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Everything posted by deannaart

  1. Red, yellow and black Stacked 1 on 1 on 1 Looking up on the internet Ruins all the fun I have a type of ruler The Kanzler he is called The old one was Kohl The new, I can't recall If i give anymore clues I would just give it away So I'm a jelly doughnut Is all I have left to say
  2. deannaart

    Good morning Plainglazed!! Still Really sick... No good at these PoW's, so come stop by my riddles today
  3. Goodnight Lotus, Sweet dreams. We'll see yu more tomorrow!!!!! Sad, I really wanted you on my last 2 riddles too...
  4. PERFECT!!! You Got It!!! That was exactly what I was looking for!!! Great job!!! Vixen, you were in the right direction, but wrong road... Thanx for playing, guys. Another coming out..
  5. You're coming up with some Fantastic answers! But remember, I'm looking for a more general word.
  6. No, sorry, I missed that one... A goddess can move about, right?Re- read the last verse, and see if that helps. But this could be For a goddess. OOps! Hope I didn't kill it with that...
  7. Great guess lotus!!! Not the correct one, though, I'm sorry. I really intended for this to be an easy one.... I can't think of any hints yet that won't just Give it away, so just keep guessing!! Reread the riddle an see if your answer fits. That's all for now. Keep guessing!!!
  8. deannaart

    Yeah, but I'll be better soon I hope. This just happens every once in a while... No fun when it's here, but you learn to deal with it. So if I disappear again, you know why... Thanx for the hint but,
  9. Don't trouble yourself with specifics. I'm looking for a general term...
  10. Come on guys! no guesses? This one is Really simple, and I've got a couple others waiting to come out. Give it a shot..
  11. deannaart

    No, like hi-tailing it to the potty sick... That's why I've been Popping on and off all day.. Sorry
  12. deannaart

    I hear you there...
  13. deannaart

    Great little poem, lotus. Lotsa fun! Surprised it was solved so fast...
  14. Hi, Vixen! Sorry I disappeared on you, my computer crashed... you're thinking in the right direction, but wrong answer. Great guess, though!
  15. I am a woman Of beauty untold A simply breathtaking Thing to behold But I can not walk Or sit in a chair All i can do Is stand and stare
  16. deannaart

    Yeah, I think it meant for you to find other wording for" I care", but I'm not sure. I got really confused after the ID thing, and I forgot to keep guessing on my previous train of thought. I was dancing all around the answer and just couldn't see it.
  17. deannaart

    Yeah all I could come up with was
  18. deannaart

    Sorry I had to hop off before the grand finale, but I was needed elsewhere. Great job Lotus. I can't believe how close I was with some of my answers. That darn POW is what killed me. See you later Plainglazed. Have fun!!! Great riddle!!
  19. deannaart

    Oh, poor Lotus!! I have crummy neighbors too...
  20. deannaart

    Man... Me too. I was so proud of myself for figuring that out, too. I never get POW's.
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