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Asylum Mafia


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  On 8/14/2014 at 9:29 PM, Auramyna said:


  On 8/14/2014 at 9:22 PM, Boquise said:

I swear if I get N1 NK'd again

I think most people would swear about it. Do you have a point? :P





I will be very very very sad. And no one wants to make me sad.

Edited by Boquise
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Okay, to sum up the confusing role switcheroos:

Phil has confirmed late

Slick was unable to backup

Freeown confirmed in Phil's place

bonanova relinquished his spot to another player

If everybody is okay with this arrangement, Phil can keep his spot and freeown will take over for bonanova.

New Roster:

Host: Asylum Warden: Kikacat123

Co-host: Deputy Warden: nana77

1. FreeOwn

2. Flamebirde

3. plasmid

4. araver

5. Marksmanjay

6. phil1882

7. onetruth

8. Boquise

9. Auramyna

10. Barcallica

11. mtamburini

Edit: sending out roles now.

Edited by Kikacat123
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Sorry for the lateness of this post; I'll not let it happen again.

Night 1:

The Warden and Deputy Warden of Brainden City Asylum paced up and down the echoey halls of the building, performing a late-night check on the Patients. Deputy Warden Nana was suddenly startled by a loud clanging sound. It was plasmid, rattling furiously at the bars of a cell. "I can't escape!" he cried in exasperation. "I know that Schizophrenic did this to me!" Warden Kika glanced curiously at Nana. It was lucky for plasmid that he was trapped, however, for in the shadows, a silent killer slipped away, his/her plan to murder plasmid foiled.

The rest of the night passed relatively uneventfully. The only other oddity was that flamebirde found himself strangely unable to perform any action. Somebody had deliberately blocked him.

Deputy Warden Nana twisted the final key to lock up the Patients for the night. She and Kika left to rest up for what they knew would be another long and frightening day in Brainden City Asylum.

Night 1 Roster:

Host: Asylum Warden: Kikacat123

Co-host: Deputy Warden: nana77

1. FreeOwn

2. Flamebirde

3. plasmid

4. araver

5. Marksmanjay

6. phil1882

7. onetruth

8. Boquise

9. Auramyna

10. Barcallica

11. mtamburini

Day 1 ends August 18 at 9:00pm Central Time.

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Okay, everybody. I did the previous post wrong and I noticed too late to edit it. Here is the actual Night 1 post.

Sorry for the lateness of this post; I'll not let it happen again.

Night 1:

The Warden and Deputy Warden of Brainden City Asylum paced up and down the echoey halls of the building, performing a late-night check on the Patients. Deputy Warden Nana was suddenly startled by a loud clanging sound. It was plasmid, rattling furiously at the bars of a cell. "I can't escape!" he cried in exasperation while stuffing a cookie from dessert into his mouth. "I mow vat Skizofennic dib vis to me!" Warden Kika glanced curiously at Nana.

Before the Wardens could react further, plasmid began clutching his throat. He gasped, convulsing, and fell to the ground. Writhing erratically, he flailed, throwing one final gesture to his plastic supper tray before he lay still. Nana dashed to unlock the cell and felt plasmid's heart. It wasn't beating.

Warden Kika carefully examined the tray. She scented something bitter. "Cyanide," she whispered. "It must have been in the almond cookies." Nana called to report a murder in the Asylum. Both of the Wardens were in for a long evening.

The rest of the night passed relatively uneventfully. The only other oddity was that flamebirde found himself strangely unable to perform any action. Somebody had deliberately blocked him.

After hours of burial arranging and paperwork, Warden Kika twisted the final key to lock up the Patients for the night. She and Nana left to rest up for what they knew would be another long and frightening day in Brainden City Asylum.

Night 1 Roster:

Host: Asylum Warden: Kikacat123

Co-host: Deputy Warden: nana77

1. FreeOwn

2. Flamebirde

3. plasmid -DEAD- poisoned by Killers

4. araver

5. Marksmanjay

6. phil1882

7. onetruth

8. Boquise

9. Auramyna

10. Barcallica

11. mtamburini

Day 1 ends August 18 at 9:00pm Central Time.

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The Killers (baddies): Wincon: kill the Sane

Homicidal Psychotic: Night kill (must agree with other baddie on whom to kill)


Homicidal Maniac: same as HP


Do the baddies each get a NK? If yes, then I have the next question:


If each baddie gets a NK and targeted the same person, would the kill go through if the person was either saved or trapped?

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so trap is just a block, then? Or is the victim trapped for 1 cycle (i.e. a day and a night)? in any case, I'm going to start voting randomly.


Host: Asylum Warden: Kikacat123
Co-host: Deputy Warden: nana77
1. FreeOwn
2. Flamebirde - voting for mtamburini
3. plasmid -DEAD- poisoned by Killers
4. araver
5. Marksmanjay
6. phil1882
7. onetruth
8. Boquise
9. Auramyna
10. Barcallica
11. mtamburini


Random.org has chosen you!

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