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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. Wow! How's the air up there? If you're assuming we're all in agreement that your games are the best and you're the most crafty player, then you're mistaken. I don't know why you're saying all these things as Host while the game is still going on. My games aside, I take offense that you over-look unreality as not only being the founder of these games on BD, but also the one who IMO has been the most creative and imaginative Host (sorry to bring you up out of nowhere unreality). I also find it somewhat insulting that you're basically saying the players here aren't thinking... You know my role, look at Ben Law's lynch, then tell me I haven't put thought into this game and wasn't capable of using "my own mental abilities". <_< On another issue, if you're taking offense about people offering constructive criticism during game play, you have done the exact same thing while playing my games. Then you shot me a pm saying "sorry, that wasn't meant, it was just for strategy." And I never took offense and certainly wouldn't have dreamed of writing these insulting posts about people playing my game. How do you know people aren't saying similar things for strategy in your game? Or do you just assume we all think on a lower level than you and you can figure us all out? I normally wouldn't respond like this, but I gotta say that I'm insulted. And if you take offense to this post and don't want me to play, it's your call and I'm fine with whatever. I'm not one to sit back and keep my mouth shut when I think someone has crossed the line.
  2. Chapter 5: Akatsuki Down Mekal became enraged at being unanimously picked out during the day. He stood before everyone huffing and puffing and threw his head back as if he'd blow all their houses down. But it was not air that came forth from his mouth, it was water. And lots of it. The water shot from his mouth like a pressurized valve and kept spewing up and up with him standing tall at the top. He dislodged his great sword and swung it around in a menacing fashion, pointing it at each one of his enemies in the game. Mekal: Do you have any idea who I am?! You all should! I am the Great Hoshikage Kisame and I'm going to take all your lives today in payment for such an embarrassment. Mekal rode down the tidal wave as if he was part of it. A fish at sea. It seemed that he was going after the Konoha ninja first. He unraveled the bindings that held his sword together, but as he did, he didn't notice the newcomer that swung his leg right across Mekal's face! ???: Konoha Whirlwind Roundhouse! Mekal: You again?! Guy-sensei: It is I! Konoha's Energizing Green Beast ... Might Guy! *teeth sparkle* *thumb's up* Have me met before? Mekal (knowing full-well they met several times and grinding his teeth in outrage): I'm going to tear you... what is that power?! Guy had opened six of the Eight Gates of Divination: the ultimate taijutsu combination. He kicked Mekal high up into the air. Mekal tried to counter-attack, but Guy was too fast. So fast that his swinging leg was literally on fire. Guy: Too slow! Guy's kick obliterated all the life left in Mekal and shot him down into the ocean he created. His body was on fire from the speed and power Guy used, and since his life passed, the water technique slowly dispersed until all the water was gone and only puddles remained. Puddles and Kisame's Body. --- The crowd cheered as Guy dropped gracefully down to touch land once again. He was winded but still managed to strike his famous "Nice-Guy Pose." Lee was in tears at the spectacle his teacher had just put on. Frost was stunned too. "That guy is fast" he thought, but then he experienced something much faster. As if in the blink of an eye, everyone was gone! Frost looked left, right, up and even down, but he was alone. Alone inside a strange crater. Who did this? How could anyone do something like this and be so fast about it too? ???: Up here, Frost. Frost put his hand over his eyes to shade from the sun. There was a figure standing with the sun to his back. Frost could hardly make him out. Sasuke: Your life is entirely in my hands. And at a whim, I've decided to only send you a message. Though a painful one at that. Stay away from Orochimaru's Ambition. His goals are my goals and I won't have you interfere. Frost began to tremble under the gaze of that cursed Sharingan. Then he saw the fire. The trademark move of the Uchiha clan. The Grand Fireball. Frost dodged it somewhat, but was still badly burned. When he looked up again he was back at the scene of Kisame's death, only now, small fires and smoke covered his body. Everyone looked to him. Sakura, being the kind-hearted healer she was ran over to him without even checking his face to see if he was an ally or an enemy. She began healing his burns, but there was already significant damage done. Sakura winced when she thought... "This looks like Sasuke's technique..." --- Hokage: Tsunade 1) Prince Marth 2) Joe's Student 3) Kat 4) Prof. Templeton 5) FIF 6) Brandonb 7) ST -DEAD (killed by Hidan) 8) dawh 9) Frost 10) SomeGuy 11) woon 12) LIS -DEAD (killed by Yamato and Sakura) 13) Sinistral 14) Mekal -DEAD (Kisame) 15) Sparanda Prologue Game Rules Flashback 1 Character Abilities Night 1 Day 1 Night 2 Night 3 begins now and ends when I get all the pms in. Please send in your stats as well as actions. Thanks! Sakura +25
  3. I wasn't really joking about the guns thing. That is the story after all. I think the TF should be able to kill Misa, Light and Mikami. I feel like the TF needs more power or the DNH's need less.
