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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. of course. the first one got solved at part 8. actually, this part is a very revealing one to the whole if that helps any. hey, this came back by popular demand
  2. Day 2: An Artistic Ending Kat ran through the Forest. The ANBU special ops were hot on her trail, bouncing through the dense branches like pumas. Looking back, they actually did resemble animals with their protective face masks. They were the top trackers in the village and there were too many on her trail to lose them. Two more swooped in front of her path. ANBU Agent: You're not getting away Kat. Kat: We'll see. Hmph! Kat flexed her fists and shot out scatter bombs at the ANBU. In the midst of the confusion, she created a large clay bird, hopped on and took to the skies. She flew so fast, her movement was beyond sight, and before her trackers could prepare a counter-attack, she had already left the Forest area. Kat(looking back): Try to stop me now! Hah! Kat made it out to the Desert and hovered over a village below. It seemed she lost all her ANBU pursuers. Satisfied, she landed covertly, dissolved the bird, surveyed the area and began to make her getaway complete. She stealthily walked from alley to alley in the Desert village, but was startled by a noise from the roof of one of the houses. ANBU Agent: Not good enough, Kat, if that is your real name. Come with us or die. You're totally surrounded now. Kat: persistent... Hmmm. Easy choice. Since we're all gathered so close I've got the perfect idea. Kat's hand unveiled what looked like a clay statue of a warrior. "This is my finest creation. You know... art is something that's beauty lasts for only an instant and then vanishes. Much like a flower blooming, or in this case, you're dying faces." The ANBU agents took a hesitant step back, but they were well within range. Deidara took his enemies with him in a final cataclysmic explosion. When the smoke cleared all that was left was an enormous crater and one less Akatsuki member. Hokage: Tsunade 1) Puzzlegirl 2) Mekal -DEAD (executed and found to be Shikamaru) 3) Dawh 4) Prof. Templeton 5) Kat -DEAD (executed and found to be Deidara) 6) Prince Marth 7) Laharl 8) unreality 9) Joe's Student 10) woon 11) Panther 12) Cherry Lane 13) GC 14) Brandonb 15) FIF 16) Wally West 17) Sinistral Prologue Night 1 Night 1 Addendum Day 1 Night 2 Night 3 Starts now and ends once I get all the pms in. Also, please include your current stats (some people do already, so an extra thank you to them). I just want to make sure we all stay on the same page with those.
  3. Wow another close one! The Day will end in about 10 minutes... so Kat is doomed barring some quick change here. To answer a question posed before: the roles with ability to kill a correct Character were given at the very start and were random among the 3 teams.
  4. yeah, they have to be somewhat vague. I couldn't have this get solved after 2 parts now could I? Edit: Actually looking at it again, if you know the answer at least , it really isn't vague.
  5. haha, that was very coincidental. I think we had a cross-country thought-link for a moment.
  6. Quite an interesting Day! I'm just posting a reminder: 7 hours left.
  7. The auto-Defense is also a "cannot be found one" similar to Training.
  8. Guessing at Y sorry for the multiple guesses, but I'm off for a while.
  9. itachi-san

