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I Know I Spend Too Much Time On BrainDen When...


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  Izzy said:
ST, guitar pwns. I broke a string the first day I got mine while I was attempting to tune. It almost hit me in the eye, lol. But strings are totally replaceable. Only about $5 for a pack, and your local music shop should teach you how to strange your strings. If not, I could.

LIS, lol, yeah, early x-mas present. ;P

On topic: When you start giggling, and your mom comes over to figure out why, and you read off the jokes (like the RainThinker one from above) and she's like "Umm. You spend too much time online, honey."

-When instead of your parents threatening you with stuff like "you'll be grounded" or "no dinner", they're saying "I'll cut the internet, so you can't go on BD". Of course, that always gets me to behave <_<

Edited by star_tiger
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  star_tiger said:
-When instead of your parents threatening you with stuff like "you'll be grounded" or "no dinner", they're saying "I'll cut the internet, so you can't go on BD". Of course, that always gets me to behave <_<

Gah, my mom always does stuff like that. She never takes away TV or going outside or anything, she takes away the internet and music lessons. :(

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  lemonymelon said:
When distances are no longer measured in miles... see Canada isn't 4000mi away... it's 5 time zones away

It was never miles, it's KILOMETERS :P But yeah, everyone's this many time zones away...on the topic of that

-When you always put EST after the time...even when speaking to someone...o.O


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  Kathleen said:
It was never miles, it's KILOMETERS :P But yeah, everyone's this many time zones away...on the topic of that

-When you always put EST after the time...even when speaking to someone...o.O


no - its MILES!!!

When your mom is half a room away, and your supposed to be doing homework and your STILL on here!!

When you realize that becuase of it ^ BD is making your grades go down - not up.

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  peace*out said:
When you realize that becuase of it ^ BD is making your grades go down - not up.

When your grades went down, but after showing your math teacher one of the BD puzzle questions and getting him stumped, your grades return back to normal :D (thanks, Prime ;) )

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  star_tiger said:
When your grades went down, but after showing your math teacher one of the BD puzzle questions and getting him stumped, your grades return back to normal :D (thanks, Prime ;) )

That works? o.O Anyone posted any good apocalyptic riddles for my English class? :D It's not my fault my teacher is a harsh marker! I'm actually quite up there in class cause of Brainden...especially violent creative writing pieces... B)) I mean...*cough* pieces about sweet little ponies and rainbows...smiley-face-halo.gif


Edit: added my angel emot ^_^

Edited by Kathleen
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  peace*out said:
no - its MILES!!!

No, it's kilometres. :P Metric system all the way. :DI hate that the Americans have totally switched the "re" with "er" in metre. English is Latin based, and "metr" is "measure", the "e" is added for pronunciation's sake.

When you got the Maths Award at school, and you're not sure whether this is because of how well you do on tests, or because you bring in problems the teacher can't even solve. :rolleyes:

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  peace*out said:
When you're about to reply to Izzy, and remember: This is BrainDen - ANYTHING can happen....and ANYONE can live ANYWHERE...

*miles rulz all the way!!*

*cough, cough, mumbles something about centimetres and metres being able to go into kilometres easier than miles* ;)

When you think about BD people and usernames more than the real life people... B))

When your friends hear you talking to yourself about the latest mafia, and all they catch is "death", "kill" and "mafia". That's why they always give me the o.O look when I go onto BD... :P

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  star_tiger said:
*cough, cough, mumbles something about centimetres and metres being able to go into kilometres easier than miles* ;)

When you think about BD people and usernames more than the real life people...

When your friends hear you talking to yourself about the latest mafia, and all they catch is "death", "kill" and "mafia". That's why they always give me the o.O look when I go onto BD... :P

Are we going back on whether color is spelled color or colour? :huh: Because I really don't want to start this again...

*Looks at red-marked sentence* Guilty... :unsure:

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  Izzy said:
Yeah! All that inches, feet, yards stuff is confusing. Stuff to the power of 10 ftw.

The Power of TEN! UNITE!!! *runs around in a cape*

Even though i'm from america, Base 10 is a LOT easier than: 12in=1 foot, 3 feet=1 yard, 5280 feet= 1 mile... It's so confusing... :wacko:

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  RainThinker said:
The Power of TEN! UNITE!!! *runs around in a cape*

Even though i'm from america, Base 10 is a LOT easier than: 12in=1 foot, 3 feet=1 yard, 5280 feet= 1 mile... It's so confusing... :wacko:


When you are happy that SOMEONE of BD is from the US, and then you realize they dont stick up for you....

(btw- i know im doing it as much as anyone, but we should stop messing arond - we dont want this locked!!!!)

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  peace*out said:

When you are happy that SOMEONE of BD is from the US, and then you realize they dont stick up for you....

When that makes you think of Benedict Arnold, followed by "Well, he wasn't really a traitor, he just didn't get the respect payment he deserved..

Hehe, where did you think I was from then? :P

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  Izzy said:
When you've managed to finished half a bucket of sherbet (shu'up, it's low calorie, fat free) whilst on here..

When you stopped caring about what you eat in front of the computer, and just burn it off running from stores back home in anxiousness of seeing Andromeda reply to her new riddle :)

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  Prince_Marth85 said:
When you think you're going color blind because Kat's avatar changed colors. :o :o

:lol: , was that the winter dp silv was helping you make, kat? It looks really cool, btw. Luv the star ;)

When you don't look at usernames, just avatars, to find out who said what.

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-when you decide to catch up on this topic and find out what everyone is talking about... woah.

(btw metric system is better! yet i use inches... sometimes... and it confuses my friends... oops)

- when your walking through a school computer centre and see someone on a forum practically identical to brainden and you think it is brainden and you linger behind them trying to see who it is... then only to have them staring at you and your about to ask them who they are on BD and to check out Eat Poop You Cat ll... then you realise that its NOT brainden but a role playing game...

now my friends think im even stranger... o.O

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  clozobozo said:
- when your walking through a school computer centre and see someone on a forum practically identical to brainden and you think it is brainden and you linger behind them trying to see who it is... then only to have them staring at you and your about to ask them who they are on BD and to check out Eat Poop You Cat ll... then you realise that its NOT brainden but a role playing game...

now my friends think im even stranger... o.O

:lol: , my "normal" friends can't possibly thing I'm stranger unless I start growing horns. :P

- when you check BD every 10 minutes, and start feeling worried if you haven't checked it in an hour <_<

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