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Life has no meaning :P Which is the beautiful thing about it. If there was a god, there would still be no meaning. Think about it, it's true. Go to a heaven or hell and then what? Sit around meaninglessly?

The truth is, the fact that life has no meaning is what gives it infinite meaning. It's your life, live it how you want to live it :D Be happy and make others happy. While the evolutionary goal of life is to make more of itself, that doesn't have to be your goal. As our intelligence increases we move away from being bound by our own evolution.

Do whatever you want, and have fun - tis the meaning of life ;D

[edit - typo]

Edited by unreality
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Ah...finally a question I can answer. :) Feel free to critique me as I know you will ;)

The meaning of life...its simple really. God could have simply created us humans perfect with perfect mindsets and without a single flaw, and we could live happily ever after in heaven. But what would be the point? Cating something so perfect that it could never stray away from him. God didn't want it to be that easy for us humans to make it into heaven. He felt/feels that if you want to live eternally and worship him in heaven, that you have to earn it. You have to make a personal choice; to praise the God that put you into this world, or worship the world itself....which WOULD have no point, as Unreality says, because unfortunately that is what Unreality does. One big thing in God's mind also is that we should witness his glory to our brotheren, saving their lives...and unfortunately sometimes your brotheren laugh in bigheadedness...(cough unreality cough cough ADParker cough cough Izzy cough) :P

I tried God....I tried. -_-

Well, have fun in heaven or hell, whatever one you may choose....hopefully the former

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One big thing in God's mind also is that we should witness his glory to our brotheren, saving their lives...and unfortunately sometimes your brotheren laugh in bigheadedness...(cough unreality cough cough ADParker cough cough Izzy cough) :P

I tried God....I tried. -_-

Jrod, I may hardly ever agree with you, in fact, I may never agree with you, but you just made me smile. Thank you. :)

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Hehe, nice lazboy...those are great books...

Life is about learning. Life is going through each day not knowing what's coming next; and enjoying every minute of it. Life is amazing, terrible and exciting. It's about finding out who you are. I don't know about you, but I live for life B))


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Good question. I think it's critical that people find the meaning of life for themselves so that they can live a purposeful existence. It doesn't really matter to me what other people's purpose is, however it is important to me that they think about it and pursue it. That is the secret to happiness IMHO.

For me, the meaning of life is to escape the dream. I think that we are dreaming that somehow we have separated from our source and project that fear outside of us to see a world of attack. If we were to really see reality, we would see that all minds are joined and that we have never left (or could leave) our source. When we see attack or separation outside of ourselves, we are really seeing a projection of our guilt and fear. This attack/separation we see isn't calling for punishment, because that would continue the guilt/attack/defense/shame cycle. Instead, if we can call on our highest value and try to see the situation differently, we end up healing not only the illusory separation but our internal guilt/fear as well. This is the way we wake up from the dream. This is the way we remember who we truly are. This is the way we heal the world and ourselves. Not by changing the world, but by changing our mind about the world.

Since I am clear about my purpose, I find myself happy because I am pursuing it. It doesn't matter whether I'm in a business meeting, interacting with my family, or even having fun on Brainden. My purpose is to see the hidden love in everything. Miracles are everyday events in my life.

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For me, the meaning of life is to escape the dream. I think that we are dreaming that somehow we have separated from our source and project that fear outside of us to see a world of attack. If we were to really see reality, we would see that all minds are joined and that we have never left (or could leave) our source. When we see attack or separation outside of ourselves, we are really seeing a projection of our guilt and fear. This attack/separation we see isn't calling for punishment, because that would continue the guilt/attack/defense/shame cycle. Instead, if we can call on our highest value...
I'm not sure about the whole dream-of-being-separated-from-a-source thing, but what you say about projecting our fear and seeing attack, and how we deal with that... very wise.

Since I am clear about my purpose, I find myself happy because I am pursuing it. It doesn't matter whether I'm in a business meeting, interacting with my family, or even having fun on Brainden. My purpose is to see the hidden love in everything. Miracles are everyday events in my life.
That's a great way to look at the world. I like that a lot. Gave me a big smile this morning :D
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Izzy, I recognise your feelings with this (thinking about this post particularly). Again, *sigh*, what we may have here is another one of those cultural problems where religion has influenced our thinking (like the phrase "the meaning of life" which implicitly assumes higher intelligence). We are conditioned to not only fear death (which is healthy provided you don't dwell on it) but to fear the fact that we will die. That's not entirely religion's fault but it doesn't help. One of religion's stonger cards is to play on that fear by saying that eternal happiness is possible, and because you cannot put aside your intelligence enough to believe it, you wish you could.

