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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. I'll leave the player's name anonymous (so no one uses it as a hint), but a special thanks to him/her anyway I was pm'd a rule addition that won't change anything that's happened and I think will improve the game. Basically, if you get a successful Kill, you get a random 25 point boost to one of your Powers. It is completely random though, so if that Power is already maxed out at 100, you don't get anything. Since everyone lived last Night there is no problem implementing this rule, and it gives an added incentive for some Action
  2. I've seen all your posts you're one of, if not the most, active player here. I'm glad to have you aboard
  3. 3 hours left! If you're a non-voter and/or a non-talker you will lose a Defense based on my discretion. Think about it: you joined a game and had 24 hours to say or do something. Edit: Laharl and PM, I'm looking in your directions
  4. Night 1 Addendum: Shikamaru's Wisdom Shikamaru practically sleep-walked all day. "I can't believe Kat wasn't where I thought she would be. How could I... have been... so.. THERE SHE IS!" Kat came running by and froze in her tracks. She was bound by her shadow! She followed the trail over to a guy nonchalantly leaning against a nearby wall. Shikamaru: Gotcha! ...finally. Don't worry, I'm not much of a killer. However, I do have something for you. Kat: ..what? I guess I have no choice but to hear you out. Shikamaru: hehe, alright then.. riddle me this... Kat: Um, well, hmm... Kat stood there for a while trying to answer the clever Shikamaru's riddle. She stood there so long she didn't even realize he left a while ago and she was no longer bound to the ground. She stood there so long she even forgot what she did last last night! Hokage: Tsunade 1) Puzzlegirl 2) Mekal 3) Dawh 4) Prof. Templeton 5) Kat 6) Prince Marth 7) Laharl 8) unreality 9) Joe's Student 10) woon 11) Panther 12) Cherry Lane 13) GC 14) Brandonb 15) FIF 16) Wally West 17) Sinistral Prologue Night 1
  5. Well, I just sent it to you Also, the outcome will be posted in an Addendum to the Night Post. It's not to put anyone on the spot, it actually is necessary information because answered correctly: all is well for you, answered incorrectly: your Actions last Night are nullified. Edit: just so it's easy to find - both Shikamaru and Orochimaru have riddling capabilities.
  6. OK, Kat is now back I'm going to re-pm her role along with Shikarmaru's riddle The voting ends in 7 hours so there's plenty of time for her to defend herself. Thanks Kat.
  7. dude... ok, you're off the roster, but there's no coming back and please don't post anything else on this thread. This is not personal, so please don't take it that way, it's just that you have information now and it's important you don't post any of it. ...still looking for a replacement who can last longer than 1 hour
  8. Hokage: Tsunade 1) Puzzlegirl 2) Mekal 3) Dawh 4) Prof. Templeton 5) Sparanda 6) Prince Marth 7) Laharl 8) unreality 9) Joe's Student 10) woon 11) Panther 12) Cherry Lane 13) GC 14) Brandonb 15) FIF 16) Wally West 17) Sinistral Sparanda has taken over for Kat.
  9. For the record we still need a replacement for Kat. She escaped Shikamaru's riddle (it would have been an easy one anyway). I won't put it on the person who fills in.
