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Everything posted by plainglazed

  1. probably too abstract/all encompassing but had to listen to those voices
  2. plainglazed

    think you could be right. would require more keys though? also really admire the drawings - what program did you use? ps - at least you spelled current correctly. gr3at analogy.
  3. ahh, Mo Ma, you burst my bubble
  4. sorry jippiidan, plasmid does indeed get this pow-ish riddle ... at least #9 . Only one more to go.
  5. plainglazed

    Can't fully visualize this but think it would work
  6. wow, what a great solve DD and another most excellent riddle WOD!
  7. hey jippiidan - good to hear from you. neither of those am afraid. *biting my tongue*
  8. Really enjoyed this one WitchOfDoubt! Most impressive especially considering it's your first (hopefully of many). Think it could have easily gone three, four, or more pages. Had tried the answer for the last one previously but couldn't make any connections with the other two until the possibility of the middle one dawned on me and then it all fell into place. Sometimes (usually with a high quality riddle) something just clicks and you get an early answer. More please?
  9. well DD, would say you've gotten at least two three now. nicely done. agree these are a little tough. was counting on the theme making these a little more reasonable. will say all of the answers are either three or four letter words of which there are not that many that qualify. and I think all are pretty common names with WOD's answer to number six being the least well known in my opinion. perhaps working backwards with a suspected answer might help to reel in the last four three. EDIT: responding to DD's latest.
  10. Well done WitchOfDoubt. Four for four. And welcome to the den. Have been enjoying yours. Am headed that way now with a little added incentive. Cheers
  11. I apologize for being so vague regarding the structure of these one-liners. Realize they are not very obvious on their face. Playing with them for quite a bit while composing can skew ones objectivity as to their apparency. And in retrospect, cannot see how outlining how these work could take away from the take away in any way. Well, spoilers anywho...
  12. plainglazed


    TRITE - if 1 then R is the second letter, not either T from TOOTH - 1 (the O), not the E from EERIE - 0, and not the I since O is already established as the third letter.
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