    EDITED OUT for personal space. Again, sorry. This is a cool game, it just fills up attachment allowance too fast. Snake? Snake!? SnaAaaAAAAaakkKKKEEEE!!!!!!!
  10. Night 2: A Close Call by the Cliffs Kat walked dangerously near the edge of the Cliffs without care. She knew she was being followed. Before her attacker could strike she leapt over the side. The nearby woods swayed with motion. Two sets of eyes shone in the darkness of the dense foliage. Suddenly, Kat reappeared and jumped high in the air. She landed back on solid ground and rushed her pursuers. Sai readied his brush, but Kat was approaching fast. He quickly painted something and curled the scroll up near his feet on the ground. Sai raised his hands to make a concentration signal before his steady face. Sai: Ninja-Art: Snake Binding Kicking the scroll open, Sai let it unfurl and the paintings of three snakes lay facing upward. The snakes suddenly moved as if alive and sprung onto Kat. They wrapped around her body tightly to the point where she couldn't move. Having his enemy totally immobilized, Sai walked out from his cover to distract her. --- Sasori hunted down his prey through the Forest for hours. He began to get extremely frustrated and in a rush summoned his favorite Human Puppet, the former 3rd Kazekage of the Sand Village. Sasori: I hate waiting and making others wait. I'm going to add you to my collection Wally West! Do you hear me?! Sasori went on a rampage ripping apart a substantial portion of the Forest, but Wally West was nowhere to be found. --- Kisame swam downstream underwater in the River looking for Prince Marth. He got aggravated knowing his target was so close, yet he could not find him. He burst out to reveal himself, readying his hand-signs for an attack. Kisame: Prince Marth! Show yourself! Marth happened to be near the River and heard the fool shouting at the top of his lungs. He ducked next to a large tree, and lay flat against it, listening to his enemy yell. Kisame: I am the great Hoshikage Kisame! Nobody ignores me! Come out now! ... I am the great ______ ... oh, I mean, Kisame, I am Kisame and you will die by my sword tonight! Marth: So that's who you are? Hmm. Thanks for the tip hothead. Maybe you should cool off some more in that River. Kisame thought he heard a mocking laugh from the direction behind him, but when he turned, Marth could not be found. --- Back by the Cliffs, Kat stared down Sai in pure anger. Angry that she got caught, angry that she couldn't break free. Sai: Struggling is pointless Kat. That's a powerful binding technique you're in. ???: Having trouble? Sai looked over at his new ally, well an ally for the moment anyway. Sand surrounded Kat and then quickly covered her from head to toe. Gaara: Desert Coffin! The combination of techniques exploded Kat's body, but to Sai and Gaara's discontent it was merely a clone! Sai(putting on a fake smile): If only someone else had stopped by we would have seen through this... Gaara: Don't look at me with that fox-face. I'd just assume kill you as anyone. I'm only here for Naruto. I owe him a great debt. I don't owe you anything. With that, Gaara disappeared in a swirl of sand. Sai dropped the smile and wondered. "I did just what the book said... I guess I'm just easy to hate..." --- Hokage: Tsunade 1) Puzzlegirl 2) Mekal -DEAD (executed and found to be Shikamaru) 3) Dawh 4) Prof. Templeton 5) Kat 6) Prince Marth 7) Laharl 8) unreality 9) Joe's Student 10) woon 11) Panther 12) Cherry Lane 13) GC 14) Brandonb 15) FIF 16) Wally West 17) Sinistral Prologue Night 1 Night 1 Addendum Day 1 Day 2 begins now! It will end in 24 hours.
  11. OK, we're just waiting on a few people. It's about 24 hours btw, but I'm gonna be afk for a while, so you late people get a pass... though Tsunade's got a good memory Try to get those pms in or I'll just have you use your Defenses when I get back and write the Night Post. Edit: I pm reminded the late people
  12. itachi-san

    Do You YouTube?

    Well if that's the worst, this is the best: You can see when he becomes one with the bear. Every bear he's fought has shown respect to the roundhouse kick. What they left out was that the bear walked off and died from internal injury. Don't worry though, Chuck used every part
  13. itachi-san