  4. looks that way. I'll post the Day sooner than normal unless Mekal doesn't want to plead no contest. It'll be in about 2 hours. I don't see this changing since it's unanimous, so if I don't hear from Mekal within 1-2 hours, I'll make the post.
  5. Shinigami King: Y Roster: 1)Brandonb 2)Itachi-san - voting for Brandonb 3)Sinistral[Misa] 4)dawh - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH) 5)foolonthehill 6)Cherry Lane 7)Joe's Student - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH) 8)Kat 9)SomeGuy - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH) 10)the second dawh - voting for Brandonb 11)Mekal 12)Sparanda - voting for Brandonb 13)Star_tiger 14)Prof. Templeton 15)Prince Marth 16)Ben Law - GONE [Ryuk] (Shinigami chopped) All too easy. Now to find that pesky Rem...
  6. Chapter 4: Team 7 Goes Wild! Frost ducked into an ominous cave near the former Uchiha clan's territory in Konoha. He wasn't sure why he was so steadfast walking into this creepy lair, but he knew he had to continue. Sweat beaded on his forehead and began to drip down his face and off his chin, but he kept trekking forward. His heart began to pound and he felt dizzy. Finally the tight corridors opened up to a large cavern. It was dark. Very dark. Frost could only make out the shape of a giant snake statue. Wait... there was someone sitting in front of it. It was too dark. Frost could only make out a shadow. Then the patient figure opened his eyes. Frost fell to his knees under the pressure of the Sharingan. It felt as if the weight of the world forced him down. He had lost complete control of himself. --- Kat wandered through the village almost aimlessly. "I guess I could do that..." she muttered. Ino saw her and caught her attention with a carefully thrown rock to the back of the head. Kat irately looked up at her attacker, but gave herself no time to defend against any techniques. Ino: You seem to be unsure what to do tonight. Ino: I know exactly what you should do! --- Yamato: He's cornered, stay behind me Sakura. My Earth technique is almost ready. Sakura: Alright. I'm ready as well. The two of us can finish him off. Lost in Space ran out of room to run. He was up against a mountain. Suddenly, the mountain began to shake and the rocks reformed. LIS leaped through the winding stones gracefully. He dodged and shifted as Yamato controlled the stone with precise skill in an effort to corral LIS. But LIS wasn't falling for it ...or so he thought. Sakura: He's within range Captain! Yamato: Do it! Sakura closed her eyes and what looked like pink flower petals began to fall all around LIS. They covered the mountain-side and all the rocks that were being shot at him by Yamato. LIS tried to figure out what was happening, but he was in a daze. "This can't be... wait... it's a Genjutsu?! Altering my reality!" LIS figured out the combination of techniques too late and slipped on the petals. Just before he could catch himself and disperse the Genjutsu, he was run through by a shooting stone from the mountainside. The rock pierced his heart and he hung there, lifeless. Yamato and Sakura released their techniques and LIS' corpse fell to the ground in a pool of blood. --- Chouji was hammering away at Sinistral who kept dodging his attacks. Chouji grew his arms huge, but it wasn't enough so he grew his entire body! Sinistral quaked in fear at the awesome sight. Chouji had multi-sized to his fullest capability and as this giant he flicked Sinistral with one finger and sent him flying through the air doing some serious damage. --- Shikamaru spotted Mekal in the Northern woods. He waited patiently for his prey to walk into the tree's shadow. Mekal stopped right before the shadow, as if taunting Shikamaru. Shikamaru couldn't fathom how Mekal could know his Shadow Bind technique. So why was he stopped? Mekal smiled and walked right into the shadow. Shikamaru made his dark manipulation hand-signs and successfully trapped Mekal in his Shadow Bind. And just like that, Mekal disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Shikamaru slumped against the trunk of the tree in irritation. --- woon took refuge in a cave after his failed attempt on Naruto during the previous Day. Not only did he fail, but he was outed as well... this was not good. woon was panting, but then he noticed that he wasn't alone. ???: Don't tell me you were planning on training in here? woon: Sasori! Sasori summoned the Third Kazekage and used his favorite Human Puppet to unleash a barrage of attacks on the already depleted woon. woon still had plenty of agility left though, it seemed. He dodged everything Sasori directed at him very fluidly. But then another foe entered the fight from woon's blindside. He was still outside the cave. ???: We can't let you live Orochimaru. You know too many of our secrets. tsk tsk. You should never have turned your back on us. woo: Hidan!? Hidan: Your life ends here and now. Hidan rushed