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let me start if off with the Beggar I just came up with: (it's an expansion of the 5-day winner idea)

* Beggar - gets 1 gold Phoenix Crown every day. When the Beggar has 5 Phoenix Crowns, he has enough money to pack up and move to the tropics (ie, he wins). However, the Beggar can exchange a Phoenix Crown for 5 role identities, which he can use to his advantage in lynchings and stuff to try to prolong the game. The Beggar can also exchange a Phoenix Crown to kill that night

Edited by bonanova
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Thanks guys. :)

Y-san said she was going to host the next one and I don't want to interfere with that, so I'll wait till hers is done and maybe try hosting one after that. Works out better for me cause it gives me some more time to work on balancing things and also because Unreality is such a good host that he's tough act to follow. :D Writing was never my forte but I'll try to make it interesting.

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  Sinistral said:
Thanks guys. :)

Y-san said she was going to host the next one and I don't want to interfere with that, so I'll wait till hers is done and maybe try hosting one after that. Works out better for me cause it gives me some more time to work on balancing things and also because Unreality is such a good host that he's tough act to follow. :D Writing was never my forte but I'll try to make it interesting.

Well, I think I am quite a good writer, but I'm not that good in responding to a million PMs or organizing everything. Is it possible for me to write some of the posts?

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  Sinistral said:
Thanks guys. :)

Y-san said she was going to host the next one and I don't want to interfere with that, so I'll wait till hers is done and maybe try hosting one after that. Works out better for me cause it gives me some more time to work on balancing things and also because Unreality is such a good host that he's tough act to follow. :D Writing was never my forte but I'll try to make it interesting.

Can someone host a game that should end by or before Sept 12, and let me play? Because after that I'll be moving across the country/looking for a new job/childcare, etc. These are the last few weeks that are mine! lol

just kidding. I will have to be content with not playing.

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Pirate Mafia:

Takes place on a large ship. Instead of lynchings we have plankings. Players can vote to not plank anyone. If the majority votes to not plank anyone, then there is no planking for that day. Strong emphasis on night actions(will make for some epic night posts)... many roles are active at night, even for the innocents. Threw in some voting twists (Bartender, Gambler) to make the voting more interesting.

PIRATES: - Win by killing off all innocents. Know each other's identities and can communicate at night.

Pirate Lord - Always appears as an innocent if investigated, will show as pirate if planked. sounds good

Pirate Wench - Can select one person each night to "visit". That person fails to perform any actions for that night. (They were sorta... distracted.) Does not have any effect on Kraken. Takes precedence over all other night actions. sounds good

Copycat - Any night, not 2x in a row, can choose one person. Copycat gains that person's abilities for the current night and day, but still shows as pirate to investigation (Unless Pirate Lord ability is gained.). Target must still be living for abilities to work. Has no effect on Alchemist/Kraken/One-Eyed Jack.

sounds good

Scallywag - Can escape from being planked once, as long as he is not the last living pirate.sounds good

Pirate Alchemist - During the day, not 2x in a row. Can PM a person's name AND role. If correct, that person dies from poison during the night if not treated by herbalist. If incorrect role is given, the wrong poison was used and the person will know they were poisoned. If treated by herbalist, announced in night post to everyone. Does not count as a night visit. Sounds good


The Kraken - The Legendary Sea Monster, awakened by One-Eyed Jack in his youth. Kills on even nights. Immune for first night and day. Wins if it can kill One-Eyed Jack. If One-Eyed Jack is killed by some other means, the Kraken is out of the game.

CREW: - Win if all the Pirates are dead.

One-Eyed Jack - Former pirate who once awakened the Kraken, but has grown old and is now paranoid that the Kraken is after him. Is missing one eye, and can't see very well with the other. Will kill ANYONE who visits him during the night, except the Kraken. Cannot be pirate killed at night. Can still be planked/poisoned. Wins with innocents.mabey you should make it a 1/4 percent chance that he finds out the role of the person...

Bartender - The bartender is well-liked and respected among everyone on board. All his votes are counted double(triple if over 10 people alive). The bartender has an extensive knowledge of drinks and thus cannot be poisoned by the Alchemist. Will be informed if a poison attempt is made on him, but is not informed of the Alchemist's identity.sounds good

Doctor - Chooses one person each night to save. Can save self once per game. If that person would be killed by pirates that night, they are saved instead. Does not save from Poison/Kraken/One-Eyed Jack.you sould have it work on one eyed jack kills...

Navy Officer - Chooses one person each night to investigate. Will be told in morning if that person is (pirate/innocent/Kraken). [Knows identity of One-Eyed Jack].sounds good

Stowaway - Can visit one person each night and hide in their cabin. If that person is visited at night, the Stowaway will know who visited them.

