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Everything posted by Izzy

  1. Izzy

    If the percentage of people opposed to homosexuals is proportional in and outside of the military, then openly gay people banned on grounds of "protection" is entirely unjustified. They're in as much threat in the military as they are outside of it, so they should at least be able to choose where they want to be in danger. If the US army doesn't want to be responsible for the lives lost, they should do a better job of protecting minorities. And btw, they're not allowed to be openly gay. Doesn't that violate the first amendment somehow? It's like the military is saying, "You can serve, as long as you don't talk about ____."
  2. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    Dude the baddies swung the lynch in Clozo's favor, you normally try to keep teammates out of it. At that point CP was safe, so there would be no point otherwise, unless it was to try and tie for magic, who was also a baddie. Tpax or LIS is the indy. If the indy kills tonight, we know he is.
  3. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    So Clozo is almost definitely a goodie. CP was defending Medji earlier, so I once again do not trust him. Magic, Framm, and Tpax I'm unsure about. G'luck tonight.
  4. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    Nice going Miles!
  5. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    Okay, here's my two cents on Blackcat. Inactive, but it slipped by Music because s/he was powerplayed. Was going to be lynched, but someone on her team PMd Music and reminded her that there was a replacement. ..Sound pretty logical to anyone else?
  6. Izzy

    Dude, are you saying that because it's only 10%, they don't matter?
  7. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    I'm keeping my vote for now. Magic is at the top of my list, besides CP.
  8. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    I has magical powers. Tbh, I'm thinking LIS was probably the indy and Blackcat/Music might be inactive goodie roles (or power-played baddie roles), with the former being more likely.
  9. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    Hmm. Okay. So one of them is an inactive player. I don't remember Blackcat or Magic saying anything during this game.
  10. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    Blair was probably LIS. He didn't know the game started, and died Night One.
  11. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    Exactly. And the only people that would be able to do that are the experienced players, because some of the newer players wouldn't be able to know who is experienced yet. I stated this earlier and was accused of metagaming. Sorry CP, I'd like to hear from you. I also have my suspicions of magic.. 1. Crazypainter 2. DudleyDude 3. Medji 4. LIS - (Terminated by T-X) 5. Blackcat1313 6. Slick - Terminated by T-X) 7. Darth - voting for Blackcat1313 8. Izzy is voting for CP 9. Clozo 10. Framm- Voting for Clozo 11. Pablos4pandas - trucked and found to be Kyle Reese 12. Magic 13. Sayalzah - sniped by John Conner
  12. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    Lol, you think because I disagree with someone about something I'm going to put members which are possibly of my faction at risk of being lynched, possibly causing me the game? (And I'm sure you'll say I'm metagaming) but there have been many debates on this site, and if I really worked like that, the patterns would be obvious. Like CP said, it's just not my style. Do you really think you could bother me enough to the point where I'd throw a game just to kill you? Don't pride yourself.
  13. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    I'm not going to flat-out say it, but read the last two pages a few times.
  14. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    Five marks that mean absolutely nothing. You've been pretty hard against me in this thread, when all I was "guilty" of was voting for Slick. You didn't let up, and used pretty much nonexistent reasons (that wasn't really metagaming) to back up your entirely ridiculous claims. Now that we have fairly substantial evidence to show that I'm a good, you're not giving in. You want me out of the game, which alright, that's the point of the game, but just sayin', if I die tonight, you did it. The last time I had a feeling like this, I didn't say anything and I died. Not going to let that happen again. (Guys, if I do die, don't listen to the "After Izzy said all that, do you think I would still kill Izzy?" -.-)
  15. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    *facepalm* No, seriously. If I die, Medji did it.
  16. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    Any chance he's telling the truth? We really don't want to lose our spy this early in the game.. edit: Though, since he's essentially outed himself as the spy, he'd probably get killed tonight anyway.
  17. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    So you're not giving up and saying the day is over, just voting for yourself?
  18. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    Dude, did you just plead no contest?
  19. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    Oh. Thought you said eastern time. My vote stays the same, but I'm adjusting the colors so they're easier to see: 1. Crazypainter voting for -Pablos4pandas 2. DudleyDude is voting for Pablos4pandas 3. Medji - voting for Pablos4pandas 4. LIS - (Terminated by T-X) 5. Blackcat1313- voting for Magic 6. Slick-voting for- CP 7. Darth - voting for Pablos4pandas 8. Izzy is voting for Medji 9. Clozo - voting for Sayalzah 10. Framm- Voting for Clozo 11. Pablos4pandas-voting for- CP 12. Magic - is voting for Sayalzah 13. Sayalzah is voting for Medji[
  20. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    Yeah, sorry bro. Unfortunately, the day is technically over, and tbh, your defense was kinda sketchy. *shrug* If you have useful info, feel free to give it up now (without actually outing anyone).
  21. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    Alright, let's do this. 1. Metagaming. ...I mean, admit it or not, everyone does it. Everyone single person has preconceptions about other players before the beginning of a game. Your mafia identity travels with you from game to game. It defines you. It is incredibly difficult to change your playing style from game to game, so the more you've played, the bigger a disadvantage you have. The advantages of that is knowing how other people play. Not discussing this simple detail of mafia is leaving out one of the biggest (and most important) aspects of it. I wasn't even metagaming exactly. I didn't bring up any other games, I pointed out that some players have been playing longer than others. Huge crime, right? Pfft. 2. Read number three before you read this. You seem pretty intent on lynching me/killing me for absolutely no reason. 3. I gave my reasons for Slick. I didn't "jump" on him. Since when are Day 0/Day 1 reasons for lynches ever any well-thought out and perfectly logical? The point is that the night post gave us little to go on. Continue on to reason four. 4. No one voted by the time I did this morning. I literally just got back from school and this first thing I did was type this post to try to make it before the deadline. I have about a minute left. I'm always swamped Fridays, which is why I made sure to vote this morning, because I wasn't sure when exactly I'd be home by. If I die tonight, Medji did it.
  22. Izzy

