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I heard these types of thinking

  1. Logical
  2. Critical
  3. Analytical

Which do you think is the most powerful thinking?


Ram kishore

Not sure about Analytical? Not sure what it means; but for the other two..

Ask a logical thinker to write a story and they will know not here to begin, ask a creative thinker to do a logical puzzle then confusion is in order.

It depends largely on the type of situation in which the thinking has to be applied. And therefore I can state there is no "most powerful thinker", only that situations favour one type of thinking over another.

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Not sure about Analytical? Not sure what it means; but for the other two..

Ask a logical thinker to write a story and they will know not here to begin, ask a creative thinker to do a logical puzzle then confusion is in order.

It depends largely on the type of situation in which the thinking has to be applied. And therefore I can state there is no "most powerful thinker", only that situations favour one type of thinking over another.

Well Said Taliesin

Could you tell me what type of thinking is required for programmers and researchers ?

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Well Said Taliesin

Could you tell me what type of thinking is required for programmers and researchers ?

Well, as a programmer and researcher, I can tell you you're going to need them all...

Analytical to understand others work.

Critical to decide if the information makes sense.

Logical to use the tools you learned reading to solve problems.

Hope it helps! B))

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Illogical thinking is definitely more powerful than any of those mentioned. It enables you to reach any conclusion you want, and you never have to concede an argument.

Could you suggest basic books for improving logical thinking ? or Any kind of exercises ?

I shall be really grateful.

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Well Said Taliesin

Could you tell me what type of thinking is required for programmers and researchers ?

Programming will require logical thinking because you have to keep breaking down into smaller and smaller chunks.

A creative person when programming will go along the lines of

1: Start

2: Make really super cool game

3: End

Where a logical programmer will

1: Start

2: Do a by doing b by doing c

3: then do d unless do e causes f to equal f

4: ...


Im not saying creative people cant program, but for logical people it comes naturay.


Behind every major programer team, there is a "Design" team ( full of creative people ) who tell the programmer how the want the game ( or application) to act, and work.

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Could you suggest basic books for improving logical thinking ? or Any kind of exercises ?

I shall be really grateful.

I was advocating illogical thinking there. If it's that you wish to improve, this might come in handy.

If you prefer to stay logical, the answer would be this. Using logic to win an argument is very difficult. You tend to come across as dry and pedantic (read the religious debate if you don't believe me <ahttp://brainden.com/forum/uploads/emoticons/default_laugh.png' alt=':lol:'> lol oh that was fun). On the other hand dry and pedantic doesn't mean wrong so if you don't mind working that angle you could always point out your fallacies in latin. Not only does it prove you right but it discourages people from ever arguing with you again.

I know you were talking about thinking, not debating, but my mind's running along those lines now. What's occurring to me is that we might have some debating competition whereby we strictly outlaw anything correct and resort entirely to fallacious reasoning. Whoever comes out as most convincing wins. With bonus points for particularly outrageous and inventive fallacies. Hmmm...

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Can I pick none of the above? Well I mean, being Logical, Critical and Analytical are important, but I find that being any of those isn't helpful to ME...I sure as Hell ain't logical o.O Being critcal doesn't get you very far and I can't analyse for my life...but creative thinking and existential thinking...I excel at :3 You can't narrow down trains of thought into three categories...life doesn't work that way, and neither does the mind :3

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Can I pick none of the above? Well I mean, being Logical, Critical and Analytical are important, but I find that being any of those isn't helpful to ME...I sure as Hell ain't logical o.O Being critcal doesn't get you very far and I can't analyse for my life...but creative thinking and existential thinking...I excel at :3 You can't narrow down trains of thought into three categories...life doesn't work that way, and neither does the mind :3

I agree with Kat :)

I'm not logical at all - in fact, I avoid logic at all costs.

And what is critical thinking, really? Antagonizing over every single little thing? I tried that once. I burst out crying.

Analytical is basically the same as critical, isn't it?

I guess the truth is I don't do much thinking at all. ;) I'm more of a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants, pull-things-off-at-the-last-minute type of person. I guess I consider myself a creative thinker.

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I have perspective thinking. Able to look at things in different ways, seeing illogical and logical things at the same time.

For example: I can imagine a ladybug, crawling on my arm, which then turns into me seeing it as something else entirely, a nuisance; a bug, etc.

Donno if it exists or not would help*


*uh-oh I cant tell my thoughts apart from reality.....

Edited by Riddle Master Zack
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I agree with Kat :)

I'm not logical at all - in fact, I avoid logic at all costs.

And what is critical thinking, really? Antagonizing over every single little thing? I tried that once. I burst out crying.

Analytical is basically the same as critical, isn't it?

I guess the truth is I don't do much thinking at all. ;) I'm more of a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants, pull-things-off-at-the-last-minute type of person. I guess I consider myself a creative thinker.

o.O We're very alike, it's kinda scary :ph34r:


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What's occurring to me is that we might have some debating competition whereby we strictly outlaw anything correct and resort entirely to fallacious reasoning. Whoever comes out as most convincing wins. With bonus points for particularly outrageous and inventive fallacies. Hmmm...

OH!!!! Sign me up!! I have a B.S. in B.S. :D

edit: eeps, I had to change the quote.

Edited by Grayven
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The type of thinking you are using depends on the type of thing your thinking about while your thinking about it. but here a few I think

logical if your breaking a code

creative if your solving a WAI

analytical if your playing Mafia

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