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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. No. I just pm'd roles. I don't need confirmations. (it will be evident in your participation). I'll write the First Night post soon and then you guys have 24 hours to present evidence. Then I write Night 2, etc...
  2. Descriptions for Boston's Homicide Division on the Case: [u][b]Name Blood Type Weapon Personal Place Hair Color Eye Color Body-Type Accessory Habit Vehicle[/b][/u] Lieutenant Stark: AB Shotgun Outdoor Shed Brown Green Tall Tattoo Whistles Grey Chevy Van Detective Smith B Handgun Outdoor Porch Grey Blue Tall Watch Drinks Red Ford Taurus Detective Jones O Shotgun Outdoor Porch Blond Hazel Fat Tattoo Hums Red Ford Truck Undercover Agent Johnson B Handgun Greenhouse Black Green Average Ring Chews Gum White Chevy Cobalt Undercover Agent Harrison AB Knife Basement Blond Blue Average Glasses Smokes Red Honda Accord Forensics Investigator Adams O Knife Garage Brown Brown Short Ring Chews Gum Black Honda Civic Forensics Investigator Williams A Knife Garage Grey Hazel Average Red Sox Hat Hums Red Chevy Truck FBI Criminologist Mason B Handgun Basement Black Brown Short Fedora Smokes Black Chevy Impala Psychologist Reynolds A Knife Outdoor Shed Brown Brown Fat Watch Whistles Black Honda Minivan Chief Somerset A Shotgun Greenhouse Grey Green Average Glasses Drinks White Ford Focus [/codebox]
  3. Sorry, 10 spots only. I'll put you in as a backup if someone drops out or is inactive for too long though. I'll start the game soon. I need to pay random.org a few visits first
  4. Cool! Glad to have you all aboard! One more and we're good to go
  5. itachi-san

    Eat Poop You Cat

    Edit: I tried to think of clozobozo's picture without the words in it
  6. itachi-san

