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  Yoruichi-san said:
*Panting from the speed-reading*

Okay, so this is pretty confusing, but I have to say, I'm not sure whether to believe UR or not. Sorry, UR, you know that I think you're Awesome ;). I'm considering three cases (although there are more possibilities...):

1) UR is telling the truth. He is the Spy and spied on 2D and found out 2D was the Bomb.

I have a problem with this because I don't understand why the Spy would come out so early, for the sake of one innocent, especially since it would have been much safer and easier just to encourage the Bomb to come out about being the Bomb, like others did after UR made the statement. I guess he could of just hoped that the Doctor/Healer would keep on protecting him, but I'm not sure...UR is definitely not a noob, and I have too much respect for his intelligence for me to be completely comfortable with this...

2) UR is Mafia, that is how he knows 2D is the Bomb.

Again, I have a problem with this because I think UR is too smart. The Bomb will simply lie-detect his statement, and he'll be lynched tomorrow...

3) UR is the MoD. He either saw a clue that led him to believe 2D was the Bomb or he doesn't care (he can always say he was trying to protect 2D). He wants the Bomb to lie-detect his statement about being the Spy because he knows he can influence it, and then everyone will believe that he is the Spy for the rest of the game. He is counting on the real Spy not wanting to out him/herself so early.

In homage to UR's intelligence ;P, personally, I like case 3. It can't hurt the Inuit to choose him and find out if I'm right *cough**cough*. The only thing is, I'm afraid that the GC was the Inuit (based on his antisocialness in the night post...)...

I'm not sure what to do at this point. I'm going to keep looking at the posts.

exactly my thoughts. it's 1 or 3. he outed too early. there was no real threat on him to be lynched at that time. something is up with unreality and Bb. And yes, they are both very clever.

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  rene83 said:
I dont know how you expect me to defend me being blonde. its called genetics or me being new.. i never had heard of bd before a couple months ago. I gave my reason for why i voted for who

okay then... if you don't give a defense and then turn out to be Innocent, it's not our fault for lynching you. It's yours. It would really help the Innocents if you gave us something to work with here

btw, the vote is tied up 5-5 Rene and brandonb

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  itachi-san said:
exactly my thoughts. it's 1 or 3. he outed too early. there was no real threat on him to be lynched at that time. something is up with unreality and Bb. And yes, they are both very clever.

yes it's 1 or 3. More precisely, it's #1. I HAD to come out, because Twoaday was going to be lynched, without a doubt, if I didn't come out. If you read back, I protected 2D for a while before outing myself, but nobody listened. So I had to out myself.

and see post 425

Edited by unreality
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  unreality said:
I came out because Twoaday was going to be lynched (or possibly even me). You would've done the same. Option 1 is correct, and it was a very logical and smart choice on my part ;D I thought carefully before making the decision to out myself

exactly. Hopefully Twoaday will lie detect me tonight and see that I am the Spy. Then he can tell the world

good idea. Inuit, go after me. I am not a QA. btw, the Inuit isn't anti-social, that was just the Warlock.

Actually, I wouldn't have come out, and you weren't really in danger of being lynched.... and, like I said, I think it's safer and easier to encourage the Bomb to come out based on the same reasons some others gave (I think it was CL). If I were the Spy, I'd want to collect more info (especially about baddies for the Ninja) before coming out. But, again, you're not me :P...

..Anyways, still unsure, but yes, Inuit (who was hopefully not GC), go for it!

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hey, it's not a bad idea that Unreality came out with his role. It's like KOP did in Mafia III. and that worked out VERY well. Well then how about TwoaDay lie detects one of my many claims that "I am an innocent" so that Unreality could use the more powerful "spy" on someone else?

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  Brandonb said:
No way, if they are going to be coordinated, then the Healer needs to protect Unreality. Dunno who else might need it yet..

I totally agree that Unreality should be protected, but there are many protectors out there, that's all I'm saying.

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  TwoaDay said:
no way im lie detectin UR

i belive him and even though this seems impossible, i have bigger fish to fry :)

yeah, don't lie detect ur, that would be a waste. actually i would recommend you wait until the next night because you can't use that power twice in a row and right now we don't know much about a lot of players.

as for the split decision. Bb and rene are both top suspects for me, so who do you people think would make the more dastardly villain? my vote's on Bb still for the simple reason that he's too clever a baddie, no offense to either of you baddies :P

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  Brandonb said:
hey, it's not a bad idea that Unreality came out with his role. It's like KOP did in Mafia III. and that worked out VERY well. Well then how about TwoaDay lie detects one of my many claims that "I am an innocent" so that Unreality could use the more powerful "spy" on someone else?

