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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Since I'm tired of being attacked, I thought I'd work on something I've been thinking about for awhile, so here is Level 1: TI FOPOB AOR CRCELZW IW AMX YNJM BCUNFQX IB NCI SNKHWRR ECAHQXQSQH; SNKHWRR ECAHQXQSQH CRCGBBMM IB BTWFLTWU TBM ESSRLR RWXBBMUOQH WFCBWJO FOPOBCWU -SNI TTU, TBM ASL OU WXC Has my usual flair...;P
  2. Just trying to help by discussing...I feel kind of insulted... Who knows, I might be getting near the truth... Oh, well, Spike will see...
  3. I agree. And Mekal can't be Light since Ichigo didn't kill him. Also, since it didn't say he used a Geass defense, I don't think Mekal is a GU either... Don't worry, Mekal, it seems like LIS is jumping on everyone...
  4. Lol...impatient, aren't we, my kawai man-eating Arachnobunny? As an aside...I still think the most mafia-like is Scraff...geez, he's attacking everybody...(read the Plane on a Treadmill topic ;P) And since it seems to stir up trouble when I don't give out all the details about my deductions, let me also clarify my CL theory: L gave a command to kill CL on Night 1. Since L is a Hero, the only reason I see he/she would do this is if CL was the one who the anonymous tip is about. There's a 50% chance of the tip being true and 50% of it being false. If it was true, then CL was either Alucard or Light or I guess she could have been a GO who decided to use her ability the first night, but that seems unlikely. If it wasn't true, then CL was a Hero.
  5. Uh-oh...there goes Yuna's ability against Alucard... Oh well, I'll take responsibility for the "lets not have a rehash of Speed Mafia" theory since Spike is coming after me anyways and will clear me . On the plus side, as I mentioned before, if L's clue about CL was correct, Alucard may already be dead. It will be interesting to see what happens tonight.
  6. He's probably writing it...having experience as a host, I know it can take some time to write it, especially if you're really into the character roles . He's probably writing it in Word or something and going to copy/paste it. Also from my experience as a host, I know its annoying when ppl get impatient . Edit: lol, nvm, he posted while I was posting...
  7. Hmm...so Itachi said: I'd rather have 100% chance of not dying...but 75% (50% (roll not kill) + 50% (roll kill)*50% (discover role)) is not that bad I guess...hmmm...if I use a defense tonight can Spike still find out my role and clear me?
  8. Lol...sorry, as mentioned, was hurried...but since Itachi pointed out that Spike is like the Spy and hence won't kill me when he finds out my hero role, I'm up for it . CP is the only one we know isn't Alucard. CL could have been Alucard or Light (if L's tip was true). But actually, I'm glad you're still suspicious of me, if Alucard is the seasoned player I think he/she is, then they won't bite me . Edit: Clarification
  9. Hmm...nice job picking up on that...you're right, he has been on BD but ignoring this thread...hmmm... Recruiter: Itachi 1)LIS - voting for CrazyPainter-Unblindfold : Spike-FIF 2)FIF - voting for CrazyPainter-Blindfolded : Spike - NO ONE YET 3)Kat-voting for NO ONE YET-Unblindfolded-Spike-NO ONE YET 4)CP- voting for taliesin-Blindfold : Spike-Joe's student 5)Mekal 6)Brandonb - voting for taliesin-Blindfolded : Spike-LIS 7)Y-San - voting for taliesin-Blindfolded : Spike-LIS 8)GC - DEAD (killed by the Geass Order) 9)CL - DEAD (killed on L's Command) 10)Joe's Student - voting for Y-San-Unblindfolded : Spike-??? 11)Prince Marth - Voting for CrazyPainter-Unblindfolded : Spike-Y-San 12)taliesin And I have a question for Itachi: Does your answer to the defense question apply to the GO auto-defense? If so, we can assume Mekal's not a GO as well...(poor Mekal, he seems to have become the next TC...but he was lucky enough to survive the "over-cooking) )
  10. Oh, sorry, I was in a hurry the first time (like I've continually said) and just picked up on the red "he". But to clarify my earlier point about CP (not CL, trying your own subtle subterfuge ?;P... jk), Alucard's win condition is that everyone alive has been bitten, so he/she (there, happy?) should pick someone to infect that he/she thinks is most likely to last until the end of the game. That's what I meant by it. And, as I said, I'm used to going by character pronouns, and since Itachi did the same in the night post, I used "he" for Alucard. If Alucard had been a female character, I would have used "she".
