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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. Well, 4 out of 8 Heroes don't have BTSC. And even-though each Akatsuki pair have BTSC, they don't know who the other 4 are. I think I'll modify it to be like CL's idea. If they're wrong, they don't get the kill. If they're right, they can't guess the next Night.
  2. yea, it can get messy. I'm changing my mind on this one. Basically Bb and Sinistral's idea: There are 3 factions in this game. Each faction will have a random player who can add a role to their Night pm in addition to the name of their target. If they are correct then they get an automatic kill despite any obstacles. Now the question is: should this be an ability that can't be used 2 Nights in a row? I think it should. It would eliminate random guesses every Night and make the ability more thoughtful. Now it's all in the players' hands and out of mine
  3. Hokage: Tsunade 1) Puzzlegirl 2) Mekal 3) Dawh 4) Prof. Templeton 5) Kat 6) Prince Marth 7) Sweetness Kat 8) Crazypainter 9) Joe's Student 10) woon 11) Panther 12) Cherry Lane 13) GC 14) Brandonb 15) FIF 16) Wally West 17) Sinistral OK, cool. This is the final roster. Thanks for signing up everyone! Backups can feel free to join, but that hasn't really been necessary. Edit: The game will start Friday and there will be no rush on initial Night pms. Let's try for 24 hours. See you there!
  4. Yeah, it's a tough nut to crack. I know where some of this stems from ABR3, but I put a grandfather clause on that rule, meaning that if someone claimed their role before I made the rule, then I wouldn't challenge them. It only applied to any claims made after the rule and by people who had not already done so. Bb's got a good idea going for future Heroes games, which is essentially what you propose. A character with the ability to kill someone if they know their exact role. I have a couple problems with that. It will only put a damper on one person at a time, and could still lead to a landslide of roles coming out. The puzzle challenge would be applicable to however many people necessary. I would challenge all 5 of those examples actually, but I think I'll leave it in the hands of the players. Each group will have a player who can pm me that they think a role has been claimed to an extreme extent and I will check it out and challenge if necessary. I'm still not 100% sure if the challenge is the best thing. I don't want to stifle conversation, but at the same time I don't want the villains to all get outed by process of elimination since the good guys are all claimed. Here's another example of how the villains can be screwed. A: I'm Neji B: LOL! I'm Neji C: Fine A, tonight attack Sinistral and we'll know you're the good guy. Neji attacks Mekal that Night. A is screwed. In this game particularly, baddies really can't do anything by claiming roles, except getting out of being lynched for a day. I'd love to hear as many ideas as possible about this, since I'm not sure if the puzzle is the best option. So far, that's what I'm going with. And I'll leave it to 3 key players to pm me exceptional posts. If those key players die so does that faction's ability to challenge.
  5. Umm. Do you mean you're going to make a new account and use that? If you do, please tell me who you are every pm so I don't have to keep track of false names, should others follow suit. I don't really see the point of worrying about it to be honest. I hope people would not do that, but even if they do, every player has to send me a pm each night so I don't see how it narrows the field down at all. Also, this game, there will be a group of good guys with BTSC as well. In fact, almost everyone will have BTSC. Last game you were an independent character and got killed on the first night, so I don't think spying made much of a difference there This game, like I said, it will be very unlikely for anyone to die on the First Night. You'll see
  6. you guessed it. and to top it off, someone even gets to play as me one rule in case anyone was wondering: players with BTSC all act every Night, so they cannot attack the same person on any single Night. This is to prevent easy gang-ups.
  7. hehe, that's cool. It's an idea I've been toying with. I think it's the way to go. For ABR4 the setup will look like this: 1)3 groups of 2-man Akatsuki teams. Each pair will have BTSC and will not know who the other 4 are. 2)Orochimaru's group (3 people with BTSC) can win exclusively or win with either Akatsuki or Konoha with specific conditions. 3)Konoha (has a 4-man group with BTSC - Team Kakashi) and then there are a few other ninjas like Neji and Shikamaru who do not know anyone from the start, but have info gathering skills. This is a great time, given this setup, for anyone to throw recommendations at me Also, I'm keeping the biggest addition a secret (it's the customization part and I haven't put the finishing touches on it)
  8. Sign-up is going fast. It'll start probably over the weekend. If 3 more join, 17 is the magic number. If more than that want to join I can stretch the game out to have 4 groups. Since this game is going to be a bit of a test on some new ideas, I'd prefer 17 people. I won't pressure people on the Night pms. The biggest thing for me actually is just posting that mammoth first post with the characters and stuff. This one is going to be more complex than the previous ones.
  9. Well, for this game there are no independent characters. After 3 games, I've seen that those win conditions are too difficult. So it's basically going to be three groups. The middle group will actually be able to decide whether they align with the Villains or the Heroes or just take everyone out and win themselves. I like your ideas for the puzzle challenge. If you get it right there is no consequence. If you don't, you will be completely action-less on that Night. One thing to keep in mind is that the IDs do not have to be accurate. A baddie claiming to be a good guy will face the challenge too. So in the end there is no actual proof of ID.
  10. Well, since everyone always has a Night pm to send me, there isn't really a problem there.
  11. I've got the new aspects of ABR4 pretty much figured out, so I might as well get the ball rolling. I'll figure all the little intricacies out during the Sign-up I can format the game for however many people sign up, so please just add to the list. Since I've frequently made people change genders, I figured it was about time I ate some of my own medicine This game will be entirely based off of Naruto. Also, it will focus a lot on customization. Basically, as the game progresses, you will have control over how your character develops. Also, it will nearly be impossible to die on the First Night. Hokage: Tsunade 1) One thing I'd like to get some feedback for is the puzzle challenge. It seems to be a mixed bag of opinions, though most have been in favor of it as I am. Essentially, if you claim any role or any specific ability that only one character can have you have to face a puzzle challenge. This puts a little penalty on the Heroes for outing themselves and leaving the Villains wide open. I'm further inclined to do this based on the Heroes game that just finished. Since basically every Hero came out with their role in pretty specific terms ("I'll Fly you to safety" for example) it was extremely easy to pinpoint the baddies. I would like some positive/negative feedback on that concept though, because I'm probably going to incorporate that rule. Also, please include a date you'd like to see the game start. I'm shooting for about a week from now. Edit: Nights end when I get all the pms. Days end 24 hours after the Night Post
  12. itachi-san