  10. Night 1: The Leaves Stir in Konoha Tsunade stopped in mid-pace while she walked back and forth in her chambers. Night was approaching fast. "I hope they all started training. Akatsuki could make their move any moment." She walked outside and leaned against the railing, over-looking Konoha. "I won't let this village be over-run by those villains." ???:Neither will I. Tsunade was startled, but showed no signs of it. There were only two people who could sneak up on her and if it was the other one, she'd be dead already. Tsunade: Sure Jiraiya... Maybe if the hot springs are empty and there aren't any girls for you to ogle. Jiraiya: Hmph. Some welcome. I was merely doing some research for my best-selling books. Tsunade: *sigh* the romance novels? Jiraiya turned his back in disgust. "As if you'd know fine literature if you saw it!" He was only mockingly annoyed; there were much bigger issues to deal with and they both knew it. He put on a serious look again. "So, you've heard?" Tsunade: I've already sent our eight finest shinobi out to intercept them. I hope your student's got the control you claim... Jiraiya: Naruto needs some training, but he's more powerful than even me... if he focuses that is. Jiraiya joined her by the railing. They both stared out into the night sky. "So it begins. Akatsuki and Orochimaru. I knew this day would come. Let's hope the village is ready... It feels like everyone is training hard tonight. How about we get some saké in us while we can?" Tsunade: Heh. Sounds good to me. But not everyone is training... --- The sound of the river made it difficult to hear footsteps, but Shikamaru could track down anyone. He didn't need sound. But on a Night like this he finally realized his efforts were futile and stopped under the billowing clouds. Shikamaru: There's nobody here... Why did I even bother? And it looks like it's about to rain. *long-drawn-out sigh* This is too troublesome, I'm heading back. Where could Kat be? I really thought I would find her. --- Hokage: Tsunade 1) Puzzlegirl 2) Mekal 3) Dawh 4) Prof. Templeton 5) Kat 6) Prince Marth 7) Laharl 8) unreality 9) Joe's Student 10) woon 11) Panther 12) Cherry Lane 13) GC 14) Brandonb 15) FIF 16) Wally West 17) Sinistral Prologue Day 1 starts now and ends in 24 hours. I thought this might happen: no info from the Night Post Have fun!
  11. No worries Kat. The rules even confused me a couple times I think we need replacements for Kat and FIF. Thanks for stepping in unreality! It's going to be awesome having the Mafia-master in the ABR
  12. Editing to OP: Just to clarify, Special Powers cannot be used 2 Nights in a row. They basically take the place of Ability.
  13. DOES ANYBODY READING THIS WANT TO JOIN? - I don't feel like scouting cp is out and needs to be replaced
  14. A couple of things about waiting since 24 hours is approaching. If some people delay too long (I'll give them another 10 hours or so - but only for this First Night) they will automatically use 1 of their Defenses. If it happens Night 2, they get replaced. Similar with voting. The voting cycle lasts 24 hours pretty exactly. If you don't vote once, it's forgiven. If you miss a second vote it's automatic replacement. Nothing personal, just making sure inactives don't harm the game. If there is an Inactive on your Team with BTSC, let me know also. And on another note, I have almost all of the pms now. Edit: on second thought, since I almost have all of them, I'll wait 4 more hours from this Post to release the first Night Post
  15. Neji can see each person's chakra. I didn't really make it clear, but if Neji does, then he only sees 1 type. I'll add that to the OP. It also applies with possible clues in the Night Posts. And it also applies to certain terrain. I.E. Kisame is extremely Water oriented, which is why he is a powerhouse if he's fighting by the River.
  16. Keeping everyone updated: I've gotten 9/17 Night pms far. So, we're half-way there.
  17. Here's the answer to a question that came up in pms, which I'll post here and fix in the OP. Training comes before anything else in the Night. In other words you get the benefits of your Training immediately. Edit: I also altered Hidan's Power from 50,50,0 to 50,25,25. That was a typo. Sorry Hidan
  18. If he chooses, Orochimaru will send an offer to either Akatsuki or Konoha. Then I will need pms from every living member of that faction he chooses. If the majority says 'yes' then they all benefit because Orochimaru's Group and his new Ally cannot hurt each other at Night. If the majority says 'no' then Orochimaru will be outed. It's a big gamble, but Orochimaru and his new Allies may feel it's an easier path to victory.
  19. 1) They are Ability, Chakra (Attack), Attribute - I'll color-code them to match, I forgot. 2) The Special Power kicks in if you max Ability and Attribute 3) Attribute is not automatic. It is the probability equivalent to it's number. So if Hidan has 50 Attribute, then there is 1/2 chance he will give away his ID. (Assuming his Attack failed) Edit: for #2 this is an incentive to keep training if you maximize your Attacks. It's also an incentive to build your Attributes from the start. I made this part of the game since I figured it would be too easy to just train to get to 100 Attack efficiency and not worry about the Attribute part.
  20. I forgot to add that Night 1 starts now Everyone needs to pm me an action (Attack, Defend, Train) and then any specifics that go along with those 3 options. Panther, if you'll be back within 24 hours you're fine. If more, let me know.
