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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. I call a possibility of player spanking ..funny post though
  2. Hermes survived last game and therefore got some Secrets as a Character, not a player. I was told his character was a bit weak in the first game, so I beefed him up. Not my fault you guys didn't draft him... but now with only 1 God, you can again.
  3. And Kat is randomly now at the Castle.
  4. You learned Theseus is Twin Bro. Edit: oops, I put too much info in this post. If you saw it, please disregard it. Thanks.
  5. Night 5: Showdown! Odysseus Wreaks Havoc in Tartarus! Overlooking the empty mountainside, Hades clenched his teeth and inhaled viciously. His black cape swung around him like a rippling pool of emptiness as he looked away from that disaster. "Odysseus... that man is quite the thorn in my side. To have escaped that which even a Titan could not... just what sort of man is he? Cunning, for certain. ...Cerberus!" The Hellhound walked into Hades' private chambers, right by Persephone sitting silent in an uncomfortable looking arm-chair, and kneeled right before his master's shrouded visage. "The intruder in my realm who goes by the name 'cp'. I have estimated that much action will revolve around her tonight. And.. that Odysseus must be thinking the same thing. Go forth my pet! His cunning won't save her tonight! Not from your jaws!" Cerberus ran from the room, leaving a trail of smoke and tiny flames in his wake. Hades turned to Persephone and lifted her chin with a finger. "Fear not my love. We will ween them down to nothing but that troublesome Odysseus. And then... then, I'll take over his torture ...personally..." --- Charon rocked back and forth aboard his ferry, his cowl covering his putrid appearance. He just sat motionless, arms resting on his knees, ever-waiting for souls to enter his domain. As was the case of late though, he had an unwelcome visitor. The fleet-foot God Hermes flew over the River Styx and landed on the stern of the ferry near Charon; the vessel did not even seem to move from his feather-like landing. Not bothering with the pesky God, Charon remained silent, gazing down at the water, from deep within his cloak. Hermes: So.... I was wondering who's passage you wanted denied. Just... out of curiosity. Charon: ... Hermes: Hmph. ...Hahahah! Never much for conversation, are you ferryman? Sighing and scratching his forehead, Hermes unveiled a knife, pushed Charon to the deck and stabbed him right through the left shoulder, all so quickly, only a Divine eye could have seen the movements. Without even a sound, Charon just lay on his back, staring right up at the God. His cloak had fallen back, revealing his monstrous form. Charon: ... Hermes: You're a tough one ferryman, I'll give you that, but tell me. How do you intend to row this ferry... without arms? Looking down at his own body, Charon saw that indeed his arms had been taken. Hermes held them, taunting the Monster. Charon snarled and tried to lunge up, but Hermes held him down tight. Charon: Fine Olympian, but it's of little consequence. My Lord Hades shall prevail no matter what you try. You forget his strength. Hermes: And you underestimate your opposition. Now... who... Charon: c... p... Hermes: Heh, well you won't be finding her on this side of the River. And by the time you make it across... no, you two can't possibly meet tonight. I'm done with you then. Hermes flew off in a flash, leaving behind Charon's arms. The Monster rose and reattached his limbs. Returning to his position, Charon slowly pulled his cowl back up and over his head... and waited... as he always did. --- It was true that cp did not have to worry about Charon, but as she walked through the mazes of Tartarus, she would have traded this meeting for almost any other. She came to a fork in the path and stood thinking about which way she should proceed. Then, from the right tunnel she could see fire emerging and growing. Some sort of beast was headed right for her. Then, she looked to the left and snakes began pouring out of that tunnel right toward her. Before she knew it, both Cerberus and Medusa towered over her. Cerberus, breathing fire, snorting and barking wild flames and plumes of smoke. Medusa, screeching and hissing, snakes pouring from her head and snapping their fangs open and closed. Backing off from the two demons, cp stared them down. So far, none of the three made a move, but then a brilliant light encapsulated cp. She looked through and saw Athena had come to her aid. Athena spun her sword and slashed Cerberus' paw, then used her shield to deflect Medusa's deadly stare. The Monsters had no intention of fighting a God at the moment it seemed, as they each backed off and returned down the passages from which they had arrived. --- On the Surface, Kat was again encountered by the Siren. But before the Siren could reach her, Kat clutched her throat. She couldn't breathe! She fell dead right in front of the disappointed Siren, who watched her soul travel down to the Underworld. ...Charon stirred... --- Another battle waged in the distance as Diomedes and PT went at it. The two were evenly matched though and Diomedes began to laugh with exuberance as he slashed at PT again and again only to be deftly blocked or quickly side-stepped. After about ten minutes the two stopped, both a bit winded. Diomedes clapped his arm around PT's shoulders and vowed to protect him for the night. "Anyone who can battle me with such skill is a rarity! I look forward to us clashing again my friend! So in the meantime, I'll make sure nobody else even tries to have a go at you. I want you completely rested the next time we meet Nothing as satisfying as a good battle, eh?" PT : ...um... yeah... I