I don't have the same yearning, perhaps because I actually did believe all that, for a while in my later teens, and I had a chance to see how, despite what they say, religious people are generally worse off in that regard. They would sacrifice their integrity in a vain attempt to avoid the fear of dying, and because they play to that fear, they worsen it. That holds you in the religious mindset, but does nothing to ease the mind. It's false, and deep down we all know it, even those who profess it to be true. Religious ecstasy is always tinged with desperation.

Eternal happiness is a daft concept anyway. Happiness is nature's dangling carrot, the emotional reward for doing something well (or at least doing it in line with our evolutionary imperatives). Continual happiness is like having someone tell you "well done!" all the time, when you didn't do anything. And eternity? Not better than a finite lifespan, just longer. The fear of it ending would be avoided if it didn't end. People avoid death for very good reasons, but to fear the fact of death is to overlook the benefit of a finite lifespan. A finite lifespan gives us an incentive to cherish what we have. Too much of everything only cheapens everything. It is natural to want more than we have, but wise to recognise the emptiness of that desire.

Eternal life would have no more meaning than a finite life. It would have less, because it would lack the drive to make something of what we have.

As for the Meaning of Life, I suggest you watch Monty Python's The Meaning Of Life, which explains it all with absolute clarity.

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I have often thought and am even now thinking, why should we live for ourselves? Living for ourselves, in the sense, why should I think about my schedule for tomorrow? Why should I study for my examination? Why should I feel hurt when someone insults me? Why should I feel pain when someone assaults me physically? Is this a standard set of rules we should follow in our life.

Let us assume there's a person X living in the same world who is not a blood relative of mine. Why shouldn't I be allotted to take care of him? Why should not I think about X's schedule for tomorrow? Why should not I study for X's examination? Why should not I feel hurt when someone insults X? Why should not I feel pain when someone assaults X physically?

Can the rules of life ever be changed in this manner? Why should not we live entirely for X and someone else live entirely for us?

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Can the rules of life ever be changed in this manner? Why should not we live entirely for X and someone else live entirely for us?
If that works for you, why not indeed? (whoops, then you'd be doing it because it works for you ;) , just kidding)

I think the main reason why not is that you are you and not somebody else. You do not really know what someone else needs or feels. Empathy for others is part of what we are and I'm not trying to degrade that in any way, but you only see life through your own eyes. Maybe in the future our consciousness can be extended beyond that. It's an exciting idea and, I think, a real prospect. If we can ever get our brains to interface with computer technology, the concept of self may become a more blurry one (ever read William Gibson's Sprawl trilogy? Amazing, particularly considering how long ago it was written). But until then, as Pink Floyd put it "all you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be".

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If that works for you, why not indeed? (whoops, then you'd be doing it because it works for you ;) , just kidding)

I think the main reason why not is that you are you and not somebody else. You do not really know what someone else needs or feels. Empathy for others is part of what we are and I'm not trying to degrade that in any way, but you only see life through your own eyes. Maybe in the future our consciousness can be extended beyond that. It's an exciting idea and, I think, a real prospect. If we can ever get our brains to interface with computer technology, the concept of self may become a more blurry one (ever read William Gibson's Sprawl trilogy? Amazing, particularly considering how long ago it was written). But until then, as Pink Floyd put it "all you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be".

Yeah! Interfacing looks like a genuine option. But then again we are interfering with nature. But that makes me wonder, is nature permanent? Was the present nature established by man or his ancestors? Anyway thanks for mentioning the Sprawl Trilogy, octopuppy. Have to love these sci-fi books.

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Yeah! Interfacing looks like a genuine option. But then again we are interfering with nature. But that makes me wonder, is nature permanent? Was the present nature established by man or his ancestors?
Umm... just depends on what you mean by "nature" I guess...
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Surprisingly, I voted "Other." I didn't like your definition of Devotion to God because of the "behave" line. One thing that a lot of people don't get is that - at least for Christians - "behaving" isn't a mandatory part of the process. I am in no way condoning living an immoral or depraved life, but God loves us regardless of how f*ed up we are. And the only reason we are allowed into heaven is by God's grace. We cannot earn salvation, it is a gift. It doesn't matter if we keep all the commandments, give all our money to the poor and serve as a volunteer nursemaid to people dying of AIDS in Africa...NOTHING you can do can earn your way into heaven. All you have to do is ask Jesus to be your Lord and your Saviour...and believe that he is. That's it! It's a totally free gift!

So, should we behave? Of course! We all should regardless of our beliefs. But true born-again Christians "behave" as a result of their love for God, not because God demands it. When you truly live a life devoted to God then his Spirit lives in you and you are filled with a holy desire to do good works and share his love with mankind.