  21. Prologue: Encroaching Danger The Hidden Leaf Village, Konoha, had dispersed it's elite ANBU trackers to every border of the Fire Country. They were given specific instructions to stop anyone wearing a black robe with a red cloud pattern. These intruders were most likely from Akatsuki, an underground group of S-class criminal ninja, who had recently set their sights on Konoha. All they wanted was the Kyuubi inside Naruto, but they would wipe out the entire village without even thinking twice. One group of eight ANBU shinobi waited in ambush at the Western border with the Desert. One of the ninja thought he saw two figures approaching in the distance. They sent word via carrier pigeon back to their leader, the current Hogake, Princess Tsunade. The two men kept their approach steady as the ANBU prepared an ambush. Minutes later all the ANBU agents lie dead and the two Akatsuki continued their purposeful walk toward Konoha. --- By the Northern border an ANBU squad awaited another Akatsuki pair. From the looks of it, they appeared to be former Konoha ninja, Uchiha Itachi and the Monster of the Hidden Mist, Hoshikage Kisame. The ANBU began to feel dizzy and their weapons fell from their hands. Itachi: Go to sleep. All of you. --- The Eastern border was breached as well. Two Akatsuki members, still unknown to Konoha appeared. The area was protected by a fortified gate; a gate no one would have thought could be so easily destroyed. The gate was crushed in an instant. All the elite ANBU watched in awe as the two Akatsuki members walked in over the remains of the gate. Hidan: Hmm. There doesn't seem to be anyone here willing to convert to my faith... Kakuzu: The Jinchuuriki isn't here either... Hidan: Well, let's make some sacrifices before we continue on to Konoha. I've been itching to fight since we set off on this mission. --- Back in Konoha, the top-rank carrier birds flew in one after the other. Tsunade leaned back in her chair. Tsunade: We've got a problem Shizune. A big one. Shizune: Umm... well.. Tsunade: Don't just stand around! Akatsuki is invading our village from all fronts! Also... it seems Orochimaru has used this time to mobilize against us as well. Get all the information we have on these people to our top ninjas and send out Team Kakashi in the lead! This is bad, but it's also our chance to wipe the villains off the earth! Go! Shizune ran from the room in fear of her Master's wrath, but Tsunade calmly turned her chair to look through her windows, out onto her village. "I may have to take action after all." she thought discontentedly. --- Shizune gathered a team of eight of the most powerful shinobi in Konoha. She gave them the report on everyone's abilities, wished them luck and ordered them to disperse. The Mission Profile read: The Villains: Akatsuki - win by killing everyone else, unless a contract is signed with Orochimaru. Each Akatsuki pair has BTSC. Itachi - Wiped out the entire Uchiha clan except for his little brother, who he left alive to avenge him, and left Konoha to join Akatsuki in hopes of achieving more power. Partners with Kisame. Ability: Sharingan - Itahi will learn the ID of whoever he kills with the Sharingan. Chakra: Fire natured. Attribute: Humility - Itachi is extremely arrogant and will expose his name to his victim if he opts not to kill them. Special Power: Mangekou Sharingan - Can manipulate one person's entire Night Actions and then get a successful kill on them. This will be ineffective against Hidan and other Sharingan users if they have activated the Mangekou. Defense: One time he will not be able to be found while performing an unexpected mission from Akatsuki's Leader. Another he will use a Shadow Clone. Kisame - The Monster of the Hidden Mist and former leader of the Seven Swords. Partners with Itachi Ability: Samheda - Kisame's great sword will lower every one of his victims powers by 25 for their encounter, then he will attack. Chakra: Water natured Attribute: Calmness - Kisame has a mean temper. If he gets angry he will reveal his role. Special Power: Sucks all of the Chakra from his opponent for the entire Night and he will attack after. Defense: 2 Water Clones Deidara - Thinks destruction is art and that art is beauty that only lasts for a brief moment, like an explosion. Uses high energy bombs and can control them remotely. Partners with Sasori Ability: Explosive clay - if his kill fails it will still injure his victim enough to cancel their actions that Night. Chakra: Earth and Wind natured. Attribute: Speed - the faster Deidara gets, the more unlikely anyone will be able to identify him. Special Power: Massive Explosion - will kill (with a 50% chance) everyone in an area of Deidara's choosing, unless Kakashi is there to stop it. Defense: 2 Earth Clones Sasori - Once a shinobi