Lookout - From up in the crow's nest, picks one person to watch each night. If that person visits someone at night, the lookout will know who they visited. Does not count as a visit.mabey they could see the persons role(since they see what they were carrying...)

Veteran - The veteran has been through many voyages and sea battles and is able to live through wounds that would kill most people. Can survive ONE night kill from pirates. Will still die from planking/poison/Kraken.sounds good

Swashbuckler - A master swordsman. Can choose one person each night to protect from pirates. Can choose self(defend). If pirates try to kill that person at night, an epic battle ensues. 50% chance the pirate is killed, 25% chance the swashbuckler is killed, 25% chance target is killed. When defending self, chances are 50/50. After used successfully, swashbuckler's identity is revealed during night post.sounds good

Herbalist - Each night can choose one person to visit and counteract poison.sounds good

Martyr - If planked, has option to choose one person to kill.sounds good

First Mate - If killed at night, identity is revealed and there can be a double planking the next day.sounds good

Gambler - (Semi-Independent) With his/her amazing luck, can escape from being planked once. Can visit one person each night to play games of chance. Person visited will end up owing a debt to the gambler and future votes against the gambler by that person will be nullified. Cannot visit same person twice. Debts are cleared if Gambler escapes a planking. Gambler wins if collects 5 debts. Otherwise will win with innocents. sounds good

Edited by Mekal
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  Sinistral said:
Thanks guys. :)

Y-san said she was going to host the next one and I don't want to interfere with that, so I'll wait till hers is done and maybe try hosting one after that. Works out better for me cause it gives me some more time to work on balancing things and also because Unreality is such a good host that he's tough act to follow. :D Writing was never my forte but I'll try to make it interesting.

Great idea Sinistral! You may want to have 2 landlubbers as masked lovers, one being a pirate and the other a innocent. Maybe? :huh:

Edited by akaslickster
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  akaslickster said:
Great idea Sinistral! You may want to have 2 landlubbers as masked lovers, one being a pirate and the other a innocent. Maybe? :huh:

Yeah, we could definitely work in the Masked Lovers thing if you guys want. Thanks Slick.

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I like your pirate idea, Sinistral. LIS and I are actually sticking more to Unreality's basic structure (if it ain't broke, don't fix it :P), and adding a few of our own things, renaming and adding our interesting back stories to the roles, and tweeking some of the roles (like now the Healer equivalent has a chance to fail). Plus I added an interesting baddie (powerful but difficult to play)...hehe ;P.

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  Mekal said:
One-Eyed Jack - Former pirate who once awakened the Kraken, but has grown old and is now paranoid that the Kraken is after him. Is missing one eye, and can't see very well with the other. Will kill ANYONE who visits him during the night, except the Kraken. Cannot be pirate killed at night. Can still be planked/poisoned. Wins with innocents.mabey you should make it a 1/4 percent chance that he finds out the role of the person...

The idea behind One-Eyed Jack is that he's mostly blind and he's so paranoid the Kraken is after him that he just kills anyone who comes to visit him at night because he mistakes them for the Kraken. Shoots first, asks questions later.

  Mekal said:
Doctor - Chooses one person each night to save. Can save self once per game. If that person would be killed by pirates that night, they are saved instead. Does not save from Poison/Kraken/One-Eyed Jack.you sould have it work on one eyed jack kills...

I think this could work without affecting the balance too much. Thanks!

  Mekal said:
Lookout - From up in the crow's nest, picks one person to watch each night. If that person visits someone at night, the lookout will know who they visited. Does not count as a visit.mabey they could see the persons role(since they see what they were carrying...)

Some roles may not be carrying anything, and the lookout already doesn't have to worry about choosing One-Eyed Jack by accident. Being able to see the exact role would be a little too powerful. The idea is to figure it out based on who visited who and what happened that night. Logic will be required. Seeing exact roles takes away that aspect.

I'm not too sure how things will play out as far as balance. I fear the Copycat may be too powerful if used properly. Thanks for the input though. Doctor saving from One-Eyed Jack makes sense assuming the doctor can find the person.

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  Yoruichi-san said:
I like your pirate idea, Sinistral. LIS and I are actually sticking more to Unreality's basic structure (if it ain't broke, don't fix it :P), and adding a few of our own things, renaming and adding our interesting back stories to the roles, and tweeking some of the roles (like now the Healer equivalent has a chance to fail). Plus I added an interesting baddie (powerful but difficult to play)...hehe ;P.

Is the new baddie 41Z3N? Can I play him? :P

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  Yoruichi-san said:
I like your pirate idea, Sinistral. LIS and I are actually sticking more to Unreality's basic structure (if it ain't broke, don't fix it :P), and adding a few of our own things, renaming and adding our interesting back stories to the roles, and tweeking some of the roles (like now the Healer equivalent has a chance to fail). Plus I added an interesting baddie (powerful but difficult to play)...hehe ;P.