in and swung his three-pronged scythe around seemingly wildly, but he was operating the weapon with perfect accuracy. The two Akatsuki were too much for woon in his condition. They pummeled him to death and left his body lying face down with numerous weapons still sticking out from it. --- Sparanda sat on the edge of a cliff gazing at the sliver moon that hung in the sky. His thoughts were interrupted when he heard a strange sound from behind him in the darkness. It was a young boy, and his hand was glowing! No... not glowing... he held something in the palm of his hand. Was that pure chakra? How could someone so young have mastered chakra shape manipulation to this extent. Sparanda didn't have anymore time to think about it though. Naruto: Rasengan! Naruto pressed the vicious whirlwind into Sparanda's chest and sent him spiraling over the edge. Naruto was too quick to leave though. He didn't notice that Sparanda managed to grab hold of the rock about 100 meters down. He took heavy damage, but Sparanda lived. --- Kabuto waited for the Akatsuki members to leave the area. He was hidden next to the entrance to the cave. He overheard Sasori say something about art and Hidan just talked over him trying to pitch him some religious nonsense about Jashinism. Kabuto (whispering to himself): Fools. Keep your mind on your business and this kind of thing wouldn't happen. Kabuto pushed his glasses back up and ran into the cave. He found his master, Orochimaru, lying dead on the ground. He quickly unraveled his tools and got to work. "I'll save you Orochimaru-sama. Your body's still warm even. This should be easy. Soon, you'll be back and we can continue our mission." --- Hokage: Tsunade 1) Prince Marth 2) Joe's Student 3) Kat 4) Prof. Templeton 5) FIF 6) Brandonb 7) ST -DEAD (killed by Hidan) 8) dawh 9) Frost 10) SomeGuy 11) woon 12) LIS -DEAD (killed by Yamato and Sakura) 13) Sinistral 14) Mekal 15) Sparanda Prologue Game Rules Flashback 1 Character Abilities Night 1 Day 1 Day 2 begins now and ends 24 hours from this post! Edit: Added Naruto's segment Edit 2: Added more to Naruto's segment
  7. hehe, that's the one. I was surprised to see those multiple answers at first. well done
  8. Nicely done! When I posted this, I was certain you'd be the one to first solve it. I said to myself: "This one's for EventHorizon" Edit: However... these aren't 2 digit numbers I congratulated too early
  9. you've gotten the 'magical' part of it
  10. yeah, I never implied this to be an easy out question. I'll amend the OP. putting 11 in each square gets you .01 kudos
  11. Consider an empty 4x4 grid. You have to place a different 2 digit number in each square. Here's the catch: they have to add up to the same number on the horizontal axis and the vertical axis and on the 2 diagonal segments that make an X across the grid. Here's the bigger catch: flip the grid upside-down and the horizontals, verticals and diagonals all still have to add up to the same number.
  12. Ha! Great Game PG! Definitely looking forward to another go-around if possible. I don't mind dying if I do so for the team and protect my precious Westly Buttercup = Lady Luck perhaps?? And at FIF killing PM first night. that was just plain wrong ...oh and i think i could get used to this dominatrix stuff PB2 rated PG-13
  13. Chapter 3: The Venomous Snake vs. the Vicious Fox woon leaped from tree to tree following his target. It was a dangerous mission, but he couldn't let the Nine-Tailed Fox stay under Konoha's protection any longer. Nor could he let it fall into Akatsuki's hands. He was intent on extracting the monster today for his own purposes. His eyes probed every detail of the path his target walked. He was alone. This Uzumaki Naruto, one of the most untalented ninja he had ever seen was also one that had put him through such trials again and again and woon was sick of it. Naruto was approaching the ravine, and woon leaped out of the forest and blocked his path. Naruto: You! You! I'll kill you! woon: Doesn't this bridge bring back memories? eh, Naruto-kun? Naruto crouched in pain as the Monster Fox began to boil inside of him. His true power was mounting. The evil red chakra that lay dormant inside of him was spilling out into the air like an inferno. woon could see it. He could actually see the Fox inside Naruto. woon: So we meet again Fox. Have you gotten bored sitting inside this dullard? Join me. What do you say? The Fox kept silent. woon and the Fox merely stared at each other. The Fox was of course, still inside Naruto, but woon's power was so great he could see right through the young ninja. Right through him into his inner most chambers. The dark recesses of Naruto's heart where the Nine-Tailed Fox was sealed. Unafraid, woon just stood right in front of the monstrous beast. Its jaws just feet from woon, as the painfully hot chakra seeped through its fangs. woon just waited for his answer, but then impatience struck