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Everything posted by plainglazed

  1. plainglazed

    One Up Me

    Excuses are like a reason to reason with reasons.
  2. plainglazed

    One Up Me

    looks like maurice takes this one - sitting down
  3. yes sir, thanks DD. glad you staid the coarse... and thanks to all who maid the game.
  4. en route to the inlaws - car->plane->bus->train->subway-> then taxi. first plane's already cancelled. gonna be a long trip...

  5. Time for an alternate clue for purchase order before this one grows too stale. Already have (yet another shameless plug) that went by the wayside. Let's try later still. This clue by itself would be pretty unfair but considering where we're at with the first clue as well as the two hints (one announced and now modified) think it's okay.
  6. doh, now I see the error of my ways which I should have noticed earlier with a little more studying of your answer. Thanks for the comments and fine solve, bushindo. I too was disappointed and surprised that the advantage was not greater. Tho the problems are made up the poker night is real (nicknames kept the same to embarrass the guilty) and this might otherwise have been a lucrative game.
  7. maybe something more gritty for the thrice threed smoth - Scarface?
  8. plainglazed

    One Up Me

    woot woot - okay when duty calls...
  9. has been taking full advantage of the longest night of the year.

    1. Molly Mae
    2. plainglazed


      hah, hilarious but nah. family's out of town so kept my head down to limit any trouble. fully recovered now.

  10. I do indeed spend quite a bit of time in the coffee section along with the detergent section or any other where the best deal requires comparing price relative to quantity. However, that pales in comparison to my indecisiveness in the produce department. Always think there might be a riper avocado, a fresher smelling canteloupe or a juicier lime. Once even settled prematurely on what was certainly not the best pear as I noticed a snicker from a fellow shopper and looped back after gathering the rest of my items to try again. Ok, tmi - smoth333's up. Do we shop at the same store?
  11. So sorry for the delay in getting back to this one. That darn pesky work thing compounded by holiday stuff.
  12. Vernon is the most conservative player at our weekly friendly game of dealer's choice. So much so, five card draw is now simply referred to as "The Vern" at our table and most other games, well, "that's not (effin) poker." I mention this only to emphasize the pleasant surprise last week when Vern offered this little diversion. "Okay Huck, cut a card. Ace is one; king is thirteen. Good, the eight of hearts. So I take that card and the next seven unseen. I then give you the next eight cards plus two more. So I'll always have one face-up card and a total number of cards equal to the value of that card shown and you'll have two more cards than me. Five bucks says you don't have more cards than I do of the color of the cut card." Rob, Coop, and I begged in as well and Vern went around the table several times. We added a little drama by alternately flipping cards, with the challenger's last three cards flipped in turn by themselves. A pretty good game, actually. But of course I was wondering and have to ask, what are the odds of beating Vern at his own (other) game?
  13. Y'all (that's southern for yous guys) are definitely half right so far.
  14. When you answer the question posed correctly, as confirmed by the questioner, it's then your turn to ask a question about yourself. Questions shouldn't be too vague or have myriad possible answers. "What's my favorite color?" is maybe okay whereas "What's my favorite movie?" is probably not. Better might be, "What's my (least) favorite Stanley Kubrick movie." Hopefully a little fun and maybe somewhat telling - BrainDen style. Short on-topic post-AAA commentary including affirmation, mild ribbing, commiseration, approval, etc. is certainly acceptable. Nothing too personal. Here goes... When I go to the grocery store, I spend the most time in which aisle?
  15. plainglazed


    GRATE - if 0 the K is the fourth. From AWAKE - 1; not the A from AREAS - 0 and not the W from SWOON - 0. and GRATE - 0 would rule out the A and E.
  16. yes plasmid, awn the nose. down to purchase order. maybe a bad clue. wish there's a way to compensate...
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