Y-san: the healer (or equivalent) rarely, if ever, picks a targeted player to save anyway, so why make it even less likely to happen?

I have to say, I was disappointed to get the healer role in M-VI (not that I ever got to play it), mainly because of its slim chances of usefulness.

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  Sinistral said:
Copycat - Any night, not 2x in a row, can choose one person. Copycat gains that person's abilities for the current night and day, but still shows as pirate to investigation (Unless Pirate Lord ability is gained.). Target must still be living for abilities to work. Has no effect on Alchemist/Kraken/One-Eyed Jack.

Sinistral: isn't this like a discovery role combined with an action role? When the copycat picks a player to copy, they have to know what their new ability is, so they would also learn the identity (or at least ability, but that narrows it down pretty well) of the copied player.

  Sinistral said:
I'm not too sure how things will play out as far as balance. I fear the Copycat may be too powerful if used properly.

Because of this, I agree, the copycat becomes too powerful.

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  Cherry Lane said:
Sinistral: isn't this like a discovery role combined with an action role? When the copycat picks a player to copy, they have to know what their new ability is, so they would also learn the identity (or at least ability, but that narrows it down pretty well) of the copied player.

Because of this, I agree, the copycat becomes too powerful.

Yep CL, that's the problem with it. I can't always give them the ability without giving away the identity, so it is too powerful. Though an interesting use of it would be to copy one of the pirates whose identities are already known. If the Copycat knew he would be planked the next day he could copy the scallywag in order to escape, or copy the wench and have a double wenching on a given night.

I was thinking about decreasing the frequency of it to "Can only be used on an opposing faction only once per game", or every 3rd night if used on a member of pirate faction.

Either that or making it so that they are just told if the target has a passive ability or an action ability but not what the ability is. They can then choose to use the action ability on someone or not, but they won't know exactly what the effect will be until afterwards.

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  Sinistral said:
Is the new baddie 41Z3N? Can I play him? :P

Lol...no, but you'll always be 41Z3N in my heart :D

The new baddie is a kill/steal ability role (really powerful) but has a really hard win condition (must fulfill win condition of a baddie they kill)...I dunno, just thought it would be interesting to try out...;P

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Ysan, you can't limit the Healer's abilities, in fact they need to be boosted. Doctor and Healer together have only made one successful save lol. I suggest that there are no restrictions on who they can save- same person two nights in a row is fine, and they can save themselves. And the Doc/Healer should have BTSC from the beginning of the game. I have an idea, then, for your future game:

* Medic Team- the Medic Team consists of 2 paramedics who have BTSC from the beginning of the game. Each night, each of the Medics pick one person to save from death that night. There are no restrictions on who they can pick

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  phaze said:
Sinistral, As it is the old formula I would recommend co-hosting with Y-San while we get it sorted out

No harm in doing figuring out how much of a challenge it is

Y-San, do you have any notes from Unreality or Frost?

Not that I don't want to or anything, but I'm pretty sure LIS is already co-hosting with Y-san.

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  unreality said:
Ysan, you can't limit the Healer's abilities, in fact they need to be boosted. Doctor and Healer together have only made one successful save lol. I suggest that there are no restrictions on who they can save- same person two nights in a row is fine, and they can save themselves. And the Doc/Healer should have BTSC from the beginning of the game. I have an idea, then, for your future game:

* Medic Team- the Medic Team consists of 2 paramedics who have BTSC from the beginning of the game. Each night, each of the Medics pick one person to save from death that night. There are no restrictions on who they can pick

Wouldn't that allow for an invincible Spy/Inspector again? There has to be some restrictions on those roles.

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  unreality said:
Ysan, you can't limit the Healer's abilities, in fact they need to be boosted. Doctor and Healer together have only made one successful save lol. I suggest that there are no restrictions on who they can save- same person two nights in a row is fine, and they can save themselves. And the Doc/Healer should have BTSC from the beginning of the game. I have an idea, then, for your future game:

* Medic Team- the Medic Team consists of 2 paramedics who have BTSC from the beginning of the game. Each night, each of the Medics pick one person to save from death that night. There are no restrictions on who they can pick

  Frost said:
Wouldn't that allow for an invincible Spy/Inspector again? There has to be some restrictions on those roles.

Exactly. I'm trying to discourage the whole coming out with your role thing...I want ppl to think more for themselves and rely on discovery roles less...getting rid of the Inspector and giving the Spy equivalent an ID swap ability...