    Eat Poop You Cat

    OK, so I'm waiting for another picture by clozobozo.
  7. When the game begins, I'm going to post each role's characteristics. For instance: Det. Smith: Blood AB+, drives a blue hatchback, wears glasses, etc... for each police officer. I figure that you all work together in the same station so you all obviously know about each other. This will also make the evidence claiming in the beginning easier to guess and easier to fake.
  8. Chapter 7: The Snake's Ace in the Hole Everyone in the whole Fire Country was ready to put woon to the stake. He was running out of time it seemed. He could hear their chants outside his lair. Sinistral: He's a snake! Sparanda: No Contest! woon: Fools. Are they ever going to learn? Ah well, let them have their cake and eat it too. In the meantime I need to start dwindling Konoha's numbers. Going after that Nine-Tailed brat was a great idea, but he turned out to be a bit too troublesome. Then... how about going after his tamer? woon escaped his lair through a secret exit and made his way to the Training Grounds. He found Yamato there training his techniques for his precious Konoha. "What a fool. So simple-minded. Always thinking about Konoha, never the big picture. I'll take him out here and now. One less Jounin-Rank ninja for me to fight when this village goes up in flames. Sayonara Yamato." woon prepared to shoot his snakes at Yamato, who finally seemed to recognize the threat. Yamato jumped high in the air, but it was pathetic. woon wrapped him up in snakes and was about to squeeze the life out of him. Then... *poof* woon: A wood clone?! Yamato (from behind): Actually a wood substitution. My wood clones look much more impressive. hehe. I finally got you Orochimaru. Yamato unleashed a torrent of attacks as woon snapped his head around to see them all coming at him. His eyes bulged in disgust at his failure. "How could I keep losing to these Konoha punks!?" woon was shattered mentally and physically and stumbled back from Yamato. Yamato was cautious, but he knew he did the maximum damage to Orochimaru and that that must have been enough to kill him. woon collapsed in the dirt. Yamato checked his vitals. Orochimaru was dead... finally. Yamato left to report his duel to the Hokage. After waiting for the coast to clear, Kabuto emerged from his clever hiding spot and rushed to woon. Kabuto: Orochimaru-sama! He opened a scroll used for summoning and brought forth a dead body resembling woon. He then worked quickly to bring woon back to life and make the body switch to fool Konoha for a while. woon sat up quickly and coughed the dust from his lungs. It would have been a startling sight had Kabuto not been waiting for it to happen. woon: Where would I be without you Kabuto? Kabuto: I just can't believe you lost again... woon (with a deadly stare): Don't think I'll let you get away with talking like that again to me. Kabuto: Fine. Fine. Let's just get out of here. Shall we? --- Hokage: Tsunade 1) Prince Marth 2) Joe's Student 3) Kat 4) Prof. Templeton 5) FIF 6) Brandonb 7) ST -DEAD (killed by Hidan) 8) dawh 9) Frost 10) SomeGuy 11) woon 12) LIS -DEAD (killed by Yamato and Sakura) 13) Sinistral 14) Mekal -DEAD (Kisame) 15) Sparanda Prologue Game Rules Flashback 1 Character Abilities Night 1 Day 1 Night 2 Day 2 Night 3 Night 4 begins now and ends when I get everyone's stats and actions in! everyone gets +25 for surviving (except woon) Kabuto +25 Yamato +25
  9. 2 straight no-contests? Alright... if woon doesn't object within 1-2 hours I'll post the Day.
  10. When 10 people sign up and I write the first night. Just to re-iterate, there is only one 24 hour day cycle.
  11. you can present whatever evidence you want, no matter who you are
  12. It would be like: Joe's Student: Blood Type AB+, seen in a White Van, carrying a handgun, brown eyes (from 0-10 pieces of evidence) Edit: It's not really voting. It's more like presenting your evidence. I'll change the wording. Oh and thanks btw!
  13. Nah! This was a great concept peace*out! I just posted mine actually. Everyone is welcome to play. Very limited slots though.
  14. A serial killer has been stalking Boston. He's become somewhat of a legend. So much so that he has inspired a copy-cat killer who has now begun killing on his own. The Master is just about to begin his bold plan involving the deaths of 12 people. All the murders are done someplace else and then brought to a specific location. The master follows a set of rules though: one of which is that no innocent people will die by his hands unless he feels he must do it to survive. The copycat tries to follow the same rule, but his personal discipline is not so great, so he'll attack innocents much sooner than the master would. The copycat also has a scheme in mind, but must be caught first because the master will easily make all the evidence from his crime scenes fit the description of the copy-cat because he knows who the copy-cat is. The trick is, both killers are on the police force! Roles: The Zodiac Zealot - will kill an out-of-game villain each night unless he feels threatened. needs to bring down