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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Haha...yeah, I guess that was nice ...okay, I forgive JS for the paranoia now... But technically, we WON because we made the strategically correct decision the last night on how to use our Geasses, by having CP convert Dawh and having Kat kill herself to save me...;P...so we won because we strategically played up our strengths (choosing to gamble for the CC conversion at the right time) and minimized our weaknesses (like Kat having to die in order to use her Geass), while the Heroes didn't exploit their defense strength and fell to their weakness of easily killing eachother...;P No, Kat died because she used her Geass to save me. It had nothing to do with either of you attacking her. If neither of you had attacked her, she would still have died. Which is why I said it only worked in our favor because we were both attacked that night: that was the only way we got a net gain out of it ;P. Kat didn't use her Geass ability twice. She used it once to save me (which killed her), but before she used it, she was attacked, and used her "effective Geass" to save herself, but it wasn't her ability, it follows under the rules of what happens "if attacked before using their Geass ability". We get one "effective Geass" use and one Geass ability use, the second of which kills us. And I knew GC was actually Light since Light had been inactive...I said as much in one of my first posts...;P
  2. It was great, thanks ... Yeah, we get to use our Geass once for the actual ability and once to "turn the tables" on the attacker when we are attacked, and have a 50% chance of killing them...so basically we give up 50% of our life for a 50% chance to kill...which is a pretty even trade... Don't worry...they confused me too...;P Edit: Basically when Kat used her ability to save me, she killed herself...it only worked to our advantage because we were both attacked that Night...which I figured would probably happen due to Dawh's egging on of the Heroes, and everyone's "this will be an interesting night" comments...that's STRATEGY for ya...;P Hehehehehe...I still can't get over how truly Lelouch-like that last move was...ordering Rolo to sacrifice himself for me...
  3. Emphasizing that we won because we thought about our moves strategically whereas the Heroes just went after each other blood-thirstily...killing each other off at Night...if they had defended until they were more sure of things instead of killing each other, there would have been nothing we could have done... ...you have no idea how much time I spent making the decision the last Night...it drove me (and consequently, Itachi-san, who was waiting ) CRAZY... ...plus the way Itachi-san writes the Night Posts to describe ppl's defenses and what not also puts us at a disadvantage...if we are attacked, it makes it obvious that we are GO (like the Night 2 post)... Of course, I love Itachi-san's posts, as any Anime fan would . Edit: Lol...AGAIN I-san posted while I was posting...agree with everything he said...
  4. Yeah...that's what I thought at first, but I was unpleasantly surprised when Itachi-san clarified the rules for me...basically a Geass user gets to use their ability twice and then they die. This means that if someone attacks us once, we are forced to use our ability once to save ourselves, and then if we use our actual ability, we die... And the C.C. is not a net gain of 2, since before she uses her ability, she can't be killed, but once she uses her ability, she can be killed, so that makes a loss of 50%, and there is a 50% chance of success, so that makes the total gain -50%+50%=0...actually, considering the 50% chance of giving away her identity if it fails, it actually ends up being a loss... Basically, the last night was a gamble...50% win or lose, which seems as fair as it can be...;P Edit: And give some credit to thinking strategically... ...an organized group is only as "dangerous" as the strategist... Edit 2: And the Heroes would have won if they took advantage of their defenses more, the Heroes could totally fight a war of attrition against the GO by defending...I think the fact that everyone was basically a Ninja in this game went to ppl's heads and made them all kill-hungry instead of thinking strategically...for example, even if we were lucky, if Frozen had defended instead of trying to kill Kat (which was pointless anyways, since, as you said, she would be up for the lynch the next day) we wouldn't have had a majority and it would have gone to tie-breaker...
  5. Well, technically, it was thanks to you, CP, or should I say C.C....you apparently were the lucky one on our team! Edit: And thanks to Kat, too, who valiantly sacrificed herself to save her fake older brother ;P
  6. Yeah, it's in the Night Post, but he was defending...actually we would have lost if ppl defended more...basically it ended up being a 50% chance of winning and losing for us...whether our conversion succeeded or not...
  7. Lol...actually, I was telling Itachi that I felt we had a disadvantage, since we would die the second time we were attacked by anyone, or if we used our ability and were attacked one time, and the Heroes could be attacked up to 4 times without dying...and the Marianne conversion only has a 50% chance of success, and a 50% chance of giving away her identity if it didn't succeed... Edit: Lol...by the fact we both felt we had a disadvantage, I would say the game if pretty balanced...;P
  8. We had 3 to 2 so we would have voted to lynch one of you, then used Marianne's un-defensible kill to kill off the other that night...
  9. Oh, and of course, great game Itachi-san! Getting a hang of the rules took awhile, but all's well that ends well... Definitely should do another one, including some of the clarifications that have been discussed...and I guess it didn't matter in this game, since we killed GC the first night, but I don't quite understand Light's win condition? Does he fail if he fails to kill one of them (i.e someone else kills them or they are lynched?) or does he only have to kill a majority?
