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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. I totally agree that terrorism will never go away and that it's futile to expect that. 'Winning' would be leaving and having Iraq be stable enough to run itself. FYI Obama's pullout is from just Iraq, he wants to send MORE troops to Afghanistan than we have there now. Essentially both candidates will do the same thing in the Middle East as far as I see it. Obama has a time-table of 16 months for the Iraq War, sure. But he will not pull out completely if Iran is threatening Iraq and will take over the next day after we leave. I guarantee Obama's 16 Months is going to be very flexible. He's just saying that to look different. It would be unethical to leave the Iraqi people to the wolves if that were the case after 16 months. And that's just for Iraq. Like I said, he wants to boost our war in Afghanistan. I don't see a real difference between them concerning the Middle East. right, congress is Dem, they have been screwing us over to make Bush look as bad as possible and of course for their own interests as usual. Once Obama gets in, they'll do some of the things they should have been doing and the economy will benefit. It's all a Congress ploy and I don't trust any of them really, especially the Senate. There are a few good Governors and a few good House reps, but I don't think there is even one Senator worth anything. Congress is really just awful. I would actually like to start a 'revolution' as you put it, but a different idea. Everyone should vote out their Senators no matter who they are. Just change the whole Senate a.s.a.p. That will put a fire under the new guys to actually do the right things. And they need to remove the vote of 'present'. They're elected to make decisions, so they should make a decision. yeah, this is just it. nobody talks about them, like they don't even exist. it's like everyone is brainwashed into thinking there are just 2 choices. There are actually a lot of choices. I'm not sure who I'm going to vote for yet (not McCain or Obama), I have to look into the Parties some more. I like the Constitutionalists Party from what I've read and heard so far. There are actually lots of Parties. Nader is Independent, so I won't vote for him, though I do think he's way better than Obama or McCain, but I'd like for there to someday be new Parties, and I don't think voting Independent is getting there. I could be wrong on that, but I don't think it's a Party. Either way, it's not like anyone I vote for is going to get elected, but if I keep doing it and get more people to do so, eventually we can hit the 5% vote benchmark to get new Parties recognized. I realize that the President is going to be Rep/Dem for a while because our country is really stuck on the 2 party deal, but it would be nice to see more Congressmen get elected from all sorts of Parties.
  2. Read Aizen's description in the OP.
  3. Night 3: Soul Society in Turmoil Kisuke ran through the forests as fast as he could looking for enemies, flash-stepping to go even faster when his spirit power was at its maximum. Then, he saw a faint shadow through the trees and slowed down to see the encroaching danger. It looked to be a samurai. Kisuke: What are you doing all the way out here samurai? Jubei: I'm looking for CL, you? Kisuke: I'm looking for FIF. Jubei: I met up with your friend Rukia a way back. She's also looking for CL, but we haven't had any luck. Don't bother checking the South side. Rukia's there now, but she hasn't turned up anything. Kisuke: Thanks for the tip samurai, I'll keep searching, I hope it's not in vain. Good luck to you though. Jubei: To you as well Death God. --- Captain Ukitake finally overcame his illness and stalked the moon-lit village. He honed in on his victim, Sinistral, who was walking near the shore. Ukitake flash-stepped out onto the water. Sinistral stopped in his tracks when the lightning sprang seemingly out of nowhere and illuminated the powerful Captain on the water's surface. Ukitake didn't even need to see his victim, he just stared into the infinite horizon. Ukitake: I'm sorry it's come to this. Bankai! Sinistral dodged the amazing Attack though! Ukitake couldn't believe his eyes. He walked back onto the shore where the stunned Sinistral stood gazing at the powerful Captain. Ukitake: Forgive my hasty Attack, but