him. woon: Well? What of it? Don't make me force... The Nine-Tailed Fox: You don't force me to do anything! woon couldn't hold his grasp on Naruto's subconscious. The force from the Fox was too great, even for him. He was expelled and saw Naruto's changing form in reality. Before woon could react, Naruto rushed him and slapped woon right across the face with the full power of the Nine-Tails. woon was flung 500 yards into the forest. A wake of collapsed and exploded tress lie in the path woon took and stopped where his body finally slid to a resting point. Naruto could see woon get back up from the vicious hit. woon's face had been partially exposed revealing his true form. "Just how many times has he switched bodies?" Naruto thought. woon smiled. Before the hit, he hardened his skin and was able to survive. Nothing less from such a powerful ninja. woon was a little shaken at how much damage he took though. He made a mental note to perform more research on some different immortality techniques. woon: I'll take that as a no... The Nine-Tailed Fox: Don't ever let me see you here again Orochimaru. Naruto is mine. Orochimaru: We'll see about that Fox... we'll see. Orochimaru vanished from the forest and Naruto collapsed onto the ground in exhaustion. The red chakra returned to its source before the ANBU arrived and brought Naruto in to be checked by the medical staff. Hokage: Tsunade 1) Prince Marth 2) Joe's Student 3) Kat 4) Prof. Templeton 5) FIF 6) Brandonb 7) ST -DEAD (killed by Hidan) 8) dawh 9) Frost 10) SomeGuy 11) woon 12) LIS 13) Sinistral 14) Mekal 15) Sparanda woon -200 stat points and revealed to be Orochimaru Naruto +25 stat points Prologue Game Rules Flashback 1 Character Abilities Night 1 Night 2 Begins now and ends when I get all the pms in. Try for 24 hours max please. Also, please include all of your stats so that we stay on the same page. Thanks! Edit: just a reminder: everyone gets +25 for surviving the Day.
  14. Shinigami King: Y Roster: 1)Brandonb 2)Itachi-san - voting for Ben Law 3)Sinistral 4)dawh - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH) 5)foolonthehill - voting for Ben Law 6)Cherry Lane - voting for Brandonb 7)Joe's Student - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH) 8)Kat - voting for Brandonb 9)SomeGuy - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH) 10)the second dawh - voting for Ben Law 11)Mekal 12)Sparanda voting for Sinistral 13)Star_tiger - voting for Sinistral 14)Prof. Templeton - voting for Sinistral 15)Prince Marth - voting for Brandonb 16)Ben Law - voting for Brandonb I actually have reason to believe Ben Law is a baddie (believe it or not). I was just waiting for Sinistral to finally say something I also believe Bb is Light. I advise all TF to switch their votes to BL a.s.a.p.
  15. itachi-san

    And for once, the question doesn't involve killing!
  16. Hokage: Tsunade 1) Prince Marth 2) Joe's Student - voting for LIS 3) Kat - voting for Sinistral 4) Prof. Templeton - voting for woon 5) FIF 6) Brandonb - voting for Prince Marth 7) ST -DEAD (killed by Hidan) 8) dawh - voting for woon 9) Frost - Voting for kat 10) SomeGuy - voting for woon 11) woon - voting for Sinistral 12) LIS - voting for Sinistral 13) Sinistral 14) Mekal - Voting for FIF 15) Sparanda - voting for Prof. Templeton Tsunade: for reasons even I, the Hokage, am not privy to, JS was able to pm me his vote, but not post it. So I am posting his vote at his request. Edit: oh, and 2 more hours until the Day ends
  17. If there's a tie it's a surprise , but I have a plan
  18. itachi-san

    Do You YouTube?

    - some bad language though (mostly bleeped out)
  19. He was thinking about those leather pants I had on
  20. Thanks Bb, I was about to start the voting myself
  21. Honestly, if something is really long, I don't read it all. I really liked Jumper Mafia, but I skimmed the posts mostly and just used what people were saying to figure their characters out. It seems like pictures are the latest craze. I originally used them to shorten the story I was writing since a lot can be gathered from the pictures. "If Naruto's giving a thumbs up, you know he's made friends, if his eyes are red and he's growling... well you get the point." Also, they made it look similar to a manga which I thought was cool, but that's off-topic. I also use dialogue to shorten the story. It makes for a quicker read.
  22. Shinigami King: Y Roster: 1)Brandonb 2)Itachi-san - voting for Sinistral 3)Sinistral 4)dawh - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH) 5)foolonthehill 6)Cherry Lane 7)Joe's Student - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH) 8)Kat 9)SomeGuy - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH) 10)the second dawh 11)Mekal 12)Sparanda 13)Star_tiger 14)Prof. Templeton 15)Prince Marth 16)Ben Law Same as last Day. His cleverness shows again. I'd prefer Itachi-cup btw
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