the copy-cat and stay out of harm's way. If he kills 12 people, he wins, otherwise he wins if he kills every other member of the police force. Knows who the Copy-Cat is. The Copy-Cat (who loves the movie Se7en) - will kill an out-of-game villain each night unless he feels threatened. If he lasts over 7 Nights, he wins, otherwise he wins if kills every other member of the police force Lieutenant Stark- will find two very credible pieces of evidence each night with 75% accuracy each (weapon, place of murder, habit, accessories, vehicle randomly) Detective Smith - can get a witness to speak with 50% credibility each night or can protect someone (weapon, hair, eyes, body-type randomly) Detective Jones - can get a witness to speak with 50% credibility each night or can protect someone (weapon, hair, eyes, body-type randomly) Undercover Agent Johnson - gets one 100% pure piece of evidence each night (all possible evidence randomly) Undercover Agent Harrison - gets one 100% pure piece of evidence each night (all possible evidence randomly) Forensics Investigator Adams - gets two 50% credible pieces of evidence a night (blood-type, accessories, hair randomly) Forensics Investigator Williams - gets two 50% credible pieces of evidence a night (blood-type, accessories, hair randomly) FBI Criminal Expert Mason - gets one 100% piece of evidence one night and can protect someone as well (all possible evidence randomly) Psychologist Reynolds - can examine one person each day to see if they have criminal tendencies with 50% chance of them leaking some random info (habit, vehicle, place of murder randomly) Chief Somerset - can look at the big picture each day's vote and ask for the authenticity of two people's voting. Evidence will be presented by each officer each day and will be for 10 items. (You may opt to put in 0-10 of the items) The evidence is (blood-type, weapon, place of murder, hair color, eye color, body-type, accessories worn, habit (smoking, drinking, etc...), and vehicle used) The two killers will be chosen randomly from the group of 10 officers and will still be doing their jobs. They will be given 10 pieces of evidence that suits them in addition to their roles. The evidence the cops collect will all point to the copy-cat until the copy-cat is brought down. If 5 out of 10 pieces of evidence, by majority, point toward the copy-cat, his house will be raided that Night and he will feel threatened. He will not be found, but then he will get sloppy and all his percentages shoot up to 100%, but he will now be forced to kill police officers instead of out-of-game villains. He can only RID kill them though and only if they are not protected. If the RID fails, he will kill an out-of-game character like before. The copy-cat will be brought to justice if 8-10 pieces of evidence fit his description. The real Boston Butcher will then be left. And the process will be similar. His plan involves killing 12 people and then he wins and gets away. If the evidence points towards him 6-10, his house will get raided and he will step up his game and kill an officer each night with RID (if un-protected) and an out-of-game character. If the RID fails, he only kills the one out-of game character like before. Because he is rushing things though, his chances of leaving 100% credible evidence behind jumps to 100%. He will be brought down with a flawless 10-10 evidence majority. In my posts, you will know what type of evidence each officer uncovers, but only they will know what exactly it was and keep in mind the percentage of accuracy at any given time. Also, you will know who's house got raided if that ever happens. Anytime a player dies, their role is revealed. By rule, the game cannot exceed 12 Nights. There will be no Night Actions. Everything will be done on a 24 hour cycle. There will be no need for protection the first Night obviously. No protective role can protect themselves. From then on, any actions like protect or RID kill will be sent to me during the day and will happen the next night. Host: I 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)
  15. Wow, this is very similar to an idea I was working on. nice one peace*out!
  16. Shinigami King: Y Roster: 1)Brandonb - DEAD [Light] (turned into an egg of Kishin and Death Scythed down) 2)Itachi-san - voting for foolonthehill 3)Sinistral[Misa] - Voting for Mekal 4)dawh - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH) 5)foolonthehill 6)Cherry Lane - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH) 7)Joe's Student - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH) 8)Kat - voting for Mekal 9)SomeGuy - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH) 10)the second dawh - voting for foolonthehill 11)Mekal - Voting for Kat 12)Sparanda 13)Star_tiger- voting for foolonthehill 14)Prof. Templeton - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH) 15)Prince Marth - voting for foolonthehill 16)Ben Law - GONE [Ryuk] (Shinigami chopped) We will need to change these to Kat if Mekal doesn't show up... Edit: when exactly does the day end? Edit 2: Kat/Rem erased star tiger's vote
  17. itachi-san