there seems to be no harm done. You remind me of a Death God I once knew. Do you mind if I tell you about him? Sinistral looked around, then swallowed hard. "No, go right ahead." --- Wally West was running through some areas in the Western woods, but heard a strange mechanical sound. He ducked behind a tree and a group of odd-looking robots rushed past him. He thought they must have missed him, so he stealthily ran into a nearby cathedral. He listened through the wall for any similar sounds. ???: Well, the Tachikomas did their job. They flushed you out of those woods. Now it's my turn. The voice came from the rooftop above a crystal skylight. The shadowed figure majestically jumped through the glass and landed gracefully onto the Cathedral's floor next to him. The Major: I've got you now! She fired shot after shot, but Wally West evaded them all. The Major emptied an entire clip at him, but none hit. He was only slightly winded. Then he heard the same sounds from before. Those strange robots, the Tachikomas she called them, came from every direction! Wally West saw them coming and also noticed an odd symbol in the top-right corner of his vision. It was like a face. A laughing face. No matter which way he looked he couldn't shake that strange symbol. It distracted him enough to let his attackers get the upper-hand. He was now surrounded and they all fired missiles at him at once. He didn't stand a chance. The Major left his mutilated body and ran purposefully out of the Cathedral and into the night. --- Captain Shunsui decided he'd had enough of chasing his sexy lieutenant around. But he hadn't had enough saké. He decided to share some with the first person he found. He heard some huffing and puffing and around the corner came a striding Prof. Templeton. Shunsui: Care to join me for a drink? Prof. Templeton: uh, well... sure, why not? I could use it. --- Grimmjow waited, hovering in the Night sky. Impatiently he kept loose, ready to destroy his target at a moment's notice. Grimmjow: Hey Mekal! Mekal looked up, squinting. Grimmjow: Eat this! A blast of Red Cero burst from Grimmjow's fist. It accelerated toward the earth and completely annihilated everything in a 50 foot radius including it's target, Mekal, who had completely vanished. --- Bb came rushing into the Chamber that has been shrouded in mystery for the battle. He ran up to his Master and knelt as if he were a knight. Aizen sat in his thrown with Inoue at his side. Aizen: Ah, my new pet. How was tonight? Bb: Excellent Master. All has been done as you ordered. Aizen nodded in approval. "Then there is just one thing left to do." Before Bb could look up all he saw were his guts on the floor and it looked as if Aizen had not even moved. The loss of blood triggered a sense of realization in Bb's mind. Bb: My blood? My life! Inoue, help me! I'm dying, help me! Aizen (smirking): Inoue? What will you do? Inoue: I'm sorry Brandonb. Master Aizen has forbid me from helping you tonight. Bb: What? No ...way.. Bb fell to the ground, lifeless. Inoue made a motion to run over, but with a quick look at Aizen she steadied herself. Aizen: He is an enemy I no longer care to see here Inoue. However, you may go help any others who asked for your service. What excitement would there be without any adversaries? --- Inoue rushed through Soul Society tracking her friend down who's soul's was nearly extinguished. She restored Wally West. Then she ran for her life in the hopes that Aizen would never find her again. But for whatever reason, it felt like he was watching her, even now. And smiling. Wally West struggled to his feet. "Well, I'm glad I'm still alive, but there's a gap in my memory. Something about a Laughing Man. I just can't remember." --- Recruiter: Toushiro 1) JS -DEAD (killed by Gaara) 2) Prof. Templeton 3) Mekal -DEAD (killed by Grimmjow) 4) Prince Marth - DEAD (killed by Aizen) 5) GC 6) woon 7) CrazyPainter - DEAD (killed by Chad and Ishida) 8) Cherry Lane 9) FIF 10) PG -DEAD (executed and found to be Gaara) 11) Brandonb -DEAD (killed by Aizen) 12) Sinistral 13) Kat 14) Wally West 15) dawh 16) Laharl -DEAD (executed and found to be Ichigo) 17) sweetness kat Night 1 Day 1 Night 2 Day 2
  4. itachi-san

    I remember you! The one who solves all my riddles instantly Welcome back! Oh and btw, it's not fair to say you studied abroad and not mention the place, now I'm curious...
