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Everything posted by Izzy

  1. Izzy

    No, he shouldn't. If the mother can choose to get an abortion at any time, it's only fair that the father gets to choose whether he wants to be with the child or not. If the mother chooses to go full term for the father's sake but wants nothing to do with the kid, the father should respect that. It's not taking it out of context, it's comparing it. It's not my opinion, but I challenge you to prove how it is different from claiming that abortion is murder.
  2. Izzy

    ^ That's what izzy2 does, ish. You either let yours recognize way more patterns than mine does or somehow do something better, though. Mine also has a way to function if no patterns are recognized (which I won't reveal ), so, woo. (The same as izzy1, I think, which is why I was surprised at it pwning compared to izzy2.)
  3. Izzy

    *shrug* From Medji' and unreality's argument, isn't masturbation murder? Or periods? Every sperm/egg is a potential child, so by essentially "wasting" your sperm/egg, you "kill" the potential children. Why does the second sperm and egg meet make a difference? All that's changed is that it's no longer two clumps of separate cells, just one clump of joined cells. Tbh, at this point, an abortion would be little difference from cutting your nails. The potential to have children is still there, and the only difference from conception and masturbation is where the dude happened to ejaculate. I think it's sort of funny how the law views this.. A fetus is not counted for a census and miscarriages aren't considered manslaughter. However, killing a pregnant woman is double homicide. Where does the distinction come from?
  4. Izzy

    I haven't read any posts since my last post (don't have time, will later) but just one quick thing. If the father doesn't want the child, and in spite of his feelings the mother chooses to keep it, don't expect him to pay child support. That isn't fair either. (But with this comes no visits/contact/etc., unless it's the kid that's trying.
  5. Izzy

    A quick response to not sleeping around with people until you are both prepared to have a child: ...I mean, if that's what you want to, by all means go for it, but the truth is that people ARE going to have sex, and celibacy pledges are only so effective. I don't think you should have sex stupidly (with a lot of partners, unsafe, whilst intoxicated, with the pull-out method, etc.), but you can't really hold people responsible for doing something evolution has drilled into us to do. Sex is almost like eating. Put bluntly, it's pleasurable and key to species survival. So, abortion starts in the schools. Screw your abstinence only education in schools, have proper sex-ed and sell condoms (at least at the high school level). Now, abortion. In cases where the child won't survive, terminate. Up to the parents. Where the mother's life is at risk, it's up to the mother. (Just like if something is directly threatening the father's life, it's up to him whether he wants to do something about it, not his wife.) When the baby is unwanted or unable to be provided for, and the choice is mutual by both parents: terminate. Don't clog orphanages or give a kid who may potentially not be adopted a crappy life. There are currently way TOO MANY unwanted children already alive, and adding more to the mess accomplishes nothing. When the mother wants the baby and the father doesn't, it's entirely up to the mother. Those should be all the obvious ones. The reverse, however, is where most problems arise. Dad wants it, mom doesn't. Even if the mother can be proven to be someone who never makes a good decision, someone inherently selfish, it's still her body. You can have any number of children in your life, why does this one matter? I think it's something that should be decided prior to getting with someone. Abortion =/= murder, btw, just like cutting yourself and killing some skin cells isn't murder.
  6. Izzy

    *claps* Damn.
  7. Izzy

    Oh em gee, Green Day. NRDC? I couldn't find a reference to what it stood for..
  8. Izzy

    So... 3 baddies, 2 goodies, and the rest get to choose? I don't understand how the points play in.
  9. Izzy

    With regards to money... saving the earth should be freaking free. When it gets to the point where Earth won't support life any longer without immediate interference, people are going to rapidly change their priorities and all resources will be used in an attempt to save the planet. No one will care about a few dollars because hopefully we can all agree that our lives are more important. ..So why not just do that now? There are people out there that have way more money than they can ever possibly use, and at this rate, the heirs of that money won't be around long enough to use it up. I think the people that can help, should. This isn't solely their responsibility, but it wouldn't kill them to put in a little more because they're able to. All we need to do it is energy. Energy is free - there just happens to be people who charge you for it. So stop charging. Workers, instead of working for money, work for the state of the planet. Sounds good to me. (Yeah, problems will arise, good economy, but it will ultimately salvage our home.)
  10. Izzy

