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Everything posted by deannaart

  1. Yess!! You're right so far lotus!
  2. deannaart

    man, these are good. I can't figure out any of them. So far, though, I haven't known any of the bands answered
  3. 1.Rock + place of worship + Airline Captain 2.Mouth on fire 3.Noisy flowerbed 4.Oyster's treasure + a unstructured rock session 5.Watering hole in the desert 6.Outlaw drug addicts 7. Really Spicy Veggies 8.Something you eat on your birthday 9.1+2~7+3+1 10.Wonderland girl bound 11. Mail carriers 12.One of the 5 W's 13.Sandy kids 14.A long trip 15.Lit up sight portals Ok, Let the fun begin!!!
  4. I was just gonna ask if you guys liked it. I had fun doing it. I'll try to come up with some more.
  5. All right so far! Great job guys!! Hopefully we can get some other guesses in here too. No hints.
  6. I know someone did something like this before. I thought it was fun, so I'd take a stab at it. I hope none of these are repeats. This is how it works, I'll give you some words, and you'll have to figure out the band name they describe. Ok, here goes..... 1. Squashing Jack-o-lanterns 2. Something long, measured in U.S. increments, that you pound into the wall 3. Caucasian living dead 4. The spawn, or children 5. Obese kid skinny 6. A vessel that goes under water + a green fruit 7. Buddhist state of enlightenment and tranquility 8. Alabaster lines 9. Oceanspray ingredient 10.A deadly drink 11.Smooch 12.Super loss of life 13. 1-2-3-4-5... black birds 14. A shrubbery 15. Slim young dog Ok, Have fun!!!!
  7. deannaart

    Dang it! I type too slow!!!
  8. Good riddle by the way.
  9. You're right on both accounts! I was looking for the cure And you got it right!!!!! Great job, Fileobrother!!!
  10. You're along the right lines, but re-read the last line
  11. Things are blurry From a distance A hazy fog Giving light resistance The fog rolls in And it's now harder to see Is that the road? A dog? A tree? The fog seems to cover Everything I see A blanket over all Will anything cure me?
  12. Yeah, I can totally see how rainstorm can fit, but I had already done a riddle about that, only to find someone had also done a similar one recently as well, so I stay away from those now... Clever iterpretation, though!
  13. Way to go Chess Vixen! Great lob!!!!! I was reading going, Please don't find an answer before I get another guess!!! Then I saw it was you and I was Like Hey! Alright!!
  14. deannaart

    Thanx! All is well. Lust recovering from a crappy birthday.....
  15. Great Job Lotus!! You got it!! Yay for you!!!
  16. Do the really sound like they're Follow this train of thought a litte further.
  17. Neighbors doing what?
  19. Sorry Plasmid, again in the wrong direction. Should've used a different word I guess. That one seems to be getting people all jammed up.
  20. Sorry Lotus. Staccato is not a hint. Just a descriptive word for what the barking sounded like.
  21. No, now you're going in the wrong direction...
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