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Everything posted by Izzy

  1. Izzy

    Roster: 1)Crazypainter:wacko: 2) DudleyDude 3)Medji 4) LIS 5)blackcat1313 6)akaslickster 7) Darth 8) Izzy 9) Clozo 10) 11) GMaster479 12) Magic 13) sayalzah
  2. [spoiler=That was fun. ]Robert Frost is cool. Forgive me my nonsense as I also forgive the nonsense of those that think they talk sense.
  3. Izzy

    Ye Olde Mafia 2 Sign up

    1. GMaster479 2. Riranor 3. JarZe 4. SG 5. Crazypainter 6. DarthNoob 7. woon 8. Sayalzah 9. tpaxatb 10. Medji 11. DudleyDude 12. Magic 13.akaslickster 14. Framm 15. Lost in Space (LIS) Backups 1.blackcat1313 2. Music 3. Izzy ..If this Mafia is anything like the one I was just in.. back-ups will come in handy.
  4. Izzy

    Scooby Doo Mafia

    Exactly. AFTER the minion becomes the HH, which I did not believe Music had done - yet. Like when Clozo was lynched. She wasn't revealed to be the minion, she was still whatever her role was. Votes for her didn't count against the HH. Which is probably also why she didn't tell us Kat was a goodie. She wasn't sure whether she'd be lynched as the minion or her role.
  5. Izzy

    Scooby Doo Mafia

    Didn't quite finish it.. but..close.. Headless Horseman of Halloween: Win Condition - Kill the Cyber Phantom or Ten Thousand Volt Ghost, or be the last man standing. *Ability: recruit a minion the night whose name is revealed to the Headless Horseman. *Ability: ~e~~~ (Teach, tell, instruct, etc. or "leave?") his minion to be the ~a~ta~~~~ ~ee~ of killing on even nights. *His minion then returns with amnesia but votes as he was instructed that day ~~~~ only? and can not release (reveal) any details of why they c~~~e~~e~(commenced?) to vote. *If the Headless Horseman is killed, he is ~e~~aw~e~ (reborn, reincarnated, etc.) in his last minion, but dies the third time. *A letter is revealed day zero and each time he is targeted by ~e~ (typo of the?) vote at end of day; i.e. two votes give two letters, two night actions give two letters.
  6. Izzy

    Scooby Doo Mafia

    Clues are only added when there are votes for the indy, not the minion. The minion, if you've solved the riddle, can't vote until instructed. From here, I (falsely, but it adds up...) concluded that the indy was probably inactive and that the minion had to be Music because she wouldn't vote when a teammate was about to be lynched. ...Music, you should have played my attacks better. Something pointing out how I should not be trusted, and was just trying to take another goodie down while I still had the opportunity.
  7. Izzy

    Scooby Doo Mafia

    There was some confusion about that the first night in the BTSC thread. We tried RID killing JarZe as the indy, and LIS was like "What?" ..So we figured out what it really meant, and used the "don't out your role" to our advantage, accusing anyone who did and survived of being a baddie. I still think we should have taken JarZe out the first/second day when I tried pinning him as Shaggy. Oh well. ;P ...And we would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling ghosts, and your stupid phantom.
  8. Izzy

    Scooby Doo Mafia

    Giving it a go... 1.Izzy - Shaggy/Scooby 2.GMaster479 - Ben 3.JarZe - Tar 4.Sayalzah - Sarah 5.DudleyDude - Captain Cutler? 6.Framm - Snow Ghost? 7.Ictinike - Miner 49er 8.Marth - Cyber Phantom 9.Clozobozo - Mummy/Minion 10.Music - Velma 11.Crazypainter - Black Knight? 12.Riranor - Daphney 13.akaslickster - 10VG 14.Magic - Ghost Clown? 15.Kat - Headless Horseman 16.tpaxatb - Fred
  9. Izzy

    Scooby Doo Mafia

    Eh.. game's over. Can I post? I mean, it's not going to affect anything... Assuming the bolded is a typo meant to say 10,000 Volt Ghost (Slick, he knew who you were anyway, I'm not outing anything here), then Marth's attack on Slick was useless.
  10. Izzy

    Scooby Doo Mafia

    Slick, you can't vote, you're kidnapped.
  11. Izzy

    .... Well, yeah, the fall of the Roman empire was a huuuuge thing with lots of problems going on at once. I wasn't solely blaming Christianity, merely bringing it up because a. I'm Izzy. I do that with Christianity. b. it really does demonstrate how ignorance (willful, forced, or just plain ignorance) can contribute to the decline of something great. Plausible reasons why the Roman Empire actually fell: 1. Only a handful of people (mainly those ruling it) actually believed the civilization was worth saving. The overwhelming majority had been methodically excluded from political responsibilities. These people were vulnerable to attacks because they weren't able to protect themselves. They couldn't serve in the army because they were either too old or no one would be able to uphold their farms when they were away. Their economic situation was.... hopeless. A lot of the people were serfs, who couldn't do anything to help even if they wanted to. 2. While the empire was still expanding, it grew more and more prosperous because it was fed by the wealth and new markets in the new provinces. However, when expansion ceased, economic progress ceased as well, and the economy quickly became really crappy. 3. I would be off on the numbers, but wasn't the Roman Empire like 1/3 - 2/3 slaves? Slaves could sort of be compared to the illegal immigrants in the US today. Their abundance and willingness to work at low wages put Roman Citizens out of their jobs, so they'd seek work elsewhere, and unemployment rates sky-rocketed. 4. Sorta like the Christianity thing.. but.. taxes started being used for a government-run welfare system, and private enterprises were crushed. People learned to except things for no work, so the old Roman virtues of self-reliance and initiative were lost. The more responsibility the government took over from its citizens, the weaker the citizens became. 5. Very little of the Roman army, at the point of its decline, was actually composed of Romans. Who better to fight for you than someone who doesn't give a crap about you, right? 6. Man.. what were they called.. my history teacher would kill me. The Huns, Visigoths.. uh.. Vandals, Anglo-Saxons... uh... yeah, those dudes + more dudes essentially invaded at the same time. Since their army was already weakened at this point, it didn't take long for them to go kaput. ...But if not for Christianity, people wouldn't have sat around blinding themselves to these problems whilst doing nothing. /history lesson
  12. Izzy

    But you can't come to that conclusion until you know what they are. You don't necessarily need to physically see these things to understand their concepts. You can make the distinction about whether further research is necessary and would contribute something worthwhile to your life just by knowing what they are. There's definitely a correlation between knowing about something, and fixing something. If you happen to find out useless information along the way, so be it. (Example: I just went to urbandictionary to find out what a ytmnd page was, and decided it was useless. Had I not known about it, I wouldn't be able to decide it was useless, and might have one day in the future mistaken it for some political term or something that's actually ...important.) Yeah... It's stuff like that that makes people want to get up and do something about it. =/ You don't have to be there to understand (though I'm sure it's a lot more intense for soldiers actually there), but you still have to know it's happening to be able to contribute and help.
  13. Izzy

    [spoiler=]ABRACADABRA! The children made me start thinking of magic, and, well, there we go. ..That better be right.
  14. Izzy

    Oh, okay. So that's not actually the answer then. Now thinking of words that fit..
  15. Izzy

    Yeah, I guess you didn't see my edit.
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