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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. Sorry, I left out a part of Cerberus' role in the OP that I gave the player and Hades' player when the game started. I intended it to always be a part of that role and just mistakenly left it out. It's an awesome ability, so I apologize for excluding it from the original rules. Luckily I caught the discrepancy before the game progressed too far. Cerberus must be killed 3 times (once for each head)
  2. actually it doesn't. sorry. I was right the first time about being wrong Only characters who lived and the top 5 rated players got secrets. GC didn't fall under either category. I'm going to post an addition to Cerberus' abilities now. sorry again.
  3. neither. I was thinking about something else. ...I think. I need to brush up on how secret abilities were issued...
  4. Oh yea, sorry. I forgot about that. I was thinking about something totally different, nevermind.
  5. Quick question: why does GC have a secret ability? (must die 3 times) lol, I'm thinking that he probably shouldn't... please refresh my memory. If there is no reason then I'll have to amend the game and tell everyone. I hope no one minds.
  6. lolz, thanks. also, I forgot to add Theseus attempted an Attack on Articial I which failed. I'll add that in. edit: also, I'll send pms or discuss traveling in the BTSCs if you were on the River last night. You are now either on the surface or Ixion's path. It's random. I'll send that info out a little later.
  7. You guys recruited SomeGuy who is the Siren. He'll get access to this forum soon.
  8. Well, you lost LIS. But you did gain Riranor who is Nestor into the BTSC. Thanks for playing LIS!
  9. Night 2: Beware of Dog: Trespassers will be Burned and Eaten Alive The Achaeans, mostly gathered near the River Styx, began preparing for their descent into the Underworld. On the banks of the Styx, Nestor gave a rousing speech to quell any fears his fellow Achaeans may have been stirring. He told them of Hercules and how he once ventured to the Underworld. They, he said, could match the half-God's achievement and free Odysseus from his torture. Diomedes jumped up, invigorated, and then spun around and stabbed into the wall beside him. His spear pierced the back of a rat. "Watch out for spies," Diomedes warned as he ran into the darkness, screaming and howling, overzealous for any encounter he could find. Anyone he could kill in this horrible place to free his friend. Nestor's story had the opposite effect on ST though. She began to feel helpless as if her power was weaning and would never be able to compare to the mighty Hercules and his feats in this awful place of despair and imprisonment. Suddenly, those near the River began to walk slowly from the water's edge. It was rising, faster and faster, until some began running from it. They looked back as the river began to launch itself at them with pitch black waves, all thinking, "What is happening to this place?" --- SomeGuy fell backwards from Charon's empty gaze. "I want on this ferry! I have brought the fee. You must accept it!" Charon: I deny your passage. It's just as well. I have other pressing matters. SG recoiled as Charon's cowl waved opened slightly, revealing his rotted face and empty eye sockets. He looked as if he was Death itself, the living dead, a monster too cold to bargain with. There was nothing to it. SG was stuck. Charon turned back toward the River and raised his rotted arms. The River began to rise, more and more rapidly as time went on. SG stepped back, amazed, and then quickly hurried back the way he had come. He could hear Charon speaking, to who if anyone, SG was not certain. "The shores of the River Styx are no more. Those who have dared invade Tartarus may still cross the River if I allow it, but I will no longer harbor freeloaders on these banks! Hence forth, know that you may only be on the Surface, where you belong, or down in Tartarus, where you will end up anyway. Those of you who were here tonight will randomly be thrown to either side!" Charon let forth a maniacal laugh the likes of which can never even be described outside of Hades' realm. --- For many warriors, the Night was nothing short of a wild goose