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It seems clear that despite anyone's intentions for or against it, BD has become quite the hotbed for philosophical discussion. And why shouldn't it? It attracts more-or-less intelligent people, and intelligent people like to think, and thinking leads to philosophy. Anyone, with all the topics about philosophy from the past, the ones currently active, and the ones that will no doubt crop up in the future, I think there's enough general interest and focus in the subject to warrant a separate forum. Just a suggestion, of course. What do you think?

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I think it would be a great idea, after all, we've been having countless philisophical topics in the "Others" section, I think it's about time we compile some of that. Also, I agree with Unreality, it'll attract more people looking for intellectual discussion as well as brain teasers. I'm for it as well :3


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what would constitute as Philosophy?!

anything involving philosophy, really. From overall philosophy stuff to religious and spiritual stuff; from theories on life and free will and the universe and metaphysics to debates about war and abortion and other issues; from discussions on brain science to arguments about political philosophy; from paraphysical topics to discussions on philosophy within a book or movie or whatever... There won't be a problem identifying the subset of topics which belong in "Philosophy", it's a very easily identifiable subject. I could go through the Others forum right now and pretty easily pick out the topics that would belong in a philosophical discussion subforum

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No separate "Philosophy Forum" yet.

k. It was just an idea

"Others" is a place where you can find them.

yeah, Others has tons of them

When exactly does a thread become philosophical?

I addressed that in my reply to andromeda

Have you found more than 30 threads on philosophy in "Others"?

yeah for sure. I think there's at least 40 but I can't be sure. If you want me to do a formal count with links and stuff, say so, and when I get the free time (I'm pretty open tomorrow I think) I'll do it :)

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Have you found more than 30 threads on philosophy in "Others"?

Lemme have a go.

1.Mythical Creatures

2.Is There A Spiritual World?

3.About Universe

4. Chicken/Egg Situation

5. 1+1=Infinity

6. Philosophy


8.Different Types of Thinking

9.what's your opinion?

10. Negatives

11. Are we stronger?

12. Super powers

13. Atheist Discussion <3

14. Know vs. Remember

15. [urlhttp://brainden.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=6195]Does Love Conquer All?

16. Church vs. State

17. The Meaning of Life?

18. Evolution - Just a theory? (Granted, this is science, but you know what I mean)

19. Reality?

20. Global Warming?

Okay, those are 20 examples from going through 5 pages of old posts. I would have kept going, but my almost-step-bro is bothering my to go swimming. I'm positive another 10 could be found with another 12 pages of posts to dig through.

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You have a place to create philosophy related threads now - "Others".

You have shown that you can find threads on philosophy.

I have amended description of "Others" - included "(eg. you can discuss philosophy related questions)" - so it is clear that philosophy is one of subjects of the forum.

Good idea. No more amendments necessary for the time being.

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Separate forum or not, I do appreciate the opportunity to discuss philosophy here.

And I really appreciate the cordial and polite atmosphere of the posters :)

I found BD by googling "Paradox". I was looking for a list of good paradoxes and BD provided the best one on the web (IMHO) :D

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Separate forum or not, I do appreciate the opportunity to discuss philosophy here.

I absolutely agree - the opportunity is here and I encourage discussion on philosophy in sub-forum "Others".

And I really appreciate the cordial and polite atmosphere of the posters :)

It's always been one of my targets to create such atmosphere and I thank everyone positively contributing to it.

I found BD by googling "Paradox". I was looking for a list of good paradoxes and BD provided the best one on the web (IMHO) :D

I compiled my favorites and optimized the page for "Paradoxes" and "Famous Paradoxes". I am glad you liked them. I was thinking about posting a few more classic paradoxes (ancient ones) but some of them were already posted in this forum.

Enjoy the Den ;)

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