The meaning of life: Love God, Love others as Yourself.

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Umm... just depends on what you mean by "nature" I guess...

My two cents about nature is that we are part of nature and shouldn't be separated. If we mow down a forest and pave the area and build a bunch of houses or hotels or whatever, then that is natural (part of nature). It's no different from an ant colony, a bee hive or a beaver dam, well, only in scale. We humans are animals and everything we do is natural. I think the whole concept of separating us from nature is another flaw religion has instilled in our collective mindset.

I put the option: live, reproduce, die. It's not as morbid as it may sound and from what I've seen, there is nothing that proves there is more to life than living and reproducing more life. When a person dies, it doesn't matter whether they had the "greatest, most fun" life or a "horrible, despicable" one (in the grand scheme of things that is). Of course those options affect the people around that lived with them, but not life itself. The only thing that affects life is reproduction or the lack thereof. ~Children of Men is an awesome example of such a phenomena and a great film to boot ;)

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Ah...finally a question I can answer. :) Feel free to critique me as I know you will ;)

The meaning of life...its simple really. God could have simply created us humans perfect with perfect mindsets and without a single flaw, and we could live happily ever after in heaven. But what would be the point? Cating something so perfect that it could never stray away from him. God didn't want it to be that easy for us humans to make it into heaven. He felt/feels that if you want to live eternally and worship him in heaven, that you have to earn it. You have to make a personal choice; to praise the God that put you into this world, or worship the world itself....which WOULD have no point, as Unreality says, because unfortunately that is what Unreality does. One big thing in God's mind also is that we should witness his glory to our brotheren, saving their lives...and unfortunately sometimes your brotheren laugh in bigheadedness...(cough unreality cough cough ADParker cough cough Izzy cough) :P

I tried God....I tried. -_-

Well, have fun in heaven or hell, whatever one you may choose....hopefully the former

Whoa! I was agreeing with you at first and then you got all whacked-out in your theology. First, we cannot EARN our way into heaven. I'm not sure what you've been reading, but the Bible makes it explicitly clear that salvation is attained "by faith and not by works, so no man can boast." Also, what's with all the bretheren this and bretheren that? You were speaking common English then just decided to through in some Old King James Bibleese...I just found that a tad odd. And telling people that they are bid-headed and are going to hell is no way to win the hearts of men - that kind of crap is exactly the reason that non-believer hate Christians. Why not witness with your love not your damnation?

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Of course those options affect the people around that lived with them, but not life itself. The only thing that affects life is reproduction or the lack thereof. ~

So why aren't you busy reproducing? You could have started 15 years ago...what's holding you back?

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I like GC's approach - I think I have said enough of my views regarding God etc.. Further I pretty much achieved many memorable thingd Forgot the wife's birthday, our anniversary and valentines too.. :o .. Just kidding, but I'm sure it is remembered. I like Octopuppy's too, why use 10 words when a hundred will do.

I have not voted - I was hoping to cheer Izzy up. I have found the happiest moments in my life have been some of the simplest rather than a so called fantastic holiday, somewhere by the pool for a week does me good. Enjoyment comes from being with good friends and enjoying life's rich tapestry. Discovering the diversity that is so vast will take more than a life time. Of course being comfortable at home is a biggy too for me.

edit - to devote to brainden - why was that left out?

Now I'm realising the point is there are many options, pick one or two, change what you don't like - discover!

Edited by Lost in space
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I like Octopuppy's too, why use 10 words when a hundred will do.
I heard that! I won't have you accusing me of verbal diarrhoea (god, that's hard to spell). I know that there are some people who just keep typing long after they have run out of anything to say, and then think about it, and think of something more to say, and then keep typing a while longer so when you look at their posts it all just seems like some kind of endless, pointless lecture on nothing in particular (and all sub-topics thereof), and you probably don't read it, or if you do you wish you hadn't because when you get to the end of it you realise that you've learnt nothing, and you've just wasted the last ten minutes of your life and whatever you do you won't get those ten minutes back (as Carl Sandberg put it, "Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.") But I'm not one of those, am I? I try to be as concise as possible, if not more so, but you reach a point where if you used any less words there may be some nuance of meaning lost, or perhaps something would remain a little underemphasised or inadequately illustrated, and we couldn't have that could we? Technically we could, but I wouldn't, or if I did I would have it only because my post length was reaching such epic proportions that I fear people downloading it may overload the capacity of the entire internet and destroy it completely sending mankind back to the dark ages, which we wouldn't want, although it is not without its good points since it would help to deal with the problems of information overload that people are facing nowadays.
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