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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. if we're still playing: Day 6: Boring Everyone kept bickering about what would happen to Odysseus if he was Sacrificed, all the while forgetting Calchus had a Secret Ability. GC found himself traveling across the River Styx and powerless for the Night (again). --- 1) SomeGuy [Monster] 2) Impervious [Olympian] -DEAD 3) LIS - DEAD 4) GC [Monster] 5) Prof. T 6) dawh -DEAD 7) Kat [Human] 8) Bb 9) RMZ -DEAD 10) ST 11) Artificial I 12) Riranor 13) JS 14) Randro 15) twin bro 16) IDNE 17) crazypainter It's Night 7 if people are still playing. Powerplay for whoever you need to (about half the roster now I think)
  2. Writing out every possible scenario in the game rules would be impossible and/or unreadable. <_< Try it for yourself. There are bound to be paths crossed that the rules don't fully account for. If you're referring to the secret abilities, then that was all mentioned before the game began, one of which you have and haven't put to much use. Well, you could always quit. I think I am. I'm getting bored too actually. The baddies have basically given up since they lost Impervious. They have plenty of people and power, so I don't get it. I'm going to postpone the game for a while, maybe forever. It's lost a lot of participation. Only a few people are actually still taking much time to play. Peace out...
  3. How so exactly? I think it's pretty even. You guys just seem to give up after Hades died.
  4. They don't kill, but they'll be made powerless.
  5. See above edit. My bad. also, if I had envisioned Hades possibly dying so soon, I would have made him just as powerful as Odysseus. I actually thought he was more powerful seeing as how only Odysseus could kill him and he had to be at the castle... but them's the breaks. <_< edit: by powerful, I mean difficult to kill
  6. Update: regular 24 hour day today, so it will end in about 4.5 hours.
  7. Just to be super-duper clear. Bb, I have 2 questions for you: 1) I assume you would Plea for Hermes if you get Sacrificed, n'est pa? 2) What do you think will happen if you get Sacrificed? ~I know, but I just want to know what your interpretation of the rules are first. (sorry I made some of them ambiguous)
  8. Going by the Night Post it will end in about 5 hours. Or, we could do the shortened day deal like last day to keep the game's cycles on roughly the same time. That way, the day would end in about 2 hours. ~I don't mind either way, but since a few people couldn't vote last day, maybe it's unfair to shorten the day? I dunno. How about each BTSC team says 'yay' or 'nay' and if one says 'nay' it will be 5 more hours. ~about the inactives.. JS is very inactive (no internet at all maybe?). Knowing him, I'm sure he doesn't mind being power-voted for now. Thanks GC. edit: typos galore
  9. It will do both. Just remember that characters must be on the same side for actions to work.
  10. Yes, you are down to 1 No, he will be made powerless just like everyone else. This game, it's him that gets sacrificed. Edit: oops, I shouldn't answer questions until I am fully awake... sorry. If Odysseus is sacrificed, he sends someone else to be sacrificed for him. It was a similar intention as Hades. Objective: the guessing/nullifying characters were meant to always be around. I really didn't expect Hades to die so soon in the game...
  11. at least nobody died you guys are due for some luck I'd say (if probability has anything to say for itself ) Theseus keeps getting 'tails'. Though it was totally up to you guys about letting your 100% killer, GC, go powerless for the night. You had more than enough players to change the vote
  12. It does. I've tried to hint at Hermes' secret power. Unfortunately, I can't fully explain it until the game is over.
  13. Just to clarify to you guys, by killing roles I mean Cerberus and Theseus. If they both die, a random living player will get the ability to kill. Each night 100% on humans, 50% on Gods. Edit: Persephone doesn't count as a killing role, but may still randomly get that ability.
