Well, we sure needed some luck here. This could be the turning point, I can already smell victory for the students. Hope I have not spoken too soon. And Amber voting for Peace doesn't mean Peace isn't a hooligan. This is one of the most often used tactics in Mafia games; voting for a fellow baddie hoping to clear their name when the time comes. But the reverse can also be true; since A is a baddie and voted for B, B is not a baddie. This is what most baddies aim at. On the other hand, Peace can also be a goodie or Queen Bee.
With all due respect to the remaining Hooligans, I think their resistance ended with PT, the Snitch being lynched. And I thought they were suspending SD and JS as was expected; in other words the good Professor, trying to retain the small amount of hope of victory prepared a list of actions to be performed by the Hooligans each night. And I wouldn't be surprised if one or the other remaining alive didn't act. First SD, next JS(I really thought JS would save himself on Night 5 but apparently he decided to take the risk ), who next? I was thinking it would be either me or Andro, simply on account of the number of games played. I have not asked for protection so far, since I knew the Hooligans didn't think of me as an important role. But now I am almost sure they are going to target either Andro or me, provided Andro is not a hooligan herself(personally I don't think so).
If the School genius is alive, he can give us protection. As far as I can see he is the only protective role alive.