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Posts posted by itachi-san

  1. Here are the conditions of a new virtual reality game:

    1) In order to play you must have the game installed into your brain (don't worry how it works, it's besides the point. It's not a placebo. And there are no visual signs that the game is installed.)

    2) In order to start you must be sitting in a specified and unique place (assume a certain chair in your living room, or where ever you want. It is a place that is entered into the game's memory prior to installation and thus recognizes.)

    3) Once seated say 'begin virtual world' and you enter the virtual game

    4) The virtual game mirrors the real world exactly

    5) The only way to end the game is to return to the specified and unique place, sit down and say 'end virtual world'

    Here is my question (feel free to come up with your own questions as well)

    Can you ever be certain that you are in the game or that you have exited the game?

  2. How about WOOD

    I help you reach new heights LADDER

    I showcase your wares in plain sight CASE, or SHELF

    I buffer your eyes from the light WALL

    I cripple the strongest man with fright COFFIN, or CLOSET (claustrophobia)

    Well, that's fine, but what am I?


    to build airplanes

    display cases


    glass elevator (again, claustrophobia)

    These are good guesses as well, but the claustrophobia reasoning is too loose in my opinion. Neither wood, nor Plexiglas would 'cripple the strongest man with fright'

  3. lol


    I help you reach new heights A wooden ladder? Or just by climbing it's branches?

    I showcase your wares in plain sight On a wooden table

    I buffer your eyes from the light Shade

    I cripple the strongest man with frightA 4x4 coming at his head?

    Well, that's fine, but what am I?

    This is an excellent answer, but it doesn't satisfy the 4th line. Again, this is too arbitrary. Not many guys are afraid of trees. Nice try though. This was almost an answer I hadn't considered.

  4. car?

    I help you reach new heights - Springs or suspention

    I showcase your wares in plain sight - Windows let people see what you own inside

    I buffer your eyes from the light - Visor

    I cripple the strongest man with fright - Bumper coming at him at 50mph or so :P

    Good guess, but it falls a bit short on 3 lines. Springs or suspension doesn't fit well. The windows aren't much of a showcase. The visor is a good call. The 4th line is too arbitrary. Plenty of guys love cars.

  5. I would definitely obey "Don't take any advice".

    "Any" advice could mean good advice (or) bad advice. ;)

    It all depends on the person giving advice . :)

    Right, 'any' could mean good or bad, but it can't mean 'no advice', therefore whether you disregard this or obey it you will be taking advice, or will you? The person giving the advice is irrelevant.

  6. glass:

    I help you reach new heights - glass skyscraper?

    I showcase your wares in plain sight - display case

    I buffer your eyes from the light - sunglasses

    I cripple the strongest man with fright - scared to be cut?


    I help you reach new heights - climbing

    I showcase your wares in plain sight - holding it in front of you

    I buffer your eyes from the light - shading your eyes

    I cripple the strongest man with fright - if it holds a gun or something?

    These are both very good answers. For hands I think lines 1 and 2 are too stretched. And for glass I think lines 1 and 4 are too stretched. Nice try though.

    each line refers to something different. For instance, it wouldn't be hand, hand, hand. hand, it would be more like hand, foot, chest, head to refer to a body, only it has to fit the lines of course

  7. I get grey cells result with one exception:

    Jane and Terry competed in Senior and Elementary class in some order.

    I don't see a clue that resolves this.

    Seems either answer is consistent with the clues.

    If Clue 3 read:

    If Jane placed 3rd then Jane competed on Senior class

    that would resolve it; but Clue 3 places the inference in the other order, which isn't needed.

    What did I miss?

    I hope I have the logic right in this response, I'm really tired ;) I understand you're point, but I think this part is a matter of elimination.

    We know Mark was 1st by 6.

    Numbers 5. and 10. state that Terry and the Alsatian finished 9th.

    Since Starters is clearly Mark, and between 4. 8. and 9. we know Ruth is Novice and 4th.

    Now all that is left is 3rd which is addressed in the clue you have pointed out. I agree that your wording is more efficient, but in these puzzles I think it is expected that all the information should be available and the only option for Jane is 3rd. Since Jane finished 3rd I believe it makes clue 3. true despite the wording.

    Basically if Jane competed _ class then she was 3rd. In order to satisfy her being 3rd, she must have been senior (the stated) class. Perhaps my logic is wrong on this though.