  11. I agree, and JS and LIS should both know from their involvement in M4F14-7 that I go by the same convention when talking about characters...I spent a lot of time and effort on all those long night posts and I'm used to going with the character pronoun...I didn't bother arguing with JS a lot earlier, because it seemed to me his argument was purely based on the "he" thing, which I figured he would understand once I pointed it out...I don't know why he wants me dead so badly...hmmm... And LIS, who told me while I was spending way too much time on M4F14-7, that I should put work first...(and believe me, I got in a lot of trouble for that ), now I am trying to not let my work suffer, and you're using that against me...? On that note, Taliesin, I haven't had a chance to look over your Murder Mystery thing closely yet. I skimmed it and it looks really good. When I get a chance, I'll edit it...should I make it a google document? Hmm... Also, as Bb and I were discussing about speed mafia, it seemed like part of the Mafia win was due to the fact that the mafia stayed under the radar while letting the Innocents kill each other...
  12. Okay...sorry, its a busy day at work, and I don't have much time...but here are my other thoughts on last night: The fact that CL was killed by L suggests that that the tip L got was about CL. Of course, there's a 50% chance of it being false. The fact that there was no action from Light suggests that he was either an inactive player, or used a defense last night instead of attacking, which could be a clever strategy. I'm not sure, we'll have to wait and see what happens tonight. I'm not sure why the GO went after GC. Seems random, although they might just have gone after him for inactivity. He also may have been Light. JS, I used "he" because the Alucard character is a he...and Itachi uses the same pronoun in the night post... Sorry I didn't have time to say more. I still don't...which is why I have to go now. Be back later!
  13. Sorry, don't have much time right now...have some thoughts, will post a more detailed account later, but I want to add this: The fact that Alucard chose CP, who has had a perfect survival record in Mafia games (has survived to the end of every game she's played) suggests that he is a seasoned player.
  14. Yeah...I hope its not 2 am...or else I'm not going to be able to sleep...wondering whether or not I died...XP
  15. Uhh...no. I'm no princess and I'm no cute little schoolgirl either...XP
  16. ...I don't think it helps (says someone who's not only played but hosted her own ;P)... And I don't think knowledge about Anime helps either...cuz I'm still confused... On the plus side, it looks like it will be a lot of fun...
  17. Okay, I've got it: The Corporation Representative: Sent by Genevron Corp. to look after it's investments in Belryius 8. Uses any means necessary to get what they want. Each day, through bribery or coercion, changes a player's vote. PMs me the player and who they want the player to vote for before the voting day ends and I will change it on the final roster. Also, beware, those Corporations always have secret agendas... So a combination of the Mayor and the Tax Collector...
  18. Just following Bb's example with the last Day Post...I'm sure you are all capable of finding the roster's yourselves...;P
  19. Uh... Edit: Love your sig by the way ;P
  20. Um...it doesn't matter, BL dies, roster is reset, etc...
  21. Okay, Bb is off on his shenanigans......so I'm filling in on the day post: DAY POST #2 Host: Brandonb & Y-san 1) Dawh 2) itachi 3) Nayana 4) Cherry Lane 5) GC - DEAD [?] (Killed by Ninja) 6) Joe's Student - DEAD [?] (Killed by GrimR) 7) Ben Law - DEAD [Doctor] (Lynched) 8) Crazypainter 9) rene83 10) FIF 11) Kat - DEAD [Mayor] (Killed by Mafia) 12) Frost ...okay, and Night falls!
  22. No, CL was the GR in V, she was the healer (or CLv1.0 was) in VI and Bb figured that out and was pretending to be...I remember that b/c I was hitting myself over the head for not advising Dawh, my fellow Yakuza, to claim that role first...;P
  23. 1) Actually, I considered posting this in New Puzzles...but I decided against it since it required too much reading in order to solve for ppl who didn't play...except 3, which no seems to be able to figure out anyways... 2) Like Dawh said, instead of having all the different baddie factions, I "recruited" the Mimic and Zero into the ANGELs...
  24. I think by "Mekal" you mean Brandonb....;P
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