    I can't believe Izzy1 did better than Izzy2. I meant to add more patterns to Izzy2's code, but forgot. >_>
  11. Izzy

    You guys wanna try a Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock version after this?
  12. Izzy

    Uh, sure. I don't see why not.
  13. Izzy

    ^Funnily enough, this was my current event for World Religions today. As much as I hate everything the Phelps family stands for, I'm going to have to side with them this time. I really don't see how states can decide that something like the above should be illegal. It's a f**king flag, get over it. If you do nothing about the people outside of your country burning your flags, why should inside of the country be different? Out of sight, out of mind? Banning flag desecration doesn't change anyone's feelings, nor does burning a flag make the country worse. If someone is completely against a country, they can speak it in other ways that doesn't involve flag desecration, so wtf is the point? Similar to what people said about the pledge: It doesn't change anyone's opinion on anything, so it's pointless recitation and a complete waste of time, money, and resources.
  14. Izzy

    ..Wait a sec. Is this a Mafia? It's hard to tell from P4P's post.
  15. Izzy

    1. comrade sayalzah 2. comrade crazypainter 3. comrade Gmaster 4. comrade chrispen 5. comrade Framm 6. Noncomplying Izzy 7. unperson tpaxatb 8. 9. comrade Music 10. 11.
  16. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    Oh, so was I actually attacked Night One?
  17. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    Haha, my current FB status: : You know you're addicted to Mafia when you're more sad about the game ending than you are happy about winning.
  18. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    Yay. I'm actually relieved Dudley was a goodie. I was convinced he was for the better half of the game (ever since lynching CP), and then having to change my mind about that really bothered me. @LIS: It's not fun being the indy and killed one Night 1, is it?
  19. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    Arg, we need links to the night posts. I'm thinking about the night DD was blocked. Or was there a goodie kill? Sorry, it's late.
  20. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    I said you're interchangeable with DD. I'm talking about that one night. Okay, so Framm for suresies. Hey, okay, solution. John: Kill the person that isn't you. Like, if John is DD, kill Clozo. If he's Clozo, kill DD. Then we lynch Framm in the morning, and game over, goodie win. *edit* Ooh, but the baddies would be expecting that. Crap. But blocks will be posted, so we'll find out either way?
  21. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    Uh, I didn't claim a role? Hmm. Miles - Izzy John Conner - ? Marcus Wright - Darth Peter Silberman - Tpax T-X T-1000 Leaving DD, Clozo, and Framm. I don't recall Clozo claiming John. ...In fact. From the lack of goodie kill (if I recall correctly) that certain night, that would make... you-know-who John. Okay, here we go. Darth - pray to Jebus you get attacked. Tpax - save DD. John - Kill Clozo or Framm. Clozo/Framm, whichever one of you has the kill tonight - attack Darth? Got it? Then everyone, get on early tomorrow, lynch the surviving Clozo or Framm and I'll end the vote? Lez do this. Unless I'm wrong. Clozo and DD are possibly interchangeable.
  22. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    I meant the second she. ..So Dudley and Framm, then? Okay, man, no joke, getting off this time. 50+ pages to dead out of my history textbook. Fml. >_>
  23. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    When an inactive player became active again and testified for DN.
  24. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    Wait, I just reread this: DudleyDude and Clozo walked side by side, chatting, but all the while anxiously glancing over their shoulders for a hint of a Terminator. Suddenly, Clozo gasped and reached for DudleyDude, but she was too late. The T-X was dragging him off before he could even scream. “You’ll do nothing tonight,” she said to him as she leaned him against a wall and knocked out cold . . . Clozo, feeling scared and vulnerable, ran the other way. T-X is m/f. Do you guys think T-X said that to Clozo, and was saving Dudley? Well, by coincidence. Waaaait. No, T-X blocked Dudley. There was no T-1000 kill... f**k it makes sense now.
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