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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. Yeah, the debates have been disappointing. I actually think the moderator was totally fair though, which was good. Once again, I didn't hear anything new (except one thing) - I was really shocked to hear Biden say he was anti gay marriage and that Obama was as well. I thought that was a big Democratic ideal? Did anyone else find that surprising?
  2. Has anyone heard about the moderator? She wrote a pro-Obama book which will be released on election day. This means she has a vested interest of Obama winning worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. I can't believe they didn't replace her. Of course, she could moderate the debate fairly, it has yet to be seen. I actually doubt she will be biased, but her interests should have disqualified her IMO. As for predictions, I have no idea. I feel like it's going to be up to Palin to make or break herself. And judging from her past, she could easily do either. Apparently she blew people away debating for Governor, but then she looked foolish talking to Katey Kourich, so I have no idea how she is going to do. I think Biden just needs to play it safe. I think if the Democrats play it safe from now on, they got this election locked.
  3. No. Bush is the worst public speaker ever. I don't particularly like using sound bites as incriminating evidence, because they all must be exhausted, which is another reason to shorten this extremely long and painful election process. I'm just throwing more fuel in the fire. Biden's comment was pretty bad though; it was obvious he was thinking clearly. He's made a few crazy/inaccurate comments, but they have been overshadowed by Palin's.
  4. My Sharingan eye sees all
  5. Part 6: Continue to Part 7 Edit: guesses for the entire riddle can be given at any time
  6. I believe in keeping the Earth as clean as we can. I believe in environmentalism, it's just the lobbying environmentalists that I don't believe in there's a lot of things they do that block important legislature. One big thing though is Global Warming aka manbearpig. The sun causes most of it because it's getting hotter. Sure we should make sure everything we do is clean, but to put the blame on the US and then use that for political expedience is unacceptable. Then there's the Anwar drilling issue, which I find hard to believe is even an issue, and there's the nuclear issue which is also rediculous. The US will not become energy independent if we don't start using nuclear power. There's a ton of issues I don't agree with environmentalists on. Also, Palin is dropping in my esteem. I saw her recent interviews with katey Kurich and they were bad. Palin couldn't name one thing McCain had fought for reform on. It's not that he hasn't, he has, but she couldn't name any? As VP she should know all about her running mate and his past deeds. And then she was asked to name a controversial decision that the Supreme Court made and she couldn't even name one. How can a Gov. of any state (or any politician) not be able to name a controversial SC ruling? I can name a few without even thinking too hard. Her lack of knowledge is totally unacceptable to me. So I contrast this with Biden think FDR went on television to talk about the stock market crash in 1929 and Obama saying he visited 57 states and had 2 more to go and I get 3 rejects... Also, McCain totally blew it on the Bailout. He should have stuck to his guns and changed the whole bill with the alternative insurance plan. But instead he caved, looked weak, and showed up to the debate after he said he wouldn't. He lost a lot of credibility with me too. Some Maverick ...make that 4 rejects. If he had played his cards right with this bailout, I think he would have been a shoo-in for Pres. now I think Obama's got it wrapped up. It's all very discouraging. I just hope the winner can overcome this despicable election and do some good.
  7. I can't resist that enthusiasm I'll expand the game so that you and Laharl can play. The more players the more mayhem after all I'll keep Ben Law on the Backup block though because he sounded like he couldn't play. Correct me if I'm wrong Ben. Recruiter: ??? 1) JS 2) Prof. Templeton 3) Mekal 4) Prince Marth 5) GC 6) woon 7) CrazyPainter 8) Cherry Lane 9) FIF 10) PG 11) Brandonb 12) Sinistral 13) Kat 14) Wally West 15) dawh 16) Laharl 17) sweetness kat Backups: 18) Ben Law
  8. Stud Tires Out British Left Waffles on Falkland Islands Soviet Virgin Lands Short of Goal Again Shot Off Woman's Leg Helps Golfer hit for Par If Strike isn't Settled Quickly, It May Last a While British Union Finds Dwarfs in Short Supply Air Head Fired Watch Thief Faces Time Some Pieces of Van Gogh Sold at Auction for the Needy Mayor Says D.C. Is Safe Except For Murders Snow blower for sale...only used on snowy days. Free puppies: 1/2 Labrador Retriever 1/2 sneaky neighbor's dog Hummel's largest selection ever "if it's in stock, we have it!" Lawyer Says Client Is Not That Guilty. Alzheimer's Center Prepares For An Affair To Remember Gas Cloud Clears Out Taco Bell. Harrisburg Postal Employees Gun Club Members Meet Legislator Wants Tougher Death Penalty Fried Chicken Cooked In Microwave Wins Trip After Detour To California Shuttle Returns To Earth Woman Improving After Fatal Crash Properly Drafted Will Reduces Anxiety After Death Experts Increase Probability Of Big Quake in California Lansing Residents Can Drop Off Trees Messiah Climaxes In Chorus Of Hallelujahs
  9. itachi-san

