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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. itachi-san

    mini-Kong is comin' for ya! Edit: oops, I left some white stuff behind... maybe someone can cover that up? I'm too lazy right now
  2. I realize it's not the intended answer, but in addition to what I said, he could have had her dead left hand holding the gun, so when she fell it landed near her hand... just completing the thought. I'll think about "Trick" now though
  3. #5 seems pretty unanimous Part 6: Continue to Part 7
  4. another mootish point - now's your time to guess then... Edit: also, this topic's died at least twice, so that can't really be true
  5. OK, back to disappearing... Part 5: Continue to Part 6
  6. Because the topic kept disappearing with the riddle <_< Though it seems guesses are getting more on track, so I'll continue Part 5 in the normal pattern now. Also, forget about the rule about not being able to guess multiple times on one part since not many people are posting.
  7. Not much of a Disappearing Riddle anymore, but w/e Continue to Part 5 ...it vanishes again
  8. Well this died, but I'm not a fan of leaving things unfinished so: Now featuring Parts 1-4 entirely! As for feedback, I'll just say that Parts 1 and 2 need to be re-examined. Only 1/2 Kudos for the answer from now on though
  9. Thanks and congrats on surviving! I guess the names just seem different to me because I watch Naruto every week and it's my favorite show. Yeah, the nearly unattainable special ability thing actually turned into a psychological test of sorts
  10. Thanks, and as for Hidan: his stats were changed when the game began to be 50,25,25
  11. I hear ya and you're right, but I'm surprised nobody wanted to gamble on getting their kill after 2 night of training chakra to get 100. In the past games there were players who had a 50% chance of killing and if not would reveal their ID. Akatsuki just dropped like flies without taking people down until the end. Also, I think one of the outed Akatsuki should have asked Orochimaru to make the Proposal before they got executed. Well, it's gotta be two groups because of the Naruto story, and I like sticking to that as much as possible. I really like the idea of sharing points among living members or starting a group out with points and having them divide them themselves. That's a great idea (like Astray somewhat, only in this case it's with BTSC and not blind to teammates) I think I'd prefer gaining stat exp. points from living each Day and Night and for successful kills. With this added on, getting 300 points would be too easy IMO. Having played as Hidan, how would you like the Immortality to work. I found it very tough to be fair about it. His character was actually the last one I made, because I just skipped over it when writing the OP When I came back to it, I still don't think I got it right. One thing that has to change is that he should control one person to only kill themselves because that's what Hidan actually does in Naruto.
  12. So I'd love to hear some feedback. I'll start things off: 1) I should have given 150 stat points to start instead of 100, but since it was only 100, I'm surprised everyone kept reaching for that unattainable goal of a Special Power. I would have thought that people with BTSC would have had one of them train their Chakra to 100 and attack. A 50% shot is pretty good and that's assuming the victim is training. 2) It was Bb's idea to add 25 points for every successful kill, but I should have extended that idea by giving away 25 points for every Day and every Night the character lived. 3) Team Kakashi should probably be only 3 people. But that doesn't take away anything from their play. They all played very well 4) And I think I should have included tips on who was training what in the Night Posts to give some info. Basically, Training consumed the game. Some tips and strategies as an arm-chair quarterback: 1) Orochimaru should have offered the Proposal after Akatsuki lost 2 people. I know you were planning on trying to align with Konoha, but I think the losing team would be much more ready to except. I know Sinistral wanted it. 2) Speaking of Sinistral, his claim of Hidan was an excellent move. Well done! 3) Speaking of Hidan, if he claimed Rock Lee, he could have won the game. 4) Akatsuki was the group that shouldn't have attacked first and they were the ones that did. Aside from Shikamaru, Neji and Orochimaru that is. It's too bad I only got to give 1 riddle...
