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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. itachi-san

    Mafia II

    Haha, I just read through about 4 pages of people being fooled by Brandonb and GC. First off, I don't think GC should talk as a Ghost in the first place. I didn't mind at first because no one was believing him, but now it seems he has had an effect. Grey Cells was Mafia - I know this because I'm the Sage (think about who's dead and that I know one Mafia is dead so it has to be him) Brandonb is most-likely Mafia or GR- I don't know this for sure admittedly, but he is the highest suspect I have at this point of being GR or Mafia, also, it looks like a couple characters who I am pretty sure are innocents are agreeing with me. Look at how suspicious all Brandon's posts are. He claimed to be the Inspector and said he KNEW Nayana was GR, then he said she was Mafia to protect himself. Sounds like he's a villain trying to frame her. Also, who needs a lying Inspector anyway? Can people stop saying things like "can't be sure blah blah" of course we can't be sure.... that's why I vote for the most likely suspected murderer. In Puzzlegirl's case I voted for her randomly and with the crowd because there was almost NOTHING to go on, it wasn't personal, just that someone had to go. Also, I'm trusting pieman's post right above this one, because he is one of the least-likely baddies with what we know.
  2. itachi-san

    Mafia II

    The GR did a good job picking you off GC. You are one clever dead mafioso my friend Every player is on but unreality...
  3. itachi-san

    Mafia II

    spoken like a true mafioso even from beyond the grave!
  4. itachi-san

    Nice one Frost, that was a really good riddle (5 *s) and the answer didn't disappoint. Though I'm a bit disappointed I couldn't get it of course <_<
  5. itachi-san

    Mafia II

    Or King of Pain can just change his vote KOP, I'm the Sage, if you vote for me to be lynched then you will be highly suspect as a villain (especially by me cause I know that I've been quite the Honestant lately)
  6. itachi-san

    Mafia II

    I changed my mind about Frost in the edit, if he was gonna vote for me at any point, he clearly isn't receiving info as Spy or Inspector because I'm the Sage. (I actually had him down as Not Inspector, but he could have been the Spy) - anyway he's neither of those and you're Mafia If you guys lynch me it's going to be the Puzzlegirl scenario all over again... don't say I didn't warn you other Innocents
  7. itachi-san

    Mafia II

    Host: Unreality 1) Brandonb 2) Scott - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 3) akaslickster - voting for Kingofpain 4) pw0nzd 5) GC - DEAD [?] Killed by Grim Reaper 6) pieman 7) dnae - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 8) Frost - voting for Brandonb 9) itachi - voting for Brandonb 10) Kingofpain - voting for Itachi 11) Nayana 12) puzzlegirl - DEAD [illusionist] This is still pretty tough even though there's a ton of info now. Just to explain my vote: Brandonb and one other player came up as most likely to be the Grim Reaper or Mafia after I laid all the evidence out that I could gather. Since there's an even chance between the two of them as far as I can see right now, I voted for Brandon only because Frost already did, meaning there's a better chance we will lynch him (no offense Brandon ) Also, on this line of thought, since I have such high suspicion of Brandon and Frost already has voted for him, I'm considering Frost to be the Spy or Inspector. EDIT: OK, forget what I said about Frost, lolz. It seems that I will die if I don't reveal my role, now that Frost changed his vote. I am the Sage. There are 2 Mafiosos left. GC was a mafioso. Just to prove to the Doctor that I'm telling the truth: The Doctor was ready to save akaslickster the first night
  8. itachi-san

    I don't k(no)w Also, this joke is really funny and definitely something I would say. Hopefully I don't get a chance to use it anytime soon though
  9. itachi-san

    Chuck Norris Jokes

    Well, Chuck Norris made the whole planet so it goes without saying. Chuck Norris is the result of a diamond meteor colliding with a diamond planet. He emerged from the impact's crater with a full beard, chest hair, and two dead ninjas under each arm. He then spoke his first words: "Who's next?!"
  10. itachi-san

    Firstly, Frost, don't post the answer. I like this one a lot (pending the answer of course ). Just to add some positive feedback, I understood what you meant just by the riddle itself with no explanation needed. I like the concept, which is why it's so frustrating to keep thinking about this and not getting an acceptable answer. good riddle Frost, I'm totally stumped ...
  11. itachi-san

    Mafia II

    I think you should make the day a specific amount of time (like 24 hours), then just count up the votes posted within that time. If people can't log on at least once a day they shouldn't be playing anyway. I think that waiting for people like this will suck the fun out of the game.
  12. itachi-san

    Mafia II

    Host: Unreality 1) Brandonb 2) Scott - voting for Brandonb 3) akaslickster - voting for Itachi 4) pw0nzd - voting for GC 5) GC - voting for puzzlegirl 6) pieman 7) dnae - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 8) Frost 9) itachi - voting for puzzlegirl 10) Kingofpain 11) Nayana 12) puzzlegirl I think my previous post got ignored.
  13. new line of thought maybe. perhaps the first role should be in plurals if it's The Three ~~~~~~~~, like the henchmen group
  14. itachi-san

    Mafia II

    I'm hoping the other players know you well enough to not trust your intuition slickster
  15. Zetsu sat atop a grassy hill looking into the sunrise. He was twirling his mysterious pendant between his fingers and wondering if a virus had wiped out all the life on Epsilon...
  16. or if you're into Buddha: check this one
  17. Tracy won best actor twice Van Gogh's best paintings lack in price Steinbeck wrote of men and mice Cook discovered the land of ice Each marvel only makes a slice Montana won four Super Bowls Tolkien passed time creating trolls Einstein theorized the first black hole Darwin unveiled evolution's goal Clinton won over Bush and Dole Significant impacts all can claim Though antonymous to my name Without such efforts did I earn fame Among my peers I've earned acclaim
  18. This was tougher than I thought I guess. Here's the answer
  19. Am I at least in the right ballpark? Nah, read the hint in Post #37
  20. itachi-san

    Chuck Norris Jokes

    One day, thousands of years ago, Chuck Norris was taking a stroll through Egypt. The Pharaoh, so frightened upon seeing him, crapped a brick. Not to be outdone, Chuck Norris crapped the pyramids. Mountains are only places where Chuck Norris hasn't walked yet. Chuck Norris can hear sign language The real reason Adam and Eve got kicked out of Eden was because they didn't offer Chuck Norris the apple first. Chuck Norris started the fire. Chuck Norris can beat Kasporov in a game of chess using only one pawn Chuck Norris can see a mosquito blink. A roundhouse kick from Van Damme can break jars. A roundhouse kick from Chuck Norris can break Mars. Chuck Norris doesn't lock his doors at home. He encourages intruders as much as possible You can't beat Chuck Norris, and you can't join him. If the ground hog sees his shadow, its going to be a long summer. If the ground hog sees Chuck Norris' shadow, his face melts and it's going to be a painful summer Chuck Norris learned how to chop wood in the Sahara Forest Black boxes on airplanes are actually made out of tissue samples from Chuck Norris. Clark Kent is the secret identity of Superman and Superman is the secret identity of Chuck Norris. Each time Chuck Norris roundhouse kicks a butterfly, he creates a typhoon in Asia Black Holes can bend light, Chuck Norris can bend Black holes. Chuck Norris never plays the board game "Sorry", because he never is under any circumstance Please is a magic word, as in the sentence, "Please don't kill me." Too bad Chuck Norris doesn't believe in magic.
  21. Forgot about this one too oops. This hint is rather large, but maybe not a give-away
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