    Pirate Mafia

    That point system is really cool Sinistral!
  10. enunciate would have been a better choice, but either one is acceptable.
  11. Just because we don't agree on politics, doesn't mean I'm thoughtless <_< 0) one thing I've noticed from my own experience is that the people voting liberal this election are much more mean-spirited about this issue. NBC fired Olberman and Mathews from their shows because their hatred was so obvious viewers couldn't stand it. I've seen people like Sean Hannity talk. Hannity is a die-hard Republican, but he never wishes harm on people. There are always liberal articles saying how much they want McCain or Bush to die. Things of that nature. I haven't seen anything like that come from conservative writers. If there is, please show me. This is a very ugly election and I can't wait for it to just be over now. I'm just hoping whoever gets elected does the right things, but it's hard to trust that either will. 1) don't worry about the stars. this clearly isn't a 1 * topic. It's an important discussion and has generated a lot of responses 2) i don't agree with the killing of the wolves, but to think she goes out of her way to painfully slaughter them is silly. The whole idea is based on a stupid environmentalist ideal to keep species in check. I say, let nature be. If a species goes extinct, it goes extinct. That's been happening well before we evolved. 3) on another note: pretty much everything environmentalists do now-a-days is just silly and detrimental in my book. 4) and on another note: how can I argue with a modern-day Ben Franklin? 5) furthermore: there is an alternative to the 700 B$ Bailout NBC's version This article struck me as funny because NBC is very liberal. They once again make the thoughtful Republicans look like fools in this matter when the Bailout was actually a horrible, socialistic idea. In addition to that, the Democrats could have passed the bailout themselves, but they don't want to be the only ones voting for it because they know it's a failure. Wow, I'm so fed-up with our govt.
  12. Part 5: Continue to Part 6
  13. both links are in the first post. welcome aboard!
  14. Actually, there have been plenty of correct answers so far The basic point of this riddle is to not just guess the individual components, but use what others have guessed and try to filter out what doesn't fit for the whole answer. If the same answer appears more than once, then it is probably a good choice to keep, but not always. If you think someone's answer to a part is correct, then re-post that answer and it will hopefully help in the long run.
  15. Is this dying or should I move on? there's only 4 guesses for part 4. 1 more and I'll add a section
  16. itachi-san

    Pirate Mafia

    Great Game! and lolz at my final Pirate act. I just couldn't resist taking Slick out.
  17. Thanks for stickin up for me GC. crimsonghost is no more so let's all forget about it.
  18. Can you stop please??? You're a very annoying person (whoever you are). You initiated pming me, I responded by asking you to stop pming me, which you wouldn't do and kept it up and up until I had to block you... similar to how you are now behaving on this thread... So I'll ask now that you stop posting detrimental posts onto my threads. Feel free to post something of value, but I will not tolerate being insulted. Ask yourself who is immature here: 1) you: the person who pms me antagonizing me with this remarkable secret of what your identity could be and then continues to pm me despite me asking that you stop several times. or 2) me: the one who gets annoyed by you
  19. itachi-san

    I love it! My 2 favorite characters unite! Sylar + Bennet = me being extremely excited about this season Domesticate Sylar? :lol: :lol:
  20. Get to tha Chopin! Do it Now!
  21. lol, no, but it was a good'n
  22. Lack of brains hinders research New Vaccine May Contain Rabies Safety Experts Say School Bus Passengers Should Be Belted Two convicts evade noose, jury hung Is There a Ring of Debris around Uranus? Autos killing 110 a day, let's resolve to do better NJ judge to rule on nude beach Chef Throws His Heart into Helping Feed Needy Arson Suspect Held in Massachusetts Fire Bank Drive-in Window Blocked by Board House passes gas tax onto senate Dealers will hear car talk at noon Two Soviet ships collide - one dies Deaf murder suspect gets new hearing in court Dr. Ruth to talk about sex with newspaper editors
  23. itachi-san

    Pirate Mafia

    Nah, they were rum. You might want to spit out whatever it is you're drinking.
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