  13. Day 6: Victory for Konoha! PG: Alright woon, I say you get executed! What do you have to say to that!? woon: can I have some brownies PG: Only winners get brownies! But since you were one of Konoha's finest ninja and didn't kill anyone, we'll let you back in to the village. woon: Really? Do I get brownies then? PG: *ahem* I said they were only for winners, not for rogue ninjas who can't put up a proper defense and come crawling back. (turns her back) woon became enraged and started to tremble. A shock of white lightning formed in his palm. Sasuke: NO BROWNIES! You're all going to die! As Sasuke ran at PG, frenzied for his brownie-fix, Gaara lassoed his feet with sand. Gaara: You're not going anywhere! Lee came out of nowhere, his body red after openning the Gates of Divination. Rock Lee: Only true Konoha shinobi get Brownies! Normally, Sakura wouldn't have dared laid a hand on her precious Sasuke, but these were PG's Brownies we're talking about! Sakura: You never should have left us Sasuke. And now to come back for brownies instead of for me... that's the final insult! Sasuke was destroyed and Konoha was saved! Hokage: Tsunade 1) Puzzlegirl - Neji 2) Mekal - Shikamaru 3) Dawh - Naruto 4) Prof. Templeton - Sai 5) Kat - Deidara 6) Prince Marth - Kakuzu 7) Laharl - Kabuto 8) unreality - Sasori 9) Joe's Student - Sakura 10) woon - Sasuke 11) Panther - Gaara 12) Cherry Lane - Orochimaru 13) GC - Rock Lee 14) Brandonb - Hidan 15) FIF - Kisame 16) Wally West - Kakashi 17) Sinistral - Itachi Prologue Night 1 Night 1 Addendum Day 1 Night 2 Day 2 Night 3 Night 3 Addendum Day 3 Night 4 Day 4 Night 5 Day 5 Night 6 Great game everyone! Sorry it started out so slow... but at least it ended with a bang. I've got a bunch of stuff I'd like to post about this game and look forward to hearing input on how to make it better. There will definitely be another, but I'll wait for at least one wave of Heroes, Death Notes, and Pirates. I'd like to do this one again, only with the rules tweaked a bit. Thank you all for playing!
  14. Then you get to eat with the rest of Konoha! (assuming ghosts can eat) Day Post coming up, since it seems woon has no cards to play.
  15. even in the end people are afraid to talk... Seeing as how nobody talks in this game, I doubt votes will change I'm gonna be afk for a few hours. I'll end the Day when I get back.
  16. you being dead doesn't mean the game is over...
  17. Night 6: Massacre! dawh was engaged in a fierce Battle with Hidan by the Cliffs that lasted very long. Hidan kept swinging around his ferocious-looking 3-pronged blade. Hidan spun in the air and the blade came shooting from behind his back. dawh didn't see it coming and the blade just barely grazed his arm. Hidan stopped moving and dawh stood still...confused. Hidan's body began to turn solid black with the outline of an odd-looking skeleton pattern. dawh just stood there, waiting. --- Sai was poised as Brandonb walked by the Cliffs. Bb looked up to see Sai sitting on the roof of a nearby tavern. Sai's brush painted furiously, but his face never altered. He completed his painting and brought them to life. The Beasts rained down on Bb, until he was destroyed. --- Prof. Templeton was making his way into the Forest when a loud noise exploded from behind him. He turned. The noise wasn't human, but it was coming from something alive. When the smoke cleared, he saw the figure of a miniature beast. PT: Naruto? Is that y... PT was obliterated in a wave of Chakra that emitted from the beast's mouth. --- Hidan felt the pain of the death of PT and relished in its ecstasy, even if it was for the last time. Hidan(shuddering in delight): Wonderful. --- Gaara came up from behind Prince Marth near the River. PM never saw him coming. Gaara: Desert Coffin! Kakashi felt the Chakra building by the shore. Kakashi readied his Lightning Blade and while Gaara had PM subdued, Kakashi finished him off. --- Neji took on Laharl in the Forest. Neji: You're no match for my "Gentle Fist" style. And my Byaukugan sees right through you. I see your fear, your weaknesses, and your death. --- Kakuzu found dawh near the Cliffs and detached his own arms. dawh just stared in amazement as the fists came flying at him and grabbed his throat. Kakuzu: I can't wait to collect the Bounty on you! Akatsuki will be happy to have all that money ...and your body for that matter. --- Wally West walked by the edge of the Cliffs only to run into Kabuto. WW: You! Kabuto: How long did you think you could fool me? You guys even took out my master, but I'll finish what he started. WW: Why? WW could not understand the lunatic, but he couldn't stop him either. Kabuto's Chakra Scalpels dug into WW's organs and he dropped to the ground at Kabuto's feet. Kabuto smirked as he pushed his glasses back up into position. --- Hokage: Tsunade 1) Puzzlegirl 2) Mekal -DEAD (executed and found to be Shikamaru) 3) Dawh -DEAD (killed by Kakuzu) 4) Prof. Templeton -DEAD (killed by Naruto) 5) Kat -DEAD (executed and found to be Deidara) 6) Prince Marth -DEAD (killed by Gaara and Kakashi) 7) Laharl -DEAD (killed by Neji) 8) unreality -DEAD (executed and found to be Sasori) 9) Joe's Student 10) woon 11) Panther 12) Cherry Lane -DEAD (executed and found to Orochimaru) 13) GC 14) Brandonb -DEAD (killed by Sai) 15) FIF -DEAD (killed by Kakashi & Kabuto) 16) Wally West -DEAD (killed by Kabuto) 17) Sinistral -DEAD (executed and found to Itachi) Prologue Night 1 Night 1 Addendum Day 1 Night 2 Day 2 Night 3 Night 3 Addendum Day 3 Night 4 Day 4 Night 5 Day 5 wowzorz. OK, Day 6 begins now.
