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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. No, it must be two different people in all cases above. 2 people made powerless and 2 people for 2 pleas.
  2. from Hermes: "Brave Odysseus, we had a successful night you and I. My apologies for not voting for Prof. T, but I couldn't figure out why you wanted me to do so. The only reason that makes sense is you wanted me to reveal myself to everyone, but if you were clever, you should already have figured out who I am. Back to business though, you're target tonight should be Theseus. He attacked you last night, so you should know his identity. Theseus' power lends itself to a certain fighting style. It is more beneficial for him to attack the same person every night, unlike Perseus who would want to attack as many people as possible. Theseus will likely be after you again, so you must attack him too. You already have 100% kill chance against humans, so it should be no problem. As for GC, it is very likely that he is the Cerberus. Send Diomedes to kill him, with the aid of Nestor perhaps. I believe GC has only died once so far, and the Cerberus needs to be killed 3 times. To make our plans more efficiently in the future, you can communicate with me in the thread by using this simple letter substitution code (A=N, B=O, C=P, ... M=Z, N=A, etc.). Use this code to tell me who you would like moved and to where (Tartarus or surface) tonight. I would suggest having GC moved back down to Tartarus, but only if killing him tonight will for sure eliminate him from the game. One last thing, I have a favor to ask of you. If you know the identity of the late RMZ, I would really appreciate it if you shared that knowledge with me. His actions have caused me great confusion. Please tell me in a post using the code. Your friend and ally, Hermes."
  3. you got Nestor's action, which was (is) boosting Diomedes <_<
  4. It's cool, I'm just glad you're still playing. At this stage in the game, I don't really feel like finding replacements.
  5. itachi-san

    Maybe it will be a paradox and Hiro will return from the future to transfer his ability to himself wait... I know how to solve Hiro and Peter's problems! Make a new Heroes Hybrid and they will copy your ideas again Speaking of that, I love how there's no explanation of why Peter can only use one power at a time. he just explains it like it's part of the rules of a mafia-type game, it's really funny actually.
  6. yep yes on #3 and good enough alternative for #4
  7. When you ask, I provide a random action from those that have been sent in. If that action ever gets changed I'll tell you as soon as possible. Also, if no actions have been sent in, Kat (or anyone here) can ask again. Overall point, Calchus gets one accurate random action per night (it could be useless and be an Achaean move too, but you guys have been very lucky this game with just about everything ~mainly coin tosses )
  8. lol So, I think it's best if I tell you what random power PT will have for tonight... one sec... he got the Minotaur, so he can protect 2 different people tonight
  9. What character is Bb, Hades?
  10. Oh sorry, I forgot about the 3 Independents max rule. Hermes cannot be got by the Monsters of Tartarus. I'll just change a few words. my bad.
  11. Also, JS, Randro and Twin Bro? Are you 3 still playing?
  12. Day 5: GC's True Form Rocking back and forth, traveling across the River Styx, GC looked up at the menacing stalactites above him. Though powerless, he managed to keep a dangerous look about him. Charon did not seem to care one way or the other, rowing the ferry mechanically. Once across, GC was greeted by Hermes. He hadn't even noticed the stealthy Messenger approach. Hermes: Look at you! I never thought I'd see you this drained of power. GC: Don't get used to it. ...oh, while you're here, I ask that you finally join us and eradicate these vermin. You know they don't belong here. Why are you playing these games with us? Hermes: Games? I would hardly call them games... especially after the loss of Impervious. GC: Yeah, well as I understand it, you were heavily involved in that sickening affair. Now it's time to make things right. Join us and bring balance back to the Underworld. Hermes: I'd also be careful not to call what you all had going balance. And now look at the situation. Titans being freed, Olympians being imprisoned. Well, I don't exactly look fondly on the prospect of the Titans trying to take vengeance. I may join you. ...oh wait... you have already recruited three independents? Never mind then Monster, you have enough characters to take care of matters yourself. GC: Fair enough Olympian. Fair enough. --- 1) SomeGuy [Monster] 2) Impervious [Olympian] -DEAD 3) LIS - DEAD 4) GC [Monster] 5) Prof. T 6) dawh -DEAD 7) Kat [Human] 8) Bb 9) RMZ -DEAD 10) ST 11) Artificial I 12) Riranor 13) JS 14) Randro 15) twin bro 16) IDNE 17) crazypainter Night 6 begins now.
  13. I'll post the answer to #1 to get the ball rolling again (hopefully): All the answers follow the same pattern
  14. yep, I'll have him do that.
  15. I'll need to know if you guys plan on doing this soon. Edit: you're not able to do this as of the roster right now.
  16. Just under 2 hours to go. Talk about vote changing
  17. itachi-san

    I wish he didn't have a head-opener ability (aka telekinesis)... Sylar acquired that ability, it's not genetic... this show...
  18. No, Hades blocked your block This is not confirmed by me (poker face)
  19. No, he can't act if sacrificed, even a secret ability would not work. Calchus is a human (at least for this game he is) sorry I didn't mention that, but it was hardly worth mentioning. You got Charon's power, and he didn't cross the River last night.
  20. I don't really see the confusion . How can they have no Achaean votes and then no other votes as well? Then they'd have no votes.
  21. yeah, there must be at least 2 players voted for who have no Achaean votes.
  22. itachi-san

    Do You YouTube?

    This one's been goin' around youtube like wildfire: ~it is pretty funny
  23. nice tries, but none are correct. You're on the right track thinking that the answers are somewhat funny.
  24. That's up to you guys. I don't mind. Your side is hardly defeated you know. You still have a ton of people.
  25. hehe You interpret it correctly I think. Here's an example: All Achaeans vote for dawh, the monsters vote for LIS and Impervious. Then you would be able to sway the vote to dawh, LIS or Impervious, since there were 2 people who you guys didn't vote for.
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