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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. lol, good question... SG2 replaced Randro.
  2. Argus spied Kat2 as Diomedes.
  3. Night 8: Diomedes' Power and Persephone's Secret The hulking Theseus stood over his fallen prey Odysseus. Odysseus tried shimmying himself free, but his opponent had him pinned with his legs and sharply kicked Odysseus' side each chance he got. Theseus' eyes were ablaze with angst, watching Odysseus squirm, hopefully for the last time. Theseus' pride had been shattered too many times by this man, but no more. Theseus: No more! Driving his sword home, Theseus' arms stopped short of their intention, his sword parried and blocked by Odysseus' gauntlets. Theseus leaned down on the hilt. "Even on your back, you are impenetrable. *sigh* very well Odysseus. I'll acknowledge you. Living so long down here makes a man insane, you'll soon find that out the way you're going." Odysseus: I don't intend to prove you right. I have some unfinished business in Tartarus and then I'm leaving as fast as my will shall take me. Theseus (walking away, sheathing his sword): I've heard that one before... by a warrior named Perseus I believe. Ever heard of him? Ah, no matter... fare well warrior, fare well... until we meet again. Odysseus: Why do I get the feeling we will? --- Having fully intended on crossing the River Styx, GC collapsed and held his ears, but he couldn't keep the voice out. It was as if it was inside his head. He could almost put a face to the voice. An old man, oddly enough, but he wore a large robe with a deep hood, shading his face. GC (thrashing on the ground): Get out of my head! Nestor: You have been misunderstanding my abilities monster. You will not be getting any closer tonight. GC (trying in vain to stop the halting voice): Stop it! Let me pass or pay the price! Nestor (concentrating harder and jamming his sword into the earth before him): You shall not proceed! --- Knowing it to be futile, GC gave up his search for Riranor. Riranor felt overconfident as it was anyway, with Athena guarding his back. The two looked up to see Hermes flying high above them. He seemed to have SG2 by the collar, carrying him to Zeus knows where... but then, from a nearby flickering passageway, the torches almost blowing out from the commotion, erupted a screaming Kat2 followed by one of Tartarus' monsters for certain. The beast was near and its sound escalated as it destroyed everything in its path, chasing Kat2 down. With a shockwave, Medusa burst from the passage with a wicked shriek. Her snake-like body whipping and curling faster than a storm over the seas. It was all Kat2 could do to defend herself from the hundreds of snakes that leaped from the monster. Just when Kat2 was about to give in, Athena finally arrived and whisked Kat2 away. She left her next to Riranor and faced Medusa herself. Athena: I've had enough of you. I'll be your opponent tonight. What do you say to a duel? Me and you, to the death. Medusa: *hiss* I don't *whip* think s-s-s-so. *hiss* but this-s-s-s will be the las-s-s-st time *hiss* we ever meet... *hiss* Godess-s-s-s-s-s Athena (as Medusa retreated back into the tunnel): Coward! You're all cowards! Face me fairly, right now! Silence answered her as frustration mounted. At least she could take some solace in knowing she had kept Riranor and Kat2 safe. A bit uneasy though, Athena haltingly slid down a wall to sit down, back against it, and rest herself, ever watchful for the next disturbance. She had learned from her time with Odysseus: "There is always another disturbance. No peace with that man's destiny." --- Twin Bro walked through the depths of Tartarus in a more casual manner than usual. With all the mayhem and the changes in leadership, many of the dangers in this place had either fled or disintegrated. Unfortunately, he was a bit too oblivious, because he did not even notice Odysseus until the Achaean's blade was at his throat. Odysseus: No more indeed. This is good-bye, TB. From the corner of his mouth, TB smirked at Odysseus just as the vines rose from the tainted ground and wrapped Odysseus' arms. Cinching tighter around his wrists, Odysseus was forced to drop his sword and shield. He was defenseless! But he did not let any emotion show on his face. He only looked his would-be killer in the eyes. But TB only retreated back to the shadows. Odysseus stood there, entwined in the leafy black vines, squinting at two shadowy figures. "Persephone?" he