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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. Well it sucks that I'm dead, but it seems I used my role to its fullest potential. You Jumpers know what to do from now on! I have faith in you all and you're welcome cp
  2. itachi-san

    cameras, microphones, any recording devices... so what you're basically saying is that human eyes and ears (which are very easily manipulated and tricked) are more reliable than video, picture and audio recorders? Sorry to say, but you're off on this one. You're right, I don't
  3. itachi-san

    I think you're mixing up a few things. Actually nevermind, this makes no sense. You said you agreed with the guy who worked in a haunted building, now you're saying you don't believe in ghosts. I believe in truth... who doesn't? I agree that some data escapes understanding and proof, so we are then to chalk that up to ghosts? Ghosts that always conveniently are never around when the equipment to record them is? Being open minded does not imply you have to be excepting of anyone's tall tale. There is a line between open-mindedness and silliness. Should I have an open mind about Big Foot? Please say no. Edit: for clarification, the Poll here asks if people believe in ghosts or not. Belief and open-mindedness are logically very far apart (hopefully). So you say your open-minded, but did you check "yes"? That would imply you believe in ghosts, only because there is a possibility (one that I don't see) that they exist.
  4. itachi-san

    You're the one who brought up Ann Rice... may I ask why? Do you also believe in vampires?
  5. Well, IMO Reaymond is certainly Paladin. However, I don't want dms to win if he has certain win conditions. So I say we pressure dms into divulging all of his info. (if he lives through the Night that is)
  6. We'll train later Air Bender updated roster: 1) Slick 2) LIS 3) Itachi 4) Clozo
  7. Huckabee actually was one of the few candidates who wanted the Fair Tax, which would be amazing for the USA. Ron Paul also wanted it. Huckabee's a good guy, but too religious for my liking for a President (he literally was or is a Southern Baptist minister). I am a fan of Ron Paul though. The Republicans screwed up by turning him into a joke and laughing him off the debates for the Rep nomination. He was the one making the most sense in those Rep debates. I think Ron Paul should run again next time. Yeah, she got Dan Quayled by the media and will not be able to run next time around. To be fair, she did bring a bunch of that on by herself too, but she got more verbal abuse than she deserved IMO. I totally agree. Since it's official, we can only hope for the best. Obama succeeding means we succeed, so let's all hope for that. Ron Paul was still the best choice IMO ...too bad he wasn't allowed to debate for the Presidency like Nader, etc... they really need to fix that. The more people who debate, the better for all. And the less talking points for all
  8. itachi-san

    Thanks for replying! I read the article and Howard765's comment and well... the article is pretty much just common sense like: "The whole idea of ghosts runs into trouble as soon as a little logic is applied" The comment by Howard is simply not proof of anything. I'm not attacking you, it's just that a comment from a guy who claims to have worked in a haunted building is worth nothing when it comes to evidence. It's just hearsay. Edit: about the scientists: I'm certain that scientists have been looking into the existence of ghosts since there have been scientists (a very long time to say the least) and guess what? All that time hasn't dug up one shred on concrete proof. So I have to agree with unreality and say it's a waste of time. It's like looking for a ball in an empty room. How long are you going to stare at the walls and floor until you give up? (not you personally, just any ghost chaser)
  9. <_< that sucked. we make the right call and still end up losing a Jumper. It's a good thing we outnumbered them from the beginning. I still think dms is a Jumper. I admit he makes little sense, but he got us a Paladin and is IMO trying to avoid revealing his entire role's capabilities and doing a poor job of it. All Jumpers: eyes on Reaymond! -if not tonight, in tomorrow's lynch for sure.
  10. itachi-san

