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Everything posted by deannaart

  1. Nope, sorry, already did that one. Keep thinking. Look for the clues in the riddle.
  2. Now you're walking down the right street. Still not the answer, though.
  3. Well, I think you're on the right train, But you kinda you missed your stop
  4. Ooohh! Good answer... There are certainly some crazed fans out there, but sadly, none in my riddle...
  5. Great logic! However far off base it might be...
  6. One dog barks out From down the street Another dog barks, His way to greet The dogs bark out their conversation Which quickly turns to aggravation Barking loudly now To a staccato beat The other barks louder Pounding his feet Barking and growling Saliva dripping mouth A conversation started Gone horribly south The barking turns sadistic Tension hanging in the air At times like this It's best to beware
  7. deannaart

    Ooohhh! Yeah! A Dunpeal! Like Vampire Hunter D!!!
  8. deannaart

    Haha, just noticed this! Thanx Lotus!!
  9. deannaart

    Nice one, Heyupal! And Good morning to you!
  10. deannaart

    Hope I'm right. Sorry, gotta go... Crying daughter... Try to be back in a bit.....
  11. deannaart

    [spoiler='Aha! Gotcha! ']Sconce!
  12. deannaart

    I can't think of any other consec words.
  13. deannaart

    So does that mean it's a seven letter word?
  14. deannaart

    I don't get the last part
  15. deannaart

    Really good riddle! I have a hard time with these ones but this one I liked.Came in too late to venture a guess, though, sorry!
  16. deannaart

    With a passion!
  17. Morning D! I got 15 before the morning rut! Bang bang, you shot me down, bang bang, I hit the ground.... Dang that was fast! It took me like 20 minutes to write that riddle, too! I guess as always, we just think too much alike.. Great job! And good morning to you too!
  18. OOOhhh! Great guess! I can see how that fits. Very clever thinking! Sadly, not what I had in mind, though.
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