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Everything posted by deannaart

  1. deannaart

    Man, I'm no good with POW's.
  2. deannaart

    Why would you need to apologize to anyone? You're one of the kindest people on here. And a darn good riddler to boot! You're doing an incredible job by the way, just like I predicted. So smile, dang it!
  3. deannaart

    Well hello lotus!! And yes it is. I thought it seemed to fit the overall theme of the piece, but I guessed wrong...
  4. deannaart

    Beautifully written, though I would expect no less from you
  5. deannaart

    I agree with Fileobrother. Very well written riddle. Great job Wood. Keep it up!!
  6. Definately a coffee person. Good job!
  7. Gbbdude and John B get it on a tie!!!!(John B got it on my dummy post) Great job guys!!!!
  8. See, now you get why that was funny. Yes it is.
  9. Yes and no. I have caffeine in me... But that is not the exact word I was looking for. It dose fit though...
  10. I perk you up When you are tired Help get your work done So you don't get fired Do stupid things faster And with more energy I'll help cure your lethargy
  11. deannaart

    [spoiler='All i got is']Karate Kid (good one) 13 Samurai And Monsters Inc and Pulp Fiction
  12. Nice guess! I can see where you could get this. Very clever. And funny for a reason I shall later explain...
  13. smaller perhaps? Haha! That's so funny! (since you know mine just did!!) But, no not the answer. MrsP beat you to it. Sorry!
  14. Why yes it is!!! You're on a hot streak today MrsP!!!
  15. deannaart

    Horray for me!!! That was a great and very well written riddle Gubdude!!!
  16. This is something I couldn't live without I like to talk Not to shout It's convenient When you're on the go Or when your car Gets stuck in the snow
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