  18. itachi-san

    I just saw the latest episode (which was awful btw) and totally agree with unreality. This show is going back downhill really fast. Season 2 was awful, but Season 3 started off very promising so I was willing to give it another shot. But it's totally disintegrated into the same things happening over and over. Everything is very unoriginal and the "tricks" are very obvious. I'd call the writing since Season 1 "a disaster". Season 1 was great (one of the best seasons of anything I've ever seen actually), but like unreality said: the direction and purpose were thrown out the window like Peter, who's acting has been nothing short of terrible since Season 1. For a main character, his acting is really unacceptable. His angry-loud whispering way of talking is laughable. Also, they continue to undo Season 2's awfulness: Matt's Dad is dead and the Spanish girl lost her powers. That's almost every character that was introduced in Season 2 being dead or gone. But they're not replacing them with anything good, just a long drawn out version of a bad X-Men script. Now all we have are lame rehashes and reusing of powers and the simple good/evil switches. I'm very disappointed, especially after the Season opener got me back into it. <_<
  19. Day 5: His Final Report to Akatsuki The diminished Akatsuki waited impatiently for their comrade to appear before them. Zetsu: He's finally coming. They must be serious to have rattled him this much. Akatsuki's Leader: Serious you say? They've already executed Deidara and Sasori. What can you report Sinistral? Tobi: Tell us! Tell us! Sinistral's form appeared among the group. Sinistral: I don't have much time so listen close. dawh is Naruto and I'm guessing Wally West is Kakashi. Kakashi seems to have improved since I left Konoha. I think he even may have RID killing ability. Oh, and the young Kunoichi Sakura. Her talents in Healing are on par with Tsunade, but she won't be able to... Sinistral's form disappeared. The remaining Akatsuki thought heavily. Akatsuki Leader: We're going to have a lot of positions to fill by the time this is over... --- Sinistral released the hologram technique and returned to his true body, surrounded by Konoha's ANBU. ANBU Leader: Finally, after all these years, we have you now Itachi! Itachi: Mangekou Sharingan! The sky blurred and flickered. The world began to distort and spiral in on itself. It was like a black hole of the mind. Every ANBU squad member was sucked into Itachi's alternate dimension. This was the ultimate eye-technique. The fabled perfected Sharingan of the accursed Uchiha Clan. Itachi: In this world, I control space and time. What seems like a year to you will actually only be seconds in reality. I will torture you all here for what will seem like eternity. I've had it with Konoha. This is the last aggravation. Just before Itachi began torturing his victims, he sensed an attack from behind him and released the technique. He transformed into a flock of crows and the kunei passed right through his body. Itachi: It will take more than... When Itachi reformed into human shape he realized what had been bothering him. His eyes! He had overused his Mangekou Sharingan over the years and was blind. The shock allowed the briefest moment for all his attackers to sink their weapons into him. He opened his eyes wide, paralyzed and in disbelief. Itachi coughed up some blood and his head fell forward dead. His body only stood from the many weapons that held it up from all sides. Everyone there was still a little edgy and hesitated to release him. Even in death he inspired fear, but now that was all he could do. --- Hokage: Tsunade 1) Puzzlegirl 2) Mekal -DEAD (executed and found to be Shikamaru) 3) Dawh 4) Prof. Templeton 5) Kat -DEAD (executed and found to be Deidara) 6) Prince Marth 7) Laharl 8) unreality -DEAD (executed and found to be Sasori) 9) Joe's Student 10) woon 11) Panther 12) Cherry Lane -DEAD (executed and found to Orochimaru) 13) GC 14) Brandonb 15) FIF -DEAD (killed by Kakashi & Kabuto) 16) Wally West 17) Sinistral -DEAD (executed and found to Itachi) Prologue Night 1 Night 1 Addendum Day 1 Night 2 Day 2 Night 3 Night 3 Addendum Day 3 Night 4 Day 4 Night 5 The Night starts now.
  20. Well, that was a crazy finish... ok, this is it now. Day Post coming. Any further changes will be ignored as far as the Post goes.
  21. ok, nevermind... so Sinistral it is?
  22. Tsunade: Just under 2 hours to go. The penalty for not contributing will be harsh.
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