guess... --- While offering some choice words to Bb, Nestor was interrupted by Hermes descent down to the ground. A determination filled Bb's gaze from Nestor's words though as Hermes landed beside them. The three began making a map of Tartarus in the soil with their fingers. Bb: OK, so the Dungeons are here... and then Prometheus' Mountain should be... Hermes: Well, heh, it's more like this. Bb: Ah yes, that makes sense. I'm lacking your bird's eye view. Hermes: Well, don't worry my friend. You'll get to see the rest of this place in a moment. Are you ready? Theseus (beginning to run): Hold! ...Hold! ...You're mine Brandonb! Bb and Nestor both swiveled their heads in unison at the bulky warrior marching toward them. Bb motioned Hermes and Nestor to back off. "This is my fight." Hermes nodded, folded his arms and flew up into the air, watching the battle unfold. Nestor backed away, becoming one with his surroundings, watching his trusty companion ready himself. Bb: You are not my concern tonight brave Theseus. But I'm aware of your current allegiance. Is there any way I can convince you to back off? Gritting his teeth, Theseus hurled his spear right at Bb's throat. Bb sidestepped the spear, eyes watching the projectile as it almost grazed his neck. Then unsheathing his own sword from behind his shield Bb stealthily blocked Theseus' sword blow which had immediately followed the spear. The two remained locked, swords grinding and sparking. Bb: You're good warrior. ...But, not good enough. Bb purposefully fell, throwing Theseus off balance. He then picked up his shield and as Theseus regained his composure, Bb spun and blasted Theseus right at the side of his helmet with his shield. The blow knocked Theseus out. When he hit the ground, his helmet rolled away a bit, revealing his true face. Hermes descended back to the land. "Well, you certainly live up to your name, but can you surpass those expectations?" Bb: We'll find out sooner or later. Let's go. Hermes grabbed Bb by the arm and the two flew off, leaving Theseus defeated, unconscious and sprawled on the ground. --- Growing more and more aggravated by the second, Impervious prepared to welcome his guest. "Impossible! How is this happening? How is he here? Those Monsters are useless... Well, I'll just take care of this nuisance myself." Odysseus walked up toward the muttering Impervious and stopped about twenty paces from the enraged Olympian. Odysseus looked Impervious up and down. He was monstrously enormous. "Kill a God?" Odysseus gulped, but then wore a mask of utter seriousness. "Ares fell by Human blade, Impervious. Are you not afraid?" With a slight movement of his hand, Impervious lifted Odysseus in the air like a puppet. "And just what should I be fearing? I could snap your neck right now. You forget, I am not Ares... he was a fool and is now imprisoned here, just as you will be again in a moment. I won't give you the satisfaction of complete death ...no. You're going to suffer Odysseus." Odysseus (short of breath): I knew... before we met... that I couldn't beat you ...with my own strength. Beneath his black metallic mask, Hades searched the sky ...nothing. Searched the land ...nothing. "And just what else is there for me to see?" Odysseus (grasping at consciousness): No..thing. ...Nothing at all. Wondering why his almost lifeless victim was smirking, Impervious began to speak. "OK, enough games... I'm going to make certain that..." The ground beneath Impervious began to quake. Even the God Impervious could not stand his ground. "What?!?" A giant hand exploded from beneath the ground. It was larger than all of Impervious. "No..." Now moving like the wind, Impervious moved as fast as he could, finally feeling the danger of the situation. He could no longer concentrate on Odysseus who fell back to the ground and unsheathed his sword. Impervious ran and leaped all across the giant hand and forearm of the Titan Atlas. Atlas' hand kept closing, but always just after Impervious escaped his deadly grasp. Impervious: How are you free? What is going on!?! Atlas (grumbling from under the world itself): A message for you Impervious. ..From Prometheus: ...Die Atlas' hand began picking up speed and his aim was getting more accurate. Impervious began sweating, trying to think of a counter-attack to this unexpected development. "I never should have agreed with Zeus. I never should have imprisoned these Giants. Damn Zeus!" He leaped back and back and... right through Odysseus' waiting sword. The blade pierced Impervious through the chest and the brief pause was enough time for Atlas to pluck his head clean off. Odysseus wrenched his blade from the dead God's body; it was red-hot, sizzled and had nearly melted. Odysseus threw the blade to his side and knelt down, exhausted. Atlas pulled his hand back under the Earth, along with Impervious' head, still barely alive. "Damn you... Zeus..." were Impervious' last words before all traces of Atlas had disappeared. The massive chasms he ruptured began to close and seal, and Atlas once again took firm hold of the Earth. Atlas: Perhaps we shall meet again brave Achaean warrior. I do hope so. Though it would satisfy Impervious' wish, I too hold a grudge against Zeus. If your fate leads you to Mount Olympus, you can call on me... on all the Titans. For now warrior, fare well. --- 1) SomeGuy [Monster] 2) Impervious [Olympian] -DEAD 3) LIS - DEAD 4) GC 5) Prof. T 6) dawh -DEAD 7) Kat [Human] 8) Bb 9) RMZ -DEAD 10) ST 11) Artificial I 12) Riranor 13) JS 14) Randro 15) twin bro 16) IDNE 17) crazypainter Well that was crazy! Thanks for playing Impervious! Day 5 is already underway (-2 hours I guess). So 22 hours from now it will end. Thanks for all the time and effort so far everyone. This has been really fun so far.
