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Everything posted by TimeSpaceLightForce

  1. yes ..it must be repositioned like the mirrors
  2. The 201 rungs monkey bar hangs on the mid rung to keep balanced horizontally. Four monkeys are leveled ..(see illustration) the 3 lbs stands and the 1 lbs hangs on the left end while the 2 lbs stands and another 3 lbs hangs at 20 rungs away from right end. [o]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------[o] ))----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------(( /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// \o/----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\o/ >>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<< If they all move (swing or walk) to the far ends at uniform rate of 1 rung/sec (they can pass each other),one of them shall move at different uniform speed to keep the monkey bar from tilting. What then is the speed of the (fast or slow) monkey??
  3. but then again hitting the switches twice toggles them off..
  4. a. I'm asking whether that was the meaning. I don't think it has been previously posted. Most of the connect-the-dot solutions i goggled are incompatible to this. For some are blocked by mirror or hit a switch twice.. ..anyway since this is the oldest pending topic I posted
  5. That must be correct.. the magnetic bolts drops..attached to each other forming the words..another clue for 3 digits!?
  6. Eight lamps are positioned forming the corners of a 1m cube . The lamps light up when a beam from laser gun passes through their centers (sensors). Using 5 mirrors to deflect the laser path, how should the mirrors turn all the lamps on with a single shot? / / | \ \ M o o o o L o o o o -----------------------------------[[G
  7. Take note: the keys of white fit not with the black months
  8. How should the letters: A B C D E F G be placed on top of some letters below J F M A M J J A S O N D
  9. How can you play chess from stockpiles of 1x2x3 red & yellow bricks and 6x6x1/4 brown & gray tiles?
  10. How can I fabricate (cut,bend,weld) the 1m x 1 m metal sheet into an open top box to hold 75 liters of liquid?
  11. Rearrange some or all of the lockers on the middle of the locker room (as shown) in order : left to right-top to bottom. How should it be done in energy saving way?
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