    *shrugs* So are black dudes. Blood, regardless of who you are, goes through testing for STDs (among other things anyway). One pint saves three lives. Not wanting to save those lives because you might have to encounter a little more tainted blood along the way is idiotic.
  23. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    Medji, did you even read the night post? Seems like a cheap shot to get a goodie. 1. Crazypainter voting for -Sayalzah 2. DudleyDude is voting for CP 3. Medji - Izzy 4. LIS - (Terminated by T-X) 5. Blackcat1313 6. Slick-voting for-Framm 7. Darth 8. Izzy is voting for Medji 9. Clozo 10. Framm- Voting for Clozo 11. Pablos4pandas 12. Magic 13. Sayalzah
  24. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    Slick, it's subject to change. Just need to start some talking. I meant noobs in the sense of not knowing who to go after. It could be coincidence, that's totally possible. But two well established players targeted night one typically means someone who knows how long they've been doing went after them. I know because it's a strategy I've used quite often in the past. ;P Anyway. Holy cow. I need to wake up in 4 hours. =o
  25. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    Pssh, Music, we were only inactive because we didn't want Rookie to lock the thread. ;P Okay. There are DEFINITELY seasoned players for the baddies. I'm not actually sure, but it sounds like I was attacked, and LIS was killed. CP, Slick, and Clozo are the only people (aside from LIS) I remember on here from the first few Mafia games, and since I was inactive on this forum for quite some time, noobies (probably) wouldn't make me a N1 target. (I'm not calling you guys noobs, I'm just saying I haven't really played with you, so you shouldn't know my playing style.) ..I sort of have a guess at who Cameron is. Anyway, let's kick things off. (If someone votes of Medji, make it pink, he loves that color. ) 1. Crazypainter 2. DudleyDude 3. Medji 4. LIS - (Terminated by T-X) 5. Blackcat1313 6. Slick 7. Darth 8. Izzy is voting for Slick 9. Clozo 10. Framm 11. Pablos4pandas 12. Magic 13. Sayalzah
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