  10. Yes! Wow...for the first time in this game, luck was actually on our side...better late than never ...welcome to the winning side, oka-san (mother, i.e. Marianne, aka Dawh ;P) My pulling a Lelouch-like strategy and ordering ni-chan (brother, i.e. Rolo, aka Kat) to sacrifice himself in order to save me actually worked out in our favor...I feel so much like Lelouch now...;P And Dawh, OUR win was all thanks to you...I wouldn't have done it if it weren't for your egging on everyone to attack us... And JS, you really were being paranoid on the first day, lol, I had just enough time to duck away and read the Night Post and the other posts and I was really just trying to contribute an useful observation about Alucard....oh well...can't win them all Edit: Oops, had some stuff on the clipboard...
  11. Lol...that's everyone...and you're moving yourself higher on my list of suspicious ppl... I like the pictures too, Itachi, especially the one of me ;P.
  12. No, I'm not sure what to make of the Night Posts...I don't think Itachi would give too much away or else it defeats the point of Mafia...but I do find your lurking to be suspicious...same reason I found Taliesin to be suspicious (although I was wrong in that case :/)...but I agree that some ppl should just mello out...
  13. Well, I gave a clue to my identity in an anime reference in a reference to the anime in my earlier posts...;P And the fact that JS is so intent to kill me suggests he may have gotten it or guessed it at any rate...
  14. Well, the EMP is partially to kill the ANGELs themselves, since they can't be killed at night...(or else it would make their win condition way too hard). I don't like the idea of "changing back" because then the ANGELs would have no way of knowing who's infected, since it will not be announced when ppl are infected.
  15. Still waiting for someone to figure that out...*cough* ;P
  16. Yeah...I don't think he's sneaky enough to pull an Itachi Aurora ;P Although new players can surprise you sometimes...*cough* Ocular-Enso? But actually I don't think Itachi would make defenses too detailed to match the description...actually his defense doesn't really match any description except Rolo's, which doesn't really make sense...
  17. Lol...well they made you, Seven...;P
  18. Hmmm...well I suppose I am inclined towards believing you since I don't see anything in particular that gave Mekal away as Alucard...or perhaps I'm not giving you enough credit? ;P I agree that Light is probably dead, since he (screw it, I'm not doing the he/she thing ) has a lot of ppl to kill and it seems counterproductive to not do anything. I'm not sure about Ichigo, though, he could have been one of the ppl who was defending last night...
  19. I think you're on to it...but there's a different explanation...
  20. Lol...then this was definitely the WRONG cryptogram to start out on...my usual flair is a flair for the unusual...i.e. adding a "twist" to a popular kind of puzzle ;P
  21. Hmm...it's interesting how LIS didn't come out with his role, but Dawh, who I know to be very smart and capable of spinning scenarios ;P, all of a sudden comes out and claims to be Naruto...I'm not sure if I believe him... Although I suppose it would make sense if Mekal were Alucard. He (I can use "he" now, ha! ) was attacked the first night by two ppl and may have chosen to defend instead of attack last night, which would explain the lack of activity from Alucard last night... Hmmm...gotta think about it some more... Oh, and I like white Marth better ;P Edit: Lol...did it again, day post came while I was posting...but anyways, nvm...
  22. Okay, so I think based on what happened last night both Light and Alucard are dead...so there's really no point in lynching someone today, but I guess we have to... Although I could be wrong and they could one or both have been defending... With Light dead, I guess there's no point to the false names anymore (although I would like to know what mine was...it better not have been "Puzzle Princess" ). Anyways, I'm really not sure why BD has all of a sudden been taken over by Attack Fever (seriously, those who have not read the "Plane on a Treadmill" thread should go read it...that guy is seriously Mafia ;P), but I do think when people seem to be randomly attacking a lot of other ppl it is suspicious behavior. Anyways, I will be gone most of the day tomorrow (field trip at work, yay ), so I guess I have to cast my vote now. For going after me and Bb and CP and Mekal for random unreasonable reasons and refusing to acknowledge the responses: Recruiter: Itachi 1)LIS 2)FIF 3)Kat 4)CP 5)Mekal 6)Brandonb -DEAD (Killed by Ed Elric) 7)Y-San - voting for LIS 8)GC -DEAD (Killed by the GO) 9)CL - DEAD (Killed on orders from L) 10)Joe's Student 11)Prince Marth 12)taliesin -DEAD (Lynched and found to be Yuna) Sorry, I told Itachi when he invited me that I wasn't sure how my schedule would be...I certainly didn't expect to be attacked because of it, but I am willing to be replaced if it inconveniences ppl...anyways, if the Day ends beforehand, I'll choose to defend again tonight.
  23. Lol...for once your neck wasn't on the lynching block...just in the alchemist circle...;P

  24. Wow...looks like we all defended last night... So Bb was a GO? Since Ed Elric killed him? And no Alucard action...guess my lousy deduction about CL could have been right...no Light Action either, so my hunch about GC could have been right too... Edit: Oh, Mr. King of Cryptograms, you should go check out my latest concoction in the New Puzzles section...;P
  25. Hmm...interesting thought...but it seems more like something you would do, not like something CP would do ;P On a related note: What happens when Alucard bites a GO? Can Alucard turn a GO or do they use their Geass on him?
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