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Everything posted by TimeSpaceLightForce

  1. A pocket watch without numbers was rotated.. What is the time if the colored dials are the hour,second & minute hands of the watch?? Note: Idea from BMAD & Bonanova
  2. Thnx for clarifiying fabpig. harey got the H to c3,g3,g7 !!
  3. Most kids might have learned how to play checker before they advance to playing chess.The rules are easier. For those younger generations who wants to try this game heres:
  4. @ perhaps check it again & fabpig -Place all the 3 white pieces first then the queen moves to take all of the 12 white pieces. Checker rule: Queens can jump over 2 to 7 squares over a single opponent piece to capture and must go on in any direction from its landing squares until there is no more to capture. There are many rules but i guess this one is commonly used.
  5. Move 3 white pieces to any unoccupied black squares. In order for the Red Queen to capture all 12. (The queen captures by jumping diagonally over a white piece and continue with another pieces in any direction)
  6. Indeed dgreening, I understand the problem the same way as you do. If you need to know the exact weight of a regular coin, you need a supplementary weighing. I think also about a balance with two scales, that only tells you whether what is in the left scale is heavier or lighter than what is in the right scale. my sincere apologies..i tried to edit the info about the 1unit weight when i realized its too late..The puzzle was originally for the balance scale..but the solution for the classic odd out of 12 in 3 is applicable so i shifted to such weighing scale..With unknown unit of each, the puzzle would look like a simple problem as presented by phil..thanks all for your interest
  7. Translate the following letter words: And six dollar sharp four raised to three factorial every hundred pound dollar and nine percent circumflex number four epershand seven at sign five two libra dollar piece of eight hash three seven enclosed a power little star exponent three zero multiply one exclamation bang two
  8. That is it! You may not be able to determine the polarity but it is not asked in the OP..
  9. ..using the weighing scale 3 times includes determining which face of the magnetized coin is heavier or lighter.
  10. Thanks for the math idea phil...lets say the coins normally weigh 1 unit or slightly heavy or lighter if magnetized..can you give it another go for just 3 weighing?
  11. One of the 12 identical coins was magnetized so that it weighs heavier on one face and lighter on the other when placed on a certain weighing scale. But it weighs normal like the other coins when it is standing balanced on its side or edge. Find out which coin is it using the weighing scale 3 times. @@@@ @@@@ =================== @@@@ [________] #68
  12. Well done kukupai & plainglazed...nice illustration!
  13. How many four or more letter words can you find reading left to right on the Alphabet? Example: BEGIN
  14. there are 2 paths "on" surface and "through" tunnel.. the 2X1X1 hole is NOT the tunnel.
  15. An ant at A trails the shortest track from A to B on the sugar cubes structure as shown. Then it went through the shortest tunnel from B to A. How far it travelled to B and back to A?
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