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Everything posted by deannaart

  1. Actually, no. Not drugs.
  2. Sorry, your answer is correct too, but you came in with it while I was already typing! So Good Job for figuring me out!!
  3. Shakazulu and scottie Win it!!!!!![spoiler='Answer: ']suicide
  4. Not at all. I see where you get that now that I re-read the riddle though. Nice answer.
  5. You're steering in the right direction...
  6. Ummm. Tough answer. Sort of, but no.
  7. Nope, sorry. Keep guessing, though!
  8. DO NOT TAKE EVERY LINE OF THIS RIDDLE LITERALLY!!!! IT IS WRITTEN WITH METAPHORS!!!!! With that said, let the games begin! Take a sip One pill at a time These old worn steps I wearily climb Up at the top I find a door Behind, no ceiling no walls, no floor Just a dark abyss I find inside From this life In there I can hide But once gone through There's no coming back Funny how quick The world can go black
  9. Welcome to the Den!!!

    Anxiously awating a riddle from you. I would like to see the kind of stuff you could come up with!

  10. deannaart

    Okay, guys, now on to think up more riddles while I cook a dinner. See ya tomorrow. Gnight Lotus! See you some time sooner than later I hope, but we'll just have to see how things play out.... Bye for now!!
  11. deannaart

    Hey there, Dummyrummy! Good to see you!!
  12. deannaart

    And what the heck happened to Heyupal? You think the zombies got him?
  13. No reason for you to have. You are a healthy young lady. I'm only 28 on Tuesday. They still can't figure out what happened... But I don't mind when you get my answers quick. We just think alike is all. I do it to you all the time. No worries!!!
  14. You're exactly right!! Damn scary things too, I might add.
  15. deannaart

    Horray for Plainglazed and Horray for Lotus. Congratulations all around!!!
  16. deannaart

    Yeah, I thought about doing that after the fact. oh well. There will be a next time, I'm sure. I just need to be inspired. I tend to do real life. dont know why. That's been my poetry style for forever now, and I just can't break the habit, I guess. Gives me a lot of ideas to draw from, though...
  17. I'm usually caused By a little clot First your fine, Then suddenly you're not You start to feel very strange Like losing the side of your vision range Then before you know Everything goes black You start to wonder If you're coming back Some like me Are very lucky We didn't lose any Of our abilities Others, however I'm sad to say Don't live to see Another day
  18. deannaart

    Thanx for writing it. I love answering your riddles. I wish I could come up with them as fast as you. The other day I just had a streak of genius and pumped out like 10 of them 1 after another and none of my buddies were on to partake. All the people who were on were no fun and I think I died a little inside. Sigh...
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