    I can't help but keep returning to this topic for mostly one reason. I'm surprised that not only a lot of people believe in ghosts, but that more people believe in them than don't. So I have a question to all the people who believe in ghosts: can you post even one single tiny piece of evidence that ghosts exist? If ghosts did exist trust me, I'd be willing to undergo any haunted house, any test, any scary ordeal, whatever it takes to see it for myself. So please, what is the proof, trick, or circumstance you're all keeping secret?
  11. Nope. It's consequential for the reason you first stated. That was exactly the response I was looking for from Kat Edit: and I'm sure we'll see PM's role. We saw Tal's role.
  12. This makes sense. Paladins sticking by Paladins. Reaymond is also Paladin. And Kat, as I said before.
  13. I think we need a Roster so we know who's up. 1) Slick 2) 3) 4) Itachi
  14. that pretty much sums it up Slick. I'm going to be optimistic though and hope things improve. If not, then we'll just get sucked back into the 8 years Dem, 8 years Rep, 8 years Dem never-ending cycle of never-improving govt.
  15. So you're saying you're a Paladin who knows who he kills? Therefore Mekal was the Rogue? I read ya loud and clear ...dms clearly stated only 1 person visited Mekal and Mekal died. You're saying you visited him. So I put 2 and 2 together and see your future of being Lynched -no Sharingan necessary!
  16. All of this is very odd PG, and Frost thinks it's "creepy"....so.... you're not exactly winning me over
  17. Well, I'm glad that's over! And I'm glad it wasn't close so there wasn't all that recount nonsense like in recent elections. All in all, I think we made the right choice. I began by supporting McCain because I preferred his policies, but he continued to fail over the past months to the point that I didn't like him anymore. Obama, I never really liked and am still unsure why people are so ecstatic about him, but I do think he was the better choice. He's got charisma, will give us a better reputation internationally and can speak proper English so those will all be nice changes. He's also pro-internet! -whereas McCain was seemingly scared of "the internets" I still hope for a future where we don't have only column A or column B to choose from and get some new parties recognized, but seeing as how we only had 2 options this time (for all intents and purposes), Obama was the way to go. I'm interested to see what he does. He gets to appoint 3 Supreme Court Justices, so expect the Judicial Branch to get pretty liberal. I didn't look into the Senate race yet to see if they got the super-majority. Either way, liberals have control of everything. Since Republicans tried and failed, let's see what Democrats can do. It's all on them now.
  18. check out the order and timing of these 3 posts. Sounds to me like PM realized he was going down, contacted PG and Kat and said it was OK to vote for him in an effort to clear their names. PG and Kat are also Paladins. Too easy and convenient vote-switching there girls... Edit: too bad your bandwagon on me didn't fill up
  19. I seriously doubt a "win condition" would be met that easily and so soon. Kat, stop sounding so Paladinish. We all know you never get goodie roles.
  20. If PM turns out to be non-Jumper, you will have protection tonight
  21. Host: unreality 1) Reaymond - voting for Itachi 2) Kathleen 3) star_tiger 4) Frost - voting for Itachi 5) Brandonb - voting for woon 6) Dawh 7) Joe's Student - voting for woon 8) Foolonthehill - voting for crazypainter 9) Puzzlegirl - voting for Itachi 10) Itachi-san - voting for Prince_Marth85 11) Frozen_in_fire 12) crazypainter - voting for woon 13) Mekal - DEAD [?] Killed by the Paladins 14) dms172 - voting for Prince_Marth85 15) Prince_Marth85 16) woon 17) taliesin - DEAD [Paramedic] Lynched good enough so far dms
  22. you might convince me. start laying more cards on the table. if you're going to die if he doesn't get lynched, then you have nothing to lose and can help your team. As for people claiming they have made good arguments against me: please point me to one. I guarantee there have been no good points about lynching me. Luckily, I've gotten a good role. Like Bb, we arrive with targets on our backs, so it's lucky in the sense that I can easily sway you all if need be. And the ones who have been outspoken against me will have skyrocketed in Palidinism probability. Also, everyone note how dms voted for me day 1 and is now totally engaged on PM. dms could obviously be a baddie, but then he would have signed his death sentence if PM turns out to be good. I very much want to hear from PM about this. Reaymond, Kat, PG all band-wagoned on me - keep that in mind too.
  23. hahah, you're making my job easier... keep the votes coming.
  24. Because now Paladins or Neutrals can be sure I am a Jumper and come after me at Night... but I'm not afraid of that for a reason.
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