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grey cells

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Everything posted by grey cells

  1. grey cells

    No, no, no! There's a big difference. India finished at the bottom of the table in the Super 8 but Australia finished at the bottom in the First Round. But anyways I was disappointed with India's lackluster performance in the Super 8. Blame it on IPL, it was that fatigue which proved to be India's undoing. India have made amends of sorts by taking an unassailable 2-1 lead in the ongoing ODI series against the Windies. Hope the Aussies do the same in The Ashes, looks doubtful though.
  2. grey cells

    Ocean 11 Mafia

    Either GM or Abhisk is the Stingray. He cannot kill anyone today so there should be no problem for us goodies in winning. Host: Woon (the seagull) 1. Clozo 2. Limey 3. Gmaster479 - voting for Limey 4. SG – dead lynched, found to be Shark 5. Kat – killed by Shark 6. Social Darwin – killed by Swordfish 7. Abhisk voting for Limey 8. Crazypainter – dead poisoned by Stingray 9. Derrai - voting for Limey 10. GC - voting for GMaster 11. Marioman9 – dead lynched, found to be Shrimp
  3. grey cells

    Ocean 11 Mafia

    Thanks woon! That means Limey is a goodie. Which means one of us is lying about our role and which means GM is most probably the Stingray. Looks like Limey is gone but we can lynch the remaining baddie tomorrow.
  4. grey cells

    Ocean 11 Mafia

    That's true! But in the RD about the Giant shell, it only says that the imprisoned player will not be harmed. It does not say he cannot act. woon: Can the player trapped by Giant Shell act on the same night?
  5. grey cells

    Ocean 11 Mafia

    Double post! The net's acting up. Anyways guys, vote for Limey. He has to be the Stingray.
  6. grey cells

    Ocean 11 Mafia

    Sorry to see you go CP! But the goodies should win this today or at the latest tomorrow. Thanks Derrai and sorry for not believing you Clozo. Clozo is a goodie guys, no doubt about that. And Swordfish looks like you got the Jellyfish on night 2, risky but productive. Okay! I am a goodie, so is Clozo. So should be Derrai and GM, probably. There's a chance that Abhisk could be lying about his role but I don't think so. That leaves Limey! Sorry Stingray! Host: Woon (the seagull) 1. Clozo 2. Limey 3. Gmaster479 4. SG – dead lynched, found to be Shark 5. Kat – killed by Shark 6. Social Darwin – killed by Swordfish 7. Abhisk 8. Crazypainter – dead poisoned by Stingray 9. Derrai 10. GC - voting for Limey 11. Marioman9 – dead lynched, found to be Shrimp
  7. grey cells

    Ender's Game Mafia

    Actually that would have been a swell way of being tagged as a confirmed goodie. I don't think that's the case here but it is a possibility. EDIT: Thanks for confirming SD.
  8. grey cells

    Ender's Game Mafia

    Thanks! Can the Queen falsely RID one of her own faction? Sorry for the barrage of questions SD, just want to be clear. EDIT: I know the chances are very small as the Queen would not waste a RID attempt. Still...
  9. grey cells

    Ender's Game Mafia

    Thanks SD! But do we get to know the RID target?
  10. grey cells

    Ender's Game Mafia

    Sorry! Missed that. That means kidnapping is the only option left to save the target?
  11. grey cells

    Ender's Game Mafia

    So there are 2 possibilities: 1. The Queen decided not to act, or 2. The Queen could not act.
  12. grey cells

    Ender's Game Mafia

    Thanks. That sure does help.
  13. grey cells

    Ender's Game Mafia

    Just wanted to remind everyone that it is inevitable that one of us is going down tonight, unless we take out the Queen today which does not seem possible at this stage. The Spy Bug spied last night and the baddies know one ID. Tonight again the spy Bug will be at work. Just reminding everyone that it's not going to be easy, as the target cannot be saved. It's going to be a steady flow of kills unless we kill the Queen or the Spy bug. SD: Can the Queen's RID kill be blocked?
  14. grey cells

    Ocean 11 Mafia

    Stop kidding me Clozo! Who wanted to lynch SG on day 1? A baddie?
  15. grey cells

    Ocean 11 Mafia

    No! That won't be a problem. I can assure you.
  16. grey cells

    Ender's Game Mafia

    Haven't heard from Limey. And don't know why he's voting for me when as Kat pointed out I am most probably a goodie. 1. Kat -voting for Reaymond 2. Crazypainter Voting for Clozobozo 3. Jarze - Voting for Clozobozo 4. Reaymond voting for Izzy 5. Someguy - Voting for Eeeeep 6. Lost in space - Izzy 7. Izzy - 8. Grey Cells - voting for limey 9. Clozobozo - voting for limey 10. Limey voting for Grey Cells 11. Magic_luver - KIDNAPPED 12. Derrai - KIDNAPPED 13. Eeeeep 14.) Randro- voting for limey
  17. grey cells

    Ender's Game Mafia

    I think the Virus targeted one of the vote manipulating roles like Peter or Drone #3. Because otherwise I don't see any reason for the Virus not to have acted last night and kill his target. Unless he was inactive or has some other plans. SD: If the Virus targets a kidnapped player, will the Virus be successful in his infection attempt? If he's successful and uses that ability the very same night, will the kidnapped player die that night or will he die only after he's released?
  18. grey cells

    Barely survived in the 1st round.
  19. grey cells

    Ender's Game Mafia

    Hi LIS! I cannot say much at this point as I didn't get to perform a night action last night. It was the Bugger that blocked me; which means I cannot be the Spy bug or the block bug or the Virus. I could still be the Queen(but I doubt the Queen would waste a RID attempt) or the vote manipulating bug. SD: Is the Queen's RID target kill attempt shown in the night post?
  20. grey cells

    Ocean 11 Mafia

    Okay! I think we can know if Clozo is bad or not. Swordfish please don't kill anybody tonight! Derrai, if you are really the Giant shell imprison Clozo tonight. If the Jelly fish or Sting ray don't act tonight, we will know who Clozo is. And if Derrai's not the real giant shell, imprison Derrai. Guys this way, we avoid killing one of the goodies and also have a chance of finding a lynch target for tomorrow.
  21. grey cells

    Ocean 11 Mafia

    Looks like Mario's a goner. Hope he was a baddie but I don't think so.
  22. grey cells

    Ocean 11 Mafia

    No! I changed my mind because a tie will get us no where. We will not learn any ID's. Our only hope is to lynch a possible baddie and hope for the best.
  23. Hey! Happy B'day GM!:D

  24. grey cells

    Don't worry! Yours should be better than mine.
  25. grey cells

    Ocean 11 Mafia

    Actually thinking again we shouldn't go for a tie. We should try putting pressure on GM. I think the 2 remaining baddies could be among GM/Derrai/Clozo.
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