2D was the downfall of PG, and we have yet to see which kind of baddie she is), and (2) I know, which is why I might spy Y-san instead of Bb you're being awfully persistent in making people think I'm not the Spy. Kinda like what Puzzlegirl was doing. You're not as suspicious as her, but this constant attacking is ramping up my alarm level ;D yeah, I agreed with Frost when he offered to put that in. It was to make sure that people didn't think I was just a confirmed Innocent. ie, to make me as unknown as any other role. But that has changed with me outing myself as the Spy. and as for picking the Spy, it's because it gets a role every day now, instead of what it was before (ie, it was lame before). It's a cool role now. Frost gave me first pick, and I picked Spy. Cuz I want to help the Innocents- but you're making that hard, man a very long shot plus if PG is revealed as Mafia, your little idea is blown out of the water we probably could, if we were baddies. But we aren't. As Y-san said a while back, if I was a Mafioso, would I try something as dumb as this? Why hasn't the real Spy come out? edit: typo
  18. unreality

    hahahaa That's a good one (though I'm sure terrifying at the time) Well, being the master interpretor that I am (cough cough), I'd say you had a frightening experience with Sesame Street in your youth
  19. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    I would agree.... except for the fact that we haven't been "buddy-buddy". Yes, I defended Bb in the 1st day, and I defended him well, cuz I thought that Rene was suspicious- and I was right, wasn't I? But I constantly said that I wasn't "buddy-buddy" with Bb, I just wanted him alive to the 2nd day, which is when I would Spy on him. And I still plan on doing this. I am not "buddy-buddy" with anyone and I do not trust anyone, except Twaoday, who I know to be the Bomb. Every time I point out this fact to you, you ignore it and then bring up the same suspicion. I know you're a smart guy- please see reason, my friend lol.... yeah I would have to be banking big-time on the fact that GC was the Spy, which he was not (I am the Spy). The idea of me and Bb being the other two Mafiosos is rediculous, and you know it, but if you really think so, ask the Shaman to scry me yes, having suspicions is sensible. I commend you for asking questions I dismissed it- and yes I will easily say that I dismissed it- based off of my experience (multiple experiences) as the host. 1) That might not have been a clue. I know, from being host, that 99% of things that people think are clues are not actually clues 2) Let's say it was a clue anyway... Even so, how does it mean 'Bankroller'? Whenever I gave a clue with alarms and security systems, it ALWAYS pointed to the Defender. Slick's clues from Mafia III. KOP's clues from Mafia IV. I think I did clues in Mafia II as well that were similar and pointed to the Defender 3) Let's just say that all of that is disregarded and we think Bb might be the Bankroller. Well, I'll spy on him today But I'm telling you, a maybe-clue is nothing to go on. That's why I ignored it Good point about the Twoaday plan. But Bb defended this very well, just trying to stir it up and get the vote started, and pointed out that the first person to be voted for isn't the first lynchee. He was just being Brandonb And then he changed his vote once I showed that Twoaday was the Bomb, just like everybody else did (except pw0nzd, who was gone) I'll happily counter any suspicions people have. I am the Spy.
  20. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    yeah we'll need it. I think nobody else should post until the night post, unless you have something really important to say
  21. i dunno. Other stuff ;D hehe. I'll let you know when I post the newest one (which won't be for a while) no idea
  22. woops sorry... I changed other stuff than just "gangs of denbrain" hehe I won't post another one until I've made lots more changes oh, still considering all of them. Anyone wanna bring another one to interest? Or vote to put the Beggar out of business? I think we have too many independent roles and factions, I don't know why Beggar was listed under Innocent....