Oh, and I'm the the host, I can do whatever I want :P...the last rule has now become: Don't challenge the host AIs...they control your oxygen supply :P

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  unreality said:
Just trying to help...

taking away the Inspector may fix it, though someone coming out with their role already sucks up an entire Medic, so it's still a big thing. The Medic Team is a good idea ;D

Lol, thanks...I just had to say that rule, it's such a good one... ;P

Anyways, there are no medics in the space colony...who would want to spend 10 years to become a doctor when you can just manufacture lots of Med bots? :P

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  Sinistral said:
Pirate Wench - Can select one person each night to "visit". That person fails to perform any actions for that night. (They were sorta... distracted.) Does not have any effect on Kraken. Takes precedence over all other night actions.


One-Eyed Jack - Former pirate who once awakened the Kraken, but has grown old and is now paranoid that the Kraken is after him. Is missing one eye, and can't see very well with the other. Will kill ANYONE who visits him during the night, except the Kraken. Cannot be pirate killed at night. Can still be planked/poisoned. Wins with innocents.

What happens if these two meet at night?

Can the pirates knock off Jack?

Edited by phaze
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this is a rough expansion of my mini LOST Mafia, a lot of the roles still have no abilities, may be swapped for other roles, and it probably isn't balanced, I'll just post it anyway. I'm not gonna run it or anything, tis just for fun ;D

LOST Mafia

The players are split into four factions: Losties, Tailies, Independents, and Others

Losties (8)

* Jack - spinal surgeon and de facto leader of the Losties. Can save anyone each night, no restrictions. His methods of saving including crying, pounding on people's chests, crying some more, shouting "Come on, dammit!", crying, and occasionally doing surgical procedures

* John Locke - regional manager of a box company turned wild hunter/philosopher in tune with the magnicifent Island. Learns the identity of one Other each day. Knows when it's about to rain. Also, each night, John Locke and Boone search a different part of the Island for "the hatch"

* Sayid - bad@ss Iraqi ex-Republican-Guard-torturer. Tortures one person every night. While they are being tortured, they cannot perform their night action and any night actions cannot be performed on them, and Sayid learns their role

* Sawyer - gives nicknames to people as well as steals things. He steals from someone each night, and is told what item he receives, as a clue to their identity

* Kate - center of the Jack/Sawyer/Kate love triangle. If Kate is lynched, each of those three people have a 1/3 likelihood to die in place of Kate (or as Kate). Everyone likes Kate, and her votes count double

* Charlie - a musician and heroin addict. Searches for someone each day. If he doesn't find John Locke by the third day, Charlie dies of a heroin overdose. Also, Charlie makes songs all the time so everyone learns when he dies

* Boone - friend and protegee of John Locke, the two of them have BTSC

* Hurley - lovable fat guy

Tailies (4) - the Tailies are a separate group that have a separate lynching from the Losties until they kill Goodwin, when they then cross the Island and join the Losties

* Ana Lucia - trigger happy cop and de facto leader of the Tailies. While she is with the Tailies, she can search one person each night and learn if they are Goodwin

* Eko - drug lord turned priest. Beats up any Others that try to kill him, with a 1/3 chance to kill a random Other

* Cindy - the flight attendant. Has no abilities

* Nathan - a guilty-looking guy who appears as Goodwin if Ana Lucia searches him

Independents (3) - these aren't on any group, but can be added to them. They aren't part of the Lostie roster or the Tailie roster, so everyone knows they are Independents, but not which ones, and they can't cast votes or kill or be lynched until they are added to a group

* Rousseau - the crazy French woman. If Sayid tortures Sawyer, he goes on a solitary trek and stumbles across her, and Rousseau is added to the Losties' ranks. Each night before she is added to the Losties, Rousseau plants a trap. If she traps Ben, she wins. If she is found by Sayid before she traps Ben, she becomes a Lostie and wins with the Losties

* Desmond - lives inside the hatch. Saves the world every day until John Locke finds the hatch, which is when Desmond joins the Losties

* Black Smoke Monster - kills one person every night except the first. Wins by killing Eko

Others (6) Kill someone among the Losties each night. Goodwin also kills a Tailie each night. All 6 Others have BTSC all the time

* Jacob - the ghostly oracle of the Others. Can learn one person's faction each night

* Ben - leader of the Others. Likes to manipulate people- and thus his vote secretly counts as 2, just like Kate's. Ben can control the Black Smoke Monster after Eko dies (ie, BSM joins the Others). If Eko and Ben are both dead, Black Smoke Monster dies too. However Ben has spinal cancer and needs Jack to save him by the fourth night or he dies

* Tom - pretends to be the leader of the Others. Everyone is told if Tom dies at night (similar to Charlie). Also, Tom can steal

* Ethan - can kidnap one person from the Losties' camp each night- it is revealed what ROLE was captured but not what PLAYER. The Others learn of the person's role, and if it is Sawyer and Danny Pickett is alive, Sawyer is shot, and then the person is released- after learning Ethan's role. Ethan can use his ability any night he wants

* Goodwin - the Other infiltrating the Tailies side. Must be killed for the Tailies to join the Losties

* Juliet? Richard?

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