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Everything posted by Izzy

  1. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    ^ What was the editing about? Okay, so... assuming Clozo is good 'cos of whatever that was, DD and Framm the people we need to get... Man this is confusing.
  2. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    I didn't say you were lying. I've seen Tpax's logic before in other Mafias, and he's freaking amazing. That's why it's so hard to get absorbed into what you two say because you could be spoon feeding everyone else perfectly devised lies and we wouldn't know the difference. I'm going to try and avoid my death the same way you did. I've been hinting at my role for a while now. Miles acted today (er, yesterday), so is very much still alive. If anyone else claims the role (as really, unless I stay alive through the night, I can't help through the day anyway), by all means, step forward, but you'd be a liar. Btw, Medji's suspicions weren't exactly well founded. It was because I felt strongly about him, and so did half of you, so that's not my fault. Here are my lists. Goodies: Me, Tpax, Darth, DD (maybe, probably) I don't fecking know: Clozo, Framm (DD) I don't see how Medji can know anything about Framm that isn't in the posts because his role doesn't give him access to any other information.
  3. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    Dude, I'm not a baddie. I don't know how to stress that without completely revealing myself. Put simply: I have no night role. I claim responsibility for CP's lynch through day actions. Darth, I'm trying to trust you, but it's proving difficult, 'cos you and Tpax are way too good at mafia, so I can't tell when fecking either of you is lying.
  4. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    Man, I'm annoyed by this. It doesn't add up that Darth and Tpax are lying. Marcus is definitely still alive, and since no one else is claiming the role... Tpax.. I dunno. It could have been a lucky guess? I guess the Clozo + Dudley combo is likely. But.. maaan. I thought I could trust DD, now I'm unsure. This game is brainracking. Okay, getting of for realz now. History test.. going to fail.. eugh.
  5. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    Medji, Framm BETTER be good if you just did that. Hey, goodie kill, I'm once again suspicious of Darth and Tpax. *edit* Mostly Tpax.
  6. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    Just a guess, but I don't think Clozo getting on will make a difference.
  7. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    The person ended it with the intent to lynch CP, which is why that person chose the roster s/he did. Either way, we contributed to it, knowing full well the day could stop there and then. Not a risk a baddie would take with a player so crucial to their success. I seriously hope you get lynched tonight bro. You make yourself look worse by the second. edit: full well, not when
  8. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    Dude, you're still not trying that, are you? DD and I were the only ones that voted for CP when she was lynched. CP was arguably the most important baddie. Your logic fails. (I'm both here and not. Doing crazy amounts of homework, but should be online 'til midnightish (oh the joys of IB), checking this somewhat regularly.
  9. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    Oh, I thought a tie would result in the lynch of any random person, not one of the people with the most votes. I thought it was some sort of host strategy for discouraging ties. So nevermind. >_>
  10. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    Or, we at least need a definite person. Ties are bad.
  11. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    Guys, I really think we should go for Medji.
  12. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    Lol, guys, you can try to pin us as baddies all you want, but anyone following the game can see DD and I definitely aren't. Sorta leaning towards Tpax again, but that doesn't make sense, so I'll focus on Medji. Good strategy always seems suspicious.
  13. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    Dudley, if he isn't, it's a tie, and a random person gets lynched. Let's just lynch Medji. I've wanted to do that for a while. (Remember, CP defended him earlier on in the game.) 1. Crazypainter - (heart ripped out and found to be Skynet Systems) 2. DudleyDude is voting for Medji 3. Medji is voting for Framm 4. LIS - (Terminated by T-X) 5. Tpax is voting for Framm 6. Slick - (Terminated by T-X) 7. Darth is voting for Framm 8. Izzy is voting for Medji 9. Clozo 10. Framm- Voting for Darth 11. Pablos4pandas - (trucked and found to be Kyle Reese) 12. Magic - (pushed off a cliff and swept out to sea by John Connor) 13. Sayalzah - (sniped by John Connor)
  14. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    Tpax, something you say doesn't add up. RIDing isn't the same as spying, so Darth wouldn't appear to be a random goodie. So you should have definitely known who he was, and so should he. Where does this 10% uncertainty come from?
  15. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    ^ Okay, that's an awesome idea. And even if the vote stays in Framm's favor, assuming Miles is still around and agrees with that, we're good to go. 1. Crazypainter - (heart ripped out and found to be Skynet Systems) 2. DudleyDude is voting for Darth 3. Medji is voting for Framm 4. LIS - (Terminated by T-X) 5. Tpax is voting for Framm 6. Slick - (Terminated by T-X) 7. Darth is voting for Framm 8. Izzy is voting for Darth 9. Clozo 10. Framm- Voting for Darth 11. Pablos4pandas - (trucked and found to be Kyle Reese) 12. Magic - (pushed off a cliff and swept out to sea by John Connor) 13. Sayalzah - (sniped by John Connor) *edit* Too many tabs, posted the wrong thing.
  16. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    1. Crazypainter - (heart ripped out and found to be Skynet Systems) 2. DudleyDude is voting for Darth 3. Medji is voting for Framm 4. LIS - (Terminated by T-X) 5. Tpax is voting for Framm 6. Slick - (Terminated by T-X) 7. Darth is voting for Framm 8. Izzy is voting for Medji 9. Clozo 10. Framm- Voting for Darth 11. Pablos4pandas - (trucked and found to be Kyle Reese) 12. Magic - (pushed off a cliff and swept out to sea by John Connor) 13. Sayalzah - (sniped by John Connor) Let's put some pressure on Medji.
  17. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    @Darth: Oh wait, yeah. Sorry, forgetting stuff. >_> *edit*Oh, btw: Tpax, you're lying through your teeth. The goodie spy has already been lynched. Nevermind. Just read Tpax's post. And it fits. Considering that role hadn't acted when blackcat was present. Meaning the remaining baddies are Medji and Framm?
  18. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    Inactivity or block. I think now would be a good time for the person who possibly blocked someone last night to come out. The baddies kill one of us tonight regardless. If we can take out one today, there's still a whole bunch of people left to get the remaining baddie. Coming out, at this point, wouldn't harm the goodies whatsoever. It gives us one more confirmed goodie (if we actually lynch a baddie) and one less baddie. If we do lynch a goodie, the goodie kill role has a target for the night? Make sense?
  19. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    Here's my thoughts: Darth is either being entirely honest, or is incredibly clever. By claiming the role he's claiming, no baddie or goodie in their right mind would target him, and lynching him if he is <role> would do more harm than good. If he's a lying baddie, he won't die. If he's <role> and the baddies believe him, he won't die. We're reluctant to lynch him because he's possibly <role>. I don't know what to do. In the sense that he's just outed himself like that, he becomes pointless anyway, but there's still the chance he's lying. So, I take that back, lynching wouldn't really effect the game other than by telling us who he is. If he's lynched (and is good), it's two baddies vs. four goodies. Those remaining baddies are either Tpax, Medji, or Framm. ..Either way, we (goodies) win? Btw, I don't think T-1000 is dead. Music wouldn't steal the baddie's group kill like that. Blocked for suresies. So who blocked last night? 'Cos, dude, you know one of the baddies. Unless it was a save instead of a block.
  20. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    Music, do the baddies have a group kill?
  21. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    Eh, so we have Medji, Tpax, Darth, and Framm left for a 50% chance of lynching a baddie. I'm pretty sure the indy is dead. Two things. 1. I was feeling unsure about my vote for Darth after I realized that T-X did in fact attack, it was just blocked. 2. The baddies no longer have BTSC. Sorta felt like Darth was stressing that a healer had been revealed, in case his teammates missed it. meh =/ *edit* Just read music's post. Also, geeez, Darth, stop editing. It's messing me up.
  22. Izzy