I like that idea

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  Brandonb said:
hey, it's not a bad idea that Unreality came out with his role. It's like KOP did in Mafia III. and that worked out VERY well. Well then how about TwoaDay lie detects one of my many claims that "I am an innocent" so that Unreality could use the more powerful "spy" on someone else?

i was thinking about that, or lie detecting dusty but i might save it, im not sure yet

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  itachi-san said:
as for the split decision. Bb and rene are both top suspects for me, so who do you people think would make the more dastardly villain? my vote's on Bb still for the simple reason that he's too clever a baddie, no offense to either of you baddies :P

I am actually going to thank you then, for your current vote against me Itachi. I now consider it a high honor, rather than a spit-in-the-eye ;)

But seriously though, I don't like it that much that I want to go to my grave b/c of it :P

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  Brandonb said:
I am actually going to thank you then, for your current vote against me Itachi. I now consider it a high honor, rather than a spit-in-the-eye ;)

But seriously though, I don't like it that much that I want to go to my grave b/c of it :P

lol you've been around longer to be a better player (criminal or otherwise) in this game... It looks like I am the new puzzle girl who's a gonna git lynched... lol

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  TwoaDay said:
no way im lie detectin UR

i belive him and even though this seems impossible, i have bigger fish to fry :)

Yeah, and if he's the MoD, you would get the same result, so it's pointless...

...and I do think people tend to be paranoid about BB, so I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt and wait until tomorrow to see what the results of "Spy"/Bomb are...

Hmmm...I don't really know about Rene either...maybe I'll just keep my promise to Dawh at the end of Mafia IV...;P

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I've been sleeping for 8 hours and it turned from 17 pages to 45? Whoa... after reviewing the case very seriously, I'll have to go with the flow. Apparently, rene83 is the newest puzzlegirl.


Host: Frost

1) Unreality - voting for Rene83

2) Brandonb - voting for Rene83

3) Frozen - voting for Rene83

4) Slick - voting for Taliesin

5) TwoaDay - voting for Rene83

6) Yoruichi-san

7) Taliesin

8) Itachi - voting for Brandonb

9) CrazyPainter- voting for Brandonb

10) Cherry Lane -voting for Brandonb

11) Dnae - voting for Brandonb

12) Nayana - voting for Taliesin

13) Dawh

14) pw0nzd - voting for TwoaDay

15) GC - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia

16) Dusty - voting for Rene83

17) Puzzlegirl - not voting

18) Tolecnal - voting for Rene83

19) Rene83 - voting for Brandonb

20) Sinistral

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  Yoruichi-san said:
Hey, I-san, since 2D has come out about his being the Bomb, what what was that clue you picked up on earlier, but didn't want to let on to the baddies?

And, lol, when I read the "alarm bells" thing, I thought "bankroller" as well...but that's not quite fair, I know...;P

well, i still don't want to let the baddies know :P if you still want to know when the game is over, I'll tell you ;)

looks like it's curtains for the femme mafioso rene :o

edit: typo and adding: if rene is indeed a baddie, Bb is most-likely innocent

edit 2: i'm saying that based on my own little scribbled chart of probabilities. B))

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I don't know about Rene, since 2D seemed the most suspicious until he came out w/ being the Bomb and the suspiciousness was attributed to noobishness...it may be the same for Rene, and since I can't say for sure, I'm going with my promise to Dawh...;P (effectively the same as not voting)

  frozen_in_fire said:
I've been sleeping for 8 hours and it turned from 17 pages to 45? Whoa... after reviewing the case very seriously, I'll have to go with the flow. Apparently, rene83 is the newest puzzlegirl.


Host: Frost

1) Unreality - voting for Rene83

2) Brandonb - voting for Rene83

3) Frozen - voting for Rene83

4) Slick - voting for Taliesin

5) TwoaDay - voting for Rene83

6) Yoruichi-san - voting for Dawh

7) Taliesin

8) Itachi - voting for Brandonb

9) CrazyPainter- voting for Brandonb

10) Cherry Lane -voting for Brandonb

11) Dnae - voting for Brandonb

12) Nayana - voting for Taliesin

13) Dawh

14) pw0nzd - voting for TwoaDay

15) GC - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia

16) Dusty - voting for Rene83

17) Puzzlegirl - not voting

18) Tolecnal - voting for Rene83

19) Rene83 - voting for Brandonb

20) Sinistral

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Host: Frost

1) Unreality - voting for Rene83

2) Brandonb - voting for Rene83

3) Frozen - voting for Rene83

4) Slick - voting for Taliesin

5) TwoaDay - voting for Rene83

6) Yoruichi-san

7) Taliesin

8) Itachi - voting for Brandonb

9) CrazyPainter- voting for Brandonb

10) Cherry Lane -voting for Brandonb

11) Dnae - voting for Brandonb

12) Nayana - voting for Taliesin

13) Dawh

14) pw0nzd - voting for TwoaDay

15) GC - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia

16) Dusty - voting for Rene83

17) Puzzlegirl - not voting

18) Tolecnal - voting for Rene83

19) Rene83 - voting for Brandonb

20) Sinistral

This is going to be very interesting. If Rene is lynched and we find out she is an innocent, some of her strongest attackers are gonna

be highly suspicious.

Why do I think she is innocent?

'I just have a few gut feelings'

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