of the Hidden Sand Village. He murdered the Kazekage and now uses him as his personal weapon in the form of a Human Puppet. Partners with Deidara and often argues with him that art is beauty that lasts forever. Ability: Puppet Master - Will Summon the Third Kazekage and be able to Break any Defense, but not interfere with Training. Chakra: Fire and Water natured Attribute: The Defensive Power of his puppet made from Hiroku. If the defense is low, Sasori will be exposed and reveal his Identity to his opponent. Special Power - Human Puppet Technique - If he kills his target he will make them into his puppet and be able to utilize any power they once had while alive. Needless to say, he will know who it was that he killed. Defense: A Trap, and a Sand Clone Hidan - For what Hidan lacks in power, he makes up for with immortality. He will be very difficult to bring down. Partners with Kakuzu. Ability: Immortality - nearly immortal, it will take 2 people to kill him at Night. And during the day, it will take 4 people to vote for him. Each figure increases by 1 each time he Trains. When using his Ability, Hidan also Attacks at the same probability of his Chakra Attack. Chakra: Taijustu (weak - can only reach a maximum of 50) Attribute: Silence - Hidan is loud mouth and will easily give out his name unless he trains his tongue. Special Power - Sacrificial Contract - Hidan will link his body to his victim and therefore control their Night Actions. He will not go out of his way to kill them himself afterward. Defense: Can't be found, a sacrificial person will distract his Attacker Kakuzu - The member in charge of Akatsuki's finances. Ruthless and will kill someone the moment the get on his bad side. That is the reason he partners with Hidan - because he cannot kill the immortal jerk. Money will sway Kakuzu though. Ability: Medical Ninjutsu - can save someone of his choosing. Anyone, even himself. Chakra: Taijutsu Attribute: Generosity: All of his enemies have high bounties if found alive. If Kakuzu does not kill them, he will accept the money in exchange for his name. Special Power: In addition to his Attack, Kakuzu can ask Zetsu (a fellow member of Akatsuki) to spy on anyone and obtain their Identity for him. Defense: 2 Traps Orohimaru's Ambition: Orochimaru and his Disciples can win by killing everyone else, with a contract with Konoha as long as they kill Naruto, or with a contract with Akatsuki as long as they kill Itachi. They all have BTSC. Orochimaru: Was slighted from becoming Hokage by his Sensei Sarutobi. Now he is filled with vengeance and wants the Leaf Village Konoha crushed. He was also once a member of Akatsuki. They want him dead for what he knows, since that knowledge poses a threat to their organization. Orochimaru made enemies with Itachi specifically. Since Orochimaru is wise, he may find that fighting this battle on two fronts may not be in his best interests and may choose to Post an offer to one of the groups. This will be discussed later. Ability: Snake's Poison - Will kill his victim on the next Night, after they take action. He will also have clouded their mind and make their vote for them the Next Day Chakra: Possesses capability for all natures Attribute: Intelligence - If he does not Attack he will pose a riddle to his opponent. The difficulty of the riddle is directly proportional to the level of the attribute. 25 being easy, 100 being very difficult. If a riddle is not correctly answered that person will be inactive that Night, since they are baffled. Special Power: Can resurrect Sasuke or Kabuto, but only at half the strength they had when they last lived. Defense: Can't be found twice while checking up on his forbidden research. Kabuto: Orochimaru's purest disciple. Sasori gave Orochimaru Kabuto when they were Akatsuki partners, but no one knows why Kabuto chose to stay so loyal. He will follow his master anywhere. Ability: Medical Ninjutsu - can save anyone including himself. Chakra: Wind Attribute: Intelligence - if his Attack fails, he will gain the Identity of his opponent. Special Power: Can put an entire area to sleep and will learn all of their Identities. Defense: A Trap, a sacrificial body will distract his attacker Sasuke: Sasuke has thrown his life away for one purpose. To kill his older brother Itachi who took everything away from him. Sasuke is the ultimate avenger and will stop at nothing to kill his brother. Ability: Sharingan - Will learn the Identity of anyone he kills. Chakra: Fire and Lightning natured Attribute: Speed - The faster Sasuke makes himself, the less likely his opponent will have a chance to Identify him. Special Power: Mangekou Sharingan - Can control the entire Night actions of anyone and will then kill them once they return. This will be ineffective against Hidan and other