  23. Mafia VI ** Gangs of Denbrain ** Basic Overview: Baddies (and Ninja) strike at night, while the Innocents try to lynch them during the day by majority vote RULES: 1) only play if you've read the rules, the roles, the strategy tips and previous Mafia games!!! You need to know what you're getting into and how much time it takes up 2) no PMing behind the scenes!!!! Not only is this one of the stupidest things you could do in Mafia (you don't know who you're giving your role to and who is asking for your role, etc), even if you do know another person's role (or think you do) you can't PM them behind the scenes OR CONTACT THEM IN ANY WAY. There are notable exceptions, which will be mentioned later. If you aren't one of the exceptions, forget about BTSC (behind-the-scenes-contact) 3) each day in Mafia-time will finish 24 hours after the night post, and if you haven't voted/discussed/participated/etc during that time, you will be out of the game for inactivity. This time is set in stone and will be the end time no matter if everyone is done voting before this. Each night will end 18 hours after the day ends, however if I get all the necessary PMs in before the 18 hours, I will do the night post then. I'll probably extend night post estimates to when I'm awake and stuff (ie, I might say "night post in 20 hours" if I know I'll be awake and ready in 20 hours) 4) please don't be rude ;D be nice and courteous and respectful 5) after you die, you can post in the topic, but only once (it's called your "ghost post") not about anything important- ie, you can't reveal your role, make arguments, take part in strategy discussions, etc. And you have to post in GRAY! 6) Mafia is fun I will be choosing the final roster of 21 players, picking from the signer-uppers very carefully. I don't want to leave anyone out, but I don't want to have any inactives. If you weren't picked, it may be that we just don't have any room, and I won't be accepting any late-joiners either, it messes up the game (cough Mafia 1 cough Mafia III). We do have a backup list, though. So please keep that in mind, and also Mafia is a game of elimination, sort of... so don't be mad or sad if/when you die 7) this rule may be unnecessary but you should never challenge the host ;D hehehehe now for the best part... ROLES: 21 peope: 8 baddies, 13 Innocents baddies: * 3 Mafiosos (Godfather, Thief, Bankroller) - know who each other are. Can converse freely all the time. The Mafia kills each night. Each of the Mafiosos' special abilities are useable any night but not 2 nights in a row * 2 Quarky Agents (Master of Espionage, Master of Deception) - do not know who each other are (at first). The QAs kill each night. Must have both to kill. If they do both pick the same person, they get BTSC * 2 Yakuza (Oyabun, Shatei) - a new gang in Denbrain who have BTSC, straight out of the archipelagos of the Far East. The Yakuza kills on even nights only, until absorbed by the expanding Mafia crime family * 1 Grim Reaper - a solo spectre of darkness who kills every even-numbered night. Invincible for first night and first day win conditions for baddies: * Mafia - kill everyone except Mafiosos * QAs - kill the Phoenix. However, Lord Phoenix is invincible to the QAs until his/her transformation after the GR dies. If the QAs fail to kill the Phoenix somehow, they are immediately notified (and are allowed to PM each other) and a secondary mission is given: lynch a specific person the next day (the person is chosen randomly by me and is not a QA). If the QAs fail the secondary mission, their aliases are discovered and they are mass-lynched along with the actual person being lynched * Yakuza - the Yakuza have their own gang goals, but if their goals fail, they will team up with the Mafia. The goals are unknown to the Innocents (and every other non-Yakuza baddie), but everyone will be notified if the Yakuza fail, and after that the Yakuza will win with the Mafia, but NOT be able to contact the Mafia * GR - kill the Ninja. If the Grim Reaper fails to kill the Ninja (ie, the Ninja dies some other way), the GR is outta the game mafia special roles: * Godfather - [any night, not 2x in a row] see the faction of 1 person (a faction is: mafia/innocent/QA/yakuza/GR) * Thief - [any night, not 2x in a row] steal from 1 person and assume their identity the next day if the Spy investigates or if Inspector is getting the Thief's identity PMed the next day * Bankroller - [any night, not 2x in a row] send the host a message which will be posted in the night post- ie, a "message from the Mafia" *** All Mafia abilities must be PMed to me separately before the night is over. I won't wait for a decision on whether or not to use the abilitity. Same with the SB's lie-detect & suicide-bomb abilities **** Special Mafia Wipeout: if the Mafia are sure of the Inspector's identity, they can do a "wipeout" where they all come and kill the Inspector. The Wipeout is INSTEAD of a normal Mafia kill. Protection roles and saving roles are ignored during the Wipeout. However, if the Mafia were WRONG about the Inspector, anyone present gang up on the Mafia and it's a Mafia-wipeout, the other way around Quarky Agent roles: * Master of Deception - if the SB lie-detects a statement by or about the MoD, the MoD can decide what my reply will be (true, false, does not know) * Master of Espionage - can spy on one person every night. Gets told "innocent" or "baddie". Can be influenced by the Thief Yakuza roles: * Oyabun - the master of the small Yakuza crime ring. The Oyabun's ability is similar to the Bankroller's, and it can also be used any night, but not 2 nights in a row. The Oyabun's messages may contain special code that has to do with the Yakuza's goal * Shatei - a common goon of the Yakuza. Has no abilities, but if the Oyabun dies before the Shatei, the Shatei takes the Oyabun's place and gains the Oyabun's ability Innocents: win by killing all the baddies. Each Innocent has a special role... saving roles = Doctor, Healer, Lord Phoenix * Doctor - save one person each night. Not same person 2 nights in a row. Can save self only once. Gets a bonus save on even nights which saves against