  14. you learned Persephone is PT
  15. Night 6: Dueling Minds It was impossible to tell Night from Day in Tartarus. All the Achaeans had was their internal clocks and the longer they stayed down in this horrid place, the easier time's presence slipped from their thoughts. It was the same for the Monsters of Tartarus, but they had been down there so long, time was nearly forgotten, until this recent invasion. Night after night they had fought. The blood sweat and tears absorbing into the tainted soil and stone of the Underworld. Having only recently escaped his capture, Odysseus felt tired as he unsheathed his sword once again. This time he had sought out his victim, Twin Bro, but the aches and pains were beginning to catch up with him. "Did I make the right decisions tonight?" he thought over and over as Twin Bro stared him down, the two walking circles around one another so they never got closer. Finally, just as Odysseus committed himself to the fight, a rush of black vines sprouted from the ground right around Twin Bro's legs. Odysseus ran at him, knowing he may be too late, he swung his sword violently at the air that had just held Twin Bro's waiting form, but now all signs of him and those vines had vanished. Odysseus grunted, pulling his sword back up from the bare ground. He wavered a bit standing back up straight and sighed as he held his back and began to return to his comrades, exhausted and fruitless. --- ST had many plans for the night, but they all were erased from her mind when she stumbled upon Medusa. The snake woman walked slowly toward ST who backed away just as slow. Confident she could fool Medusa, ST was ready to deflect her gaze, but Medusa had adapted to her quick thinking adversaries and used a reflection of her own. She threw a tiny shard of glass to her left and gazed unto it, just as her reflection caught the eyes of ST. ST stood completely petrified. After retrieving the glass, Medusa walked up to her latest work of art, satisfied in its captured beauty. --- Finding herself again facing two opponents, cp stood her ground, but this time she would have to go it alone. Theseus was the first to attack her, but as luck would have it, he again failed to hit his target. Utterly defeated and frustrated in his lack of luck, the warrior left the battlefield. Only a mysterious woman remained, perched on a large boulder. cp squinted at the woman, trying to make out her face through her veil. She carefully approached her and suddenly a divine voice began humming and then singing from beneath the veil. cp was intoxicated and walked over to sit next to the woman. she lazily looked up at the singer's veiled face and with her last bit of willpower, reached up and tore the veil down, revealing the revolting face of the monster known as the Siren. cp felt drained and had the fleeting thought that she might die tomorrow night, just before she fell to sleep amidst the hazy shroud left by the Siren. --- Charon winced as he saw Hermes flying over the River Styx, carrying GC across as well. Charon was getting tired of Hermes' ability to seemingly travel where-ever he pleased, defy all authority Charon had been bestowed and on top of that, the Olympian's pompous attitude... Charon smoldered watching the God and swore he would one day laugh when it came time to bring the famous Messenger across the ferry ...permanently. Hermes dropped GC right into the swinging range of the warrior Diomedes. GC was quicker than Diomedes thought and ducked a surely fatal blow. Diomedes was careless and GC kicked his sword from his hand. It landed far from the two. Thinking that was all Diomedes had, GC began to laugh. Watching from a distance, Odysseus saw the beginning of a similar growth as those black vines he had encountered earlier. "I knew this would happen." Odysseus thought aloud as he raced toward GC, bow and arrow in hand. GC looked off his left shoulder at Odysseus raising a flaming arrow, but not at him. The arrow struck the earth next to GC's foot and singed the growth of Persephone's vines. Odysseus then collapsed from fatigue, being pulled aside by Nestor. GC (looking back to his foe): No matter, I don't need protection to survive an attack from you. Nestor: Fear not Diomedes! You have gained much strength from your battle with Hector and the mighty Trojans! Seek that power and experience! Show this Monster how far you've come! The words rang true to Diomedes, but something was off. He couldn't shake a foreboding feeling he had had before the fight had even got underway. GC: Your one and only attack has failed warrior. Now what will you do? Diomedes: Hmph, you forget that I helped raze Troy to the ground, Monster. Now, ready yourself for my second attack. GC's shock only lasted as long as it took Diomedes to kick up the dagger concealed in his right boot and slash GC's throat. The Monster fell lifeless to the ground. Diomedes knew it was over and walked away from the corpse. "I guess I was worried for nothing..." he muttered walking back to his friends. Seeing their eyes widen, Diomedes looked back at the corpse and the shock set in. It was gone... GC was gone..." --- 1) SomeGuy [Monster] 2) Impervious [Olympian] -DEAD 3) LIS - DEAD 4) GC [Monster] 5) Prof. T 6) dawh -DEAD 7) Kat [Human] 8) Bb 9) RMZ -DEAD 10) ST 11) Artificial I 12) Riranor 13) JS 14) Randro 15) twin bro 16) IDNE 17) crazypainter Day 6 begins now. Like I said, I don't have a problem if teams want to powerplay the votes of some players who are/will be inactive (as long as those players don't mind and/or are too inactive to even reply to this) so that each team has their maximum voting capacity. Also, assuming the Achaeans don't mind, there's a clear flaw in the game that needs to be addressed. If the Monsters lose all their killing roles, a random player (from the Baddie side) will be chosen to have a killing ability each night. 100% on humans. 50% on Gods.
  16. JS is also a teammate ...though very inactive. I guess I'll just make the moves for you guys since they just say 'Tartarus'
  17. I'm gonna be afk for a couple hours or so. Still waiting on a confirmation or two, but no worries.
  18. I'll wait for you guys to get coordinated. I'm busy right now anyway.
  19. oh wait, is this final?
  20. Technically, it should be ending right now. I'm waiting on the baddie BTSC group to get their actions in.
  21. yes, if the person you select to block happens to be Hermes and you aren't blocked by any other character's abilities (i.e. Odysseus' guesses, etc...)
  22. Well, I can't really answer, since this involves his secret power. I'll give you a hint: he's the master of traveling in this game
  23. So... in light of the 3 missing votes during the last day, I think it would be acceptable for teams to vote for their inactive players starting with the next day. At this point everyone knows basically who everyone else is (at least what side they are on) so there shouldn't be any surprises there. This way a team can have their full voting power if needed.
  24. Heh, you'll have to ask him for that answer
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