    EDITED OUT: I've got to pull out of this game and I'm removing my images. My attachment space filled up. Sorry. I haven't used GIMP in a while so I just opened the area up. If someone can provide a quick answer: what's the easiest way to make a reflection of Barney in the water? Edit: seeing as how I don't have the source layer to use
  14. Part 2: Continue to Part 3
  15. This riddle will be given in many parts and has to involve a few rules based on our BrainDenizens' instinctual sense of justice and honesty The rules may seem odd, but they are necessary and were successful the first go around! Same rules (pretty much) as before: 1) Do not under any circumstance right down or copy onto another file any of the parts of this riddle. 2) Do not reply to any parts of the riddle in this topic. If this is done, I will ask that that part of your post be removed. 3) Only answer the visible part of the riddle. Answers to previous parts will be asked to be removed. 4) After at least 5 guesses are given to each part of the riddle, that given part will magically disappear 5) Therefore you will have to base your deductions on the answers posters have given, whether they be right or wrong 6) Even if a correct answer is not given, I will erase that particular part if there are at least 5 guesses 7) You may only guess once for each part 8) At any point, if someone guesses the entire riddle, then game over, you win! Part 1: Continue to Part 2 Conitnue to Entire Riddle
  16. guess again I haven't even gotten half of 'em. It's Monday though, so no worries. Get 'em in when you can everyone.
  17. So I finally saw those bonus eps. of Baccano! they were sweet, but they coulda used some Ladd craziness. The mechanic guy was cool though. Naruto Shippuuden and Bleach are FINALLY finished with their fillers! The Bleach one was really really bad <_< Y-San or anyone who's seen Gray-man: now that it's over, is it worth seeing? I couldn't get into it, but maybe it gets better...
  18. Some may be successful kills and some may not if a bunch of people Attack someone. All successful Kills will get the bonus. So if 2 people Attack and they both get the Kill, they both get 25 points randomly added.
  19. During the Day, all that is required is a vote and something substantial put into words. Just once in 24 hours. Preferably a lot of chatter would be nice, but only once in 24 hours during the Day is required.
  20. He just lost a Defense. There is no mandate on his Actions tonight.
  21. yeah, thanks! I'll do that from now on. It should look right now. The weird thing is that it looked fine to me... I don't get that.
  22. Day 1: Punishment and Crime Tsunade walked down to Konoha's torture chambers. She heard three distinct screams as she descended the stairs accompanied by her assistant and protegé, Shizune. The screams would not be of physical torment, but of mental despair. She had Konoha's finest interrogator, the Jounin-rank shinobi Ibiki, working the three over. He never had to lay a hand on anyone. His words were always torture enough. She opened the door into the circular interrogation room and sat. The ANBU special ops. surrounded the arcing wall and watched the central stage where the three defendants were put to the question. Tsunade: Which one is the mute? Ibiki pointed toward Prince Marth. He shook with fear as Tsunade rose and approached him: slow step after slow step until she stood right before him. She lifted one hand and a light began to emanate from Marth's chest. The light condensed into a sphere and left his body. The sphere was absorbed into Tsunade's open palm. Tsunade: For your inactivity today, I've taken one of your Defenses. Now get out of here while you still can! One of the ANBU ninja simultaneously appeared next to Marth, slashed the ropes binding him and they both disappeared in a quick flash of light and smoke. Tsunade walked over to the two remaining ninja. "Which one Ibiki?" Ibiki: Him. He's using the name Mekal, but I pried out his identity before you arrived. You're not going to be pleased Hokage-sama. (Ibiki whispered the name into Tsuande's ear) Tsunade: It is what it is Ibiki. We're going to have to have cold hearts until this ordeal is over and I can't afford having bungling ninjas on my squads. With speed faster than sight, she raised her heeled-shoe and with deadly accuracy let it crash down on the defenseless Mekal. All that was left was a crater and tiny wisps of smoke. Tsunade looked down at the mess with grief. The remaining prisoner Panther began to chatter his teeth in fear. Tsunade: Sayonara Shikamaru... And you! Panther! Don't ever let me catch you down here again! --- Hokage: Tsunade 1) Puzzlegirl 2) Mekal -DEAD (executed and found to be Shikamaru) 3) Dawh 4) Prof. Templeton 5) Kat 6) Prince Marth 7) Laharl 8) unreality 9) Joe's Student 10) woon 11) Panther 12) Cherry Lane 13) GC 14) Brandonb 15) FIF 16) Wally West 17) Sinistral Prologue Night 1 Night 1 Addendum Night 2 begins now and ends when I get all of your pms.
  23. Hokage: Tsunade 1) Puzzlegirl - voting for unreality 2) Mekal 3) Dawh - voting for unreality 4) Prof. Templeton voting for Panther 5) Kat - voting for Mekal 6) Prince Marth 7) Laharl - Panther 8) unreality - voting for Mekal 9) Joe's Student - voting for unreality 10) woon - voting for Wally West 11) Panther 12) Cherry Lane - voting for Panther 13) GC - voting for Mekal 14) Brandonb - voting for Mekal 15) FIF - voting for Mekal 16) Wally West - voting for Panther 17) Sinistral - voting for Panther This is the final voting tally. The Day is now over. I'll need some time to think about the best course of action in a tie. Edit: it's funny how neither of them voted, so I can't use that to sway the vote since they would cancel out... Edit 2: I'll leave it up to fate (with the toss of a coin - old school ABR-style)
  24. itachi-san

    This is a great idea! I need to brush up on my Photoshopping skills though (not that I ever had any ). I do have GIMP for Linux though. If I get a chance to play around with the program, I'll play for sure.
  25. Hokage: Tsunade 1) Puzzlegirl - voting for unreality 2) Mekal 3) Dawh - voting for unreality 4) Prof. Templeton voting for unreality 5) Kat - voting for Mekal 6) Prince Marth 7) Laharl 8) unreality - voting for Mekal 9) Joe's Student - voting for unreality 10) woon - voting for Wally West 11) Panther 12) Cherry Lane - voting for Panther 13) GC - voting for Mekal 14) Brandonb - voting for Mekal 15) FIF - voting for Mekal 16) Wally West - voting for Panther 17) Sinistral - voting for Panther polls close in about an hour! Wow, this is tight. Where are the 3 defendants? Edit: in fairness, unreality said he'd be out, so where are the other 2 defendants?
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