wondered. The two conversed, as Odysseus saw a third figure appear a short distance from the first couple. It was ST! Had she come to save him? She stealthily approached the two enemies. Persephone: Oh do stop lurking back there ST. I can sense your presence at twice the distance. ST straightened, a bit flustered. "Well Persephone, I see being down in Tartarus has done... done... wha?" ST looked down and blood dripped from her bottom lip, down her cheek and onto the ground. It spattered off the thick shoots of Cypress that pierced her several times through the torso. Persephone flicked a finger and the Cypress shot back into the ground, leaving only tiny cracks in the surface layer. Blood cascaded from ST as she toppled over, knees, hips, body fell to the floor, eyes wide with shock, frozen open as Persephone and Twin Bro vanished into the darkness. Persephone (voice over): Sorry to do you in like that. Not very fair was it? As if you could fathom all of my abilities... Ahahahahaha! Look what has happened to your friends Odysseus! They came down here to save you and now look at what you created! Death. Death surrounds you Odysseus. Wise General. Great Tactician. Yet you stand on a pile of your companions' corpses. The taunting seemed to come from everywhere at once. It reverberated around the area, sinking deep into Odysseus' soul. The words tormented him because they held too much truth. But Persephone was now long gone. The vines then soon retreated from Odysseus and back into the ground. He ran over to ST, but alas, there was nothing he could do. He only held her, tears falling silently, as he made the vow of a lifetime. --- Nestor sat with Diomedes, once again boosting the warrior to his highest capability. Over his words, they heard a calamity from another region. It sounded bad. Like death. Diomedes got a bad feeling and raced ahead of Nestor. Along the way, he encountered Prof. Templeton walking in the opposite direction. He seemed relaxed and paid no heed to Diomedes' presence. Diomedes raised his spear to PT's face and demanded an explanation of what happened prior to their meeting. PT: I don't owe you any explanations, one-armed warrior. And just what do you intend to do with only one arm? I certainly hope... Almost instantaneously, Diomedes' blade was coated in blood and PT's head hit the ground with a thud and then came to a wobbling still, eyes open and fixated on Diomedes as the Achaean whipped the blood off his blade. The slash of blood hit a skulking IDNE right across the face. He sputtered and took a step back into the shadow. Diomedes: Trying to sneak up on me? IDNE: A one-armed man who can take out PT is not one with who to be trifled. I have no qualms ceasing an advantage in battle. Diomedes: Then you won't mind me ceasing mine. You see, when my mentor Nestor has anything to say about it, neither God, nor Monster can stand in my way. IDNE saw a dangerous glimmer in the Achaean's eye. He backed off, wishing he was on the Surface. Diomedes: And some nights, I get so blood-thristy, I can't help it. I just need more. More of the ecstasy I feel when I take a life. And you... you do not exist. As he thought about the phrase, IDNE realized he was looking at his own feet, sideways, and swaying up and down. He was dead. Diomedes had swung so fast, IDNE did not even see the cut that took his head. This time, Diomedes wiped his blade off for good before he sheathed it. Nestor later caught up to his friend. He saw the silhouette of Diomedes looming in an archway, grasping two heads by their hair and hollering a vicious warcry that's echo could be heard throughout all of Tartarus. All the way from Hades' crumbling Castle to the receding River Styx. Tartarus would be changed forever. ...no matter who won this costly battle. --- 1) SomeGuy [Monster] -DEAD 2) Impervious [Olympian] -DEAD 3) LIS - DEAD 4) GC [Monster] 5) Prof. T -DEAD 6) dawh -DEAD 7) Kat [Human] -DEAD 8) Bb 9) RMZ -DEAD 10) ST -DEAD 11) Artificial I 12) Riranor 13) Impervious2 14) SG2 15) twin bro 16) IDNE -DEAD 17) Kat2 Day 8 begins now. Perhaps we can have a shorter day, just to get back on track? We'll play it by ear. Sorry for the delay with the Night Post and thanks for playing to IDNE, PT and ST! ...so many ghosts... well, this is Tartarus we're in.
  4. Everyone get back on Topic please. [/hosting]
  5. yeah man . On another note, I was actually just going to ask if you wanted to be relieved of your ghost-ness. JS can no longer play so can you become Impervious2 and take his place?