Sharingan users if they have activated the Mangekou. Defense: Will sacrifice 2 people to distract his Attackers Konoha Shinobi - Win by killing everyone else, unless a contract is signed with Orochimaru. Team Kakashi - Kakashi leads a Team of four including Naruto, Sakura and Sai. All four have BTSC. Kakashi: Famous throughout the Ninja world as the Copy Ninja based on how many moves he has ripped off of other people over the years. He also has developed some of his own techniques for assassinations. Ability: Sharingan - Will learn the Identity of anyone he kills. Chakra: Has it all except Wind Attribute: Intelligence - the more Kakashi Trains his mind, the easier it will be for him to Identify the people he lets live. Special Ability: Mangekou Sharingan - Can control the entire Night actions of anyone and will then kill them once they return. This will be ineffective against Hidan and other Sharingan users if they have activated the Mangekou. Defense: A Shadow Clone, and cannot be found while visiting Obito's Gave Naruto: The self-proclaimed "World's Greatest Ninja!" He loves to make friends, but when it comes to Akatsuki and Orochimaru, he realizes that there is no hope there and is prepared to fight. Ability: The Nine-tails Fox (the Kyuubi) - A Defense Breaking Attack using his red-chakra. Chakra: Wind natured Attribute: Control over the Kyuubi. If Naruto has low control over the Kyuubi, if his Attack fails he will go wild and attack an unintended target. Special Power: With full control of the Kyuubi, Naruto can ask Jiraiya to spy on any character and get an Identity from him. Defense: 2 Shadow Clones Sakura: Tsunade's disciple. Sakura has the potential to become even greater than her Master. Ability: Medical Ninjutsu - Can save anyone including herself. Chakra: Taijutsu Attribute: Mentality - Sakura often feel she is worthless because she has failed her comrades in the past. Build up her mental toughness so that she does not reveal her role to her opponent. Special Power: In addition to her Healing or Attack, she can ask Granny Chiyo to resurrect Gaara at full strength. This will only work for Gaara though. Defense: Can't be found while studying medicine with Tsunade Sai: A mysterious ninja pulled from a special ops group of ANBU. It is not known if he can be trusted, but for now, Team Kakashi doesn't have much choice. Ability: Artistic Ninjustu - Whatever Sai paints he turn into reality. If he does not get a successful kill, then he will blind his opponent with the ink of his attack and halve all their powers for that Night. Chakra: Taijutsu Attribute: Combo Attack. If Sai fails to kill his opponent, he may still have a shot. He can bind them, while another player gets the kill. Essentially, Sai's Attribute level will be added to the other Attacker's Attack level. If 3 people are Attacking, the combo will break Defenses. Special Power: In addition to his Attack, Sai cannot be lured away from the Cliffs. Defense: A trap, an Ink Clone Gaara: The current Kazekage of the Sand Village and life-long friend of Naruto. Gaara feels he owes Konoha a great debt and has come to help. Ability: He possesses the One-tail Raccoon (the Ichibi) which is a Defense Breaking Attack. Chakra: Wind Attribute: Control of the Ichibi. If his Attack fails, he will lose control and Attack a random player. Special Power: In addition to his Full Control over the Ichibi, Gaara cannot be lured away from the Desert. Defense: Kankuro and Temari will both sacrifice themselves for Gaara. Rock Lee: A boy with no talent what-so-ever as a ninja, trained and trained and trained. Now he is known as the Green Beast of Konoha and a Taijutsu specialist. He will protect his Nindo, his "Way of the Ninja" at all costs. Ability: Drunken Boxing - If his Attack fails he will have bewildered his opponent so much that they will not be able to act that Night. Chakra: Taijutsu Attribute: Endurance - If his Attack fails, he will get in an extra Training session and boost a random Power. Special Power: Opening the Gates of Divination - The most powerful Taijustu combination move ever. It is a Defense Breaker and will also allow Lee to Protect someone else that Night. Defense: Gai-sensai will sacrifice himself, and he can't be found while doing 10,000 push-ups in his dojo. Shikamaru: Known as the smartest Ninja in Konoha. He's regarded as a youthful general, since his decision making is so quick and accurate in tough situations. Ability: Shadow Bind Combo - will add this level to any other Attacking Ninja's level to form a combo on his target. If three or more people are attacking it will be Defense Breaking and a definite kill. No matter what happens, Shikamaru will learn the Identity of his target, since it only takes the slightest clue for his to determine most things. Chakra: Taijutsu (weak, can only reach a maximum of 50) Attribute: Intelligence: If his target survives they will be asked a riddle that's difficulty is based on the level of this Attribute. If they cannot answer correctly, they will be Action-less that Night since they are baffled. Special Power: Cannot be lured from the Forest and will Shadow Bind everyone in the entire area. Defense: A Trap, Asuma-sensai will sacrifice himself Neji: With his Byakugan Eye Technique, there really isn't anything Neji can't see. He's the ultimate lookout and a Chakra specialist. Ability: Byakugan - No matter if his kill is successful or not, Neji will learn 1 type of Chakra his opponent has. He will also lower the Attack probability of anyone Attacking him by 50% since no one can sneak up on him. Chakra: Taijutsu Attribute: Intelligence - In addition to knowing their Chakra, Neji can learn the Identity of the Character as well. Special Power: Can see all the Chakras of an entire area and which types are fighting each other. Defense: Lord Hyuga will sacrifice himself, and he cannot be found while helping Hinata train. Initial Power Levels: (consider them to be probabilities, i.e. 25 = 1/4 chance) Given in order of Ability, Chakra (normal Attack), Attribute Itachi: 50,50,0 Kisame: 50,50,0 Sasori: 50,50,0 Deidara: 50,50,0 Hidan: 50,25,25 Kakuzu: 50,50,0 Orochimaru: 25,50,25 Kabuto: 50,25,25 Sasuke: 50,50,0 Kakashi: 50,25,25 Naruto: 25,50,25 Sakura: 50,25,25 Sai: 25,25,50 Gaara: 25,50,25 Rock Lee: 25,50,25 Shikamaru: 50,25,25 Neji: 25,25,50 Every Night there are 3 Options. You can Attack, Defend (everyone has 2 Defenses that can only be used once), or Train. Training: Every time you train you add a 25 point increment to whichever Power you want. If someone Attacks you while training, they're success probability is their Attack percentage -50. Training is limitless until you reach 100 or max. If an Attack fails while someone is Training, they cannot be found. Also, Training takes precedence over all other Night Actions, meaning you get the benefits of the Training immediately. Attacking: Abilities cannot be used 2 Nights in a row. Both Ability and Chakra are considered Attacks. In order to achieve your Special Power you must train to get 100 in both Ability and Attribute. Special Powers may not be used 2 Nights in a row. If your Attack fails (whether it be Ability or Chakra based), then you have a chance to use your Attribute. I.E. Gaara has a 50% of killing with a normal Attack right now. If he fails, he only has a 25% chance of controlling himself and not Attacking a random person. Added: For every successful Kill you get a 25 point boost in a random Power. If the random Power is already maxed out at 100, then nothing happens. Defenses: If using a Trap, you have a 50% chance of learning your Attacker's Identity. If using a clone, you're Attacker has a 50% chance of learning your Identity. If you have 2 different kinds of Defense you may ask to use one specifically in your pm. Nobody with BTSC can Attack the same person on the same Night as their comrade(s) with BTSC. Every encounter will happen at 1/4 Locations randomly: The Desert: Gaara and Sasori have automatic Defense in addition to their Attacks when fighting here The Forest: Shikamaru has auto-Def in addition to their Attacks when fighting here The River: Kisame has auto-Def in addition to their Attacks when fighting here The Cliffs: Sai and Deidara have auto-Def in addition to their Attacks when fighting here Orochimaru's Proposal: All happens in 1 Night, and will require a small Night Post so everyone knows what's about to happen possibly. Acceptance requires the Majority of the party (Konoha or Akatsuki). Once given, Itachi and Naruto get 100% Defense Breaking kill on Orochimaru. If Accepted, Orochimaru's group and the allied group won't be able to hurt each other (with 2 exceptions) at Night and this will be explicit in the Night Posts so everyone will know that the group accepted. If Declined, Orochimaru will become known to all. And if Accepted Orochimaru's Group will still have to kill one person on their new comrades' side (Itachi or Naruto). Also, there are 3 random players (1 from each faction) who will be able to get a perfect Defense Breaking Kill on someone if they know their exact Identity. They cannot guess 2 Nights in a row. As you can see, we know quite a bit about the threat to Konoha. That doesn't lessen the danger though. Stay on your toes and train your butts off! We're all counting on you. -Tsunade Roles will be pm'd shortly and here's the Roster: Hokage: Tsunade 1) Puzzlegirl 2) Mekal 3) Dawh 4) Prof. Templeton 5) Kat 6) Prince Marth 7) Laharl 8) Crazypainter 9) Joe's Student 10) woon 11) Panther 12) Cherry Lane 13) GC 14) Brandonb 15) FIF 16) Wally West 17) Sinistral Good Luck!
