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Everything posted by deannaart

  1. No, you are in the right direction....
  2. ATTENTION ALL: I DEEPLY APOLOGIZE FOR DISAPPEARING ON YOU!!!!!!I suddenly got VERY sick. This happens from time to time as some of you might have noticed. I am here now and will be answering all your answers as promptly as possible. Thanx, and happy riddling!!
  3. You're Always editing! Like figners? Thanx for saying you like it. It's obvisouly not written well enough, since it's not seeming to convey my idea... I thought the moon and sun metaphor was so obvious that I shouldn't overload he riddle, but i think I'm going to have to add some lines or something...
  4. No, sorry. If you look at the end of the riddle, the moon and sun do meet.
  5. Why do I feel like I'm the butt of a joke that I don't get?
  6. That's so funny!!! Kind of in the right direction....
  7. deannaart

    Horray for me! I love your riddles!
  8. OK, will keep studying. Maybe we just think too differently...
  9. You're sort of on the right track with the second answer, but still, no
  10. deannaart

    And it made me laugh today! So, horray for everyone!
  11. deannaart

    Well, my first thought when I read it was but I know that's not right.
  12. deannaart

    This is rather odd, yet very well done. It's funny. i like it!
  13. The Sun and Moon Rise and fall Doing their little dance Each day at dawn And at sunset They steal a little glance The moon brings gifts Of the tides And all the stars above The Sun brings life to plants and trees And all the crops we love Then closer they come Till at last They're standing back to back Finally, turning around They face each other Eclipse! as they're shrouded in black
  14. deannaart

    You turd! You're too fast for me. that's not what I meant to write. I went back and edited it. Look at it again.
  15. Horray! My day has officially been made!!!!
  16. I suppose it could be whatever you interpret it to be, just not what I had in mind when I wrote it. I do see how you could come to that conclusion, though.
  17. And You hit another right on the mark!! Great Job once again!!
  18. I can take you places You have never been Up, up and up we go See things you've never seen See the world from a different perspective Make you think on things Make you inwardly reflective Or maybe just fill you With beauty and awe Seeing the Blue planet That you never saw Soaring ever higher Like Icarus to the sun We've made this journey before I am not the first one
  19. Good eye sniper! You caught the hint! And You are absolutely correct!!! Great Job!!! Little side note: This one actually has nothing to do with me. I've never tried drugs. Seriously. Never. Just liked the Metaphor.
  20. You're very close.....
  21. deannaart

    Wow, seriously?!? That's awesome!! Yay for me! Great Riddle, Lotus. That really took some different ways of thinking.
  22. Well, hello Chess Vixen! No, sorry. That is not the answer I'm looking for, but do keep trying!
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