  6. Hi guys! My apologies, but I won't be able to get the Night posted until, at the earliest, late tonight. I knew I was gonna be swamped today at work, which is why I was glad the game was in the Day phase, but then Athena foiled my plans... <_< jks seriously though, I've really got to finish this giant pile of work. The game is nearing it's end, so I especially don't want anymore mistakes on my part and I'd like to take my time writing the Night as well. So, my apologies again. If you blame anyone, please blame my job
  7. No. He can be attacked multiple times, but the result is always just 1 death (his), therefore only one person must sacrifice themself for his life. Nice try though
  8. Right, saves have to do with actions. Hermes is all about traveling. I try to keep the two separate. There are exceptions, but specifically, saving Kat would not stop Hermes from moving her, but if he did and she was attacked, she would be saved Edit: IF her and her savior were on the same side of the River. Edit: answered in 3 minutes...
  9. You block whoever you say. If someone gets passed you that you wanted to block it is because someone else's power blocked yours. So, for instance, if you block Hermes (who is carrying someone), they will both be blocked. If you block the person Hermes is carrying, the person will be blocked and Hermes will pass through. It's complex, but if you think about the first instance, the traveling was all Hermes, so they both are blocked, since the other person depended on Hermes to carry him over. all I can say about this line of reasoning: reread the last night post concerning these people. I can't help more than that, sorry
  10. Hmm. Thinks back to Night 6... Edit: Sweet! I'm very glad to see the BTSC Forums lighting up again! This game is now officially a war of attrition
  11. Yeah, thanks for catching that. Those cunning Achaeans were pulling a fast one on us. A real fast one
  12. No, because you already drafted 3 Independents.
  13. just 2. You all have to move, except PT
  14. OK, my bad, luckily the mistake only lasted about 3 minutes. GC is not sacrificed. Locations prior to Night 8: GC: Surface JS: Cavern (needs to be powerplayed) SG2: Cavern TB: Ixion's Path (thanks to Hermes) IDNE: Ixions PT: Castle (as always)
  15. Oh yea, you're right. That's what we did Day 3 and the way it was always intended. The torrent of posts and pms everywhere confused me. Day is over, GC is NOT sacrificed. Night 8 is now. ~I knew something would go awry from that onslaught of info I just got I'll fix the day post.
  16. Read Athena's ability in the OP.
  17. Tired of what. Athena's ability is clear as day in Game Rules OP... there's no secrets involved here...
  18. Honestly, honestly... you actually did get it. You can thank random.com for that No, it ended at ST's post. She also posted it in the Goodie BTSC, so no complaints about her editing it out by accident please. You guys have a secret killer tonight strike wisely.
  19. lol stop confusing me!
  20. She ended it. She just edited that part out too. I'm guessing by accident. I did see it there when I made the Day post.
  21. Day 7: Athena's Impatience GC: You know I'm getting kind of tired of this journey across the River... Charon: Look who you're complaining to... GC awoke with a start. "Ah, that dream again?" In reality Charon stood face to face with Athena. Charon leaned on his oar, "So, I guess nobody will be coming my way today." Athena answered with a cold stare. --- 1) SomeGuy [Monster] -DEAD 2) Impervious [Olympian] -DEAD 3) LIS - DEAD 4) GC [Monster] 5) Prof. T 6) dawh -DEAD 7) Kat [Human] -DEAD 8) Bb 9) RMZ -DEAD 10) ST 11) Artificial I 12) Riranor 13) JS 14) SG2 15) twin bro 16) IDNE 17) Kat2 Night 8 begins now. Phew! Edit: No Sacrifice.
  22. 1) SomeGuy [Monster] -DEAD 2) Impervious [Olympian] -DEAD 3) LIS - DEAD 4) GC [Monster] 5) Prof. T 6) dawh -DEAD 7) Kat [Human] -DEAD 8) Bb - voting for GC 9) RMZ -DEAD 10) ST 11) Artificial I 12) Riranor 13) JS 14) SG2 15) twin bro 16) IDNE 17) Kat2 OK, only Bb's vote counts so far for the day. And please use the updated roster.
  23. Since everyone is active now, there will be no more vote powerplaying. That was a bit ridiculous, but necessary unfortunately.
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