    Terminator Mafia

    DN gets sedated and there's no baddie kill? Awfully suspicious.. 1. Crazypainter - (heart ripped out and found to be Skynet Systems) 2. DudleyDude 3. Medji 4. LIS - (Terminated by T-X) 5. Tpax 6. Slick - (Terminated by T-X) 7. Darth 8. Izzy is voting for Darth 9. Clozo 10. Framm 11. Pablos4pandas - (trucked and found to be Kyle Reese) 12. Magic - (pushed off a cliff and swept out to sea by John Connor) 13. Sayalzah - (sniped by John Connor)
  23. Izzy

    ...Medji, if the military wants to remove people for sexual acts, then call it such and admit that DA/DT is pointless. Calling it protection is bull because they're in as much danger, if not more, outside of the military.
  24. Izzy

    Exactly what part of my statement was biased? I stated facts. When polls are taken, because it is impossible to survey every citizen, 1%ish of the population is used. The population of the US is roughly 300 million, and according to this source, the US army has 1.3 million people. ..Eh, so it's only roughly half a percent, but it all stays proportional. Because of this, homophobes (and those willing to do something against them) will be in roughly the same percentage inside of and outside of the military. This is a fact. The rest of what I said logically follows. bigotry - intolerance to those of different beliefs ....Hmm, sounds like the military. (If you're saying the streets are more safe than a military base not under attack, then man I'm scared for the US.)
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