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Everything posted by plainglazed

  1. ah, the the thing. also note the italicized wordclues are the ones that have the catch (so to speak) fits with the structure but cant quite make the connection between weigh and order so gonna have to go with no. & back @ Thalia - now its me who forgot about that italics thing so regrettably must retract your last offering for purchase order as an alternative - sorry but clever nuntheless...
  2. hmm - had not considered that. can see the connection as in order/reserve/... not my intended but would say qualifies as an alternative.
  3. plainglazed

    One Up Me

    He leaned on the bar and whispered in her ear, "Admit it, we've both come here for the same thing." And so the girl said, "Heck yeah, let's pick up some chicks."
  4. hello jippiidan - do like your take on the last one but these are not what I have in mind hey there Sean Dumler and welcome to the Den - this one is so very close but alas, not it. right on DD.
  5. heyhey DD - was hoping you might stop by. not the won.
  6. plainglazed

    ugh - kept chewing on baby teeth and getting nowhere. good stuff, badudi. and solve WOD
  7. yeah, liked that one as well. thanks. and nicely solved WOD. down to the last three.
  8. you almost had me there on that last one *cough* - too funny. the other two are spot on.
  9. plainglazed

    One Up Me

    Do not press the back button or refreshments will be cancelled!
  10. you just had to sqeeze that in, dintcha Think I'm really pushing the second one but might as well give it a shot. hey Tha - no, it was me who was pushing that second one and you saved the dei. well done. no hard feelings? as for your first guess, that's not it (both cluewords are italicized) yes4
  11. that's the ticket. have a different one for your second guess above but think the connection between total and worth is as valid as some of mine.
  12. plainglazed

    wow, great to hear from you badudi but must say your avatar still scares the poo out of me.
  13. hey hey WOD - feel the need to apologize and offer a tidbit of advice - consider holding off posting that post-Xmas-party-word-puzzle until morning. anyway, this one's similar to the one linked to in the OP and the two others linked to in that OP's OP. my head hurts. three word answers to evey line of the puzzle with the common word in between. there is a little twist to this one tho which is also hinted at in the title and affects those now italicized words of the clues.
  14. former jerk level measure Mediterranean fair slow freeze forward women fruit slice Asian bow punch clock total mass beyond weary purchase order utter crap Think this one might be quite the challenge. Similar to some others from before and picking up where left off...kinda EDIT: added italics
  15. am still pondering the final answer. this is a most excellent puzzle Prof. Templeton! fear it has not gotten the attention it deserves. seem to remember you suggesting outlining any processes along the way so thinking you won't mind the spoiler below.
  16. yes it has been a while but see I still can't trip you up. well solved hm!
  17. but agree with guppy - think Mo Ma has it. was worried with that last one, plasmid had figured he'd thrown just about everything at us. sure was glad to see another fantastic "I'm not" riddle! EDIT:
  18. A grand cover up On many a level The plot so cleverly concieved A runner could be Tho not from the truth Yet still this story I weave It's oft been said I'm prone to lying These stories with room to surmount On the insides I am All tied up in knots And on that one can definitely count A measure of choice All the more true Upon which my endurance depends But that's a pile Of not you know what Am bound to be found in the end
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