chase. Diomedes eventually calmed down and sheathed his sword. He let out a loud grunt and continued to pace the area he had run to, looking for JS around every corner. Athena could not find Brandonb, just as Apollo could not find SG. And the slithering Medusa backed into a nearby cave after tiring from looking for RMZ. --- Theseus found himself in a stalemate while battling Artificial I. When both tired, Theseus gave the man his name and offered a second duel in the future since this one had been so satisfying. "It's always good to find worthy opponents!" Theseus remarked as he left Artificial I, taking deep breaths, trying to settle his body after such a grueling fight. --- For others though, their fates were destined to collide this night. Deep within Tartarus, two extremely dangerous opponents faced off. GC looked deep into Perseus' eyes as the rugged warrior charged him, spear ready. GC dodged the spear, but as Perseus leapt into the air he unsheathed his sword from behind his shield and ran GC through. Perseus, being such a veteran of duels, quickly leapt away from the dying GC, pulling his sword out quickly. GC grabbed at the wound, blood gushed everywhere. He began to shiver and fall to the ground. Perseus whipped his sword across GC's body cleansing it of his opponents blood. The blood spattered across GC's face as he died. Just before GC fell lifeless, he seemed to hang in the air for a long moment. Perseus, thinking the battle won, turned and walked from his victim's supposed corpse. Then a sound. Perseus heard breathing. He continued walking, feigning ignorance of the odd predicament brewing behind him. "I'll fake as if I'm caught unaware, then I'll use my..." GC leapt with great speed and came crashing down on Perseus who barely had time to block the attack backwards over his head with his spear. Perseus was bent backwards and GC's now overwhelming strength was crushing his will, forcing him down to the ground where he would surely die. With his ace in the hole, he quickly kicked up his small dagger from his waist and attempted a kill stoke at GC who deftly dodged. Knowing when to give in, the sturdy Perseus used the time to make his escape. --- Ixion came rolling down the hill behind LIS. LIS moved out of the way as the screaming man rolled ceaselessly attached to that flaming wheel. "Quite a punishment," LIS thought. Then the ground began to tremble. LIS took a ready stance, but he had the ominous feeling that nothing would prepare him for what was to come. He heard a deep growl. The dull roar shook his insides. He gulped. "So this is where my story ends?" Around a gigantic boulder, one of the heads of the demonic dog Cerberus peaked. LIS made eye contact with the monstrous dog, his eyes widened in futile thought as the dog kicked the boulder over and clumsily ran after LIS. LIS made an effort to run, but he had hesitated too long. Cerberus bellowed a wave of sound that shook LIS silly and followed the roar with a blast of fire from his mouth. Cerberus inhaled and exhaled two plumes of smoke from his nostrils, snorting at the charred LIS. LIS dropped his weapon and Cerberus snatched him up quickly with his second head. Two chomps and LIS was gone. Cerberus ran off into the silent gloom of Tartarus, licking his chops. --- 1) SomeGuy [Monster] 2) Impervious [Olympian] 3) LIS - DEAD 4) GC 5) Prof. T 6) dawh 7) Kat 8) Bb 9) RMZ 10) ST 11) Artificial I 12) Riranor 13) JS 14) Randro 15) twin bro 16) IDNE 17) crazypainter Day 2 begins now and ends in 24 hours. Thanks for playing LIS
  10. It's OK, it takes the pressure off me to get things written quickly
  11. Some more problems: Nestor chooses a character, not a player, since he only effects killing roles. Also, Hades does not kill
  12. Sorry, this has to be more specific. Either learns "Persephone's ID" for example or learns "No new IDs"
  13. That's cool. I kind of like the long nights actually. Reading the BTSC forums is fun and feels like human chess. It looks like Night 2 will be posted tomorrow afternoon.
  14. Just emphasizing that everyone (unless specified otherwise) must move 2 areas tonight since it's an even numbered night. After tonight, the River Styx will no longer be an area, it will just be the line between the Surface and Ixion's path.
