Sorry to see you go CP! But the goodies should win this today or at the latest tomorrow.
Thanks Derrai and sorry for not believing you Clozo. Clozo is a goodie guys, no doubt about that. And Swordfish looks like you got the Jellyfish on night 2, risky but productive.
Okay! I am a goodie, so is Clozo. So should be Derrai and GM, probably. There's a chance that Abhisk could be lying about his role but I don't think so. That leaves Limey! Sorry Stingray!
Host: Woon (the seagull)
1. Clozo
2. Limey
3. Gmaster479
4. SG – dead lynched, found to be Shark
5. Kat – killed by Shark
6. Social Darwin – killed by Swordfish
7. Abhisk
8. Crazypainter – dead poisoned by Stingray
9. Derrai
10. GC - voting for Limey
11. Marioman9 – dead lynched, found to be Shrimp