  22. I agree it needs to be fixed, but Obama's ideas go in the wrong direction IMO. We've seen how poorly the government runs things (*cough* Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac *cough*) so why should we let them have more control and control over new things? I for one, would like to choose my own doctor and have that doctor and all medical treatment be paid for entirely by insurance that I pay for. Nationalized health care will be completely taken advantage of and become a disaster probably within a month. Our country is way to big and cities are way too crowded to open up the doors to everyone. There needs to be standards. People will be coming to get free medical care at hospitals for colds and headaches, while someone waits around with broken bones. The key to fixing our health care is to dismantle or replace the heads of the FDA, To destroy the stranglehold of Prescription medicine and unnecessary surgery, and to regulate Insurance companies so that they insure what is actually best for people and not what makes everyone richer. Nov. 4th. I can't wait for it to just be over. It's always the first Tuesday of November BTW. Edit: wrong date sorry
  23. There will be a random character from each of the 3 factions who can get a definite kill on anyone if they know the exact character of the person they target. If they are correct, they cannot guess the next Night though. So, if anyone comes out with their role, they will most likely be slaughtered by another player
  24. the previous riddle-idea is now scrapped. I do have a plan to include riddles though. They will be intrinsic to a specific character's abilities. If the victim takes too long (I'll send warning pms, but I'll try to be fair about it) or gets the puzzle wrong, their actions that Night are completely canceled because they are baffled if the riddling character dies early, then maybe nobody will even get a riddle. Also, I pick the riddles.
  25. Luckily I haven't been around much/if any prejudice in the US, but I'm well aware that it's out there. I was wondering what effects racism will have on the election. A great example would be people saying they will vote Obama, but once they actually get a chance to vote, they won't vote for a black guy because of their secret prejudice. Does anyone think this, or other examples of racism will play a big enough part in the voting process to hurt Obama substantially? I think Obama's already got the election won. I watched some of the debate last night and it was really clear to me. McCain just looks desperate and was playing the "guilt by association" card. So I stopped watching because I thought it was silly. I've really had enough of it now, and am thinking of ways to be happy about President Obama. There are a few good things. Firstly, his presidency may actually lessen a lot of lingering racism in the country. Also, I'll finally be able to listen to my president talk and understand what he's saying, truth or lies, at least it will be clear and sensible English . It seems that with the bailout, Obama changed his economic plan to better fit what I want. Also, I think he's an atheist, despite what he says. Given that, he'll lead the country away from Religious thinking and hopefully outlaw creationism and other horrible aspects of certain areas education. I'm not sure what can be done on a national level, aside from a standardized test, and if their kids don't know about evolution, then that teacher gets fired . Another good point is that Obama is computer/internet friendly whereas McCain seems to be scared of the internet. That's a very good point for Obama! As far as broad Foreign and Domestic economy pictures, no rehearsed words will ever convince me, so I'll just have to wait and see what he does. Hopefully the money will be too tight for him to make any of those big government-run operations like national healthcare.
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