  5. I've got about half of the pms in.
  6. Waiter: I've got stewed liver, boiled tongue and frog's legs. Customer: Don't tell me your problems. Give me the menu card. Waiter: "Tea or coffee, gentlemen?" 1st customer: "I'll have tea." 2nd customer: "Me, too - and be sure the cup is clean!" Waiter instructs the cook: "Two cups of tea, with one in a clean cup." Soldier: "Sir, we are surrounded by the enemies" Major: "Excellent ! We can now attack in any direction!!" really corny ahead: be warned Q: What did the religious carrot say to the greens? A: Lettuce pray Q: What did the ocean say to the shore? A: Nothing, it just waved. Q: Why can't blonds make ice cubes? A: They forget the recipe Q: Why did the blond think staring at the OJ would help? A: It said concentrate Q: Why are infantry soldiers so tired on April 1st? A: Because they have just finished a thirty-one day March. Q: What did the gangster's son tell his dad when he failed his exam? A: Dad they questioned me for 3 hours but I never told them anything, I swear.
  7. i'm guessing a telescope or a Bunsen burner
  8. lol is any of this even close?
  9. I know, I know! It was...Did you actually highlight this?
  10. They both will gradually pull troops out of Iraq and put them in Afghanistan, in fact, it's already happening. As for the economy they do a lot of talking, but what money are they going to use? Also, the President doesn't decide these things. Congress does, so whatever plan each of them proposes will get modified to the point that it won't matter which one of them wrote it. This is exactly the problem. It's a system of thinking that has been instilled in us that we must vote for one or the other and not recognize candidates who are are not supported by the wealthy. If we continue down this cycle we will never break out of this pattern.
  11. What specifically will be different between the two of them? Also, I didn't say the election wasn't important. I'm saying I have no confidence in those candidates or the current system. I would agrue this is an important election to change our system, but everyone rushing to vote for McCain or Obama is just keeping the failed state alive.
  12. Actually, now I'm going to vote for a third party. I can't stand either of these 2 guys and I think the country will be pretty much the same no matter who wins. The only way to change things is for more and more people to keep voting for parties that aren't Rep or Dem. I think I'll just do that from now on. I'm really sick of these people. The only way we will get REAL change is to go to a 4 Party system like we were discussing earlier and voting is the only way to get there. I also like Bb's idea of no term-limits, but elections when an approval rating drops below a set limit. All that would set this country straight. Edit: I removed the word 'probably' because I'm definite
  13. itachi-san

    yeah that was a good one. i have a question though: also, Parkman's trip was super-sweet. It was exactly like Homer when he eats the Guatemalan Chili-Peppers and goes on a spirit quest. Homer's animal was even a turtle... lolz. So Parkman is Homer and Mohinder is the Fly... I love the show but can they do something original ever? It's like a Tarantino movie (great, but nothing original)
  14. I easily blame the ratio on society. All throughout school I was in top-level math and no class was even close to Y-San's 2:1. I would say more like 4:1. Now if I think about high-school, it was totally acceptable to be in the 'cool' group and get high grades for guys. But thinking about the girls in my HS, all the 'cool' ones were nowhere near the high-level classes, with slight exception, but it really was almost entirely. By 'cool' I mean went to the hot parties, popular, HS blah blah. I just remember though that as a guy, it was seen as really cool to be able to pull off high grades and party at the same time. Girls did not have that societal influence at all.
  15. Multiple people can face a riddle in any given day. Your example wouldn't be called though, it would have to be a very declarative claiming of a specific role. FYI-This extends to the Night (I should have added) so everyone can't just claim their roles right now before the Night without facing a challenge.