    Heroes: Season 1

    Wow that was a slaughter! Bad guys need to kick it up a notch for Season 2.
  13. itachi-san

    Sylar was amazing ever since we didn't even know what his face looked like I do like Maya however; her power is sweet and she's pretty hot . She's got one of the only interesting powers that I haven't seen before. The characters I'm glad we're not seeing are Mika who 'talks' to machines and the copycat girl aka Katrina survivor. Those two are awful. I'm also glad King Midas got killed real fast. He was dumb too. Though I like his lightning daughter. The vortex guy was too powerful to live I think. He could kill every character we know if he wanted. But we also don't know if the things he sent to that other dimension are destroyed or if they survive. I'm assuming they're destroyed. It reminds me of a power in Wheel of Time actually. Peter's dad is clearly going to be a powerhouse, and already seems awesome. The future Mrs. Petrelli saw was intense The Linderman part was pretty sweet too. It looks like this season is going to be a lot like X-Men in that there will be 2 (maybe 3) sides and there's a war brewing. Linderman's squad, the injected heroes, and the natural heroes. And it seems Mohinder is a spider with the Fly's story...
  14. itachi-san

    Heroes: Season 1

    hey, I called Claire! Claire, you know you want to save your good-looking uncle anyway some food for thought for the killing roles: the Company doesn't sound too displeased with my choice of Kat. Maybe they're thinking that you 2 will be avoiding her and thus killing 1 Company member at the most. So, just keep in mind that since I'm targeting Kat, it doesn't mean she's off limits from your vengeance Also, we will know exactly who was killed.
  15. itachi-san

    Heroes: Season 1

    After the Night Post you'll know who Kat is as well Candice can't confuse anyone. And good job Heroes. In fairness to the Baddies, this couldn't have gotten off to a worse start for them. Sylar instantly dead and Ted instantly outed. I wouldn't recommend def. going after PG tonight. Linderman will mots likely protect her. Y-San and Niki should both attack. I think Y-San should say who she's going after, so Nikki doesn't double up. Don't go after Kat at least. Edit: Thanks in advance Claire
  16. itachi-san