  8. I posted this in response to unreality's 'quote' paradox, but I feel it may deserve some discussion as its own paradox. What if you were asked to obey the following statement:

    'Don't take any advice.'

  9. I've got another solution for this one. During a conversation between two men, one man says something that gives the other man an idea. The first man never had the idea himself but was still able to pass it on to the second man. Unlike sorrow, an idea can vary and be specific amongst other ideas. Sorrow however is the same to anyone that can obtain it. The idea then was formed by the actions in the head of the second man, but could not have existed without the otherwise useless input of the first man. This can also still work for sorrow in the same way. The first man can say something that he feels is harmless but can, in the mind of the second man, create feelings of sorrow. The first man's words could have reminded him of something awful in hes past thus bringing the sorrow. The first man could however be as jolly as can be.

    There is a flaw in this logic. Man 1 does not give Man 2 an idea. He gives him spoken or written words. Man 2 then thinks about these words and formulates an idea. The transaction is made with just the words, hence Man 1 gave something he had.

    The same applies to sorrow in your argument. Man 1 gives words to Man 2. Man 2 then thinks about it and becomes sorrowful. The giving transaction is over when Man 2 receives the words and before he formulates any ideas about them.

  10. I interpret the first Cretan's words as the truth.

    'All Cretans are liars' means they all lie, but not always. If always, then it would have to be specified: 'All Cretans always lie.'

    Since a liar does not have to always lie, this is an instance when one is telling the truth. A liar, even a pathological liar, does not always lie.

    I interpret the second Cretan's words as a lie:

    'All Cretans are liars and all I say is the truth.' must be a lie. First, we now know that Cretans are liars and therefore capable of lying. Second, he cannot always tell the truth if he is a liar and therefore often lies. Third, this sentence is a paradox and therefore cannot be truth.

  11. Position dog Owner Breed Level

    1 Patti Mark Labrador Starter

    3 Tiff Jane Collie Senior

    4 Jago Ruth Doberman Novice

    9 Kelly Terry Alsation Elementary

    Split my head over this . Hope this is right. :)

    Really well done grey cells!

  12. Four people (and their dogs of course) all competed in different classes of dog agility at a recent dog show. Each had a different result - one came first, one third, one fourth and one ninth. All four dogs were each of a different breed.

    Who handled which dog, at what level each competed, the place each finished in and the breed of each dog?

    1. If Tiff finished first then Terry finished fourth.

    2. If Terry finished fourth then Jago is a collie otherwise Jago is not a collie.

    3. If Jane competed in the Senior class then she finished third.

    4. If Jane competed in Novice then she finished fourth.

    5. The dog that finished ninth was an alsatian. This was either Jago, in which case Jago competed in the Elementary class, or this was Kelly, in which case Terry handled Kelly.

    6. Mark won Starters.

    7. If Mark's dog is called Patti then Patti is a labrador otherwise Patti is a collie.

    8. Ruth's dog is called Jago.

    9. If Jago finished fourth then she competed in the Novice class otherwise she competed in the Senior class.

    10. If Patti finished first then Terry's dog is an alsatian otherwise Terry's dog is a collie.

    11. If Jane's dog is a doberman then Jane finished fourth otherwise Jane finished third.

  13. Santa left a ridiculously confusing note to his elves so that they can get the reindeer in proper order for this year. "It may take them the rest of 7 months to figure out." he thought. Luckily though, the elves have you. Can you form a single line of reindeer knowing these facts?

    Comet is behind Rudolph, Prancer and Cupid.

    Blitzen is behind Cupid and in front of Donder, Vixen and Dancer.

    Cupid is in front of Comet, Blitzen and Vixen.

    Donder is behind Vixen, Dasher and Prancer.

    Rudolph is behind Prancer and in front of Donder, Dancer and Dasher.

    Vixen is in front of Dancer and Comet.

    Dancer is behind Donder, Rudolph and Blitzen.

    Prancer is in front of Cupid, Donder and Blitzen.

    Dasher is behind Prancer and in front of Vixen, Dancer and Blitzen.

    Donder is behind Comet and Cupid.

    Cupid is in front of Rudolph and Dancer.

    And Vixen is behind Rudolph, Prancer and Dasher.

    Have fun ;)

  14. I help you reach new heights

    I showcase your wares in plain sight

    I buffer your eyes from the light

    I cripple the strongest man with fright

    Well, that's fine, but what am I?

    I'll accept 2 answers -extra e-kudos if you get them both B))

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