  16. Day 2: Landslide Bb kicked Laharl in the stomach and he dropped to his knees. Prof. Templeton sighed and wrapped a blindfold around his head. The rest of the Characters beat Laharl until he nearly lost conscious and then they threw him at the door of the Captains' Chamber. He slammed into the door and fell backwards onto the ground with a sickening thud. Renji rushed down the hall to find the source of the noise. Renji watched as the group walked away without even looking back. "You didn't deserve this buddy, but I have no choice." Laharl just gasped for air in response. Renji gently lifted him, wrapped his arm around his shoulders and helped him walk to his demise in a dignified manner. Toushiro: Oh wow, they chose him? If that's the case, I'll do it myself. I'll make it as painless as possible, though he sure took a beating today. Toushiro unsheathed his soul's sword. Ice began to rapidly form all around the room. He grabbed Laharl and flew out into the open air. After saying goodbye, Toushiro let the almost life-less body fall. Toushiro: Sit upon the frozen heavens, Ichigo. Recruiter: Toushiro 1) JS -DEAD (killed by Gaara) 2) Prof. Templeton 3) Mekal 4) Prince Marth - DEAD (killed by Aizen) 5) GC 6) woon 7) CrazyPainter - DEAD (killed by Chad and Ishida) 8) Cherry Lane 9) FIF 10) PG -DEAD (executed and found to be Gaara) 11) Brandonb 12) Sinistral 13) Kat 14) Wally West 15) dawh 16) Laharl -DEAD (executed and found to be Ichigo) 17) sweetness kat Night 1 Day 1 Night 2
  17. yeah lol, maybe i should just end this. i'll give Laharl about an hour to speak up. the way this looks, not enough people will be able to log on and change votes even if he does manage to do any convincing. so 1 more hour. and i don't mind ghost posts at all actually... as long as they don't give anything away.
  18. How so? People can now say/do whatever they want. Say for Instance PG claimed to be the Major. She would have been subjected to a riddle. The same as if she claimed to be Gaara, she would have been subjected to a riddle. I won't say whether the person is telling the truth or not. I will only include the outcome of the battle in the Day Post. The only thing the rule does is put a penalty (maybe) on outing yourself. You could always answer the riddle/puzzle and beat the Captain. This rule obviously only applies to people not being executed. So say Laharl manages to convince you all of his role in the next 2-3 hours. If he outs himself and everyone changes their votes to someone else, Laharl will have to answer a puzzle or die in addition to the Execution. Mekal: about 2-3 Hours left. Laharl: did you silently give up?
  19. hehe. I'd take it easy on first-time offenders, since it looks like Laharl may have to make some serious defensive posts soon. They wouldn't be 'What am I?'s, more like math, logic, series, riddles with definitely one answer.
  20. sure, yeah. anything is fine. forget what i said before. I think I have a new rule that works and will be in effect from now on. if any player reveals their role or exact abilities either to save themselves or to out someone else, they will have to fight a Captain in addition to the daily execution of someone else. Fighting will consist of answering a riddle of my choice, that will be done in pms. Note that the role they claim doesn't have to be accurate. if there is a problem with this that i'm not seeing please let me know. it allows for people to claim true or false identities. and any other hinting, prodding, accusing and calculating is totally fine. example of a post that will test you: "i am the major" or naming a particular characteristic that can only apply to one character like: "i can develop techniques to kill RC's" so from now on, anything goes. just be ready to answer some riddles if you get too bold
  21. Just to clarify, I don't mean to put the mute on anyone, by all means go at it with each other . I'm just agreeing with CL and GC's posts (edit: and now prof.s' post). I don't want to see: I'm Chad, I'm Gaara, I'm Major... post after post. I think we can all agree that that isn't a very fun way to play.
  22. Well, the Heroes lost the first 2 games because they recklessly killed each other in the first couple Nights and didn't use their Defenses. This game, it seems strategy finally sunk in As for being Host and introducing a rule, I think it's appropriate. I've never liked when people (including myself) feel forced into revealing their roles, whether it be good or bad. I think it sucks the fun out of the game. When I made this game, I specifically had that in mind, which is why I reveal so much in the Night Posts. So talk all you want and put people on the spot, but from now on and in future games (I'll make the rule in the OP next time) please don't start and/or continue a listing of everyone's exact identities. It's really no fun.
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