  15. There's a couple problems with the above actions.
  16. So, I've been thinking about the River Styx section. I think it would be better if that wasn't an Area and just a line basically, so you cross it from Ixion's Path to the Surface or the other way. It cleans up the issue of when contact can be made by characters. Either you are both on the Surface or in the Underworld. There would be no misleading 3rd area then. If there are no problems with that, I'll tweak the Game Rules and it can in effect going forward after Night 2. Also, I'd like the Rules to be clearer about player contact. If it's an action, then you must both be on the same side of the river for it to possibly work. I'll change the OP later today if there are no objections.
  17. It would be great if someone could post a large post with all final actions for Night 2. Please include each player's traveling also. So, basically: Hades, Cerberus and Minotaur's actions and travels can all be completed in 1 post so I don't miss anything. Thanks. I've got the Minotaur though. On the Surface, protecting SG
  18. It would be great if someone could post a large post with all final actions for Night 2. Please include each player's traveling also. So, basically: Odysseus, Calchus, Diomedes and Apollo's actions and travels can all be completed in 1 post so I don't miss anything. Thanks.
  19. Yea, about an hour left. I'm still waiting on a couple crucial roles' actions though. I don't have a problem waiting. I've been a little late getting people info, so it's only fair I give the night more time. The days are easy to keep at 24 hours, but the nights will always be lenient.
  20. Sure, guessing inactivity is valid.
  21. oh, sorry about the delay. So, from now on, anyone on the BTSC can call for Calchus' ability at night. tonight Calchus randomly foresees that Charon will prohibit SG from crossing the River Styx.
  22. Cerberus got this message from Hermes: "LIS is an Achaean. Now is your chance to kill him, for he is likely in Tartarus. From your friend, Hermes. "
  23. I'm not sure if this is an actual request or not. I'll leave it be for now. Kat, is it OK for others to powerplay your role for the timing of when you all get the info?
  24. No, sorry. You cannot guess actions or non-actions known to everyone.
  25. Day 1: 2 SomeGuy ran up to the bank of the River Styx. The dock creaked as he waited for the ferry. Winds blew fiercely so that SG had to grab his robe tight. Then, off in the distance, traversing the angry River, came the cowled form of Charon. His ferry seemed as if it were a painting, moving closer, but never moving as far as the eyes could tell. SG knew he wanted aboard, but the ferryman sent chills up his spine nevertheless. SG (deep in thought): I must get to the Surface. I'll have a better chance up there. I can always return if need be. For this small sacrifice, I can earn favor in that crazed warrior's heart. The one who called himself Theseus. He's a strong one. An extra killing sword is always welcome when such a battle arises. Ah, he's almost here. Charon docked the ferry near SG, but just as SG was about to board, Charon raised a cloaked arm and held him back. SG began to get impatient, but then saw the form of someone running toward the ferry. It was Kat! She ran aboard the ferry, Charon let his arm fall, and then SomeGuy boarded as well. Charon gave the darkness a long look before he departed. SG could have sworn he saw Impervious standing in the distance, approving Charon's duty. But he vanished like an apparition and SG thought no more of him. --- Impervious watched the ferry embark toward the surface as he gestured toward Charon that his Plea was for the ferryman to join his side and take that Kat in his stead. Impervious then left the scene and returned to more pressing matters. Both Kat and SomeGuy arrived at the border of the Surface. SG flipped a coin around his fingers and thought he may need a fortune to keep this up. Stranded on the surface, powerless, SG sat and began his long wait, but Kat began to walk. SG: where are you going? aren't you powerless? Kat: psht! Me? I'm not so eager to give up my power. My departure had no hitches. Oh, and I'd watch my back if I were you... --- 1) SomeGuy [Monster] 2) Impervious [Olympian] 3) LIS 4) GC 5) Prof. T 6) dawh 7) Kat 8) Bb 9) RMZ 10) ST 11) Artificial I 12) Riranor 13) JS 14) Randro 15) twin bro 16) IDNE 17) crazypainter Night 2 begins now and ends in roughly 24 hours. Please send me your actions and your travel from place to place. If you belong to a BTSC group, just post it all in those forums. Thanks!
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