everyone except the GR * Healer - same as Doctor, but different methods of medicine * Lord Phoenix - [cannot be killed by QAs] the master of Denbrain. Little do people know, Lord Phoenix is actually a real phoenix- a bird of fire. This fiery phantasm is capable of repelling the spectral Grim Reaper, and Lord Phoenix takes full use of this, saving people on even nights from the Grim Reaper. Once the Grim Reaper dies, Lord Phoenix will discover his/her true calling as 'the Phoenix', and transform permanently into the firebird, and discover another purpose (which has to do with saving people, but the common Innocent doesn't know what it is). However, after this transformation, Lord Phoenix becomes vulnerable to the QAs discovery roles = Inspector, Spy, Suicide Bomber * Inspector - [knows Suicide Bomber] gets PMed, every day, a baddie identity in this order: Mafia, QA, Mafia, QA, Mafia, QA. The order is determined at the beginning of the game by me randomly, so dead people may be included. The Inspector is fresh out of Pengville and is not familiar with how the Yakuza works, and of course the GR is un-Inspectable * Spy - PMs me one player each day, I reveal their role, but not specific role within a baddie faction. If they are Innocent, however, the role-reveal is as specific as possible * Suicide Bomber - [knows Inspector & is known by Mafia] the Suicide Bomber is an ex-terrorist who is now sided with the Innocents. At any point DURING THE DAY ONLY, the SB can PM to me a victim, and both the SB and the victim die in the explosion. I will make it unclear which of the two was the SB and which of the two was the victim. There is a 1/4 chance that the SB will survive, and a 1/4 that the victim will survive- those events are independent so there is a 1/16 chance both will survive. Again, it will be unknown which of the two (SB or victim) that any survivor(s) are. When the SB PMs in the target, they can either choose to have it announced immediately, or in the day post. If the SB is lynched, they'll be PMed a prompt if they want to blow someone up at the lynching, otherwise it's a normal lynching. If the SB is killed at night, there is a 2/3 chance they will blow up and kill a random one of their attackers. The explosion does not affect the Grim Reaper whether done at night or in the day, so the Grim Reaper will be seen as one of the "survivors" if at day, or if at night, the Grim Reaper will just scythe down the SB as if the 1/3 chance of no explosion occurred. Also, the Suicide Bomber, being an ex-terrorist, is highly skilled at torture and knows when people are lying. Any night, but not 2 nights in a row, the SB can pick one TRUE/FALSE statement that someone has said and PMs it in. I will tell them one of three options: (1) TRUE, (2) FALSE, or (3) the person who said this statement does not know whether it is true or false killing roles = Ninja and his/her Defender * Defender - [knows who Ninja is] no special powers on their own. No matter when the Defender dies, his/her role is revealed * Ninja - [does not know who Defender is] ancient warrior and nemesis of the Grim Reaper. While the Defender is alive, the Ninja cannot be killed at night, but the Ninja can be lynched any time. The Ninja kills for the Innocents on odd nights except the 1st night. When/if the Defender dies, the Ninja is vulnerable at night other roles = Janitor, Vagabond, Beggar, ??, ?? * Janitor - the Janitor, after his/her many years of watching and learning, has adopted many vital skills. Each night, I roll a 6-sided dice to determine the action of the Janitor (saving, killing, guarding [1/2 kill attacker, 1/2 die for the charge], discovering specific role, impersonating, or free choice of the previous 5 if a 6 is rolled). The Janitor picks a person other than themself and then I tell them what the action is, to which they can either decline or carry out the action (or choose the action to carry out, if I rolled a 6) * Vagabond - also known as the Wanderer, the Vagabond wanders around the world, and has seen the ruthless expansion of Quarky, and thus is aligned against the Quarky Agents. The Vagabond, from his/her travel experiences, knows a way to tag suspects, and if the tagged person is a QA, they will dissolved by the taggant chemical the next day (regardless of whether the Vagabond is still alive). The Vagabond is a semi-independent character and wins by killing BOTH Quarky Agents in this manner. Otherwise, the Vagabond wins with the Innocents * Beggar - gets 1 gold Phoenix Crown every day from empathic passerby. When the Beggar has 4 Phoenix Crowns, he has enough money to pack up and move to the tropics (ie, he wins). However, the Beggar can exchange a Phoenix Crown for the specific roles of 4 players, which he can use to his advantage in lynchings and stuff to try to prolong the game. The Beggar can also exchange a Phoenix Crown at night to kill someone that night * ?? * ?? Additional Roles: These are roles that are independent of your main role... * Tiebreaker - randomly determined by me. If there is a lynching tie, and the Tiebreaker is on one of the tying sides, that side wins. If there is a tie but the Tiebreaker is NOT on one of the tying sides, someone has to switch to break the tie * Masked Lovers - these tragic romantics don't know who the other Lover is, but if one of the Lovers is lynched, they recognize their Lover and the two die together. The Lovers, being tragic and all, consist of 1 Mafioso and 1 Innocent. Thus both Lovers are informed that they are a Lover, but not the identity of their fellow Lover BTSC: * Mafia has BTSC * Yakuza has BTSC * the two QAs only get BTSC after they both pick the same person to kill * the Inspector and Suicide Bomber have full BTSC all the time * the Doctor and Healer get BTSC if: ** they both save the same person ** they both save each other ** one of them saves the other
  24. the Shatei is just a goon- this is perfectly fine. Every single baddie doesn't need all kinds of special abilities ;D The yakuza is simple- one leader with an ability and one goon that's just part of the Yakuza and helps make decisions
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