  6. OK, WOW . This may be the coolest Night I've ever had to write. Please give me some time. That post marking the night over is where we can start the next Day. Who needs those first 2 hours anyway?
  7. Yes, the rule for all characters meeting with any actions (this excludes mental stuff like Hades' guesses) is that they must be on the same side in order to find each other.
  8. actually, I'm totally wrong here, they need to be on the same level. BUT, luckily it doesn't matter
  9. exact locations would be nice, so we are all on the same page here. I have: GC: Hell Swamp TB: Dungeons Randro: Prometheus' Mountain
  10. his placement has nothing to do with his ability so yes.
  11. Got it, but I had Randro at the Lake last night so he can't get that close to the surface
  12. lingering small problems
  13. #2 #3 #1 #4 and #5 still need to be solved and then the whole second half of course.
  14. Just waiting on the Baddie BTSC now. About 20-30 minutes hopefully? I really need to do some actual work today
  15. will these be final soon?
  16. hehe, OK, I'll be using this ... FINAL
  17. lolz, don't say you're done if you don't really mean it... I may just take your word for it. So, I guess I'll wait for each team leader to say "final" on their team's actions. ~it's been confusing as of late, so please just go with me on this one
  18. mostly plural a broken flower i can taste but not devour *** preferably sharp or found at the center or just a device for light to enter *** my name is the same as that of my sheath three similar neighbors with one beneath *** if I'm stepped on territory's unsteady if you're on me you're surely ready
  19. you basically got it. That's #2! and that's #4! ...see a pattern in the answers?
  20. Both BTSC forums are quite busy and have both received answers from me only recently Let's try for another hour of debate and finalization. This is a very interesting night, so I won't stop the night if things need to be resolved. Like I said, hopefully another hour, but I won't just stop it if people need some more time. Also, don't forget about the time it takes to write the post
  21. Here's the thing about Odysseus. The rule about sacrificing themselves for him is really only intended to keep Odysseus the last one standing. Therefore, unless he will be successfully removed from the game (by dying in Tartarus) there is no need to have someone die in his place. Let me know if this changes anything about your night.
  22. agreed, it will only come into play if Odysseus is threatened from leaving the game. 1) Yes, he can target 2 people at once every other night 2) "you are Athena. Character Secret: Can protect 2 people every other night, but never herself" 3) you can select a living player of your choice 4) Anyone who has voted for him 5) No, it was definitely intended as a mechanism to keep Odysseus the last one standing, so sacrifices are not needed if you will live through the meeting
  23. From Hermes: "Brave Odysseus, since Hades and his minions have stopped voting for themselves are started voting for your warriors (Kat), I've decided to help the Achaeans, since it's likely that I will soon be recruited, since I am currently the last remaining independant. First, let me say that I know who you are, Brandonb, and it is likely that everyone else knows too. I can offer to move any of your opponents deep into Tartarus so that you or Diomedes can easily kill them. Personally, I would suggest having twin bro killed, since he is a dangerous killer on the other team. If you would like me to do this, then simply post a comment on the thread overnight, and on the last line of your comment post a capital letter representing the player number (from the roster) of the player you want moved to Tartarus, followed by any emoticon. For example, if you want twin bro moved into Tartarus, since twin bro is number 15) in the roster, the last line of your comment will include a capital O followed by an emoticon. However, if you don't want any of your enemies moved, and instead want to move yourself into Hades Castle so that you can kill Impervious, who is Hades, then type a capital H followed by an emoticon in your post (H because you are the 8th person in the roster). Hades (Impervious) will not expect an attack tonight since you were moved away from his castle last night. As a last sign of good faith, I will inform you that in addition to twin bro, Prof. T, and IDNE are also likely Monsters. Your friend and Ally, Hermes."
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