    Eat Poop You Cat

    hehe, it's ok i just had to do a double-take when i looked at the roster.
  18. itachi-san

    Eat Poop You Cat

    I totally got ousted from the fourth spot... not cool Impervious Edit: I don't know how to fix that with so many people signed up now, I'll just deal with it <_<
  19. itachi-san

    Eat Poop You Cat

    1. Izzy 2. clozbozo 3. Itachi 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. This sounds fun. I guess I'll be a statement maker
  20. Chapter 6: Mounting Tension Yamato sat and performed a mixture of Water and Earth seals with his hands. His skill was high and his hands moved so fast that only a trained eye could make out each seal individually. The mixture of the two elements in this proportion formed Yamato's ultimate elemental ability: wood techniques. He was the only known living ninja who could make them. Around him in a circle the ground began to rumble. Then wooden spires in the shapes of dragons began to break through the soil and stand all around Yamato. Yamato: Alright Naruto! I'm setup here. Unleash the beast! Naruto: Believe it! We're going to get woon this time! He's going to pay for what he's done to Sasuke. --- Brandonb had malice painted all over his face, when he bumped into an attractive young Konoha ninja. He stepped back attempting to recover his thoughts, but they were gone. His mind was a blank, yet he wasn't horrified. Ino made sure of that. Brandonb: Uh... you too... is there anything I can do for you? Ino: I'm sure I can think of something. --- Hidan walked through the cemetery caressing the headstones as he passed them. His huge scythe hanging down his back. He was not blood-thirsty this night. Well... he was... but he got sent on some stupid errand that he really couldn't have cared less about... Hidan: ugh... I should be practicing my Jashin faith and sacrificing non-believers! Why do I get caught up in these stupid errand runs? Argh! Fine. Whatever. Where is he? Mekel? ... nope... Mekal? ... aha! fresh soil! this has got to be the spot! But when he finally cleared the grave there was no body! Hidan's jaw was twitching with anger. Hidan: I came all this way and got waist-deep in this...! ARRRRGGGHHHH! Mekal can't even be captured!... His stupid body probably turned into water and washed away with the rest of the trash... seriously... he gave Akatsuki a bad name... *sigh* Oh well... I'll just hold all this aggression in nice and tight and let it loose on my next victim. I just hope they can last long enough for me to let it all out. I'm seriously mad here! --- Kakuzu was sitting idly by watching that smart Konoha kid battle with some ninja going by the name Prof. Templeton... like that wasn't an alias... Kakuzu was a very patient person though and would wait to see what happened. Either way, Templeton would be damaged by the time he got there. Kakuzu: Hmm. That Shikamaru kid has a bounty on his head after all. Not very big though. He's still too young. But what's this? Ah, now that's interesting... And...? Hmm. Very interesting indeed... ...ah. the fight's almost over. Shikamaru was using his shadow techniques to their fullest extent against the Professor, but they weren't enough to bring him down for good. The genius, Shikamaru, was tiring and Kakuzu could see it. A genius, but not much of a fighter... This was his chance to step in. He walked slowly over to the two who were fighting. PT: You're out of your league kid. This fight's over... hey! Who are you? ...answer me! What are you doing here? You want a piece too? Shikamaru (thinking): I'm done for if I stay. I'm already winded. This is my chance to escape! PT: Hey where are you going! I was just about to start kicking a**! Kakuzu: You're fighting me now. And I'm no push-over. PT (sneering): Psht. Whatever. Bring it on Mr. Akatsuki. A giant black monster crept out of Kakuzu's back and stood a good ten meters taller than Kakuzu! PT began to quake in his shoes. What was that thing? And it was radiating such an awful chakra... disgusting. Kakuzu: This is one of my hearts. My heart of Fire. Prepare to get burned Professor. --- Frost (hiding behind a tree and thinking): Why is everyone coming after me? Sasuke: I can read your mind. It seems you didn't get my message... Frost: It doesn't even make sense! What do you want from me? Sasuke: Your ID and your death. ...Fire-Style: Phoenix Flowers! Frost was hit badly by the multitude of fire balls that pummeled him, but when he readied himself to attack, Sasuke was gone. Was he just toying with him? --- Naruto was dead set on killing woon, once and for all. There he was! Standing right in the open! Naruto rushed him with the full power of the Nine-Tailed Fox, only to be snared by a rope and hung upside down. He fell for a lame trap like this? Again... He was pathetic and woon was gone. Naruto began to seethe with anger. The red chakra surrounding his body burned through the rope and he fell to the ground in complete disarray. Naruto: I can't control it Captain! I'm going to turn into the Fox! Help! Yamato readied his technique to suppress the Fox, but it took time to prepare and activate. Sweat poured from his forehead as he focused on it, tense and worried of what Naruto would become if he was too late. Yamato: Don't be too late! Wood Element: Suppression! The wooden dragons surrounding Yamato sprang into life and bit down on every part of the Fox's chakra. Eventually the chakra seeped back into Naruto and he returned to his normal self, though unconscious. Yamato: Whew! That was close... but again, he evaded us. That woon is as slippery as they come. --- Hokage: Tsunade 1) Prince Marth 2) Joe's Student 3) Kat 4) Prof. Templeton 5) FIF 6) Brandonb 7) ST -DEAD (killed by Hidan) 8) dawh 9) Frost 10) SomeGuy 11) woon 12) LIS -DEAD (killed by Yamato and Sakura) 13) Sinistral 14) Mekal -DEAD (Kisame) 15) Sparanda Prologue Game Rules Flashback 1 Character Abilities Night 1 Day 1 Night 2 Day 2 Day 3 begins now and ends in 24 hours. Everyone get 25 points for surviving!
  21. I agree on lynching Mikami tomorrow and I think the TF should know all 3 remaining baddies so there's no need for me to hint about their IDs right now. Suffice it to say that I pinpointed Sinistral and Ben Law on Days 1 and 2.
  22. I don't mind people not talking on the thread during the night because the game is designed that way: little (open) communication, and lots of clues in the day/night posts. This Night should end in about 4.5 hours. All that being said, look where not talking got Mekal and LIS...
  23. Can you stop this please? I'll post my thoughts when it's appropriate after the game ends, not during the game like you continue to do. Like I said, just boot me if you have a problem. I really won't mind. If I'm still playing, please stop singling me out as having 'misinterpreted' your rant about players not thinking; it's getting silly. I don't see how I misinterpreted anything.
  24. I agree, which is why I don't understand why the host is saying so much. The game is still going on...
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