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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    the QAs have no way of communicating, they have no way of setting up a signal or anything
  2. the GR is already immune, Defender is a risk that you take. And yeah it's sorta like Jihadist (but good ;D) from Mafia IV mixed with the Bomb if they target the GR, the GR is seen as one of the 1/4 chances of surviving, and the SB will still die 3/4 of the time like normal
  3. unreality

    hahaha ;D Slick, slick, slick. That guy's an enigma
  4. no just about making them balanced... I left out/assumed stuff based on previous games. Mafia VI won't be like that. Just cuz something was like something in a previous game doens't mean anything- everything will be in the rules for Mafia VI
  5. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    I know, but cuz he asked for advice on it. And the first piece of advice he shot down, with good reason Of course he has a mind of his own ;D and PG wants to get lie detected... hopefully she's not the MoD. I doubt it, but it's still a remote possibility. Even so, if the detector says "innocent", then we should trust her, even if she might be MoD
  6. that's pretty rare though. 3 in 4 says that the SB is dead ;D
  7. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    Twoaday will lie detect you tonight, and I will spy Bb tomorrow
  8. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    in case 2D didn't see:
  9. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    yeah, it's just I forget whether or not we specified that for Mafia V (btw, Mafia VI rules will be veeery specific ;D)
  10. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    The Bankroller will probably use his/her ability tonight, unless it was Rene83. What do you guys think the Mafia's message to us will be?
  11. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    yeah, the Shaman should def. Aurora tonight Twoaday: please lie-detect one of Puzzlegirl's statements saying she is Innocent. I don't think she did though, I dont remember. She's on, so she can say it again
  12. remember the Bankroller's new ability? (which hasn't been used yet in Mafia V, oddly. It will probably be used tonight) they would probably know the Inspector. And about the GR, the GR doesn't care. They're not "against" each other- it's just taking away the GR's danger factor of picking the SB. yep
  13. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    I like the way you think. The original idea was to use the Aurora on the 2nd night (though Y-san was very much against this...), I think it's a good one. If the Shaman is still alive, tonight is the best time to use the Aurora
  14. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    I'm still fascinated in your earlier disposition to continue voting for me despite the facts, and then continuing to put suspicion on me. I already gave my reasons for keeping Bb alive until the 2nd day (when I could spy him). I might just spy you asap too
  15. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    I'm not trying to trick anyone... how about Bb, Itachi, and Y-san all say their part of it, and Twoaday can sort of conglomerate it? That's what I was doing, basically
  16. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    I know that Bb and Y-san have said that they are Innocent for the lie-detector, and I remember I-san saying he was but didn't like the lie-detector idea. So all three have said this, I was just compiling their statements into one sentence
  17. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    Twoaday, lie detect this: All three of the following - Brandonb, Itachi, Yoruichi - are all Innocents edit: they've all said that they're Innocent, so it's okay if you just quote my quote and send the bolded part to Frost
  18. it's basically Bomb + Jihadist and a bit more balanced
  19. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    okay good! Thanks question for Frost: is the Bankroller's specific role revealed in death again, like Mafia IV?
  20. GC: you played a great, if very short, game Better luck next time, mate
  21. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    Twoaday: please tell us whether or not GC was the Inspector. If he wasn't, just say he wasn't, do not out the real Inspector. But we need to know whether or not the Inspector is dead
  22. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    I'm going to bed *soon*, so my final parting words are: 1) I hope Rene is a baddie, she sure made herself seem like one. By being all suspicious and not giving a defense, if she turns out to be Innocent (ie, pulling a Ben Law) I'll be mad. That's not a good way to help the Innocents! 2) Good luck to everyone tonight (except the baddies, hopefully you guys kill each other off ;D) 3) doc/healer, hopefully one of you will give me protection. Don't worry, it's no scam, there's no Assassin in this game (and I'm the Spy anyway ) 4) as for the other person to protect, I'd say... hmm. Protect Itachi-san. That's what I would do. Just cuz I think he may be an important Innocent, and also I think if Bb is non-Mafia, then the Mafia will want to kill Itachi to frame Bb. I could be wrong though. If the other saving role is still alive, pick whoever they want to... but I don't mean to sound arrogant or something, but one of them should protect me for sure 5) umm, cya guys in the morning ;D
  23. hehe, I haven't had a Mafia dream, cuz I don't have very many dreams... when I do, I don't remember em ;D
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