    Heroes: Season 1

    you're in the circle of trust. relax
  17. itachi-san

    Heroes: Season 1

    Yeah, that was convenient, especially right at the end when the 'real' Nathan may have assumed PT would be outed and hadn't logged in in time to see the sway in votes. I'm still putting him down as Nathan though. If PG is HRG, it's the worst case scenario, but very useful nonetheless. I still say we role the dice tonight let's get Linderman out of here! Also, does anyone have a problem with me visiting Kat? I wouldn't mind visiting any of the 4 suspicious people left after PG gets outed. As far as I can tell Linderman is pretty much unable to be figured out at this time, unless PG turns out to be him, which is the best case scenario. Roll the Dice tonight killers! baddies got pwnd this game
  18. itachi-san

    Heroes: Season 1

    It's correct. She's a baddie and trying to throw false blame around.
  19. itachi-san

    Heroes: Season 1

    It's not lethal, but it will be.
  20. itachi-san

    Heroes: Season 1

    1) Brandonb - voting for Prof. Templeton 2) Kathleen -voting for Impervious 3) Sweetness Kat -voting for Slick2 4) Puzzlegirl - voting for Prof. Templeton 5) Prince Marth - voting for Prof. Templeton 6) Sinistral – DEAD[?] 7) Slick2-voting for Sweetness Kat 8) Crazypainter voting for Impervious 9) Itachi - Injected[Peter] - voting for Slick2 10) Prof. Templeton - voting for Puzzlegirl 11) Impervious - voting for Prof. Templeton 12) Akaslickster – DEAD[sylar] 13) Yoruichi-san - voting for Prof. Templeton 14) Grey Cells - voting for Puzzlegirl 15) Joe's Student - voting for Slick2 There's my Bro! (PT) OK, so: Kat, PG, Slick2, and cp then have all not claimed roles. Slick2 is voting for a Hero, so he gets my vote. Edit: and if PT is telling the truth, all 4 baddies are voting for heroes... Edit 2: And we really don't want to make Nathan powerless tonight. All Heroes change from PT please.
  21. itachi-san

    Heroes: Season 1

    1) Brandonb - voting for Sweetness Kat 2) Kathleen -voting for Impervious 3) Sweetness Kat -voting for Slick 4) Puzzlegirl 5) Prince Marth - Voting for PG 6) Sinistral – DEAD[?] 7) Slick2-voting for Sweetness Kat 8) Crazypainter voting for Impervious 9) Itachi - Injected[Peter] - voting for Prof. Templeton 10) Prof. Templeton 11) Impervious - - voting for Kathleen 12) Akaslickster – DEAD[sylar] 13) Yoruichi-san - voting for Prof. Templeton 14) Grey Cells 15) Joe's Student I was hoping he would come up sooner or later. He's very shady in my book. And PM, lot's of what I post is purposefully nonsensical. You'd be surprised how often it works Edit: I was serious about the protection though
  22. itachi-san

    Heroes: Season 1

    I'm waiting to see who you vote for. What's the hold-up?
  23. itachi-san

    Shaolin Soccer ftw! Also, I really can't stress enough how good The Fall is. I saw it randomly, and it's really worth a look. For legitimate action: anything with Tony Jaa, start with Ong Bak
  24. itachi-san

    I answered 'yes'. I prefer knowledge. But the question is whether or not ignorance is bliss. The question isn't asking if it's better. Clearly knowledge is better, but knowledge comes with a price that often leads towards the opposite of bliss. My most blissful moments are usually when I'm not thinking. Also, think about zen and oneness, devoid of thought, pure bliss.
  25. itachi-san

    Heroes: Season 1

    Heroes don't inject PM, I'm almost sure he's Molly now. Let's find out who sweetness kat is. I'll pay a visit to Kat tonight. Also, I asked Nathan to protect me last night, so tonight Nathan should protect Y-San. Claire should get me. DL, it's up to you now. Hopefully sweetness is Linderman, but she's definitely Company. Then, we'll just inject her again tomorrow. I still think Y-San should roll the dice tonight, don't go for SK though, no matter how bad she is. We should just inject her twice. I like to gamble I guess Not with money, just with lives Take out one of the fishy characters. If we keep stalling, our ratio will keep slipping. Edit: mistake
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