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Everything posted by deannaart

  1. For this riddle, This thing I use It helps without complaint The tool of my muse
  2. Yeah that's my guess too. You beat me to it!
  3. So do we have to figure out what ITAAYAS stands for?
  4. deannaart

    You always come up with such clever guesses,Shakazulu!
  5. deannaart

    You're in it to make me laugh tonight aren't you...
  6. deannaart

    Hey, Good morning Fileobrother! Love your answer! Too funny.
  7. deannaart

    Ooohhh. GooD one! I bet this is it!
  8. deannaart

    Sorry, meds kicking in, and I can't type today. see my edited
  9. What guy? Someone random? Oh and bonus points if you can come up with the artist's name...
  10. deannaart

    This is a good one, Lotus. Really got the thinker going,,,
  11. Way to go, Dummyrummy!!! Sorry Plainglazed, he beat you to the punch, but perfect answers both!!! Great job!! Hmm... I thought this one would last a bit longer.. Back to the drawing board with me!
  12. wont leave my thoughts. need to purge.Well, purge away! Who am I to stop the amazing thought processes of man. Your answer, however is wrong. Sorry!
  13. You're right in that it is Just not the one I'm looking for. Nice try, though! Keep guessing!
  14. deannaart

    At least she didn't take off her diaper and poop on the table... yes, that really happened last week...
  15. deannaart

    Good riddle Lotus! (as always) does it suck to have all this pressure on you to be great all the time? So, who's the pawn. JK.
  16. Railroad spikes were my old name My name's used differently but still the same Progressive rock is my new scene The singer's a king, Not a queen 3 by 3 by 3 I go The US way is all I know Then just hit ne On the head and I'll hold fast In your stead So now you've seen What you can see So can you guess who/what I might be?
  17. deannaart

    Oh no! I take back my answer then! We can't survive without you!!!
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