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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. sorry, you did. Randro = Medusa and is very inactive. I'll ask that he gets access to this forum.
  2. Ah yes. That's true. I'll make an addendum. Thanks for reminding me to out your ID to AI
  3. No, consider "targeted" to encompass lynches as well. So, you would send another Achaean across and they would be made powerless. And yea, Hermes got you good... you could always try to eliminate Argus before you get there. I gave you a freebie and had Hermes fly you over and not walk you through
  4. mostly plural a broken flower i can taste but not devour *** preferably sharp or found at the center or just a device for light to enter *** my name is the same as that of my sheath three similar neighbors with one beneath *** if I'm stepped on territory's unsteady if you're on me you're surely ready
  5. Thanks! and thanks for playing RMZ! the night was confusing to get straight, sorry for forgetting to mention that buddy
  6. Oh right, I meant to remind you guys. You have lots of secret powers you all aren't using really, not just Nestor. And Kat, there's an easy way out of not dying, but you'll have to find it. It's pretty easy to find
  7. OK, here's all of your placements then, so we can be on the same page for tomorrow night. (which is 1 or 3 paces) Bb: Fire Cave (brought by Hermes) Kat: Hell Swamp cp: Fire Cave ST: Ixion's Path Riranor: Hell Swamp
  8. The way you had it, cp would have been killed by Cerberus. But luckily for you guys, I noticed that you had Athena's place wrong. So just choose Ixion's Path or Hell Swamp for her. Taht's all there is to it. As for other actions, there's only so much I can do. Sorry if I screwed up your plans, but there never would have been a problem if you guys just kept track of your places.
  9. Well, you each have only 1 place to remember and I have everyone's to keep track of. Also, the night was extended and many questions keep being asked over and over again by both sides. Everyone should just keep track of where they are, it's really not that difficult. And I've already answered the Athena question. It's in the Game Rules actually. She needs to be on the same side to protect someone.
  10. Night 4: A Battle of Wits: Odysseus vs. Hades! Nestor smiled inward as he watched Diomedes run into the darkness shouting, leaping and destroying every stone structure he passed. Spear blasting through statues of ancient warriors now imprisoned in Tartarus, Diomedes feltas if he could take on the world. --- Face to face they stood, the Demon Hound Cerberus snorting smoke tendrils that wisped up to the ceiling and dissipated and cp looking the monster right in the eyes as if taunting the vile beast. Cerberus' eyes grew white hot flames and fire burst from his claws as he bounded toward cp. cp merely stood her ground, unafraid. Coming to an abrupt halt, Cerberus skidded as he almost collided into the Goddess that had appeared between the two. Athena: Sit. Cerberus raged and howled, but began motioning to back off. Athena, light as a feather, leapt high into the air, near one of Cerberus' snouts and slapped him right across the nose with the blunt side of her sword. Cerberus yelped and began to snort and shake his heads. Athena: Sit! Cerberus let out a wild howl right at Athena. The sound was intense and the walls vibrated. Flaming flecks of spittle flew from the beat's wide jaws, but Athena didn't budge. She brandished her sword and made a move for another one of his snouts, but the Hellhound finally gave in, turned and ran back into the shadows. Athena: Hmph. Not very well trained, is he? --- Sweat poured from GC's face as he fended off the murderous Diomedes. For a man with one arm, he certainly would give anyone a fight for their life in the mental state he was in. As shocking as his screams and taunts were, his moves were just as elegant, just as calculated. GC discerned it was all a mind game his opponent was playing and stepped back a bit from the wild man's lunges. GC: Alright Achaean warrior. You may have the upper hand in this duel, but when fighting to death, expect the unexpected. GC leaped back 4 times until he hit the wall, near a lever. Before Diomedes could stop him, he wrenched the lever down and a gate opened to the side of them. It opened slowly, creaking, the sounds of metal clashing and an almost human-like heavy breathing could be heard from behind the opening gate. Diomedes braced himself to fight two opponents, but then recoiled when seeing the Minotaur step out from the hidden chamber. His head was absolutely intimidating, and he spun his battle axe with such ease, even Diomedes was impressed. GC: As you see I've brought protection. Now, behold the Minotaur's power! The Minotaur ducked under the gate and stomped one foot down into their area. The entire ground near him began to crumble though and he couldn't keep his footing. His battle axe fell down the hidden passage as he clung to the sides for his life, but then he too fell into the chasm, silent, but far. Both GC and Diomedes heard the beast hit the ground with an echoing thud, and then the following scream of pain. Diomedes doubled over laughing. Diomedes (barely able to speak above his laughter): And... I'm... supposed to be... impressed? AHahha! GC scowled and pulled another lever. The ground below Diomedes fell apart and he too fell into a hidden chasm, a different one from the Minotaur. GC peaked his head over the edge to see Diomedes, no longer laughing, but holding his ribs in pain. GC: Have fun climbing back up. I'm afraid you'll be quite lonely when you get back here though. Diomedes: Stay where you are! Coward! GC: Do not confuse wisdom with cowardice. Besides, look at you now! I consider this an act of pity... later, loser. Diomedes: GC!!!!!!! --- Falling down to her knees, Kat could no longer walk hearing the beautiful song of the Siren. She felt a mist encapsulate her entire being, forcing her down, inhibiting her movement. The Siren appeared from the mists, and seemed to float about whispering amidst her song. Siren: Weaker you are becoming. Tomorrow night, I fear... you may even die... Kat fell to sleep and the mist vanished with the Siren. --- Hades felt an enormous tremor throughout Tartarus, a force his powers could not quell. The seas raged, and it was all Poseidon could do to keep them intact, his power used to its maximum and spread over the Earth. The Skies wavered and Zeus puzzled over the many storms forming that he did not create. All three brothers then realized, as if sharing the same mind, that he had done it! Odysseus Was Free! (just for background music ) Clenching his right fist as hard as he could, the bonds snapped, cracked and popped free from the mountain side. The Raven that had begun tearing at his stomach stopped looked up and then felt its head crush in Odysseus' palm. Still in agony, Prometheus looked over his shoulder at Odysseus and his eyes lit with a renewed sense of purpose that had been lost for a very long time. Odysseus threw the raven down the mountainside and the rest flew away in retreat from the unthinkable. Reaching across himself, Odysseus bashed open the locks and chains on his left arm and then began to climb to the apex of the mountain. From there he saw it. Hades' Castle. Far off in the distance. "I'm coming for you, Hades. And I'm bringing the pain!" Odysseus pelted Prometheus' shackles with stones until the Titan was freed. He clung to the mountain-side unable to lift himself after the years of torment. Odysseus reached down and pulled him up to his feet. RMZ (looking up at the two unwarranted bodies standing atop the mountain): And just what in the name of Hades is going on here!?! Odysseus leaped down to RMZ, who was taken completely for surprise, and bashed his head in with a boulder. RMZ's knees gave in and he collapsed, dead before even hitting the ground. Prometheus: I owe you Achaean. I owe you my freedom. Odysseus (dropping the boulder onto the heap that was once RMZ): Think on that another time. For now, try to escape this vile place. Prometheus: Sage words, but I intend something else entirely. I won't forget you friend. --- Prometheus and Odysseus parted ways. Odysseus was dead set on Hades' Castle, when two ivory hands grabbed both his shoulders from behind. "Wha...?" Hermes: You're coming with me Achaean. Far away from this place. Odysseus: No! I must kill him! I must kill Hades! Hermes: Silence! It is not part of Fate's design for you two to clash so soon. Patience Odysseus. I admit I take no side in this affair, so consider me the hand of fate. Odysseus (carried through the air): Just another meddlesome Olympian if you ask me. Hermes: I didn't ask. Look at the bright side. We'll be flying over the dungeons. Odysseus: And that means what to me? Hermes: There are many eyes in the dungeons, Odysseus... too many... --- 1) SomeGuy [Monster] 2) Impervious [Olympian] 3) LIS - DEAD 4) GC 5) Prof. T 6) dawh -DEAD 7) Kat 8) Bb 9) RMZ -DEAD 10) ST 11) Artificial I 12) Riranor 13) JS 14) Randro 15) twin bro 16) IDNE 17) crazypainter Day 4 begins now and ends in 24 hours. Edit: forgot to add that Theseus attempted an attack on Artificial I, but failed.
  11. ST's position doesn't add up for me.She was on Ixion's Path last night, so now she is either on Ixion's Path or the Hell Swamp. You can choose later, but trust me, I'm helping you guys out big time. cp would be dead. but this is actually the way things should be anyway. So choose Ixion's or Hell Swamp. Take your time, it doesn't really matter between the 2.
  12. Just an FYI, you got Argus' ability, so it's basically nothing.
  13. OK, the Night is officially over. Just give me 3 weeks to sort everything out and I'll have the Night post up...
  14. Looks good. Night over.
  15. This looks good. Night over.
  16. Well, contrary to all the previous posts I am still waiting on a few things
  17. hmm. I already answered this somewhere, but now I forget. I think I said he would have to wait, but let me check. Edit: eh, I can't find it, so you get the kill tonight.
  18. exactly. both hidden forums are still debating right now. I'll wait until they're both done
  19. hehe, sorry IDNE has it right. His power cannot happen in the midst of your travel.
  20. sorry, not allowed. it must be in one direction unless you hit the Surface or the Castle and have to turn around. It's in the rules somewhere.
  21. itachi-san

    Do You YouTube?

    yeah, I know it's CGI, but it's still sweet
  22. This night will be extended for a few hours. Everyone is very active, so it's only fair I'd like to make sure everyone gets enough time to finalize their actions.
  23. Just to clarify, the "Nestor Block" secret, only effects traveling and nothing else. Yes, ST is right. You can make a 3rd prediction and still get all this done. The OP states and/or for your predictions, so #2 can be an ID and a Block.
  24. Thanks, this makes my life easier. I'll give you guys more time for the night considering Hermes' message and a few extra blanks up top.
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